Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

Oh I understand that you're likely talking out of your hat or possibly from some talking points script. Do you do that often? People with college and graduate degrees is a large demographic of conservative talk radio and certainly on a par with national averages. Also it is the successful, prosperous, and competent from all sociopolitical groups that make make up the lion’s share of news/talk radio audiences, most especially conservative talk radio audiences.

Based on recent Pew Research:

And here’s the demographics for the Rush Limbaugh website. While other conservative talk radio cannot rival his audience base, the demographics of those who listen in on those programs are very similar and it is instructive who goes to the website to follow up the radio program. (Hint for those too lazy to check the link: the large majority have bachelors or graduate degrees.

rushlimbaugh.com - Quantcast Audience Profile

I know some of my conservative friends try to sound ‘cool’ by bashing Limbaugh and calling him names. I suspect, however, that those who are better informed are actually listening in now and then to either him or other similar conservative programming.

He doesn’t always get it right, but I defy anybody with half a brain or anywhere near normal intelligence to fail to learn at least some useful information when some time is spent listening to his program or others like him.

Oh my goodness. You believe in Pew Pols? Good. 'cuz there is one that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Isn't that a hoot????


Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Look at the pathetic contribution to science in this country from Republicans. No wonder they want to replace science with "mysticism".

Come on Republicans. Look how few Republicans are scientists. If you guys had a little more sense, you would be ashamed. Shame on you for not being embarrassed.

So what about those "degrees". You know the numbers are inflated because of all the degrees passed out by those crappy Christian Tier Four colleges. Come on. A "degree" in Bible study? WTF???? A degree in "memorizing"???? How is that "higher" education?
No wonder leftists are painted by the Talk Radio folk as elitists.

I despise the shit out of Rush, Hannity, Levin, etc., but maybe they have a point about leftist elitism in education...

I mean, the post of yours I'm quoting is a posterchild of it.
I'll try to explain it one more time, even though I suspect "it won't take" this time either.

The majority audience of conservative radio are Republicans. A political party of mostly one race, one religion, and a single level of education (not much).

That's the reality.

The Democratic party is made up of a wide coalition of groups from different races, different religions, gays, immigrants, highly educated and barely educated. It's no surprise that they would have much broader and different interests when it comes to listening to the radio.

Is that just too difficult to understand? mmmmm?

Oh I understand that you're likely talking out of your hat or possibly from some talking points script. Do you do that often? People with college and graduate degrees is a large demographic of conservative talk radio and certainly on a par with national averages. Also it is the successful, prosperous, and competent from all sociopolitical groups that make make up the lion’s share of news/talk radio audiences, most especially conservative talk radio audiences.

Based on recent Pew Research:

A poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press casts more doubt on the wisdom of the Democrats' coordinated strategy to tie elected Republicans to radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. When it comes to American political knowledge, Limbaugh's audience is better informed than those of most mainstream media news outlets.
Limbaugh's Audience Better Informed Than Those Of Most Media Outlets -- Politics Daily

And here’s the demographics for the Rush Limbaugh website. While other conservative talk radio cannot rival his audience base, the demographics of those who listen in on those programs are very similar and it is instructive who goes to the website to follow up the radio program. (Hint for those too lazy to check the link: the large majority have bachelors or graduate degrees.

rushlimbaugh.com - Quantcast Audience Profile

I know some of my conservative friends try to sound ‘cool’ by bashing Limbaugh and calling him names. I suspect, however, that those who are better informed are actually listening in now and then to either him or other similar conservative programming.

He doesn’t always get it right, but I defy anybody with half a brain or anywhere near normal intelligence to fail to learn at least some useful information when some time is spent listening to his program or others like him.

Oh my goodness. You believe in Pew Pols? Good. 'cuz there is one that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Isn't that a hoot????


Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Look at the pathetic contribution to science in this country from Republicans. No wonder they want to replace science with "mysticism".

Wow, this is retarded. Someone being a scientist has little to do with how they think the government should work, and "scientist" itself is a broad term. Furthermore, if we're discussing researchers, there's a more practical reason why they would be Democrats: they know where their bread is buttered. People who essentially work on government grants in non-profits (i.e. universities) love the Democrats because they go to Congress and give them money. Republicans being fiscal conservatives are a bit tighter with their allocation of research funding, which of course makes them less popular.
Oh my goodness. You believe in Pew Pols? Good. 'cuz there is one that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Isn't that a hoot????


Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Look at the pathetic contribution to science in this country from Republicans. No wonder they want to replace science with "mysticism".

Come on Republicans. Look how few Republicans are scientists. If you guys had a little more sense, you would be ashamed. Shame on you for not being embarrassed.

So what about those "degrees". You know the numbers are inflated because of all the degrees passed out by those crappy Christian Tier Four colleges. Come on. A "degree" in Bible study? WTF???? A degree in "memorizing"???? How is that "higher" education?
No wonder leftists are painted by the Talk Radio folk as elitists.

I despise the shit out of Rush, Hannity, Levin, etc., but maybe they have a point about leftist elitism in education...

I mean, the post of yours I'm quoting is a posterchild of it.

Elitism in education? WTF????

Where does "elitism" come into play in chemistry, biology, physiology, being a doctor, being an engineer?

How does a "degree in Bible Study" help the country? Seriously, how does a degree in "Bible Study" help the country?

Scientists have to learn "critical thinking". They have to. It's a requirement of being a scientist. They have to collect and correlate data.

Republicans call that "elitism". Seriously, they should be terribly ashamed. But they are not.

Do you know that Republicans don't see a connection between science and everything else they touch, drive, eat, wear, are entertained by and live in?
Come on Republicans. Look how few Republicans are scientists. If you guys had a little more sense, you would be ashamed. Shame on you for not being embarrassed.

So what about those "degrees". You know the numbers are inflated because of all the degrees passed out by those crappy Christian Tier Four colleges. Come on. A "degree" in Bible study? WTF???? A degree in "memorizing"???? How is that "higher" education?
No wonder leftists are painted by the Talk Radio folk as elitists.

I despise the shit out of Rush, Hannity, Levin, etc., but maybe they have a point about leftist elitism in education...

I mean, the post of yours I'm quoting is a posterchild of it.

Elitism in education? WTF????

Where does "elitism" come into play in chemistry, biology, physiology, being a doctor, being an engineer?

How does a "degree in Bible Study" help the country? Seriously, how does a degree in "Bible Study" help the country?

Scientists have to learn "critical thinking". They have to. It's a requirement of being a scientist. They have to collect and correlate data.

Republicans call that "elitism". Seriously, they should be terribly ashamed. But they are not.

Do you know that Republicans don't see a connection between science and everything else they touch, drive, eat, wear, are entertained by and live in?
Your "elitist" post was denigrating Christian schools.

I'm no Talk Radio Republican...I recognize that science is present in just about everything, if not everything, I do.

I just don't like it when people feel the need to have a "My Daddy can Beat Up Your Daddy" attitude.
Oh I understand that you're likely talking out of your hat or possibly from some talking points script. Do you do that often? People with college and graduate degrees is a large demographic of conservative talk radio and certainly on a par with national averages. Also it is the successful, prosperous, and competent from all sociopolitical groups that make make up the lion’s share of news/talk radio audiences, most especially conservative talk radio audiences.

Based on recent Pew Research:

And here’s the demographics for the Rush Limbaugh website. While other conservative talk radio cannot rival his audience base, the demographics of those who listen in on those programs are very similar and it is instructive who goes to the website to follow up the radio program. (Hint for those too lazy to check the link: the large majority have bachelors or graduate degrees.

rushlimbaugh.com - Quantcast Audience Profile

I know some of my conservative friends try to sound ‘cool’ by bashing Limbaugh and calling him names. I suspect, however, that those who are better informed are actually listening in now and then to either him or other similar conservative programming.

He doesn’t always get it right, but I defy anybody with half a brain or anywhere near normal intelligence to fail to learn at least some useful information when some time is spent listening to his program or others like him.

Oh my goodness. You believe in Pew Pols? Good. 'cuz there is one that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Isn't that a hoot????


Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Look at the pathetic contribution to science in this country from Republicans. No wonder they want to replace science with "mysticism".

Wow, this is retarded. Someone being a scientist has little to do with how they think the government should work, and "scientist" itself is a broad term. Furthermore, if we're discussing researchers, there's a more practical reason why they would be Democrats: they know where their bread is buttered. People who essentially work on government grants in non-profits (i.e. universities) love the Democrats because they go to Congress and give them money. Republicans being fiscal conservatives are a bit tighter with their allocation of research funding, which of course makes them less popular.

WTF are Republicans going to "research"? If the Grand Canyon was created by the "Great Flood"?:disbelief:
He doesn’t always get it right, but I defy anybody with half a brain or anywhere near normal intelligence to fail to learn at least some useful information when some time is spent listening to his program or others like him.
Stuttering LimpBoy lies to the level of ignorance of his audience. Unfortunately, his audience is so stupid they don't know how preposterous his claims are so they swallow them whole because he tells them he is "brilliant."

Here is a typical example of his "BRILLIANCE." :cuckoo:

Global Warming Update
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

In case you didn't know, not one molecule of CO2 in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE came from H2O.
No wonder leftists are painted by the Talk Radio folk as elitists.

I despise the shit out of Rush, Hannity, Levin, etc., but maybe they have a point about leftist elitism in education...

I mean, the post of yours I'm quoting is a posterchild of it.

Elitism in education? WTF????

Where does "elitism" come into play in chemistry, biology, physiology, being a doctor, being an engineer?

How does a "degree in Bible Study" help the country? Seriously, how does a degree in "Bible Study" help the country?

Scientists have to learn "critical thinking". They have to. It's a requirement of being a scientist. They have to collect and correlate data.

Republicans call that "elitism". Seriously, they should be terribly ashamed. But they are not.

Do you know that Republicans don't see a connection between science and everything else they touch, drive, eat, wear, are entertained by and live in?
Your "elitist" post was denigrating Christian schools.

I'm no Talk Radio Republican...I recognize that science is present in just about everything, if not everything, I do.

I just don't like it when people feel the need to have a "My Daddy can Beat Up Your Daddy" attitude.

Except for Catholic colleges, Christian colleges generally don't teach science because you can't really teach without touching on evolution. They only teach a very basic course in evolution because they otherwise can't get accredited. And the science they do teach if very broad and juvenile. Such things as, "bees pollinate the flowers", a very generalized science. You can't depend on doctors, take your kids to doctors and then not be able to find a single licensed medical doctor in this country who doesn't believe in the science of evolution. And you accuse scientists of being "elitist"? What do you call the "determined ignorant"?

Bush hiring Christian college graduates for the Justice Department shown a light on the type of graduates they churn out. The following article is actually not very biased even thought the John Stewert line is a hoot.

What is the real face of Regent's law school? | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Comedian Jon Stewart joked that the school was no more rigorous than a "Jiffy Law" drive-through.

News: Believing in God and Evolution - Inside Higher Ed

If Christian colleges don't permit the teaching of evolution, "they could be left behind," said Richard Colling.

He knows how sensitive these issues are. Colling this year left Olivet Nazarene University, where he taught for 30 years, after a dispute in which he was barred from teaching general biology or having Random Designer, his book, taught at the university that is his alma mater. When the book appeared in 2004, some anti-evolution churches campaigned to have him fired, and while the university initially defended him, it subsequently put limits on what he could teach and barred his book from being taught. Those limits were lifted after an investigation by the American Association of University Professors found that his rights were violated. But Colling continued to be subjected to intense criticism from some Nazarene church members, and he resigned in an agreement with the university.
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Conservatives are not only able to articulate their own point of view far better than most liberals can articulate their own point of view, conservatives are far more likely to accurately articulate the liberals' point of view while most liberals cannot articulate the conservative point of view any better than they can articulate their own.
No CON$ervative will ever ACCURATELY "articulate" the point of view of any one they disagree with. They only debate Straw Men.

And no CON$ervative has a point of view of their own, they merely parrot the daily talking points programmed into them by GOP Hate-Run Media. All you have to do is compare the posts on this board each day to the topics on Stuttering LimpBoy's or freerepublic's or Drudge's site the same day.

A perfect example is when GOP hate media said no president had ever bowed before in the history of this country, which of course is not true, the CON$ were parroting it for weeks even after pictures of Eisenhower, Nixon and Bush were posted showing them bowing. Rather than admit that they were snookered again by GOP hate media, they simply said the other presidents didn't bow as deeply when they bowed.
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Conservatives are not only able to articulate their own point of view far better than most liberals can articulate their own point of view, conservatives are far more likely to accurately articulate the liberals' point of view while most liberals cannot articulate the conservative point of view any better than they can articulate their own.
No CON$ervative will ever ACCURATELY "articulate" the point of view of any one they disagree with. They only debate Straw Men.

And no CON$ervative has a point of view of their own, they merely parrot the daily talking points programmed into them by GOP Hate-Run Media. All you have to do is compare the posts on this board each day to the topics on Stuttering LimpBoy's or freerepublic or Drudge the same day.

A perfect example is when GOP hate media said no president had ever bowed before in the history of this country, which of course is not true, the CON$ were parroting it for weeks even after pictures of Eisenhower, Nixon and Bush were posted showing them bowing. Rather than admit that they were snookered again by GOP hate media, they simply said the other presidents didn't bow as deeply when they bowed.

Bush was the only one I ever saw "swapping spit" and "holding hands". To me, that's way worse than a bow. I don't like bows either.
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Well if the LSM would do it's damn job I might actually pay attention to them more often.

But since they are happy to be a mouthpiece for Obama, Pelosi and the rest of the dopey left, I have no time for them.
The federal government should be barred from funding research in all areas that are not covered in their enumerated powers. All the rest must be private or state based.
Tsk tsk. Some liberals apparently also can't tell the difference between a poll related to global warming or scientists' political affiliation and a poll related to who listens to conservative talk radio. I guess Pew was right that those who listen to conservative talk radio are better informed than those who don't.

(By the way guys, lets check those scientific demographics when it is the GOP holding the purse strings for federal grants. I think you'll see a remarkable shift.)


You think that's "Global Warming"? Shame on you for making such a dumb statement.

Scientists have complained about the Republican Administration for it's entire 8 years. Republicans pressured scientists to change data about anything opposing Republican policy, not just climate change. This has been reported in every science and engineering magazine since 2000.

You think that scientists need government handouts? They aren't dumbass Republicans with no education or a degree in Bible study. These guys can go work anywhere, overseas, anywhere.

Really, you guys should be ashamed of your dumb statements. Seriously. What is wrong with Republicans?

Bush Appointees Land Career Science Jobs With Seemingly Unrelated Backgrounds - washingtonpost.com

"It's ludicrous to have people who do not have a scientific background, who are not trained and skilled in the ways of science, make decisions that involve resources, that involve facilities in the scientific infrastructure," said James McCarthy, a Harvard University oceanographer who is president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. "You'd just like to think people have more respect for the institution of government than to leave wreckage behind with these appointments."

EPA Scientists Decry Political Pressure - CBS News

The survey included chemists, toxicologists, engineers, geologists and experts in the life and environmental sciences.

The report said that 60 percent of those responding, or 889 scientists, reported personally experiencing what they viewed as political interference in their work over the last five years. Four in 10 scientists who have worked at the agency for more than a decade said they believe such interference has been more prevalent in the last five years than the previous five years.

Science Braces for Second Term

The scientific community has made a strong case. The Union of Concerned Scientists distributed two damning reports in 2004 accusing the administration of suppressing and manipulating research and stacking independent scientific advisory panels with ideological or industry-connected members.

"This administration has had a very uneasy relationship with science and scientists because of allegations that the administration has contorted science to fit political aspirations," said Kathy Hudson, director of the Genetics and Public Policy Center, a think tank that focuses on genetic research and policy. "And part of it is an absence of genuine enthusiasm about science by the administration."

I repeat the previous point made since it seems to have gone right over your head.
Tsk tsk. Some liberals apparently also can't tell the difference between a poll related to global warming or scientists' political affiliation and a poll related to who listens to conservative talk radio. I guess Pew was right that those who listen to conservative talk radio are better informed than those who don't.

(By the way guys, lets check those scientific demographics when it is the GOP holding the purse strings for federal grants. I think you'll see a remarkable shift.)


You think that's "Global Warming"? Shame on you for making such a dumb statement.

Scientists have complained about the Republican Administration for it's entire 8 years. Republicans pressured scientists to change data about anything opposing Republican policy, not just climate change. This has been reported in every science and engineering magazine since 2000.

You think that scientists need government handouts? They aren't dumbass Republicans with no education or a degree in Bible study. These guys can go work anywhere, overseas, anywhere.

Really, you guys should be ashamed of your dumb statements. Seriously. What is wrong with Republicans?

Bush Appointees Land Career Science Jobs With Seemingly Unrelated Backgrounds - washingtonpost.com

"It's ludicrous to have people who do not have a scientific background, who are not trained and skilled in the ways of science, make decisions that involve resources, that involve facilities in the scientific infrastructure," said James McCarthy, a Harvard University oceanographer who is president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. "You'd just like to think people have more respect for the institution of government than to leave wreckage behind with these appointments."

EPA Scientists Decry Political Pressure - CBS News

The survey included chemists, toxicologists, engineers, geologists and experts in the life and environmental sciences.

The report said that 60 percent of those responding, or 889 scientists, reported personally experiencing what they viewed as political interference in their work over the last five years. Four in 10 scientists who have worked at the agency for more than a decade said they believe such interference has been more prevalent in the last five years than the previous five years.

Science Braces for Second Term

The scientific community has made a strong case. The Union of Concerned Scientists distributed two damning reports in 2004 accusing the administration of suppressing and manipulating research and stacking independent scientific advisory panels with ideological or industry-connected members.

"This administration has had a very uneasy relationship with science and scientists because of allegations that the administration has contorted science to fit political aspirations," said Kathy Hudson, director of the Genetics and Public Policy Center, a think tank that focuses on genetic research and policy. "And part of it is an absence of genuine enthusiasm about science by the administration."

I repeat the previous point made since it seems to have gone right over your head.

And I was telling you that Conservative HELD the purse strings and look what they did. First they plundered the purse. Second, they attempted to "force" scientists to change their data to match Republican Bush Administration policy.

What that shows is a contempt for science. Don't even deny it.

Just the fact that you think scientists are "tied to purse strings" PROVES that you share in that contempt.

It talks years to be a real scientist. You don't just memorize "stuff" out of a book. If a conservative is reading this, I have already lost them. To them, a "college degree" is a "college degree" and if you get one of those in math or "sumpthin", you are a scientist.
Here is the deal. The reason why Fox's ratings are so high is because people on the right like to be told what to think. They need some place to go to think for them. It works out well for them and the ratings prove it.


In the big picture, it doesnt matter. Look at last november. Fox's rating were still lhigh and yet, somehow the republicans lost.

Over 97% of America do not watch fox, thank god.

Nope. Wrong on all counts, as per usual. But thanks for playing.
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not, it is what will be repeated by the rest of the right wing 'elitists' that day. Later, on the TV news we may hear Boehner or McConnell, Cheney or Gingrich, present the same talking points as if they are their own.
It is ALL propaganda, and the message is always about fear. Be scared America, be very scared for THEY are out to get you.
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not, it is what will be repeated by the rest of the right wing 'elitists' that day. Later, on the TV news we may hear Boehner or McConnell, Cheney or Gingrich, present the same talking points as if they are their own.
It is ALL propaganda, and the message is always about fear. Be scared America, be very scared for THEY are out to get you.

I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not, it is what will be repeated by the rest of the right wing 'elitists' that day. Later, on the TV news we may hear Boehner or McConnell, Cheney or Gingrich, present the same talking points as if they are their own.
It is ALL propaganda, and the message is always about fear. Be scared America, be very scared for THEY are out to get you.


Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not, it is what will be repeated by the rest of the right wing 'elitists' that day. Later, on the TV news we may hear Boehner or McConnell, Cheney or Gingrich, present the same talking points as if they are their own.
It is ALL propaganda, and the message is always about fear. Be scared America, be very scared for THEY are out to get you.


Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.
except, there is no truth to what you said
you have shown you are the fringe on the other side

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