Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel.

Sure, once they advanced to being "White oppressors" and you all stopped caring about Jesus all that much, I'm sure you did.

You just went to hating someone else... especially after Jamal got your woman!

Tell us true, buddy, you read all the time, don't you?
"Race Realist" is a very telling dog whistle.
A race realist is one who believes that race is an important biological classification of humans, that the races differ significantly in characteristic important to civilization.l These are intelligence, criminal activity and sexual behavior. These characters have evolved in response to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. Cold climates select for intelligence and monogamy. Civilization selects for intelligence and obedience to the law.
Racist don't deserve courtesy. They need to be subjected to life ruins like Scott Adams.
You are good at being rude, but you are not a skilled debater. You appear to be poorly informed.

The United States needs the dialogue on race President Clinton called for in 1999. It needs to be a rational debate where there are no taboos and sanctions against facts, insights, and logical reasoning.
A race realist is one who believes that race is an important biological classification of humans, that the races differ significantly in characteristic important to civilization.l These are intelligence, criminal activity and sexual behavior. These characters have evolved in response to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. Cold climates select for intelligence and monogamy. Civilization selects for intelligence and obedience to the law.

Actually, race is a construct. You see there's this funny thing about dogs. Dogs don't discriminate according to race. The St. Bernards will play nicely right along with the Chihuahuas.

Monogamy is a construct. It's actually in defiance of nature. Human nature is to try to spread your seed as widely as possible, you know like Jamal did to your girlfriend.

If cold climes made us more intelligent, then why did the Neanderthals, who were more specialized to survive in cold climates, become extinct?
You are good at being rude, but you are not a skilled debater. You appear to be poorly informed.

The United States needs the dialogue on race President Clinton called for in 1999. It needs to be a rational debate where there are no taboos and sanctions against facts, insights, and logical reasoning.

I'm pretty sure Bill didn't mean to invite the Amren Nazis like yourself to that debate. His intent was to get whites and blacks of good will to talk to each other, which is a good thing really.

If I'm rude to you, you probably deserve it.
You have to wonder how much time Hector spends on "American Renaissance". They love that term over there.
American Renaissance used to claim to welcome "polite debate." Polite debate is my specialty. Now it is dedicated to what it calls "white advocacy."

White advocacy implies that white Gentiles should be discriminated in favor of in university admissions and hiring decisions. White advocacy is a euphemism for "affirmative action on behalf of white Gentiles."

I am strongly opposed to affirmative action.
If cold climes made us more intelligent, then why did the Neanderthals, who were more specialized to survive in cold climates, become extinct?
That is a good question. In explaining humans it is not necessary to explain everything to explain anything. My explanation is that the Neanderthal population was too small. A large population evolves faster than a small population, because there are more organisms who can inherit beneficial gene alleles.

Neanderthals did have larger brains than modern humans, but the parts that were larger were parts that determine coordination and reflexes. The frontal lobes, where conscious thinking takes place, were smaller with Neanderthals.

Until the beginning of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent about eleven thousand years ago, human evolution was moving faster in Africa because there were more humans there, and they had more genetic diversity. Negroes continue to have more genetic diversity than all the other races combined.
American Renaissance used to claim to welcome "polite debate." Polite debate is my specialty. Now it is dedicated to what it calls "white advocacy."

White advocacy implies that white Gentiles should be discriminated in favor of in university admissions and hiring decisions. White advocacy is a euphemism for "affirmative action on behalf of white Gentiles."

I am strongly opposed to affirmative action.

Then why do you support white privilege.
Besides the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of "Affirmative Action" have been white women, the fact is white already get affirmative Action through legacies, deans interest, nepotism, etc.

I actually DID lose out on a job once to a female, black affirmative action hire. And she was a real post turtle.

I've also had in my career a bunch of times I've had to deal with post-turtles who were friends of the boss, sleeping with the boss, or relatives of the boss... and professionally, they are a hundred times worse than an affirmative action hire because you can't do anything about them but avoid them.

That is a good question. In explaining humans it is not necessary to explain everything to explain anything. My explanation is that the Neanderthal population was too small. A large population evolves faster than a small population, because there are more organisms who can inherit beneficial gene alleles.

Until the beginning of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent about eleven thousand years ago, human evolution was moving faster in Africa because there were more humans there, and they had more genetic diversity. Negroes continue to have more genetic diversity than all the other races combined.

Then you think that Jamal sharing his genetic diversity with your ex-girlfriend is a good thing, then?

I bet you steam when you see all those commercials with interracial families.

Sorry, man, your pale ass skin does not make you better. IF there is a race on the fast track to join the Neanderthals, it's probably white people.
Then why do you support white privilege.
I do not support white privilege. I want all careers to be open equally to objective criteria of excellence. I am pleased with the success of East Asians in the United States.
Then you think that Jamal sharing his genetic diversity with your ex-girlfriend is a good thing, then?
I have never known anyone named Jamal. You have, and cannot stop thinking about him. I suspect that the woman he took from you regrets her decision.
I do not support white privilege. I want all careers to be open equally to objective criteria of excellence. I am pleased with the success of East Asians in the United States.

Except there are no objective criteria. Hiring decisions are ultimately made by human beings.

Human beings come to the table with their own prejudices and biases.

I have never known anyone named Jamal. You have, and cannot stop thinking about him. I suspect that the woman he took from you regrets her decision.

Naw, I'm glad the black guys are talking all those fat chicks off our hands.

But there seems to be something at the bottom of your hate.

Now, I really, really hate Mormons, because I had an encounter with them that made me really despise them. and that was before I found out all the crazy shit they actually believe.

So what did black people do to you that engenders all this hate?
Then you think that Jamal sharing his genetic diversity with your ex-girlfriend is a good thing, then?

I bet you steam when you see all those commercials with interracial families.

Sorry, man, your pale ass skin does not make you better. IF there is a race on the fast track to join the Neanderthals, it's probably white people.
The ancestors of Caucasians and Mongoloids did some mating with Neanderthals, but most of the gene alleles our ancestors acquired were not beneficial, and have been bred out of our gene pools. DNA taken from the skeletons of humans who lived ten thousand years ago in Europe have more Neanderthal alleles than modern Europeans.
Except there are no objective criteria. Hiring decisions are ultimately made by human beings.

Human beings come to the table with their own prejudices and biases.
I have had to pass mental aptitude tests to get computer programming positions.

In The Bell Curve Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein said that an IQ test is the single best way to select job applicants.

That is about the only area where I disagree with them. I disagree for two reasons. First, experience and knowledge matter. If I was the manager of a computer shop that used the C++ programming language in a UNIX environment, and had a choice between an applicant with an IQ of 120 who had studied C++ and UNIX in college, and an applicant with and IQ of 140 who knew nothing about C++ and UNIX, I would take the first applicant.

Second, I suspect that a brilliant applicant for a minimum wage, unskilled job would not be appropriate, unless the job had an obvious escalator upward. Most jobs like that do not. Such a person would probably resent the need to perform such a job. That resentment would effect the way the applicant interacted with his boss, his co workers, and the customers of his company.
What restitution was paid for slavery and Jim Crow?

That was all abolished generations ago, and restitution was made by favoring blacks for admissions and jobs.
Tell me what injustices black folks have done against Jewish folks.
Just telling you what the stats say - blacks as a group have more antisemitic attitudes than whites. And calling Jews “termites,” (Farrakhan), blaming “greedy Jews” for a snowstorm (a black bigot on the DC council), and distributing an antisemitic meme (the black chapter leader of the NAACP) are just three prominent examples.

At the root, I believe antisemitism among blacks is due to jealousy of successful persecuted minority.
Right now, whites are to blame for “white washing” history. As much as you whine, white supremacy terrorism and crimes vs minorities biggest Terrorist group according to the fbi.

Geesus, you don’t sound like an adult.
How are whites whitewashing history? Slavery and Jim Crow are taught, and we all know the FF had slaves, given the mores of the time.
A race realist is one who believes that race is an important biological classification of humans, that the races differ significantly in characteristic important to civilization.l These are intelligence, criminal activity and sexual behavior. These characters have evolved in response to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. Cold climates select for intelligence and monogamy. Civilization selects for intelligence and obedience to the law.
That isn’t realism. That is white supremacy clothed in junk science.
That isn’t realism. That is white supremacy clothed in junk science.
Race realists acknowledge that East Asians tent to be more intelligent, more obedient to the law, and more monogamous than white Gentiles of European descent.

The assertions of race realism are not junk science: they are carefully documented.

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