Why I'll Never Live in a Blue State Shithole

I don't like that they lie about these people either. I wish these people would grow up, learn to respect themselves and mean it when they say they value their lives.

The democratic party is going to kill itself if it keeps attempting to cover for bad people as it did these past few years. Only leading to us losing the house. Now we have to see our safetynet cut to shit because of this idiocy.
Speaking of Blue Shitholes......Now they want you to pay taxes to the Blue shithole state in perpetuity if you leave.

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state​

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state

Ok, the response to the Lefts insanity MUST be this.........

The Legislature of ALL affected states must pass their own laws that require that any tax levied against a business entity or individual based in their state, by any other state, must first pay an amount equal to the levied foreign tax plus 10% for administrative costs. And further that any such payments MUST be collected first by the state in which the taxed entity currently resides or does business but that the state reserves the Sole Right to delay collection of said tax until AFTER the foreign states makes payment in full to the states Revenue depart for the amount of the tax PLUS the 10% administrative processing fee.

The taxed individual or entity will receive the total proceeds of the payment, less the 10% administrative fee. The tax can then and only then be released to California or NewYory (I mean the offending taxing state)

Or something similar.
We're going to have to fight fire with fire....insanity with insanity.

Every Free State Must create a No-Visit List consisting of all State, County or Local officials of other states who took an oath of public office then flagrantly violated the US Constitution.We are going to have to start making these Fascists Leftist accountable one way or the other.
I would even be all for property and asset forfeiture automatic in such anti-Constitution situations.
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Speaking of Blue Shitholes......Now they want you to pay taxes to the Blue shithole state in perpetuity if you leave.

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state​

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state

Ok, the response to the Lefts insanity MUST be this.........

The Legislature of ALL affected states must pass their own laws that require that any tax levied against a business entity or individual based in their state, by any other state, must first pay an amount equal to the levied foreign tax plus 10% for administrative costs. And further that any such payments MUST be collected first by the state in which the taxed entity currently resides or does business but that the state reserves the Sole Right to delay collection of said tax until AFTER the foreign states makes payment in full to the states Revenue depart for the amount of the tax PLUS the 10% administrative processing fee.

The taxed individual or entity will receive the total proceeds of the payment, less the 10% administrative fee. The tax can then and only then be released to California or NewYory (I mean the offending taxing state)

Or something similar.
We're going to have to fight fire with fire....insanity with insanity.

Every Free State Must create a No-Visit List consisting of all State, County or Local officials of other states who took an oath of public office then flagrantly violated the US Constitution.We are going to have to start making these Fascists Leftist accountable one way or the other.
I would even be all for property and asset forfeiture automatic in such anti-Constitution situations.

including for people who moved out of state​

Come and get it.....losers!!!
Let me tell you, you better keep yourself 'mobile" then because your current "free state" can turn into one that's not so free with just one bad election where the dems hold total power.....It's going to take years to unfuck what the dems did here in Virginia with but two years of total control.
Let me tell you, you better keep yourself 'mobile" then because your current "free state" can turn into one that's not so free with just one bad election where the dems hold total power.....It's going to take years to unfuck what the dems did here in Virginia with but two years of total control.
Four years ago, DeSantis almost lost to a corrupted African American gay male who ran a city down while Mayor and was caught in a motel room with drugs and a gay prostitute. How can a nation survive this? Two people. One with values and the other valueless. And in many areas the valueless are winning.
Four years ago, DeSantis almost lost to a corrupted African American gay male who ran a city down while Mayor and was caught in a motel room with drugs and a gay prostitute. How can a nation survive this? Two people. One with values and the other valueless. And in many areas the valueless are winning.
The nation will carry on in spite of who wins. Our system of politics is corrupted by big money. When corporations win big we lose big.
Four years ago, DeSantis almost lost to a corrupted African American gay male who ran a city down while Mayor and was caught in a motel room with drugs and a gay prostitute. How can a nation survive this? Two people. One with values and the other valueless. And in many areas the valueless are winning.

I clearly remember this.
The Leftists would vote for Feces if told to do so by their masters.
Completely brainwashed into thinking any other choice is Satanic. What perpetual fools.
The nation will carry on in spite of who wins. Our system of politics is corrupted by big money. When corporations win big we lose big.

Rome fell.
So can any nation.

You cannot run a civilization in an uncivilized, corrupted, moral less manner and expect civility, law and order much less prosperity to continue.
Correction...it may carry on....but it will not be the nation worth living in any longer.
Thread summary:

FOX News is very effective at keeping the bedwetters hysterical.

That keeps them obedient, just as their masters want them.

Those who aren't weak-minded and easily terrified, we call those people "liberals".

including for people who moved out of state​

Come and get it.....losers!!!

Not quite that easy for many.
Many of the very wealthy may still have assets in the state and that may actually be the goal..to seize any remaining assets / investments they have the state.
But if the Supreme Court allows it, you could be on the hook and forced to pay one way or the other.

"Come and get it" makes you feel good to say, but they will if the SCOTUS supports it and you will pay.
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The nation will carry on in spite of who wins. Our system of politics is corrupted by big money. When corporations win big we lose big.
Blah, it has shit-all to do with "mah corperations" when you have leftist dems in total control....

They are there to do one thing and that is to promote and ultimately force their far-left ideology on folks that don't want to have anything to do with it.

Take my state....The dem's main thrust was to try to make it near impossible for the gop (or anyone else) to win a national or statewide election in Virginia again by instituting a 45 day early voting period because they are too fuckin' lazy to turn-out on election day.....Which is now a state holiday.....Lucky for us they overstepped and things kept coming to light so it did not work out as planned for them.

Now even more is coming to light like the the leftist-run NOtVA school administrations colluding to withhold national merit scholarship awards from white and Asian students and promoting grooming.

Hopefully we can take back the Virginia Senate from them this coming November and Timid Kane's US Senate seat in '24.
Speaking of Blue Shitholes......Now they want you to pay taxes to the Blue shithole state in perpetuity if you leave.

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state​

California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state

Ok, the response to the Lefts insanity MUST be this.........

The Legislature of ALL affected states must pass their own laws that require that any tax levied against a business entity or individual based in their state, by any other state, must first pay an amount equal to the levied foreign tax plus 10% for administrative costs. And further that any such payments MUST be collected first by the state in which the taxed entity currently resides or does business but that the state reserves the Sole Right to delay collection of said tax until AFTER the foreign states makes payment in full to the states Revenue depart for the amount of the tax PLUS the 10% administrative processing fee.

The taxed individual or entity will receive the total proceeds of the payment, less the 10% administrative fee. The tax can then and only then be released to California or NewYory (I mean the offending taxing state)

Or something similar.
We're going to have to fight fire with fire....insanity with insanity.

Every Free State Must create a No-Visit List consisting of all State, County or Local officials of other states who took an oath of public office then flagrantly violated the US Constitution.We are going to have to start making these Fascists Leftist accountable one way or the other.
I would even be all for property and asset forfeiture automatic in such anti-Constitution situations.
Back in the 1990s I was employed in Florida but had to go to California to work on an Engineering proposal. I spent three months in Irvine working out of the Fluor Daniel's office. My paycheck was distributed through my Florida employer.

One day I get a letter in the mail from California telling me that I owe then state income tax for the time I worked there. By the way, Florida doesn't have a state income tax.

I sent them back a nasty little note telling that they could take their state income tax and cram it where the sun don't shine. I was not going to pay it.

Never heard back from them. I'll probably be arrested if I ever show up in the state again.
New York City Police let the Negro thugs go that beat up the reporter. That just shows you how fucked up the city run by Democrats is.

If that happen in the county where I live here in Florida the Sheriff would have arrested the thugs and the Prosecutor would have charged them as adults. They would have spent some jail time.

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