Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

PS you might actually look it up in the dictionary, wry. dumbshit
thats too easy for the simple minded to grasp

Apparently, so is Rush's philosophy. I would be REALLY impressed if somebody could make an argument that Rush deserves whatever bad befalls him using something valid IN CONTEXT that they can actually back up.

So far however, I've just seen some pretty awful, mean spirited, and hateful remarks based on apparently nothing other than general ideological hatred.
You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

think so? Enlighten us, cum catcher. what does "project" mean to you?

"cum catcher"? It seems you may have made a point you didn't intend. Your graphic insult regarding semen suggests you see in me a quality you possess.

Projection, according to Carl Jung, occurs when a person sees in another qualities they themselves possess. This phenomenon goes on daily in most relationships and encounters.
You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

think so? Enlighten us, cum catcher. what does "project" mean to you?

"cum catcher"? It seems you may have made a point you didn't intend. Your graphic insult regarding semen suggests you see in me a quality you possess.

Projection, according to Carl Jung, occurs when a person sees in another qualities they themselves possess. This phenomenon goes on daily in most relationships and encounters.

Or, alternately and more likely, he's just calling a spade a spade.

That whole "I know you are but what am I" crutch of projection in a flame war is pretty damn old and worn out.
PS you might actually look it up in the dictionary, wry. dumbshit
thats too easy for the simple minded to grasp

Apparently, so is Rush's philosophy. I would be REALLY impressed if somebody could make an argument that Rush deserves whatever bad befalls him using something valid IN CONTEXT that they can actually back up.

So far however, I've just seen some pretty awful, mean spirited, and hateful remarks based on apparently nothing other than general ideological hatred.

You put words and sentiments in 'my mouth' I never uttered or wrote. I believe Rush Limbaugh is an arrogant self serving egotistical jerk. However, I made no comment here or elsewhere of a "pretty awful, mean spirited and hateful" nature in relation to his health, well-being or the outcome of his current health crisis.
I simply pointed out my opinion of him. An opinion I hold in regards to Newt Gringrich too. As for his "ideology", I suspect Limbaugh is full of shit. He leads his ditto heads around by their emotions, and a likely as not laughs at the fools who adore him as he is driven to his bank.
think so? Enlighten us, cum catcher. what does "project" mean to you?

"cum catcher"? It seems you may have made a point you didn't intend. Your graphic insult regarding semen suggests you see in me a quality you possess.

Projection, according to Carl Jung, occurs when a person sees in another qualities they themselves possess. This phenomenon goes on daily in most relationships and encounters.

Or, alternately and more likely, he's just calling a spade a spade.

That whole "I know you are but what am I" crutch of projection in a flame war is pretty damn old and worn out.

Tell that to Dude and his dudettes who continually use this 'crutch'; and the use of a tautology as a conclusion is both insipid and ignorant .
"cum catcher"? It seems you may have made a point you didn't intend. Your graphic insult regarding semen suggests you see in me a quality you possess.

Projection, according to Carl Jung, occurs when a person sees in another qualities they themselves possess. This phenomenon goes on daily in most relationships and encounters.

Or, alternately and more likely, he's just calling a spade a spade.

That whole "I know you are but what am I" crutch of projection in a flame war is pretty damn old and worn out.

Tell that to Dude and his dudettes who continually use this 'crutch'; and the use of a tautology as a conclusion is both insipid and ignorant .

[whine]But they do it TOOOooooo!!![/whine]

Or, alternately and more likely, he's just calling a spade a spade.

That whole "I know you are but what am I" crutch of projection in a flame war is pretty damn old and worn out.

Tell that to Dude and his dudettes who continually use this 'crutch'; and the use of a tautology as a conclusion is both insipid and ignorant .

[whine]But they do it TOOOooooo!!![/whine]


Ignorant and insipid, squared.
I haven't defended Limbaugh. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. I am simply pointing out the irrational hatred and indefensible hate speech directed at him from people who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. I would do the same for you if anybody accuses you of something you didn't do or makes unfair and hateful assumptions about you that have no foundation in fact.

The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.

President Obama would no doubt kill to be able to speak extemporaneously as Rush can.

Again, I do disagree with Rush's conclusions or opinion on someting now and then. I can appreciate that there are people who don't like his style or his brand of humor. I get bored with it myself sometimes especially when he is excessively focused on something I'm not particularly interested in and I look for something else to listen to. I will sometimes go for several days without hearing any of his program. But since he is featured on our number one news station in our area, I do occasionally hear him, and I have yet to fail to learn at least something in the process.

I don't have problems with anybody who doesn't appreciate or enjoy Rush Limbaugh. I do think those who feel so superior to him and unjustly or dishonestly direct hateful and hurtful things about them have a far bigger problem than Rush does.
Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.
Obviously YOU have never gone to his site and CHECKED his "FACTS." Anyone who actually does check quickly learns he's full of it. He knows his audience will never check his links, but will ASSUME if he posts a link it MUST confirm his lies. He knows CON$ are not intelligent enough to investigate on their own.

What CON$ will do is PROJECT their laziness and gullibility on anyone who does check. See the first quote in my sig.

Here is an example. After Howard Stern went to satellite radio, LimpBoy started to lie about satellite radio. He claimed that 1 in 10 subscriptions to satellite radio were in unsold cars and then gave a link to "back up" that lie knowing no CON$ervative would bother to check.

HIS OWN LINK showed that only Sirius radio counted SOME , but not all, unsold cars as subscribers, XM only counted people who took advantage of the free offer that came with a new car. And Sirius' total is itself LESS than 10% of their own total, so it certainly is less than 10% of the COMBINED total of Sirius and XM as LimpBoy lied.

See for yourself.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #7: 1 in 10 Satellite Radio Subs in Unsold Cars

RUSH: You know these satellite radio guys? I have no brief against them, don't misunderstand. I've explained why this program is not on satellite radio a number of times, not that it never will be, but in this current iteration, three-hour program Monday-Friday, it can't be because we would be cannibalizing the terrestrial radio stations that have made this program, so I've assured them of that. But they report their subscriber numbers. I think the combined total for satellite radio to both of those companies is around 13 million or eight million. I'm not sure. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the total number is, because one in ten satellite subscribers are in un-owned cars still sitting on the car lot. The way these people report it is the number of radios sold, or manufactured. Most of these satellite radios are in automobiles since they're manufactured, but one in ten of satellite subscribers live in car lots, either in cars that haven't been sold by anybody yet.

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count | Scott Moritz | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count
Page 2

Sirius CFO Dave Frear says he recognizes that the two companies have different policies when it comes to counting subscribers, but he downplays the significance.

Frear says Sirius' lot-counting practice doesn't apply to all cars with factory-installed radios. He adds that overall it represents less than 10% of total subscribers.

"There's a distinction without a difference," says Frear.

But an XM representative disagrees.

"It's important for people to understand that we have a different way of counting subscribers," says the XM rep. "We count people who have made an active effort to try the service, not by counting cars on the lots."

LimpBoy knows CON$ are too stupid to catch him lying no matter what he lies about, and he knows CON$ are too hateful to care if anyone exposes any of his lies.

I would be REALLY impressed if somebody could make an argument that Rush deserves whatever bad befalls him using something valid IN CONTEXT that they can actually back up.

So far however, I've just seen some pretty awful, mean spirited, and hateful remarks based on apparently nothing other than general ideological hatred.
What a load of crapola.

It's so easy for Stuttering LimpBoy to lie to CON$, he only gets pleasure from his lying by giving the suckers proof he is lying and still being able to deceive the fools.

He lies that 10% of the combined subscriptions to satellite are in unsold cars and gives as proof an article that reports that less than 10% of Sirius subs only are in unsold cars and his ditto-dopers swallow it whole. If you notice he changed the title of the link to his "proof" from "Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count" which identifies the the car count as being unique to Sirius, to "1 in 10 Satellite Radio Subs in Unsold Cars" to make it appear like the article supports his lie. He knows CON$ will see his new title and never click on it to check for themselves.

Meanwhile, even after I post his COMPLETE rant and his own link direct from his site, you pretend no one has yet posted his lies IN CONTEXT with back up. :banghead:
He certainly has the stupidity of his audience pegged.
The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.

President Obama would no doubt kill to be able to speak extemporaneously as Rush can.

Again, I do disagree with Rush's conclusions or opinion on someting now and then. I can appreciate that there are people who don't like his style or his brand of humor. I get bored with it myself sometimes especially when he is excessively focused on something I'm not particularly interested in and I look for something else to listen to. I will sometimes go for several days without hearing any of his program. But since he is featured on our number one news station in our area, I do occasionally hear him, and I have yet to fail to learn at least something in the process.

I don't have problems with anybody who doesn't appreciate or enjoy Rush Limbaugh. I do think those who feel so superior to him and unjustly or dishonestly direct hateful and hurtful things about them have a far bigger problem than Rush does.

You have the right to believe anything you like, and make any judgments about me you please. I told you what I think and I'll add one more thought, this time about you. You hold opinions which you never challenge, you make assumptions based on emotion and your 'gut' and you limit your 'education' on current events to Fox News and conservative talk radio. You may have attended college, likely a Jr. or commuity college but did not graduate, you owe on credit cards more than you can pay each month and you hate those who challenge your assumptions.
You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.

President Obama would no doubt kill to be able to speak extemporaneously as Rush can.

Again, I do disagree with Rush's conclusions or opinion on someting now and then. I can appreciate that there are people who don't like his style or his brand of humor. I get bored with it myself sometimes especially when he is excessively focused on something I'm not particularly interested in and I look for something else to listen to. I will sometimes go for several days without hearing any of his program. But since he is featured on our number one news station in our area, I do occasionally hear him, and I have yet to fail to learn at least something in the process.

I don't have problems with anybody who doesn't appreciate or enjoy Rush Limbaugh. I do think those who feel so superior to him and unjustly or dishonestly direct hateful and hurtful things about them have a far bigger problem than Rush does.

You have the right to believe anything you like, and make any judgments about me you please. I told you what I think and I'll add one more thought, this time about you. You hold opinions which you never challenge, you make assumptions based on emotion and your 'gut' and you limit your 'education' on current events to Fox News and conservative talk radio. You may have attended college, likely a Jr. or commuity college but did not graduate, you owe on credit cards more than you can pay each month and you hate those who challenge your assumptions.

again, you make a lame attempt at projection....yes, I said projection, wry.
You haven't a clue on what your talking about, yet here you are......
That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.

President Obama would no doubt kill to be able to speak extemporaneously as Rush can.

Again, I do disagree with Rush's conclusions or opinion on someting now and then. I can appreciate that there are people who don't like his style or his brand of humor. I get bored with it myself sometimes especially when he is excessively focused on something I'm not particularly interested in and I look for something else to listen to. I will sometimes go for several days without hearing any of his program. But since he is featured on our number one news station in our area, I do occasionally hear him, and I have yet to fail to learn at least something in the process.

I don't have problems with anybody who doesn't appreciate or enjoy Rush Limbaugh. I do think those who feel so superior to him and unjustly or dishonestly direct hateful and hurtful things about them have a far bigger problem than Rush does.

You have the right to believe anything you like, and make any judgments about me you please. I told you what I think and I'll add one more thought, this time about you. You hold opinions which you never challenge, you make assumptions based on emotion and your 'gut' and you limit your 'education' on current events to Fox News and conservative talk radio. You may have attended college, likely a Jr. or commuity college but did not graduate, you owe on credit cards more than you can pay each month and you hate those who challenge your assumptions.

again, you make a lame attempt at projection....yes, I said projection, wry.
You haven't a clue on what your talking about, yet here you are......

"a lame attempt at projection"? Do you know how ignorant - no, of course you don't.
You have the right to believe anything you like, and make any judgments about me you please. I told you what I think and I'll add one more thought, this time about you. You hold opinions which you never challenge, you make assumptions based on emotion and your 'gut' and you limit your 'education' on current events to Fox News and conservative talk radio. You may have attended college, likely a Jr. or commuity college but did not graduate, you owe on credit cards more than you can pay each month and you hate those who challenge your assumptions.

again, you make a lame attempt at projection....yes, I said projection, wry.
You haven't a clue on what your talking about, yet here you are......

"a lame attempt at projection"? Do you know how ignorant - no, of course you don't.

:lol: A blind man can see more than you do, wry.
You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.

President Obama would no doubt kill to be able to speak extemporaneously as Rush can.

Again, I do disagree with Rush's conclusions or opinion on someting now and then. I can appreciate that there are people who don't like his style or his brand of humor. I get bored with it myself sometimes especially when he is excessively focused on something I'm not particularly interested in and I look for something else to listen to. I will sometimes go for several days without hearing any of his program. But since he is featured on our number one news station in our area, I do occasionally hear him, and I have yet to fail to learn at least something in the process.

I don't have problems with anybody who doesn't appreciate or enjoy Rush Limbaugh. I do think those who feel so superior to him and unjustly or dishonestly direct hateful and hurtful things about them have a far bigger problem than Rush does.

You have the right to believe anything you like, and make any judgments about me you please. I told you what I think and I'll add one more thought, this time about you. You hold opinions which you never challenge, you make assumptions based on emotion and your 'gut' and you limit your 'education' on current events to Fox News and conservative talk radio. You may have attended college, likely a Jr. or commuity college but did not graduate, you owe on credit cards more than you can pay each month and you hate those who challenge your assumptions.

Well you got the first sentence right. That's a definite improvement.
Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.
Obviously YOU have never gone to his site and CHECKED his "FACTS." Anyone who actually does check quickly learns he's full of it. He knows his audience will never check his links, but will ASSUME if he posts a link it MUST confirm his lies. He knows CON$ are not intelligent enough to investigate on their own.

What CON$ will do is PROJECT their laziness and gullibility on anyone who does check. See the first quote in my sig.

Here is an example. After Howard Stern went to satellite radio, LimpBoy started to lie about satellite radio. He claimed that 1 in 10 subscriptions to satellite radio were in unsold cars and then gave a link to "back up" that lie knowing no CON$ervative would bother to check.

HIS OWN LINK showed that only Sirius radio counted SOME , but not all, unsold cars as subscribers, XM only counted people who took advantage of the free offer that came with a new car. And Sirius' total is itself LESS than 10% of their own total, so it certainly is less than 10% of the COMBINED total of Sirius and XM as LimpBoy lied.

See for yourself.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #7: 1 in 10 Satellite Radio Subs in Unsold Cars

RUSH: You know these satellite radio guys? I have no brief against them, don't misunderstand. I've explained why this program is not on satellite radio a number of times, not that it never will be, but in this current iteration, three-hour program Monday-Friday, it can't be because we would be cannibalizing the terrestrial radio stations that have made this program, so I've assured them of that. But they report their subscriber numbers. I think the combined total for satellite radio to both of those companies is around 13 million or eight million. I'm not sure. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the total number is, because one in ten satellite subscribers are in un-owned cars still sitting on the car lot. The way these people report it is the number of radios sold, or manufactured. Most of these satellite radios are in automobiles since they're manufactured, but one in ten of satellite subscribers live in car lots, either in cars that haven't been sold by anybody yet.

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count | Scott Moritz | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count
Page 2

Sirius CFO Dave Frear says he recognizes that the two companies have different policies when it comes to counting subscribers, but he downplays the significance.

Frear says Sirius' lot-counting practice doesn't apply to all cars with factory-installed radios. He adds that overall it represents less than 10% of total subscribers.

"There's a distinction without a difference," says Frear.

But an XM representative disagrees.

"It's important for people to understand that we have a different way of counting subscribers," says the XM rep. "We count people who have made an active effort to try the service, not by counting cars on the lots."

LimpBoy knows CON$ are too stupid to catch him lying no matter what he lies about, and he knows CON$ are too hateful to care if anyone exposes any of his lies.

The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

That's what I was thinking. The paragraph you are referring to is so full of unsupportable innuendo and misstatements that it should be embarrassing to the one who wrote it and would never be written by an honest person who had actually listened to the show or actually visted the website. The kind of stuff being said about Rush here likely comes right off the hate sites devoted to that kind of thing. You see the same tired, snarky stuff repeated over and over, but never see anything presented, in context, to support it. Just like nobody criticizing Rush here has yet to present anything in context to back up their snipes at him, but they pull the soundbites off those other websites and present it them as 'fact'. To me that is far worse than any error Rush has made.

Most of the best stuff on Rush's website is available only to subscribers anyway. I am not a subscriber, but have had an opportunity to see what is available to subscribers, and there are few out there who are as well researched as Rush is.

As for him 'reading his entire show', he does read his prepared monologue, yes, and he does read from the source material that he collects for the show. But I wonder how he pulls off 'prepared' responses to the 15 to 20 callers every day? Including myself? I can assure you the calls are screened and Rush has a general idea of the subject that will be discussed - this so the staff can have ready appropriate soundbites or other sources for him - but he has no way of knowing how the question will be asked or the full substance of it. There is no way that he is not extemporaneous in his answers to the callers.
Another load of pure crap. I've posted an obvious lie in context direct from his own site and you can do nothing but ignore it.

You have been PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who exposes your MessiahRushie as the SCRIPTED liar he is of getting his lies from Lib sites. I purposely choose more obscure lies like the satellite radio lie for two reasons. Anticipating your programming, you can't show any Lib site exposing the lie and with no Lib site exposing the lie you can't go to a CON$ervative site to get your PROGRAMMED answer. You are forced to dream up a rationalization on your own or cut and run as the CON$ in this thread have done.

And you have answered yourself as to how he can pretend to be talking on his own when taking calls, his staff screens the calls and gives him the scripted rant to match the topic allowed through by the screener, as well as many of the callers are asking preprogrammed questions, especially the phony Lib callers. The so called Lib callers are CON$ pretending to be Libs to feed him lines to make him look good. He would never have the guts to debate ME especially for money.

And no, the "best stuff" is not on his pay side, he puts the stuff that has been exposed as lies on the pay side because he knows anyone stupid enough to pay for his lies won't ever believe the truth.

For example, when I exposed the CO2 from H2O lie on the AOL messageboards, he moved it to his pay side to keep other posters from confirming it. He found out about me on AOL when paying Ditto-Dopers "reported" me to him trying to get him to debate me and "put me in my place." Rather than debate me he would take whatever lies I exposed on AOL and move it to his pay side. So I moved to this messageboard.

Global Warming Update
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

RUSH: Now, folks, if you're going to buy into this, there's no hope for you. There's literally no hope for you!

Now google has cached many of his pages before he moved them to his pay side so smart people can still get his transcripts without paying him. Here is the link to the cached CO2 lie.

Global Warming Update
Well now you've done it ed..., the true believers have cut and run - soon they'll return with a personal attack and a brief lecture, much like Limbaugh does on his show.
Each time I've listened and his people failed to properly screen the call, Limbaugh cuts off the caller and goes into lecture mode, causing the ditto heads to actuallty believe Limbaughs prefabricated notes mystify the caller into silence by the brilliance of his response. Of course the caller never again is heard from again after Limbaugh bloviates and then cuts to a commercial.
Well now you've done it ed..., the true believers have cut and run - soon they'll return with a personal attack and a brief lecture, much like Limbaugh does on his show.
Each time I've listened and his people failed to properly screen the call, Limbaugh cuts off the caller and goes into lecture mode, causing the ditto heads to actuallty believe Limbaughs prefabricated notes mystify the caller into silence by the brilliance of his response. Of course the caller never again is heard from again after Limbaugh bloviates and then cuts to a commercial.

As impressed as you are with yourself it's obvious that you have never really listened to Rush Limbaugh with anything but preconceived notions of who he is, what he is going to say and who is feeding him with talking points. You aren't any kind of judge of character, you are a joke and pathetic in your attempts to paint millions of people with a very large brush. I would say "GO FUCK YOURSELF" but I doubt even you would have sex with a dildo like you.
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I have been thinking that many of the conservative talk radio analysts have almost been as disingenuous and dishonest as Wry and liberals at times when it comes to political analysis.


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