Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

Perhaps the most striking recent example of voter suppression came in the 2000 presidential election, where a slim margin of 537 votes in Florida gave George W. Bush the votes in the electoral college that he needed to claim victory over Al Gore. (Nationwide, Gore won the popular vote by 543,614 votes.)

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR), produced a report in June 2001 titled "Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election." The report concluded, "Despite the closeness of the election, it was widespread voter disenfranchisement, not the dead-heat contest, that was the extraordinary feature in the Florida election. The disenfranchisement was not isolated or episodic." The USCCR found that African-American voters were at least ten times more likely to have their ballots rejected than other voters and that 83 of the 100 precincts with the most disqualified ballots had black majorities.

Banana Republicans: Block the Vote - SourceWatch

this shit again? what a whiny little bitch you are, Christina.

You do realize that it was a Dim-o-crat that designed the ballot in Florida don't you. The fact that black people have a hard time following directions on how to vote says a lot more about black people than the election. I wonder why more than the ones voting this time were counted. Shit, dead people's votes were counted to get the dildo that's on Air Force One now and I haven't heard any of you leftist, socialist loving clowns complaining. Why nothing from the left on the crooks at Acorn and the manufacturing of votes they were responsible for. You fucks should just head for China, Cuba,Venezuela or Russia if that is the style of government you want, take your little black pets with you when you go.

You think that's "Global Warming"? Shame on you for making such a dumb statement.

Scientists have complained about the Republican Administration for it's entire 8 years. Republicans pressured scientists to change data about anything opposing Republican policy, not just climate change. This has been reported in every science and engineering magazine since 2000.

You think that scientists need government handouts? They aren't dumbass Republicans with no education or a degree in Bible study. These guys can go work anywhere, overseas, anywhere.

Really, you guys should be ashamed of your dumb statements. Seriously. What is wrong with Republicans?

Bush Appointees Land Career Science Jobs With Seemingly Unrelated Backgrounds - washingtonpost.com

"It's ludicrous to have people who do not have a scientific background, who are not trained and skilled in the ways of science, make decisions that involve resources, that involve facilities in the scientific infrastructure," said James McCarthy, a Harvard University oceanographer who is president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. "You'd just like to think people have more respect for the institution of government than to leave wreckage behind with these appointments."

EPA Scientists Decry Political Pressure - CBS News

The survey included chemists, toxicologists, engineers, geologists and experts in the life and environmental sciences.

The report said that 60 percent of those responding, or 889 scientists, reported personally experiencing what they viewed as political interference in their work over the last five years. Four in 10 scientists who have worked at the agency for more than a decade said they believe such interference has been more prevalent in the last five years than the previous five years.

Science Braces for Second Term

The scientific community has made a strong case. The Union of Concerned Scientists distributed two damning reports in 2004 accusing the administration of suppressing and manipulating research and stacking independent scientific advisory panels with ideological or industry-connected members.

"This administration has had a very uneasy relationship with science and scientists because of allegations that the administration has contorted science to fit political aspirations," said Kathy Hudson, director of the Genetics and Public Policy Center, a think tank that focuses on genetic research and policy. "And part of it is an absence of genuine enthusiasm about science by the administration."

I repeat the previous point made since it seems to have gone right over your head.

And I was telling you that Conservative HELD the purse strings and look what they did. First they plundered the purse. Second, they attempted to "force" scientists to change their data to match Republican Bush Administration policy.

What that shows is a contempt for science. Don't even deny it.

Just the fact that you think scientists are "tied to purse strings" PROVES that you share in that contempt.

It talks years to be a real scientist. You don't just memorize "stuff" out of a book. If a conservative is reading this, I have already lost them. To them, a "college degree" is a "college degree" and if you get one of those in math or "sumpthin", you are a scientist.

The "Union of Concerned Scientist", wow, that sounds like a group I want to take seriously. If you play one on TV, I bet you can join that group.:lol::lol::lol:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not, it is what will be repeated by the rest of the right wing 'elitists' that day. Later, on the TV news we may hear Boehner or McConnell, Cheney or Gingrich, present the same talking points as if they are their own.
It is ALL propaganda, and the message is always about fear. Be scared America, be very scared for THEY are out to get you.


Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.

Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.
except, there is no truth to what you said
you have shown you are the fringe on the other side

And you've proved you're a liar, not a good one, but a liar for sure.

Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.

Why would I bother to investigate his site? I hear what he say's and what he says is repeated over and over by you, and other right wing trolls on this message board, the Republican leadership, Palin, Gingrich, Sessions, Ensign, etc. etc.
Prior talking points of the day:
Obama took his wife on a date to NYC...Pelosi jets to California...Michael Fox shakes for sympathy...Obamacare will have death panels...it's Socialism!...Democrats tax and spend...Earmarks and Porkulus..."you lie"...they're gonna take your guns!...Climate change is a lie...Islamo-Fascism...
Anybody who claims to know what Rush had to say on any day by listening to five minutes of a three-hour program is either badly misinformed, delusional, or just not too bright. Rush rarely, if ever, puts anything succinctly. He will go ten to twenty minutes explaining or elaborating on a single point, and then puts that point into a larger context in the next segment. Trying to pull a few sentences out of that as illustration of either his full statement or intent is just as inaccurate as pulling a single quote out of a manuscript and holding it up as the thesis. Especially when the meaning is quite different when the quotation is viewed within the whole context.

Those who hold up the most famous Rush-isms like 'femi-nazi' or 'ditto' as evidence of what he is about are just as misinformed, delusional, or not too bright - at least when they attach an absolutely ludicrous definition to the terms. Rush once explained that you need to listen to about six weeks of his program to fully understand the context and what he and his program are all about. I think he is probably pretty close to right on that.
Anybody who claims to know what Rush had to say on any day by listening to five minutes of a three-hour program is either badly misinformed, delusional, or just not too bright. Ru, sh rarely, if ever, puts anything succinctly. He will go ten to twenty minutes explaining or elaborating on a single point, and then puts that point into a larger context in the next segment. Trying to pull a few sentences out of that as illustration of either his full statement or intent is just as inaccurate as pulling a single quote out of a manuscript and holding it up as the thesis. Especially when the meaning is quite different when the quotation is viewed within the whole context.

Those who hold up the most famous Rush-isms like 'femi-nazi' or 'ditto' as evidence of what he is about are just as misinformed, delusional, or not too bright - at least when they attach an absolutely ludicrous definition to the terms. Rush once explained that you need to listen to about six weeks of his program to fully understand the context and what he and his program are all about. I think he is probably pretty close to right on that.

His program is propaganda. Propaganda, rumor, innuendo, half-truths, character assassination and mean spirited humor. Granted, he's very good at what he does, and what he does Plato exposed 23 centuries ago - sophistry.
Given the lack of response from 'T' and 'Foxfyre' one must assume they acknowledge an ass kicking and have cut and run - silly neocons, engaging in a battle of wits when they are only half-armed.
Given the lack of response from 'T' and 'Foxfyre' one must assume they acknowledge an ass kicking and have cut and run - silly neocons, engaging in a battle of wits when they are only half-armed.

Well I can't speak for T, but I see a number of other options that are more likely than your conclusion here.

1) Some of us have actual real lives in the real world, and don't spend every minute here looking for something snarky to say.

2) Some of us choose not to argue with idiots.

3) Some of us choose not to feed the trolls.

4) Some of us choose not to engage in exercises in futility.

Probably any non response you perceive fits in there somewhere. You pick.
Given the lack of response from 'T' and 'Foxfyre' one must assume they acknowledge an ass kicking and have cut and run - silly neocons, engaging in a battle of wits when they are only half-armed.

Well I can't speak for T, but I see a number of other options that are more likely than your conclusion here.

1) Some of us have actual real lives in the real world, and don't spend every minute here looking for something snarky to say.

2) Some of us choose not to argue with idiots.

3) Some of us choose not to feed the trolls.

4) Some of us choose not to engage in exercises in futility.

Probably any non response you perceive fits in there somewhere. You pick.

You are so funny. It took all of 300 seconds to respond to my bait, to engage in an exercise of futility (a given, given your lack of arms), and to fail to respond with a real and substantive example to prove your defense of Limbaugh.
Given the lack of response from 'T' and 'Foxfyre' one must assume they acknowledge an ass kicking and have cut and run - silly neocons, engaging in a battle of wits when they are only half-armed.

Well I can't speak for T, but I see a number of other options that are more likely than your conclusion here.

1) Some of us have actual real lives in the real world, and don't spend every minute here looking for something snarky to say.

2) Some of us choose not to argue with idiots.

3) Some of us choose not to feed the trolls.

4) Some of us choose not to engage in exercises in futility.

Probably any non response you perceive fits in there somewhere. You pick.

You are so funny. It took all of 300 seconds to respond to my bait, to engage in an exercise of futility (a given, given your lack of arms), and to fail to respond with a real and substantive example to prove your defense of Limbaugh.

I haven't defended Limbaugh. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. I am simply pointing out the irrational hatred and indefensible hate speech directed at him from people who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. I would do the same for you if anybody accuses you of something you didn't do or makes unfair and hateful assumptions about you that have no foundation in fact.
Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.

Why would I bother to investigate his site? I hear what he say's and what he says is repeated over and over by you, and other right wing trolls on this message board, the Republican leadership, Palin, Gingrich, Sessions, Ensign, etc. etc.
Prior talking points of the day:
Obama took his wife on a date to NYC...Pelosi jets to California...Michael Fox shakes for sympathy...Obamacare will have death panels...it's Socialism!...Democrats tax and spend...Earmarks and Porkulus..."you lie"...they're gonna take your guns!...Climate change is a lie...Islamo-Fascism...

you really should stop spanking them so hard. This is just mean.
Well I can't speak for T, but I see a number of other options that are more likely than your conclusion here.

1) Some of us have actual real lives in the real world, and don't spend every minute here looking for something snarky to say.

2) Some of us choose not to argue with idiots.

3) Some of us choose not to feed the trolls.

4) Some of us choose not to engage in exercises in futility.

Probably any non response you perceive fits in there somewhere. You pick.

You are so funny. It took all of 300 seconds to respond to my bait, to engage in an exercise of futility (a given, given your lack of arms), and to fail to respond with a real and substantive example to prove your defense of Limbaugh.

I haven't defended Limbaugh. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. I am simply pointing out the irrational hatred and indefensible hate speech directed at him from people who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. I would do the same for you if anybody accuses you of something you didn't do or makes unfair and hateful assumptions about you that have no foundation in fact.

The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.
You are so funny. It took all of 300 seconds to respond to my bait, to engage in an exercise of futility (a given, given your lack of arms), and to fail to respond with a real and substantive example to prove your defense of Limbaugh.

I haven't defended Limbaugh. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. I am simply pointing out the irrational hatred and indefensible hate speech directed at him from people who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. I would do the same for you if anybody accuses you of something you didn't do or makes unfair and hateful assumptions about you that have no foundation in fact.

The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

Very typical reaction from the fringe. Anyone who watches and listens to conservative radio and is honest, has to acknowledge the truth of my allegation. Those who are dishonest, or not very bright, resort to emoticons or personal attacks.

Of course you do realize that he backs up his assertions with FACT, and points that out? Visit his site sometime. You will see what his sources are.

As to this horseshit:
I listened to Limbaugh each day for about five minutes, on my way to the gym. It tell me much of what I need to know - whether the points he makes are his own, or those prepared for him matters not,

Again? You haven't bothered to view his site? Nor listen as he tells you his sources. But then he expects intelligent folks (unlike you), to investigate on their own, and form their own opinion(s)...

But in typical Liberal Statist fashion? You choose to project your habits upon other that you disagree with. How typical and expected.
Obviously YOU have never gone to his site and CHECKED his "FACTS." Anyone who actually does check quickly learns he's full of it. He knows his audience will never check his links, but will ASSUME if he posts a link it MUST confirm his lies. He knows CON$ are not intelligent enough to investigate on their own.

What CON$ will do is PROJECT their laziness and gullibility on anyone who does check. See the first quote in my sig.

Here is an example. After Howard Stern went to satellite radio, LimpBoy started to lie about satellite radio. He claimed that 1 in 10 subscriptions to satellite radio were in unsold cars and then gave a link to "back up" that lie knowing no CON$ervative would bother to check.

HIS OWN LINK showed that only Sirius radio counted SOME , but not all, unsold cars as subscribers, XM only counted people who took advantage of the free offer that came with a new car. And Sirius' total is itself LESS than 10% of their own total, so it certainly is less than 10% of the COMBINED total of Sirius and XM as LimpBoy lied.

See for yourself.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #7: 1 in 10 Satellite Radio Subs in Unsold Cars

RUSH: You know these satellite radio guys? I have no brief against them, don't misunderstand. I've explained why this program is not on satellite radio a number of times, not that it never will be, but in this current iteration, three-hour program Monday-Friday, it can't be because we would be cannibalizing the terrestrial radio stations that have made this program, so I've assured them of that. But they report their subscriber numbers. I think the combined total for satellite radio to both of those companies is around 13 million or eight million. I'm not sure. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the total number is, because one in ten satellite subscribers are in un-owned cars still sitting on the car lot. The way these people report it is the number of radios sold, or manufactured. Most of these satellite radios are in automobiles since they're manufactured, but one in ten of satellite subscribers live in car lots, either in cars that haven't been sold by anybody yet.

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count | Scott Moritz | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count
Page 2

Sirius CFO Dave Frear says he recognizes that the two companies have different policies when it comes to counting subscribers, but he downplays the significance.

Frear says Sirius' lot-counting practice doesn't apply to all cars with factory-installed radios. He adds that overall it represents less than 10% of total subscribers.

"There's a distinction without a difference," says Frear.

But an XM representative disagrees.

"It's important for people to understand that we have a different way of counting subscribers," says the XM rep. "We count people who have made an active effort to try the service, not by counting cars on the lots."

LimpBoy knows CON$ are too stupid to catch him lying no matter what he lies about, and he knows CON$ are too hateful to care if anyone exposes any of his lies.
I haven't defended Limbaugh. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. I am simply pointing out the irrational hatred and indefensible hate speech directed at him from people who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. I would do the same for you if anybody accuses you of something you didn't do or makes unfair and hateful assumptions about you that have no foundation in fact.

The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.
I used to listen to Talk Radio quite often, however during the past Republican primaries some in Talk Radio decided to use their voices in a futile attempt to bolster Mitt Romney by ATTACKING EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS.

What a stupid move! It is quite possible that that one episode (Talk Radio calling Christians bigots for not supporting Romney) is what cost the GOP the elections. Christians are the voting base of supporters for the Republican party. Christians give MORE of their time, money and heart-felt support than any other voting bloc of people, yet the pundits and talking heads of the airwaves attacked them. What a bunch of dopes!

I don't have a lot of respect for some of the so-called conservative voices any longer, many are simply talking heads for the Republican Party.

And before any of my conservative friends attack me, understand I AM CONSERVATIVE FIRST! I don't blindly support the Republican party, although we used to be very involved in the GOP!!

The Republican Party don't have a clue of the "belief system factor".:eusa_whistle:
The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

think so? Enlighten us, cum catcher. what does "project" mean to you?
The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

Okay, let me sum it up like this, you have no idea what the fuck your talking about. Does this clarify it for you, wry? dumbshit
Last edited:
The fact is Limbaugh is a sophist, a hypocrite, arrogant and does lead a whole lot of ditto heads into believing in an ideology based primarily on selfishness. Another fact is he presents himself as an authority, pokes fun at Obama for using a teleprompter when Limbaugh reads his entire show. A fact is he uses innuendo to assassinate the character of everyone who expresses an opinion different then his own; he attacks all Democrats as if they all hold the same opinion and have the same values; and equates who question 'conservatives' as leftist, communists, and socialists - words which have become perjoratives to many Americans, and convey to the dumber one systems of totaltarianism, not of economic theory which in fact they are.
I don't hate Limbaugh, fact is I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for many of the right wing posters on this and other message boards. I can't imagine going through life believing in fairy tales, as so many of them do.

You must listen to Rush a lot more than myself to be able to project as you do, wry.

You have no idea what "project" means, do you? I suspect you learned the word from dude, who too didn't understand the proper meaning/useage.

PS you might actually look it up in the dictionary, wry. dumbshit

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