Why I Trust NASA on Man-made Climate Change

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
They sent men to the Moon and back -- plus.

It was risky. Scientific consensus gave NASA and the Astronauts confidence it could and would be pulled off.

The ones who choose to disbelieve NASA? They're still stuck in the past.

Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon​



Dec 23, 2019

Christmas Eve, 1968. As one of the most turbulent, tragic years in American history drew to a close, millions around the world were watching and listening as the Apollo 8 astronauts—Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders – became the first humans to orbit another world.
As their command module floated above the lunar surface, the astronauts beamed back images of the moon and Earth and took turns reading from the book of Genesis, closing with a wish for everyone “on the good Earth.”

Apollo 8  lumar orbital plan 1.jpg

Apollo 8  lumar orbital plan 2.jpg

Look at this too: NASA's First Samples Land On Earth After Release From Spacecraft.
The Saturn 5 -- It had never lifted a human being off of the Earth. It Launched a crew to the Moon.

What Is the History of the Saturn V?

The Saturn V was developed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. It was one of three types of Saturn rockets NASA built. Two smaller rockets, the Saturn I (1) and IB (1b), were used to launch humans into Earth orbit. The Saturn V sent them beyond Earth orbit to the moon. The first Saturn V was launched in 1967. It was called Apollo 4. Apollo 6 followed in 1968. Both of these rockets were launched without crews. These launches tested the Saturn V rocket.

The first Saturn V launched with a crew was Apollo 8. On this mission, astronauts orbited the moon but did not land. On Apollo 9, the crew tested the Apollo moon lander by flying it in Earth orbit without landing. On Apollo 10, the Saturn V launched the lunar lander to the moon. The crew tested the lander in space but did not land it on the moon. In 1969, Apollo 11 was the first mission to land astronauts on the moon. Saturn V rockets also made it possible for astronauts to land on the moon on Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. On Apollo 13, the Saturn V lifted the crew into space, but a problem prevented them from being able to land on the moon. That problem was not with the Saturn V, but with the Apollo spacecraft. The last Saturn V was launched in 1973, without a crew. It was used to launch the Skylab space station into Earth orbit.
They sent men to the Moon and back -- plus.

It was risky. Scientific consensus gave NASA and the Astronauts confidence it could and would be pulled off.

The ones who choose to disbelieve NASA? They're still stuck in the past.

Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon​



Dec 23, 2019

Christmas Eve, 1968. As one of the most turbulent, tragic years in American history drew to a close, millions around the world were watching and listening as the Apollo 8 astronauts—Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders – became the first humans to orbit another world.
As their command module floated above the lunar surface, the astronauts beamed back images of the moon and Earth and took turns reading from the book of Genesis, closing with a wish for everyone “on the good Earth.”

View attachment 878552

View attachment 878553

Look at this too: NASA's First Samples Land On Earth After Release From Spacecraft.
You are so naive, its adorable.
not sure what you're trying to get at
You posted a thread, saying you "trusted NASA," based upon the fact that they have sent people to the moon, and returned them successfully.

. . . and yet?

NASA has oodles and oodles of information and data, linked to its research, both from the moon mission, and many, MANY other missions near-Earth space missions and deep space missions, which they keep classified.

A lot of the public can't imagine why, nor can they imagine why NASA has been caught doctoring photos of their missions, and temperature data. .. . and yet? This is just a fact, they have been doing this, and they do admit to it. It is admitted, there are all sorts of articles about it, and they give long winded "scientific justifications," for it, and they make sound like a reasonable thing to do, but all of this is well known.

The same is true about the data. They reduce the historical temperature data, and they increase the current temperature data sets. This easily gives them the disaster scenarios they desire.

Is this to say nothing NASA is telling us is true? Of course not. Is this to say there is no GW, or that there is not some contribution of mankind, again, of course not.

But only a fool trusts a government agency that depends on tax-payer funding, to show something which will get it more tax-payer funding if it shows that very thing it gets rewarded with more funding if it can prove.

You ain't none too bright if you haven't figure that one out, IMO.

We can move the thread to the climate change forum. . . and have that debate, about the temperatures and their accuracy, but, there is a government, and global government agenda, tightly intertwined with the global investment class on this agenda. And that here are already lots of threads on that if you looked, that is sort of off the topic and the financial and power motivations for NASA to manipulate and keep classified its information from the public its knowledge of data, is the topic.

If you want to trust the international propaganda on this narrative? Fine, you can. . but, as I already noted? You are colossally naive if you believe their propaganda, even when NASA comes right out and ADMITS, that they manipulate images and data. And anyone that wants the truth? Too bad, its classified. Though the fact check sites will call this FALSE, they will go on to say, yeah, its true BUT. . . :rolleyes:

They manipulate data, and they classify shit, all the time. They don't tell us why they do this kind of garbage, but they do.

Everyone knows, that you trust everything the government does, and all of the actions of the global corporations, and that you don't question mass media, ever.

You love to slurp up mass media, like it is one of your favorite drugs. I get that.


Conspiracy Debunked: NASA Photoshops Images for Good Reason​

Why and how NASA and NOAA manipulate climate data​

Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?​

That adjustments are made to records of climate is neither a scoop, nor a secret, nor a controversy.

You posted a thread, saying you "trusted NASA," based upon the fact that they have sent people to the moon, and returned them successfully.

. . . and yet?

NASA has oodles and oodles of information and data, linked to its research, both from the moon mission, and many, MANY other missions near-Earth space missions and deep space missions, which they keep classified.
They do? And you know this how, if it's deeply classified? This 'oodles and oodles of information and data' needs to be declassified, why?
Who exactly classifies it? You have any names? What are the classifications?
They sent men to the Moon and back -- plus.

It was risky. Scientific consensus gave NASA and the Astronauts confidence it could and would be pulled off.

The ones who choose to disbelieve NASA? They're still stuck in the past.

Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon​



Dec 23, 2019

Christmas Eve, 1968. As one of the most turbulent, tragic years in American history drew to a close, millions around the world were watching and listening as the Apollo 8 astronauts—Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders – became the first humans to orbit another world.
As their command module floated above the lunar surface, the astronauts beamed back images of the moon and Earth and took turns reading from the book of Genesis, closing with a wish for everyone “on the good Earth.”

View attachment 878552

View attachment 878553

Look at this too: NASA's First Samples Land On Earth After Release From Spacecraft.

I believe in climate change.

I am sure we are influencing it.

Do we need to panic ?

Not at all.
They do? And you know this how, if it's deeply classified? This 'oodles and oodles of information and data' needs to be declassified, why?
Who exactly classifies it? You have any names? What are the classifications?
A successful clown knows when to leave the stage having got some laughs .
Ready for another day .

We know that you are ultra gullible, so don't ruin future times when you might entertain us again .

BTW Love the yarn about going to the moon .
Never ram Fake News too hard . You risk the Sheeple picking up on the smell .
They sent men to the Moon and back -- plus.

It was risky. Scientific consensus gave NASA and the Astronauts confidence it could and would be pulled off.

The ones who choose to disbelieve NASA? They're still stuck in the past.

Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon​



Dec 23, 2019

Christmas Eve, 1968. As one of the most turbulent, tragic years in American history drew to a close, millions around the world were watching and listening as the Apollo 8 astronauts—Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders – became the first humans to orbit another world.
As their command module floated above the lunar surface, the astronauts beamed back images of the moon and Earth and took turns reading from the book of Genesis, closing with a wish for everyone “on the good Earth.”

The role of the scientist is not to trust, but to question.

Trust is the science killer.

Most of all don't trust the government. The government is full of two bit con artists with an agenda.
Those pushing the man made climate hysteria are the very ones consuming and wasting the most resources.

Why rubes listen to these self serving hypocritical asshats defys explanation.

It really comes down to, there are only so many pieces of the pie, and you lowlifes ain't invited to the table.
Climate Scientists are the very ones consuming and wasting the most resources?


*Face palm post.
Did I specify the climate scientists?
No, those were your words to misrepresent my post.

So, for the simpleton...
The Al Gores and John Kerry's of the world who tout the man made theory are the wasteful hypocrites.

Although most working at NASA also live a more extravagant lifestyle than blue collar workers who may own a pickup truck and are told to reduce their carbon footprint.

Regardless, the Earth has been far warmer and colder.
Things change and always have. Humans directly benefitted from the huge warming that caused the glaciers to retreat. My house currently sits where a mile of ice once stood and carved the thousands of lakes here, including the Great Lakes.

There is no fucking Climate Calamity.

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