Why I Oppose Liberalism

"Why I Oppose Liberalism"

Conservatism should be opposed because of its adherents' reliance on straw man fallacies, misinformation, and lies – as exhibited by the OP.

Appeal to Authority is your favorite logical fallacy, Clayton.
projection at its finest...

WWJD? Well, he wouldn't advocate hatred and then yell, "no, you are!!!" like this effeminate troll.


OK, I'll Byte, who is that in the pix?
Liberalism is a Psychology

Many conservatives are absolutely perplexed by the question of what motivates liberals to take the patently wrong political positions they do. It’s difficult to explain it without believing such obviously wrong ideas like “liberals are just stupid”, or “they want to destroy our country”, but sometimes we resort to those explanations out of pure frustration.

But what is the explanation? Why do seemingly good, intelligent people take positions that cause so much harm in the face of all the facts? I’ve finally stumbled upon the answer, and it’s so stunningly simple, yet profound in its implications, that it’s absolutely mind-boggling. Liberalism isn’t a political ideology; it’s a psychology - the psychology of self-satisfaction to be precise.

A liberal (or a leftist; I use the terms interchangeably), is a person who only cares about politics to the extent that doing so makes him or her feel good, or avoid feeling bad, due both to external and internal factors. Their motivations can include things like a desire to feel intelligent, moral, noble, or unique, as well as a desire for peer acceptance or reverence, and aversion to being ostracized, among many other things.

There was a bird we used to liken them to. That bird was called a LOON.

Don't forget Dodo.

Looks just like Joe Biden, Vice Idiot to Barry Obama and poster boy for Mad Magazine.
Liberalism is a Psychology

Many conservatives are absolutely perplexed by the question of what motivates liberals to take the patently wrong political positions they do. It’s difficult to explain it without believing such obviously wrong ideas like “liberals are just stupid”, or “they want to destroy our country”, but sometimes we resort to those explanations out of pure frustration.

But what is the explanation? Why do seemingly good, intelligent people take positions that cause so much harm in the face of all the facts? I’ve finally stumbled upon the answer, and it’s so stunningly simple, yet profound in its implications, that it’s absolutely mind-boggling. Liberalism isn’t a political ideology; it’s a psychology - the psychology of self-satisfaction to be precise.

A liberal (or a leftist; I use the terms interchangeably), is a person who only cares about politics to the extent that doing so makes him or her feel good, or avoid feeling bad, due both to external and internal factors. Their motivations can include things like a desire to feel intelligent, moral, noble, or unique, as well as a desire for peer acceptance or reverence, and aversion to being ostracized, among many other things.

The Liberals I've known are disconnected from reality. They live in a dream state and seem mesmerized by every syllable they hear thumping from their favorite Liberal news channel. They mimic everything they hear like a moron on barbiturates under deep hypnosis. Their bleary eyes reflect deep space and produce an eery sound not unlike whistling wind. Attempting meaningful conversation is similar to what you might expect if you struck up a conversation with a mud fence.
I found this interesting:
Why I Oppose Liberalism - John Hawkins - Page 1

Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks. Like a tick, liberalism latches onto a victim and sucks him dry. Of course, a single tick can’t gorge itself on so much blood that it does to a dog what liberalism did to Detroit. It doesn’t turn the different parts of the dog against each other. The tick doesn’t tell everyone he’s a victim and that the dog is greedy if he tries to scratch it off.

You can’t be both a good Christian and a good liberal because they’re incompatible and liberalism makes no exceptions for religious beliefs. It demands to be placed first in a person’s life, even above God; a liberal who stands up for his Christian beliefs or who merely asks that Christians not be demeaned will be ostracized for it by other liberals. Churches that adopt liberal beliefs inevitably become such pale imitations of the truth that missionaries should be sent in to convert them to Christianity.

Liberalism is an ideology of tribalism and hatred. It works incessantly to undermine anything that truly brings America together -- like Christianity, the culture and love of country -- so it can try to rebind people together as liberal drones. Relatively minor differences of opinion between liberals and those who disagree with them are habitually elevated to encourage hated.

For example, there’s no logical, rational reason that…

…If you oppose illegal immigration, you must hate Hispanics.

….If you oppose Affirmative Action, you must hate blacks.

….If you oppose free birth control, you must hate women.

….If you’re concerned about radical Islam, you must hate all Muslims.

….If you oppose gay marriage, you must hate gays.

Yet, liberalism promotes those lies incessantly to keep people at each other’s throats. Liberals have to convince their supporters that they’re hated for who they are to keep them from asking uncomfortable questions about why liberalism fails and conservatism works. As long as you’re brainwashed into believing that you’re universally hated by everyone except liberals for something you can’t control, you have nowhere else to turn.

LOL. Pattycake, you are one of the most ignorant posters on this board. But, it really doesn't matter. You see, people like you have less and less influence as the populace gains more knowledge about realities.
I found this interesting:
Why I Oppose Liberalism - John Hawkins - Page 1

Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks. Like a tick, liberalism latches onto a victim and sucks him dry. Of course, a single tick can’t gorge itself on so much blood that it does to a dog what liberalism did to Detroit. It doesn’t turn the different parts of the dog against each other. The tick doesn’t tell everyone he’s a victim and that the dog is greedy if he tries to scratch it off.

You can’t be both a good Christian and a good liberal because they’re incompatible and liberalism makes no exceptions for religious beliefs. It demands to be placed first in a person’s life, even above God; a liberal who stands up for his Christian beliefs or who merely asks that Christians not be demeaned will be ostracized for it by other liberals. Churches that adopt liberal beliefs inevitably become such pale imitations of the truth that missionaries should be sent in to convert them to Christianity.

Liberalism is an ideology of tribalism and hatred. It works incessantly to undermine anything that truly brings America together -- like Christianity, the culture and love of country -- so it can try to rebind people together as liberal drones. Relatively minor differences of opinion between liberals and those who disagree with them are habitually elevated to encourage hated.

For example, there’s no logical, rational reason that…

…If you oppose illegal immigration, you must hate Hispanics.

….If you oppose Affirmative Action, you must hate blacks.

….If you oppose free birth control, you must hate women.

….If you’re concerned about radical Islam, you must hate all Muslims.

….If you oppose gay marriage, you must hate gays.

Yet, liberalism promotes those lies incessantly to keep people at each other’s throats. Liberals have to convince their supporters that they’re hated for who they are to keep them from asking uncomfortable questions about why liberalism fails and conservatism works. As long as you’re brainwashed into believing that you’re universally hated by everyone except liberals for something you can’t control, you have nowhere else to turn.

LOL. Pattycake, you are one of the most ignorant posters on this board. But, it really doesn't matter. You see, people like you have less and less influence as the populace gains more knowledge about realities.

You continually fail to prove it, Rocks in the Head. In fact, what you usually do is demonstrate your own ignorance.

People like me are having a great influence in the populace. Libertarian ideas are spreading like wildfire. The internet has allowed a huge number of people to be exposed to them for the first time, and they find these ideas difficult to reject.
"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal Principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections. Justice Robert H. Jackson, West Virginia Board of Education vs. Barnette, 1943"

Unfortunately the greedy bastards who desire to circumvent the CONSTITUTION figured out how to negate freedom of the press by simply buying up the press and therefore silencing any meaningful reporting.
A written Bill of Rights was a conservative idea, acceded to by the more centrist Federalists. Though our framing document was a leftward shift from our revolutionary document, it was not an abandonment of our revolutionary principles, and in fact, even served to defend them. Our revolutionary principles, derived from John Locke and Enlightenment rationalism, the ancients, and the Puritans are still the principles that conservatives defend.

Liberalism absolutely is counter to Americanism, which is why I despise it.
Liberalism is not the problem it is the far left extremists that has hijacked it. Much like the extremist Muslims that have Hijacked Islam.

If people would wake up and push the far left back into the extreme sections where it belongs, the rest will work itself out.
I found this interesting:
Why I Oppose Liberalism - John Hawkins - Page 1

Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks. Like a tick, liberalism latches onto a victim and sucks him dry. Of course, a single tick can’t gorge itself on so much blood that it does to a dog what liberalism did to Detroit. It doesn’t turn the different parts of the dog against each other. The tick doesn’t tell everyone he’s a victim and that the dog is greedy if he tries to scratch it off.

You can’t be both a good Christian and a good liberal because they’re incompatible and liberalism makes no exceptions for religious beliefs. It demands to be placed first in a person’s life, even above God; a liberal who stands up for his Christian beliefs or who merely asks that Christians not be demeaned will be ostracized for it by other liberals. Churches that adopt liberal beliefs inevitably become such pale imitations of the truth that missionaries should be sent in to convert them to Christianity.

Liberalism is an ideology of tribalism and hatred. It works incessantly to undermine anything that truly brings America together -- like Christianity, the culture and love of country -- so it can try to rebind people together as liberal drones. Relatively minor differences of opinion between liberals and those who disagree with them are habitually elevated to encourage hated.

For example, there’s no logical, rational reason that…

…If you oppose illegal immigration, you must hate Hispanics.

….If you oppose Affirmative Action, you must hate blacks.

….If you oppose free birth control, you must hate women.

….If you’re concerned about radical Islam, you must hate all Muslims.

….If you oppose gay marriage, you must hate gays.

Yet, liberalism promotes those lies incessantly to keep people at each other’s throats. Liberals have to convince their supporters that they’re hated for who they are to keep them from asking uncomfortable questions about why liberalism fails and conservatism works. As long as you’re brainwashed into believing that you’re universally hated by everyone except liberals for something you can’t control, you have nowhere else to turn.

LOL. Pattycake, you are one of the most ignorant posters on this board. But, it really doesn't matter. You see, people like you have less and less influence as the populace gains more knowledge about realities.

Yeah ... as pot and heroin use is on the rise. Got it.
I just don't understand why you cons let so much emotion cloud your judgement of what liberalism actually stands for. Your thinking is so black and white and full of hyperbole that you delude yourselves into thinking it is something it isn't.

Tell me, where are the facts in this rant of his? Where is his statistical evidence? He speaks only in absolutes. Don't you think that's a problem?
I just don't understand why you cons let so much emotion cloud your judgement of what liberalism actually stands for. Your thinking is so black and white and full of hyperbole that you delude yourselves into thinking it is something it isn't.

Tell me, where are the facts in this rant of his? Where is his statistical evidence? He speaks only in absolutes. Don't you think that's a problem?

Liberalism simply stands for "change" when "change" isn't always a good idea. It's change for the sake of change rather than change for the sake of betterment of society. The very best form of government is our Constitutional Republic. Socialism/Marxism/Liberalism fails wherever it rears its ugly head.

There's on old saying: "if it works ... don't fix it." Conservatives believe in keeping those ideals and practices that have proven to work time and again. Liberalism aims to put an end to common sense and working models.
I just don't understand why you cons let so much emotion cloud your judgement of what liberalism actually stands for. Your thinking is so black and white and full of hyperbole that you delude yourselves into thinking it is something it isn't.

Tell me, where are the facts in this rant of his? Where is his statistical evidence? He speaks only in absolutes. Don't you think that's a problem?

Liberalism simply stands for "change" when "change" isn't always a good idea. It's change for the sake of change rather than change for the sake of betterment of society. The very best form of government is our Constitutional Republic. Socialism/Marxism/Liberalism fails wherever it rears its ugly head.

There's on old saying: "if it works ... don't fix it." Conservatives believe in keeping those ideals and practices that have proven to work time and again. Liberalism aims to put an end to common sense and working models.
See you say liberalism fails everywhere policies are implemented but the actual facts say otherwise.
I just don't understand why you cons let so much emotion cloud your judgement of what liberalism actually stands for. Your thinking is so black and white and full of hyperbole that you delude yourselves into thinking it is something it isn't.

Tell me, where are the facts in this rant of his? Where is his statistical evidence? He speaks only in absolutes. Don't you think that's a problem?

Liberalism simply stands for "change" when "change" isn't always a good idea. It's change for the sake of change rather than change for the sake of betterment of society. The very best form of government is our Constitutional Republic. Socialism/Marxism/Liberalism fails wherever it rears its ugly head.

There's on old saying: "if it works ... don't fix it." Conservatives believe in keeping those ideals and practices that have proven to work time and again. Liberalism aims to put an end to common sense and working models.
See you say liberalism fails everywhere policies are implemented but the actual facts say otherwise.

USSR? Cuba? North Korea? etc.
I just don't understand why you cons let so much emotion cloud your judgement of what liberalism actually stands for. Your thinking is so black and white and full of hyperbole that you delude yourselves into thinking it is something it isn't.

Tell me, where are the facts in this rant of his? Where is his statistical evidence? He speaks only in absolutes. Don't you think that's a problem?

Liberalism simply stands for "change" when "change" isn't always a good idea. It's change for the sake of change rather than change for the sake of betterment of society. The very best form of government is our Constitutional Republic. Socialism/Marxism/Liberalism fails wherever it rears its ugly head.

There's on old saying: "if it works ... don't fix it." Conservatives believe in keeping those ideals and practices that have proven to work time and again. Liberalism aims to put an end to common sense and working models.
See you say liberalism fails everywhere policies are implemented but the actual facts say otherwise.

USSR? Cuba? North Korea? etc.
Yet another demonstration that you cons lack a basic understanding of the definitions of words. To suggest liberalism is the same as communism and socialism is complete ignorance.

Trust me, if I favored socialism/communism, i would tell you.
I found this interesting:
Why I Oppose Liberalism - John Hawkins - Page 1

Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks. Like a tick, liberalism latches onto a victim and sucks him dry. Of course, a single tick can’t gorge itself on so much blood that it does to a dog what liberalism did to Detroit. It doesn’t turn the different parts of the dog against each other. The tick doesn’t tell everyone he’s a victim and that the dog is greedy if he tries to scratch it off.

You can’t be both a good Christian and a good liberal because they’re incompatible and liberalism makes no exceptions for religious beliefs. It demands to be placed first in a person’s life, even above God; a liberal who stands up for his Christian beliefs or who merely asks that Christians not be demeaned will be ostracized for it by other liberals. Churches that adopt liberal beliefs inevitably become such pale imitations of the truth that missionaries should be sent in to convert them to Christianity.

Liberalism is an ideology of tribalism and hatred. It works incessantly to undermine anything that truly brings America together -- like Christianity, the culture and love of country -- so it can try to rebind people together as liberal drones. Relatively minor differences of opinion between liberals and those who disagree with them are habitually elevated to encourage hated.

For example, there’s no logical, rational reason that…

…If you oppose illegal immigration, you must hate Hispanics.

….If you oppose Affirmative Action, you must hate blacks.

….If you oppose free birth control, you must hate women.

….If you’re concerned about radical Islam, you must hate all Muslims.

….If you oppose gay marriage, you must hate gays.

Yet, liberalism promotes those lies incessantly to keep people at each other’s throats. Liberals have to convince their supporters that they’re hated for who they are to keep them from asking uncomfortable questions about why liberalism fails and conservatism works. As long as you’re brainwashed into believing that you’re universally hated by everyone except liberals for something you can’t control, you have nowhere else to turn.

7 basic tenets of Liberalism:
APGovernmentCHS - History and Basic Tenets of Liberalism

1. Individual Autonomy:

* This tenet is about how the basis of society is the individual and how humans are usually motivated by self interest.

2. Individual Rights:

* The second tenet states that all individuals must be equal and have the same rights as all other individuals including the right to protection of rights, use of reason, respect of others choices and decisions, and political equality. Some examples of key rights are freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and the right to property.

[Not exactly compatible with Christianity, Judaism, or Islam which is fine with slaves so not everyone's equal to say nothing of it's your ass if you don't worship their deity.]

3. Religious Tolerance:

* Religious tolerance creates a separation of church and state. People must respect each others faith and religious values and allow them to worship as they please.

[Can see why this one's bad if a conservative Christian heh]

4.Popular sovereignty and consent:

* This tenet states that the government should get its power from the people of whom it governs. Its also states that the power should rest in the hands of the people and not an elite type figure.

5. Limited and representative government:

* The fifth tenet is about how the government should have clearly defined powers and its role in society should also be made clear. The governments purpose is to protect an individuals rights to life, liberty, and the pursue of happiness. The government also represents the peoples interests which implies a representative government, the rule of law majority rule, and a constitutional government.

6. Private property:

* The sixth tenet states that society should put less restrictions on the accumulation of private property and instead encouraged it. Liberalism defends capitalism and implies free economic market economy, competition, and [[#|equal opportunity]] for all.

7. Universalism and Progress:

* The last tenet of liberalism is about how all people are, in the end, the same, meaning that the only things that separate them are things like their culture, religion, and nationality. These parts of society are what make one person more advanced of powerful then the other.

[USA no. 1...er wait]

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