Why I Support Ron Paul...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
This is a nice article on supporting Ron Paul. It's by Charlie Siggins (A Real Small-Business Owner).

With the New Hampshire primary just weeks away, the GOP candidates are pulling out all the stops. And yet, for all of their efforts to undercut each other and President Obama, the solutions of all but one candidate are woefully inadequate. That’s why I’m voting for Representative Ron Paul for president.

As every American knows, this country has serious problems. We’re $15 trillion in debt and show few signs of being able to balance our budget. The official unemployment rate is slightly under 9%, but it’s clear that the real unemployment rate is somewhere in the double digits. Over one million abortions take place each year. Our education system is allowing our young people to fall behind their international peers in the classroom. Overseas, we are throwing our military at every problem, regardless of the human and financial costs.

And yet most of the Republican candidates are offering platitudes as solutions to these problems.

President Obama is even worse. Overwhelmed by the challenges he’s facing and unable to overcome them with inspirational rhetoric, he’s desperately seeking re-election. This man wants to force everyone to buy health insurance. He wants to help overthrow nations and install governments that may soon be threatening us. He truly believes that government can and must be the solution to most of humanity’s problems, despite the mounting evidence of government’s failures.

It’s possible to solve our many problems. But the solutions won’t be bureaucratic. Removing a few tax loopholes or eliminating a couple of EPA regulations won’t do the trick. We need the kind of change that President Obama so confidently promised but failed to deliver.

The only candidate proposing a serious overhaul of our federal system is Ron Paul. You might have heard of him, though probably not from the major media outlets. He’s the longtime congressman who has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He’s been warning of the dangers of being the “world’s policeman” since the 1980s and wants America to pursue a less interventionist foreign policy. He doesn’t just want to cut the deficit; he wants to cut the debt itself. He wants drugs to be legal. He wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve. He’s pro-life but wants to leave abortion policy to the states.

Read more: Ron Paul | Why I support Ron Paul | The Daily Caller
Another one joining the Ron Paul Revolution. All are welcome. :)
I'm tired of hearing "he wants drugs to be legal".

There's a huge difference between wanting the federal government out of the legislation of vices, and wanting them to be legal.

He would advocate that a state has the right to decide its own laws on drugs, and should a state decide they're illegal, so be it.
I have carefully listened to Ron Paul for a number of years. I have read all of his policy positions.

He is bat shit crazy and has been for years.
Another one joining the Ron Paul Revolution. All are welcome. :)

I think Ron Paul is bat shit crazy.

Nah,he's perfectly sane. Give him more of a chance.

How much of a chance? He's run for president as a republican, a libertarian, and a republican again. He has appeared in numerous debates and given endless speeches. Of all candidates, the public knows more about Ron Paul and what he stands for than any other candidate running.

The inescapable conclusion after knowing all of that is, he is bat shit crazy. What else can be done to give him a chance except stay perpetrually drunk or high?
Many things pertaining to spending, government size, etc... a conservative can love the guy....

In terms of foreign policy, etc... the guy is pretty much bat shit crazy

To me, the only way I cast a vote for the guy is if somehow he is Obama's opponent... in the primary, I may not know who I am voting for as of yet, but I do know it will not be for Paul
I think Ron Paul is bat shit crazy.

Nah,he's perfectly sane. Give him more of a chance.

How much of a chance? He's run for president as a republican, a libertarian, and a republican again. He has appeared in numerous debates and given endless speeches. Of all candidates, the public knows more about Ron Paul and what he stands for than any other candidate running.

The inescapable conclusion after knowing all of that is, he is bat shit crazy. What else can be done to give him a chance except stay perpetrually drunk or high?

Sorry,still gotta go with the good Doctor over this Neocon & Socialist/Progressive nightmare. He's the best we got at this point.
Ron Paul should drop out of the race. He wouldn't get the GOP nod in a million years cause he's crazier than a shit house rat.
It's a good idea to read what this guy said and then give your opinions on Ron Paul. Check it out.
Nah,he's perfectly sane. Give him more of a chance.

How much of a chance? He's run for president as a republican, a libertarian, and a republican again. He has appeared in numerous debates and given endless speeches. Of all candidates, the public knows more about Ron Paul and what he stands for than any other candidate running.

The inescapable conclusion after knowing all of that is, he is bat shit crazy. What else can be done to give him a chance except stay perpetrually drunk or high?

Sorry,still gotta go with the good Doctor over this Neocon & Socialist/Progressive nightmare. He's the best we got at this point.

If he's the best we have to offer we need to take a long time out. Sheesh.
It's a good idea to read what this guy said and then give your opinions on Ron Paul. Check it out.

I have read plenty on Paul... I will stick with my stance

Seriously,read the OP and see what the guy said. He's an average Amercian small-business owner. Check it out. Gotta go. Take care.

I have read and researched plenty on Paul... both for the current election and because of him being involved in previous elections... I will stick with my stance, no matter what some poster, blogger, supporter, or blogger says...
I have read plenty on Paul... I will stick with my stance

Seriously,read the OP and see what the guy said. He's an average Amercian small-business owner. Check it out. Gotta go. Take care.

I have read and researched plenty on Paul... both for the current election and because of him being involved in previous elections... I will stick with my stance, no matter what some poster, blogger, supporter, or blogger says...

Fair enough. That's all we can ask. I doubt the libertarian view, or Paul's version of it, will ever to appeal to everyone.

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