Why is banning trans from military service a good thing?

Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!

Are you a psychologist - Or did you at least sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
LoL .. Thanks for your professional guidance as to mental illness.
Because people that deny reality arent mentally ill.
Thanks for your input, jackass.
"aww its ok. You only deny the most basic form of biology there is. You are in!"
"im sorry, you have the same nightmare 3 days a week. Go help the blacks stock the grocery aisles."
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.
Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association to diagnose mental conditions. This term is intended to be more descriptive than the one that was previously used, gender identity disorder. The term gender dysphoria focuses on one's discomfort as the problem, rather than identity. A diagnosis for gender dysphoria was created to help people get access to necessary health care and effective treatment.
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!

The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” The 5th edition also includes a separate “gender dysphoria in children” diagnosis and for the first time allows the diagnosis to be given to individuals with disorders of sex development (DSD). DSM–5 also includes the optional “post-transition” specifier to indicate when a particular individual’s gender transition is complete. In this “post-transition” case, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria would no longer apply but the individual may still need ongoing medical care (e.g., hormonal treatment). Nevertheless, discussions continue among advocates and medical professionals about how best to preserve access to gender transition-related health care while also minimizing the degree to which such diagnostic categories stigmatize the very people that physicians are attempting to help.

See: TGNC Guide

So sorry Dr. Fraud, your diagnosis is based on bigotry, not education.
Just to be clear, President Trump never “banned” trannies.

The military has always had standards for males, and different standards for females. Physical fitness tests, uniform regulations, etc.

Any “trans” can join the military, as long as they can meet these standards. That means a male must meet the standards for males. This is the way it has been since females were allowed to join the military. It’s the way it was under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. President Trump didn’t change anything, he kept the same standard the military has always had. Any soldier is free to do what they want in their off duty time when it comes to playing dress up and pretending to be a woman.

Suddenly the media is claiming that since a male cannot just say he is a female, that this is a “ban” on trans. No, it just means the military is only going to recognize you for your actual sex of male or female, just like it always has done.
What will women do when they get Corporal Klinger for a roommate?

You can be court marshaled for a bad sun burn that keeps you from your duties....so cutting your dick off and growing tits should get you drummed out for good....

Its called defacing and or damaging government property...when you are enlisted in the US military your body belongs to Uncle Sam....

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