*Why In SF They Shit On Streets?*

California is becoming feudal state. Just the "First estate" class and their handy dandy serfs. Driving out the middle class bourgeois, isn't that great? That's what liberalism is leading to. Poor people living in the streets. The ruling class "allows them" live on their streets. And the same ruling class gives sanctuary to illegal aliens. Those illegals take jobs away from the poor and middle class. But, let's be "humanitarian" and screw our own poor. It's their fault, those poor trash. It's their fault being mediocre and of low income. But the uber rich will condescend to let the poor camp on their streets, that's the least they can do. Isn't that NICE?
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There haven't been vagrancy laws since jogging became a thing in the 1960's. A few lawyers running through posh neighbourhoods with no money or ID in their pockets getting stopped by the cops and charged with vagrancy put an end to vagancy laws.

In Canada, the cops used to round up the homeless after Christmas, charge them with vagrancy, and the judges would give them 3 months in jail - until spring.

As for the refusal to sleep in the shelters provided, in most cases it wasn't just because they didn't like the rules. Theft and beatings at shelters are common. Things like shoes and warm clothing in winter. The weaker, more vulnerable are frequently targets of thieves.
They're safer in shelters than sleeping on the streets. I worked in a shelter for 3 years.
There haven't been vagrancy laws since jogging became a thing in the 1960's. A few lawyers running through posh neighbourhoods with no money or ID in their pockets getting stopped by the cops and charged with vagrancy put an end to vagancy laws.

In Canada, the cops used to round up the homeless after Christmas, charge them with vagrancy, and the judges would give them 3 months in jail - until spring.

As for the refusal to sleep in the shelters provided, in most cases it wasn't just because they didn't like the rules. Theft and beatings at shelters are common. Things like shoes and warm clothing in winter. The weaker, more vulnerable are frequently targets of thieves.
They're safer in shelters than sleeping on the streets. I worked in a shelter for 3 years.
Depends on the shelter and where it’s located. Many lack proper security.

I say Bezos and his wealthy buddies should pay for more shelters with good management and proper security. Its the right thing to do.
The only answer is a human roundup and re-location to rural tent cities Policed by CA National guard.

You will go and behave or you go to State Prison where they will teach you to behave. This is a health emergency for the Tax paying, working Americans.

Or reopen Alcatraz and let them roam around in their own shit or risk the sharks and rip tides trying to swim back to the mainland.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

You and you Castro boys can set up a portable restroom/shower. You can drive around and offer cleanups cleanouts shave? Go dump it, refill water when low. Provide towels, shampoo etc.

They actually tried that once.....
The only answer is a human roundup and re-location to rural tent cities Policed by CA National guard.

You will go and behave or you go to State Prison where they will teach you to behave. This is a health emergency for the Tax paying, working Americans.

Or reopen Alcatraz and let them roam around in their own shit or risk the sharks and rip tides trying to swim back to the mainland.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city
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California's always had it's homeless, drug addicts etc. Maybe the weather. At least you won't freeze to death in most parts of Cali. Wonder why the right wing spends so much time posting about this state though. Their own lives must really be empty and boring.

Are you a proponent of the current governmental workings in Mexifornia?
Use caution when answering; we will easily be able to profile you based on your answer. You might be better off pretending you didn’t see this question...that or come up with a clever deflection. We’re standing by, good luck.
Or reopen Alcatraz and let them roam around in their own shit or risk the sharks and rip tides trying to swim back to the mainland.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.
> homeless people shouldn't be given anything

> give homeless people shelters

Pick one.
Yes they are homeless. So, a civil society should offer them a place to stay. Allowing them to live on the streets, dedicating, and harassing people is entirely unjust, for the majority that is not homeless. Either they use shelters or they get institutionalized.
But you said you don't think they should be given anything.

Consistency is important.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I have my idea as to why, wondering if anybody else gets it?
  2. It will only get worse.
  3. The city of SF has had to hire crews to go pick up the poop.
  4. Government officials have noted to need to clean up this crime of public defecation.
  5. In Texas you get a ticket for urinating in public, I'm sure the same goes for shitting.
  6. Why isn't the police arresting the law breakers is a good question.
  7. There are toilets in jails last I heard.
  8. https://www.sfgate.com/technology/b...ng-more-than-ever-on-the-streets-13778680.php
  9. Read all about it, use your heads in what you think of it.

The truth of the matter is this, southerners leave their homes in the deep south and are not familiar with restrooms, and can't find a wooden shelter with a half moon on the door in SF or any other civilized city. Desperate to shit they look for the closest sidewalk to relieve themselves.

It's clear that they have not been raised with civil manners, or for that matter understand that the use of private, 19th century facilities.
Is this supposed to inspire Southerners to vote Democrat?

You need to realize you and people like you are why Trump won.

Trump won because biddable people believed his demagoguery and the promises of a charlatan.
Yes, that's what you've been told to believe. In reality, normal Americans are tired of leftist bullshit.
Or reopen Alcatraz and let them roam around in their own shit or risk the sharks and rip tides trying to swim back to the mainland.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.
There are plenty of homeless shelters. I worked in a homeless shelter for 3 years back in the 80s. The fact many will not use them because they don't want to live under rules. I've seen men choose to sleep outside in freezing weather and lose toes to frostbite rather than go inside because they can't take drugs, alcohol inside, and some for no other reason than not wanting to be forced to listen to a 10 minute sermon.

Yes, that's true. So what? As a leader I learned very early to send away "ain't it awful" people like you, who have no solution to the problem.
The funny part is...it's liberals who have caused CA's problems.

You know -- people like you.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.
> homeless people shouldn't be given anything

> give homeless people shelters

Pick one.
Yes they are homeless. So, a civil society should offer them a place to stay. Allowing them to live on the streets, dedicating, and harassing people is entirely unjust, for the majority that is not homeless. Either they use shelters or they get institutionalized.
But you said you don't think they should be given anything.

Consistency is important.
Why do you hate the homeless. Are you a Nazi?
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.

You're so full of shit, it is embarrassing. If you don't know your comment is foolish, you're are clearly dumb as a box of rusty hammers. Most likely, you are a dishonest piece of shit.
Or reopen Alcatraz and let them roam around in their own shit or risk the sharks and rip tides trying to swim back to the mainland.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.
Some people said the same of Obama. Somehow I don’t think you were one of them.
The transnational capitalist billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc could easily end homelessness in the whole country, and have billions left over. They don’t because they are fucking psychopaths.

That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.

"not in my backyard" is the problem. A sentiment which exists in every community across our land.

For the record, public buildings have restrooms open to the public, and libraries are the favorite resting place for many homeless men and women.

Of course most public buildings close at the end of the working day/week, and most private sector businesses reserve their restroom for customers only.

Rather than blame those who foul the sidewalks and criminalize them, building more public facilities, providing drug and alcohol counseling in shelters, and rewriting the Welfare and Institutions code to provide paid court appointed conservators to work with those detained under 5250 W&I; and to extend the time under this provision from two weeks to a minimum of 30 days, and up to one year based on reports submitted by the conservator to the court.

Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

24 months of Trump in power was sufficient to determine trump is inept, incompetent and incapable of managing the White House, let alone a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

Uh huh.

Topic: San Francisco
You: Not talking about San Francisco

See the problem?
That's naive at best, and complete ignorance. Many people can't function in society. You could give them $4000, a house, a car, and a job, and within a few months be right back on the street.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.
> homeless people shouldn't be given anything

> give homeless people shelters

Pick one.
Yes they are homeless. So, a civil society should offer them a place to stay. Allowing them to live on the streets, dedicating, and harassing people is entirely unjust, for the majority that is not homeless. Either they use shelters or they get institutionalized.
But you said you don't think they should be given anything.

Consistency is important.
Why do you hate the homeless. Are you a Nazi?
Could you at least make the effort to not be stupid?
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.

You're so full of shit, it is embarrassing. If you don't know your comment is foolish, you're are clearly dumb as a box of rusty hammers. Most likely, you are a dishonest piece of shit.
Good Gaea, will somebody kiss Fly Cather's ass in the manner to which he believes he's entitled?
Thousands of years of successful prior civilizations informs us that Progressives are simply incapable of managing a city

They mostly can't manage to identify a member of the opposite sex and fuck them in the proper hole...forget balancing a checkbook.
BS. Where did I suggest giving them anything? Think man. Think.

These people need a place to stay. They should not be roaming the streets and relieving themselves wherever they like. Set up homeless shelters is all that needs be done.
> homeless people shouldn't be given anything

> give homeless people shelters

Pick one.
Yes they are homeless. So, a civil society should offer them a place to stay. Allowing them to live on the streets, dedicating, and harassing people is entirely unjust, for the majority that is not homeless. Either they use shelters or they get institutionalized.
But you said you don't think they should be given anything.

Consistency is important.
Why do you hate the homeless. Are you a Nazi?
Could you at least make the effort to not be stupid?
No. I tend to act stupid when dealing with stupid people. Sorry.
> homeless people shouldn't be given anything

> give homeless people shelters

Pick one.
Yes they are homeless. So, a civil society should offer them a place to stay. Allowing them to live on the streets, dedicating, and harassing people is entirely unjust, for the majority that is not homeless. Either they use shelters or they get institutionalized.
But you said you don't think they should be given anything.

Consistency is important.
Why do you hate the homeless. Are you a Nazi?
Could you at least make the effort to not be stupid?
No. I tend to act stupid when dealing with stupid people. Sorry.
Dood. You said mutually-contradictory things.

It's not me being stupid here.

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