Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

Funny how the Neo-Nazi's wet their pants over conservative radio shows.... strangly reminsicent of the German Socialist Movement of the late 30's.
If it weren't for Fox News and Talk Radio there would be absolutely no Conservative representation in the Mainstream Media. Most of the MSM leans far Left and i really do think most common sense thinking people understand this. There are very few Conservative MSM outlets in this country. Fox News & Talk Radio provide a little balance but the vast majority of the MSM still pushes a Left agenda. For example,i used to like NPR & PBS but they have now gone so far Left in their reporting that i just had to stop watching and listening. This goes for CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,and most major Newspapers as well. Some balance is better than no balance and Fox News and Talk Radio provide this.
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I think some Conservative Talk Radio is great but some is not so great. I mainly listen to Conservative Talk Radio to balance out the Liberal dominance of the overall Mainstream Media. Liberals really do dominate most of the MSM News we receive. There's a Liberal slant to their coverage for the most part. I think most common sense thinking people can see this. Media outlets like CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC,PBS,NPR,and the NY Times do slant their coverage far Left. It is what it is. Conservative Talk Radio provides at least a little balance in my opinion. It's not all great but some of it is. Hey that's just my take anyway.

No quarrel with that. I think you pretty well nailed it for anybody who actually wants to be informed rather than just indoctrinated. I don't like all of conservative talk radio or the very limited amount of conservative TV there is either. There aren't any of the hosts either on TV or radio who hold my interest all the time, but God bless them for being out there to provide that balance. Without them we would be at the mercy of leftwing indoctrination and would have no way to get any kind of different perspective.
I've read a lot of Bruce Bartlett. I agree with him on some things and disagree with him on others just as I do with most people. This article is no different. Why don't you post the article in a separate thread and invite a discussion? It would probably be a good one.
Do a search FOXFyre...been there, done that.

I'm curious though...what in that article do you disagree with? And what do you agree with?

Sorry but I'm pretty old fashioned and not all that up on some of this high tech stuff. But if you'll post a link to the thread related to that article, I'll be happy to comment on it there.

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut -- breaking news from CNN. It's a poll, and in this poll half of the respondents, half of the American people think the Obama presidency has been a failure. Whoa. Did I call it or did I call it? "Americans are giving Barack Obama a split decision on his first year in office, according to a national poll released Tuesday. Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey said Obama's presidency has been a failure so far, while 47 percent of respondents said the year has been a success. The poll's release came just eight days before Obama marks one year in the White House." (interruption) Oh, yeah, they're asking me to be on all of them, Snerdley. I mean every network is doing a one-year look-back. In Europe the BBC wants me, Polish TV wants me, Al Jazeera wants me. Honest to Allah, Al Jazeera wants me on a year-end review of Obama's presidency. ABC, CBS, NBC, they all do. I don't want to do 'em.

Snerdley, I have to turn over a new leaf here. I still do too many things out of a sense of obligation rather than desire. And every time I say I'll do something when I really don't want to do it I'm doing it because I think I either should or it's easier to say yes than no, and I end up getting mad at myself. And when the day comes that I've said yes, I'll do it, I am mad the whole day and I'm thinking about how I can lie to get out of it. So I gotta trust my instincts. I don't want to do it. I don't want to sit in front of a camera for 45 minutes for maybe two minutes of it to air. I don't need to. They're a year behind. I said I hope he fails a year ago. They're just now concluding that he has. This is what being on the cutting edge is all about. So, no, I really don't want to do it. I was tempted by Al Jazeera but I was more amused than tempted by Al Jazeera.

Philip Klein, the American Spectator blog: "I see this Public Policy Polling survey showing Rep. Larry Kissell, a freshman swing district Democrat from North Carolina, doing quite well -- beating a generic Republican by 14 points and his potential Republican rivals by 14 points to 18 points. Why is he doing so well while other swing districts are trending toward the GOP? The difference, says the Democratic polling firm PPP, is his vote against the health care bill." So the Democrats who voted against health care in the House are doing well in local polling for reelection. Now, remember, Bill Clinton and everybody went out and told these guys, "If you don't vote for this you're going to lose. The reason that we lost the House is because we didn't pass health care in 1994." And, of course, it was just the exact opposite. And now there's polling data out there to actually document this.

Rush Limbaugh, the Minister of Truth, and his show is a great example of "Doublethink" as are Tea Parties rallies mindful of hate week.
You 'cons' need to read 1984, a novel so descriptive of what you have become it is scary. It's almost as if George Orwell had a time machine which enabled him to see today's right wing from 1948.
Rush Limbaugh, the Minister of Truth, and his show is a great example of "Doublethink" as are Tea Parties rallies mindful of hate week.
You 'cons' need to read 1984, a novel so descriptive of what you have become it is scary. It's almost as if George Orwell had a time machine which enabled him to see today's right wing from 1948.

Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss
Rush Limbaugh, the Minister of Truth, and his show is a great example of "Doublethink" as are Tea Parties rallies mindful of hate week.
You 'cons' need to read 1984, a novel so descriptive of what you have become it is scary. It's almost as if George Orwell had a time machine which enabled him to see today's right wing from 1948.

Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss
In high def too.
Rush Limbaugh, the Minister of Truth, and his show is a great example of "Doublethink" as are Tea Parties rallies mindful of hate week.
You 'cons' need to read 1984, a novel so descriptive of what you have become it is scary. It's almost as if George Orwell had a time machine which enabled him to see today's right wing from 1948.

Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss

Don't these Libs know, only CON$ can condemn people for making a profit!!!!! :eusa_whistle:

January 12, 2010
RUSH: ... they saved it for the sake of profit. They saved the information for a book which is being sold for cash money. They saved it, they withheld the news for profit.
Rush Limbaugh, the Minister of Truth, and his show is a great example of "Doublethink" as are Tea Parties rallies mindful of hate week.
You 'cons' need to read 1984, a novel so descriptive of what you have become it is scary. It's almost as if George Orwell had a time machine which enabled him to see today's right wing from 1948.

Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss

Don't these Libs know, only CON$ can condemn people for making a profit!!!!! :eusa_whistle:

January 12, 2010
RUSH: ... they saved it for the sake of profit. They saved the information for a book which is being sold for cash money. They saved it, they withheld the news for profit.
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post
Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss

Don't these Libs know, only CON$ can condemn people for making a profit!!!!! :eusa_whistle:

January 12, 2010
RUSH: ... they saved it for the sake of profit. They saved the information for a book which is being sold for cash money. They saved it, they withheld the news for profit.
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post
It is far less out of context than the crapaganda the previous poster mindlessly parroted.
CON$ hate the fact that Libs are more financially successful than you jealous underachieving CON$. CON$ hate the achievers in this country, so lazy CON$ pretend to be more successful than they really are, and then project their insane jealousy on the more successful Libs. It never dawns on the CON$ervative slackers to get a job and work as hard as Libs to become as financially successful as Libs. :cuckoo:

September 2, 2008
RUSH: America has made this man wealthy. America has made this man obscenely wealthy,
That's P. Diddy, ladies and gentlemen, the man America has made enormously wealthy by buying up his rotgut music and insulting John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Well in context this sure seems to be pretty fucked up


nahh this guy is not a racist.:ahole-1:

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti

RUSH: Yes, I think in the Haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen -- in the words of Rahm Emanuel -- we have another crisis simply too good to waste. This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them. That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there
Project much?

Insurance companiessssssssss we hates them and their nasty profitsesesessssssssss!!! Booooooooo!!! Boooooo!!!! Down with Insurance companies and their nasty profitssssss

Don't these Libs know, only CON$ can condemn people for making a profit!!!!! :eusa_whistle:

January 12, 2010
RUSH: ... they saved it for the sake of profit. They saved the information for a book which is being sold for cash money. They saved it, they withheld the news for profit.
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post

Is a "fucking idiot" different than a 'normal' run of the mill idiot? Should I be greatly insulted to be called a "fucking Idiot" and not a stupid idiot? Should I be at all insulted to be called names by you? I don't like you DiveCon, I bet you piss in your wet suit and foul the Ocean much as you foul this message board with your profane idiotgrams.
Well in context this sure seems to be pretty fucked up


nahh this guy is not a racist.:ahole-1:

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti

RUSH: Yes, I think in the Haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen -- in the words of Rahm Emanuel -- we have another crisis simply too good to waste. This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them. That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there
Notice how the lying hypocrite edits out of his transcripts all his stuttering and "ahhhs" that he ridicules Obama for!

What I caught later in that rant was his lying rationalization for Obama directing people to whitehouse.gov to get info or donate.

There were a couple of obvious lies. Nowhere do you have to give contact info to Obama to make a donation, and Obama's speech FOLLOWS the donation info rather than precedes the info as the pathological liar claims.

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti
January 13, 2010
CALLER:* Mega Rush Baby dittos.* My question is, why did Obama in the sound bite you played earlier, when he's talking about if you wanted to donate some money, you can go to WhiteHouse.gov --

RUSH:* Yeah.

CALLER: -- to direct you how to do so.* If I want to donate money to the Red Cross, why do I need to go to the WhiteHouse.gov page and --

RUSH:* Exactly.* Would you trust that the money is going to go to Haiti?


RUSH:* Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes.

CALLER:* Absolutely.

RUSH:* Absolutely right.

RUSH:* Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you called, Carol.* Thanks very much.* I had somebody go to WhiteHouse.gov to see what the donation process is.* And this is all the guidance you get on donating to Haiti at the White House site.* What I'm going to read to you is buried in a very long blog post about what Obama said about the earthquake.* You get that first, you gotta read what Obama said, the maximum leader, you gotta read what he says and then you get to the bottom and here's what it says.* "You can also help, immediately, by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort.* Contribute online here, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting Haiti.* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information."* So that's all the guidance you get.* Now, that's pretty easy, text Haiti and you're gonna get billed for ten bucks and that money ostensibly is going to go to Haiti.

The White House
Help for Haiti | The White House

The White House Blog
Help for Haiti
Posted by Jesse Lee on January 13, 2010 at 09:53 AM EST
The President has been receiving updates on the urgent situation in Haiti late into last night and throughout the day, and top members of his team have been convening to formulate the government response.**
You can also help immediately by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort. Contribute online to the Red Cross, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information.
Families of Americans living in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at 888-407-4747.
Update: Watch the President's remarks this morning below, or read the transcript.
Don't these Libs know, only CON$ can condemn people for making a profit!!!!! :eusa_whistle:

January 12, 2010
RUSH: ... they saved it for the sake of profit. They saved the information for a book which is being sold for cash money. They saved it, they withheld the news for profit.
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post

Is a "fucking idiot" different than a 'normal' run of the mill idiot? Should I be greatly insulted to be called a "fucking Idiot" and not a stupid idiot? Should I be at all insulted to be called names by you? I don't like you DiveCon, I bet you piss in your wet suit and foul the Ocean much as you foul this message board with your profane idiotgrams.
Dive wasn't naming calling you from what i read, Wry. It goes directly to edthecynic, who seems to have an addiction to Limbaugh.
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post

Is a "fucking idiot" different than a 'normal' run of the mill idiot? Should I be greatly insulted to be called a "fucking Idiot" and not a stupid idiot? Should I be at all insulted to be called names by you? I don't like you DiveCon, I bet you piss in your wet suit and foul the Ocean much as you foul this message board with your profane idiotgrams.
Dive wasn't naming calling you from what i read, Wry. It goes directly to edthecynic, who seems to have an addiction to Limbaugh.
i wasnt then, but i have before
hes an asshole of the first order
and i really dont give a rats ass what HE thinks because he has shown he is an idiot also
leave it to a dipshit like you to take that totally out of context
like you ALWAYS do
you just keep proving yourself a fucking idiot with every post

Is a "fucking idiot" different than a 'normal' run of the mill idiot? Should I be greatly insulted to be called a "fucking Idiot" and not a stupid idiot? Should I be at all insulted to be called names by you? I don't like you DiveCon, I bet you piss in your wet suit and foul the Ocean much as you foul this message board with your profane idiotgrams.
Dive wasn't naming calling you from what i read, Wry. It goes directly to edthecynic, who seems to have an addiction to Limbaugh.

I disagree, the cowardly divecon sent me a negative rep and this message: "fuck off you pissant asswipe". Divecon is a coward and like most cowards a bully who hides his cowardice behind macho language.
Is a "fucking idiot" different than a 'normal' run of the mill idiot? Should I be greatly insulted to be called a "fucking Idiot" and not a stupid idiot? Should I be at all insulted to be called names by you? I don't like you DiveCon, I bet you piss in your wet suit and foul the Ocean much as you foul this message board with your profane idiotgrams.
Dive wasn't naming calling you from what i read, Wry. It goes directly to edthecynic, who seems to have an addiction to Limbaugh.

I disagree, the cowardly divecon sent me a negative rep and this message: "fuck off you pissant asswipe". Divecon is a coward and like most cowards a bully who hides his cowardice behind macho language.
how the fuck is that being a coward you whining idiot?
piss off

you just proved me right once again
thanks :lol:

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