Why is abortion the way of the world?

Abortion isn't the way of the world.

It's the way of the liberty-minded world.

Muslim theocracies, third world hellholes and Trump states try to ban abortion. The commonality among them is a hatred of liberty.

So you are all for liberty, once the child somehow survives your murderous attemps.

Got it.
Yeah, and you're all for letting the baby die of hunger, exposure, or disease once you have forced the unwilling mother to bear it.
Abortion isn't the way of the world.

It's the way of the liberty-minded world.

Muslim theocracies, third world hellholes and Trump states try to ban abortion. The commonality among them is a hatred of liberty.

So you are all for liberty, once the child somehow survives your murderous attemps.

Got it.
Yeah, and you're all for letting the baby die of hunger, exposure, or disease once you have forced the unwilling mother to bear it.
I can’t help the fact that I am a male.

No you can't.

But you can "help" the fact that you are stupid and a misogynist

Again...it's not a woman's fault that SHE can get pregnant from the same act which will never get YOU pregnant
I can’t help the fact that I am a male.

No you can't.

But you can "help" the fact that you are stupid and a misogynist

Again...it's not a woman's fault that SHE can get pregnant from the same act which will never get YOU pregnant
Certainly not her fault she got pregnant - no siree. She is unable to control those base urges that you evil men inflict upon them.
Certainly not her fault she got pregnant - no siree. She is unable to control those base urges that you evil men inflict upon them.

And the guy who supplied the sperm?

He's just "doin what comes natural" huh?
Abortion isn't the way of the world.

It's the way of the liberty-minded world.

Muslim theocracies, third world hellholes and Trump states try to ban abortion. The commonality among them is a hatred of liberty.

So you are all for liberty, once the child somehow survives your murderous attemps.

Got it.
Yeah, and you're all for letting the baby die of hunger, exposure, or disease once you have forced the unwilling mother to bear it.

That's not a deflection, that's precisely the point. You don't want to pay to education these children, or to feed them. It's not rich women who are having abortions. 80% of women having abortions live at or below the poverty line. You're forcing women to have babies which will require extensive social assistance to raise.
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

A zygote is not a "complete organizism". It's only just begun to develop. It's not alive, has no heartbeat, and cannot survive outside its host. It's cells aren't multi-functional, and they aren't maintaining life processes.

Organism dictionary definition | organism defined
No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.
An egg isn't a chicken, an acorn isn't an oak tree, and a zygote isn't a human being no matter how hard you pound your head against the wall and demand that it be so.
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

A zygote is not a "complete organizism". It's only just begun to develop. It's not alive, has no heartbeat, and cannot survive outside its host. It's cells aren't multi-functional, and they aren't maintaining life processes.

Organism dictionary definition | organism defined

So Planned Parenthood is what? Wrong, when they say a zygote is an organism?

Why should I take your word over theirs?

Also, what about the dictionaries and other references that support Planned Parenthood's conclusion and not yours?
Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.
An egg isn't a chicken, an acorn isn't an oak tree, and a zygote isn't a human being no matter how hard you pound your head against the wall and demand that it be so.

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Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

A zygote is not a "complete organizism". It's only just begun to develop. It's not alive, has no heartbeat, and cannot survive outside its host. It's cells aren't multi-functional, and they aren't maintaining life processes.

Organism dictionary definition | organism defined

So Planned Parenthood is what? Wrong, when they say a zygote is an organism?

Why should I take your word over theirs?

Also, what about the dictionaries and other references that support Planned Parenthood's conclusion and not yours?

A zygote is an organism but it's not a "complete organism". It lacks the ability to sustain its own life, which a complete organism is capable of doing.

Do your own research. I did.
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

A zygote is not a "complete organizism". It's only just begun to develop. It's not alive, has no heartbeat, and cannot survive outside its host. It's cells aren't multi-functional, and they aren't maintaining life processes.

Organism dictionary definition | organism defined

So Planned Parenthood is what? Wrong, when they say a zygote is an organism?

Why should I take your word over theirs?

Also, what about the dictionaries and other references that support Planned Parenthood's conclusion and not yours?

A zygote is an organism but it's not a "complete organism". It lacks the ability to sustain its own life, which a complete organism is capable of doing.

Do your own research. I did.

In your research, you must not have explored ALL of the available definitions for what an organism is.
I know that’s a controversial statement, but it is clearly against the word of God to take another person’s life, especially an innocent baby’s life.
God said He knit us together in our mother's womb, and He also said thou shall not kill. • Psalm 139:13 & Exodus 20:13 •

It is as clear as day anyone who’s willing to read their Bible. I don’t believe it is possible to say you are a Christ follower and you believe in the Bible then turn around and say that it’s a “woman’s right” to take her child’s life at the same time. They are a complete contradiction to each other.
Then why did God kill pregnant women in the great flood?
Because they carried the offspring of fallen angels who had converted to human form to get some fine 'twang. Daughters of men, as they were called.
I know that’s a controversial statement, but it is clearly against the word of God to take another person’s life, especially an innocent baby’s life.
God said He knit us together in our mother's womb, and He also said thou shall not kill. • Psalm 139:13 & Exodus 20:13 •

It is as clear as day anyone who’s willing to read their Bible. I don’t believe it is possible to say you are a Christ follower and you believe in the Bible then turn around and say that it’s a “woman’s right” to take her child’s life at the same time. They are a complete contradiction to each other.
Then why did God kill pregnant women in the great flood?
Because they carried the offspring of fallen angels who had converted to human form to get some fine 'twang. Daughters of men, as they were called.
That is where giant humans came from.
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

A zygote is not a "complete organizism". It's only just begun to develop. It's not alive, has no heartbeat, and cannot survive outside its host. It's cells aren't multi-functional, and they aren't maintaining life processes.

Organism dictionary definition | organism defined

Yeah, it is alive. It is human life due to its distinct DNA from the human egg and sperm. I would suggest taking a course in cellular biology. This isn't difficult stuff. A sperm or egg is life but not human life until it goes through a process called meiosis.
I still believe the belief that a fertilized egg is somehow equivalent to a full grown adult is based mostly on a religious belief

That is easy enough to get past.

All you have to do is accept the fact that (at the very least biologically) all human beings are equally human beings, regardless of their age, sex, race, creed, maladys or stage of development.

Himan beings do not MORPH out of one organism that is NOT a human being and into an organism that IS a human being.
While everything you say is true you overlook the fact that we, and probably every society that ever existed, do not treat every human equally. Legal protections are different for humans in different stages of development. We don't allow minors to sign contracts or drive cars for example. We are forever homo sapiens but we do morph from zygote to embryo to fetus to baby to toddler to youth to adult to senior citizen and we recognize that there are fundamental differences between them.
The question I would ask, then, is how you can be so sure of a worldview precept's origins when you do not even ascribe to that precept yourself? Claiming that a persons belief is based on one thing or the other is presuming you understand their mind better than they do.
I think it is a universal fact that peoples actions don't always match their words.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
No. I tend to think it is because the Ruling Class are big believers in eugenics. Sanger, Hitler, and Hillary are big on eugenics.

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