*Why In SF They Shit On Streets?*

Hey, dont they make inexpensive chocolate treats with rabbit hairs and clean human poop? kinda like when McDonalds adds worms to their burgers?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well the shit has officially hit the fan!
  2. It used to be a common saying of the poor, "Hey sir can you spare a dime?"
  3. Now its "Hey sir do you have some toilet paper?"
  4. In either case we are seeing the poor beg for charity.
  5. But now the poor in San Francisco are using poop as a weapon, and most of the regular people, everyday working class are too stupid to know whats happening.
  6. Government people are turning a blind eye to it.
  7. They just hire crews to go clean the crap up, thats a piss poor solution, just hire folks to sanitize the sidewalks and wherever.
  8. There is ofcourse a fundamental breakdown here in society.
  9. Now listen to me, listen to these words I'm about to say, type whatever....
  10. "The shit has hit the fan, and the people in power are in the balance and have been found to be lacking."
  11. The total government has shit the bed, and no one can clean that mess up, its permanent.
  12. The people in power need to ALL resign, all the way to the Governor.
  13. That is the solution required at this point, no other way will this problem resolve itself.
  14. And it may take a Presidential firing to get this cleaned up timely.
  15. "Shits hit the fan!" listen to me!
If it's ruled by Democrats = Shit.............it will equal shit

that's it! :dunno:
That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

Uh huh.

Topic: San Francisco
You: Not talking about San Francisco

See the problem?

The Problem is Trump, and sheep like you. Do you wonder why shit on the street has become the most important issue of our time by people like you, at the same time that the Mueller Report was (sort of) released?

Hypocrites like you supported investigating the Clinton's, Obama's place of birth, religion and allegiance. Benghazi, Solyndra, Uranium One, etc. etc.; now when we know (and fools deny) that we were suffered a cyber attack by Russia, and trump simply shrugged it off with a comment that Putin a strong leader.

Thus you and others who demanded transparency when the Democrats where in power, no don't give a damn and worry about shit on the streets. The only shit we know for sure, is that what is between your ears.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.
When someone of your political persuasion says stuff like that, it's a great endorsement for the President.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

Uh huh.

Topic: San Francisco
You: Not talking about San Francisco

See the problem?

The Problem is Trump, and sheep like you. Do you wonder why shit on the street has become the most important issue of our time by people like you, at the same time that the Mueller Report was (sort of) released?

Hypocrites like you supported investigating the Clinton's, Obama's place of birth, religion and allegiance. Benghazi, Solyndra, Uranium One, etc. etc.; now when we know (and fools deny) that we were suffered a cyber attack by Russia, and trump simply shrugged it off with a comment that Putin a strong leader.

Thus you and others who demanded transparency when the Democrats where in power, no don't give a damn and worry about shit on the streets. The only shit we know for sure, is that what is between your ears.
Obama was the President when it happened and Obama is the one that did nothing. You're confused.
That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

When someone of your political persuasion says stuff like that, it's a great endorsement for the President.

That's your opinion, as is the case with most of them, they lack thought or substance.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

When someone of your political persuasion says stuff like that, it's a great endorsement for the President.

That's your opinion, as is the case with most of them, they lack thought or substance.
-------------------------------- yer such a deep thinker Wry . My thoughts are simple . There seems to be zhit and pizz all over the streets in 'san fran' and thats a good place for it Wry . [chuckle]
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

When someone of your political persuasion says stuff like that, it's a great endorsement for the President.

That's your opinion, as is the case with most of them, they lack thought or substance.
Oh, for sure. You're the one defending a political party that runs a city where people shit and piss everywhere except the toilet.
Why does the Trump Presidency have to do with the Pippin democrats trying to run a city like San Francisco into a third world literal shit hole?
Why does the Trump Presidency have to do with the Pippin democrats trying to run a city like San Francisco into a third world literal shit hole?
Democrats turned the great city of Minneapolis into little Somalia. They're sick.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

Uh huh.

Topic: San Francisco
You: Not talking about San Francisco

See the problem?

The Problem is Trump, and sheep like you. Do you wonder why shit on the street has become the most important issue of our time by people like you, at the same time that the Mueller Report was (sort of) released?

Hypocrites like you supported investigating the Clinton's, Obama's place of birth, religion and allegiance. Benghazi, Solyndra, Uranium One, etc. etc.; now when we know (and fools deny) that we were suffered a cyber attack by Russia, and trump simply shrugged it off with a comment that Putin a strong leader.

Thus you and others who demanded transparency when the Democrats where in power, no don't give a damn and worry about shit on the streets. The only shit we know for sure, is that what is between your ears.
I can't let this one ridiculously hyperbolic statement slide:

"...now when we know (and fools deny) that we were suffered a cyber attack by Russia..."

LOL! It was a phishing email to John Podesta...which he fell for, thanks to a typo in response to a question he asked about it.

Meanwhile, people still shit in the street in California, and you keep blaming everything but the liberal policies that allow it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well the shit has officially hit the fan!
  2. It used to be a common saying of the poor, "Hey sir can you spare a dime?"
  3. Now its "Hey sir do you have some toilet paper?"
  4. In either case we are seeing the poor beg for charity.
  5. But now the poor in San Francisco are using poop as a weapon, and most of the regular people, everyday working class are too stupid to know whats happening.
  6. Government people are turning a blind eye to it.
  7. They just hire crews to go clean the crap up, thats a piss poor solution, just hire folks to sanitize the sidewalks and wherever.
  8. There is ofcourse a fundamental breakdown here in society.
  9. Now listen to me, listen to these words I'm about to say, type whatever....
  10. "The shit has hit the fan, and the people in power are in the balance and have been found to be lacking."
  11. The total government has shit the bed, and no one can clean that mess up, its permanent.
  12. The people in power need to ALL resign, all the way to the Governor.
  13. That is the solution required at this point, no other way will this problem resolve itself.
  14. And it may take a Presidential firing to get this cleaned up timely.
  15. "Shits hit the fan!" listen to me!
I believe you have a plan !
Everyone in San Fran that does NOT shit in the street needs to piss in the street and it'll wash the shit away !
Sorry bout that,

  1. I have my idea as to why, wondering if anybody else gets it?
  2. It will only get worse.
  3. The city of SF has had to hire crews to go pick up the poop.
  4. Government officials have noted to need to clean up this crime of public defecation.
  5. In Texas you get a ticket for urinating in public, I'm sure the same goes for shitting.
  6. Why isn't the police arresting the law breakers is a good question.
  7. There are toilets in jails last I heard.
  8. People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco
  9. Read all about it, use your heads in what you think of it.
We need to upgrade our port cities. Public toilets could be installed in more public spaces.

We need to upgrade our port cities. Public toilets could be installed in more public spaces.

Illegals, Junkies and Homo turn them into encamptments as soon as the paint dries. Not to mention the vandalism. Anarchist destroy and tag every square inch the first night.
we don't seem to have that problem in public parks.
The reason is blunt and simple: the leftist, utterly manic, self-loathing-American traitors that run my birth-town-toilet are such pieces human shit themselves, they find a close, personal attachment to the shit of the tens of thousands of homeless junkies that utter failure of a city INVITED! Other people's shit reminds these leftists of their own physical essence!

Want to know the REAL reason why muslim terrorists will never attack San Fuckcisco? Because even they know that any destruction to that puerile city would be doing the rest of America a FAVOR!

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