Why is Bernie Sanders running for President?

He ran for The Senate to make himself a Millionaire.

Now he wants to be a Multi Millionaire and be Beheading People.
Absurd. Right wing talking points.

He’s been in the Congress since 1991 and is just barely a millionaire. Compare that to Pelosi or any other long serving politician.

It just so happens that his net worth tripled coincided with him running for president. Nothing to see here folks
He’s a pauper compared to nearly all the other senators.

and? Bernie Sanders has always been considered a cook. It’s only now that he’s capable of monetizing his craziness

Sanders got a late start in life. Late Bloomer. He really didn't get his first regular job until he was 40 as mayor of Burlington. His earlier years were all just "activism" and not that much actual work. In fact he was kicked out of a Hippie Commune for being a lazy bum back in the day.

As a senator, he really hasn't put forth that much of an effort to get graft, his old lady's financial assrapery of Burlington College has been the Sanders main sort of dirty money.
My theory is he has two reasons to run. A) most importantly he wants to make more money so he can have more to leave his family after his passing B) he wants to continue to promote his idiotic and dangerous ideology, which he has been successful in doing.

what’s your theory? Please don’t troll with answers saying he’s hoping to win the presidency. He has never shown an inclination to want to win, and he’s unelectable, to which, I know politicians have delusions of grandeur, but even he knows he won’t be president.

He wants to show his Commie friends how to make a dishonest dollar. He's waiting for Mikey Bloomy to sweeten his Dropout offer
My theory is he has two reasons to run. A) most importantly he wants to make more money so he can have more to leave his family after his passing B) he wants to continue to promote his idiotic and dangerous ideology, which he has been successful in doing.

what’s your theory? Please don’t troll with answers saying he’s hoping to win the presidency. He has never shown an inclination to want to win, and he’s unelectable, to which, I know politicians have delusions of grandeur, but even he knows he won’t be president.

On one hand spastic Sanders is power hungry, on another he decently hides it. He tries to be the "good guy". In a nutshell he betrays his country from start. His policies would derail what built us, he entertains & rewards weakness. With Sanders we're a lion's share closer toward eliminating the middle class, we live like pigs, and outsourcing would skyrocket.

If Sanders has his way we're done. At best he belongs in Venezuela or Cuba
My theory is he has two reasons to run. A) most importantly he wants to make more money so he can have more to leave his family after his passing B) he wants to continue to promote his idiotic and dangerous ideology, which he has been successful in doing.

what’s your theory? Please don’t troll with answers saying he’s hoping to win the presidency. He has never shown an inclination to want to win, and he’s unelectable, to which, I know politicians have delusions of grandeur, but even he knows he won’t be president.
I think he wants to promote his communist ideology. I don't believe he has any intention of winning.


Bernie can't stop lavishing on the old regime of the Soviet Union, the dictators of Venezuela, or the Communist masters of Cuba. He has never praised the United States. When it comes to the United States versus our enemies, he is on the other side. What is the deep meaning of Bernie Sanders? What would his foreign policy look like?

After visiting Moscow in 1988, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praised the Soviet system and established a sister city relationship with his hometown of Burlington, Vermont. Throughout his time in office, Sanders regularly hobnobbed with and supported Communist, anti-American and anti-Israel leaders.

Sanders’s 1988 honeymoon trip to the Soviet Union in fact included stops in Moscow, Leningrad, and Yaroslavl. Returning to Vermont, Sanders held an hour-long news conference in which he extolled Russian policies on housing and health care, while criticizing both in the United States — and boasted that he was willing to criticize his homeland.

Sanders was so enthused by the trip that he soon began planning his next foreign venture: a visit to Cuba the following year, during his last month as mayor.

“Under Castro, enormous progress has been made in improving the lives of poor people,” Sanders said before leaving, while noting “enormous deficiencies” in democratic rights. While he failed in his goal to meet Fidel Castro, he returned home with even greater praise than he had for the Soviet Union.

“I did not see a hungry child. I did not see any homeless people,” Sanders told the Burlington Free Press. While Cuba was “not a perfect society,” he said, the country “not only has free health care but very high-quality health care . . . The revolution there is far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in terms of values.”

Revolution is what Sanders wants for America. This is the same thing Charles Manson, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn all fought for.
Bernie has a love of corruption and easy money that campaign slush funds offer! He is too anti-social to do deals like most politicians who get rich in DC. Bernie is part of the Swamp and that is why he has TDS!

[Crazy Bernie] has used his public offices to siphon off millions of taxpayer dollars to his own family and friends over the past three decades, including more than $80 million in payments to a media buying firm owned by two friends of his wife. There is also the case of Burlington College, which was forced to close as a result of mismanagement by his wife, who as president of the school secured expensive loans based on inflated donor commitments. Some suggest that Sanders may have used his influence to pressure the bank into approving the loan despite several inconsistencies in financial documentation. While the federal government closed its investigation in the matter, it did not exonerate either Sanders or his wife in the dealings.

Even Hillary Clinton, the queen of the swamp, thinks his schtick against corruption is a fraud. As she recently told the Hollywood Reporter, “He was a career politician. It is all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Bernie is so deeply immersed in the swamp that he cannot even call out the dealings of his main rival Joe Biden.

Bernie Sanders is part of the swamp
My theory is he has two reasons to run. A) most importantly he wants to make more money so he can have more to leave his family after his passing B) he wants to continue to promote his idiotic and dangerous ideology, which he has been successful in doing.

what’s your theory? Please don’t troll with answers saying he’s hoping to win the presidency. He has never shown an inclination to want to win, and he’s unelectable, to which, I know politicians have delusions of grandeur, but even he knows he won’t be president.
I think he wants to promote his communist ideology. I don't believe he has any intention of winning.


Bernie can't stop lavishing on the old regime of the Soviet Union, the dictators of Venezuela, or the Communist masters of Cuba. He has never praised the United States. When it comes to the United States versus our enemies, he is on the other side. What is the deep meaning of Bernie Sanders? What would his foreign policy look like?

After visiting Moscow in 1988, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praised the Soviet system and established a sister city relationship with his hometown of Burlington, Vermont. Throughout his time in office, Sanders regularly hobnobbed with and supported Communist, anti-American and anti-Israel leaders.

Sanders’s 1988 honeymoon trip to the Soviet Union in fact included stops in Moscow, Leningrad, and Yaroslavl. Returning to Vermont, Sanders held an hour-long news conference in which he extolled Russian policies on housing and health care, while criticizing both in the United States — and boasted that he was willing to criticize his homeland.

Sanders was so enthused by the trip that he soon began planning his next foreign venture: a visit to Cuba the following year, during his last month as mayor.

“Under Castro, enormous progress has been made in improving the lives of poor people,” Sanders said before leaving, while noting “enormous deficiencies” in democratic rights. While he failed in his goal to meet Fidel Castro, he returned home with even greater praise than he had for the Soviet Union.

“I did not see a hungry child. I did not see any homeless people,” Sanders told the Burlington Free Press. While Cuba was “not a perfect society,” he said, the country “not only has free health care but very high-quality health care . . . The revolution there is far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in terms of values.”

Revolution is what Sanders wants for America. This is the same thing Charles Manson, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn all fought for.

For the Democrat Party to nominate such a blatant Communist, after how the Soviet Union whacked leading Democrat Party Congressman Larry McDonald in 1983, is IMHO, a disgrace.
He wants to be known as the father of American communism.

He would have to take that title away from Communist Strongman Gus Hall, who had the support of CIA chieftain John O. Brennan.

Hall's dream was to establish a Soviet America and a gulag on the American homeland.

Sanders has stormed the Democratic Party like the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace.

Joy Reid sounded desperate and really shed those liberal tears, because she fears not only losing the Presidency but down ballot races as well.

It’s like the lightbulb went off in her head, and she just discovered that a lot of Democrats don’t like their party elite.

James Carville thinks it would be political suicide for the Democratic party.

“If you’re voting for him because you think he’ll win the election, because he’ll galvanize heretofore sleepy parts of an electorate, then politically, you’re a fool. And that’s just a fact. It’s no denying it, there’s so much political science, so much research on this that it’s not even a debatable question.”
He also said that the Nevada caucuses were working out quite well for Vladimir Putin:

“Right now, it’s about 1:15 Moscow time. This thing is going very well for Vladimir Putin. I promise you. He’s probably staying up watching this right now. How you doing, Vlad?”

Sanders has stormed the Democratic Party like the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace.

Joy Reid sounded desperate and really shed those liberal tears, because she fears not only losing the Presidency but down ballot races as well.

It’s like the lightbulb went off in her head, and she just discovered that a lot of Democrats don’t like their party elite.

James Carville thinks it would be political suicide for the Democratic party.

“If you’re voting for him because you think he’ll win the election, because he’ll galvanize heretofore sleepy parts of an electorate, then politically, you’re a fool. And that’s just a fact. It’s no denying it, there’s so much political science, so much research on this that it’s not even a debatable question.”
He also said that the Nevada caucuses were working out quite well for Vladimir Putin:

“Right now, it’s about 1:15 Moscow time. This thing is going very well for Vladimir Putin. I promise you. He’s probably staying up watching this right now. How you doing, Vlad?”

Why would Mr. Carville favor Crazy Bernie over the other extremists in the race for the D nomination?

Really, the only actual difference between Sanders and Pocahontas, Sleepy Joe or Alfred E. Neumann is the fact that Crazy Bernie is open and honest about his beliefs

Sanders has stormed the Democratic Party like the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace.

Joy Reid sounded desperate and really shed those liberal tears, because she fears not only losing the Presidency but down ballot races as well.

It’s like the lightbulb went off in her head, and she just discovered that a lot of Democrats don’t like their party elite.

James Carville thinks it would be political suicide for the Democratic party.

“If you’re voting for him because you think he’ll win the election, because he’ll galvanize heretofore sleepy parts of an electorate, then politically, you’re a fool. And that’s just a fact. It’s no denying it, there’s so much political science, so much research on this that it’s not even a debatable question.”
He also said that the Nevada caucuses were working out quite well for Vladimir Putin:

“Right now, it’s about 1:15 Moscow time. This thing is going very well for Vladimir Putin. I promise you. He’s probably staying up watching this right now. How you doing, Vlad?”

Why would Mr. Carville favor Crazy Bernie over the other extremists in the race for the D nomination?

Really, the only actual difference between Sanders and Pocahontas, Sleepy Joe or Alfred E. Neumann is the fact that Crazy Bernie is open and honest about his beliefs
He doesn't. Carville isn't arguing against the positions, he arguing against failing to conceal the positions from the US Electorate and predicts that this will result in disaster.

He may be right. He issued similar warnings while the Clinton Administration was passing the Assault Weapons ban before the 1994 election, predicting that it could cost Democrats the South, and it has.
Sanders has been praising Marxist-Leninist Socialism for decades, even to this day and has praised bread lines as a good thing. Those that fled Marxist-Leninist nations disagree.
He figures that once he gets into power, he can create a Marxist-Leninist utopia, here in the USA and by doing so, remain in power once elected, as his followers believe that the Constitution is nothing but a simple piece of paper that's only power is if it is obeyed, so they won't, even going so far as to say there will be gulags and re-education camps.
Examples of Marxist-Leninist governments:
Post WWII East Berlin. The Berlin wall was constructed. It's purpose, keep the people from fleeing the Marxist-Leninist tyranny. If caught trying to flee, you're shot. Who the hell does that to their own people, just because they don't like the government's policies and aren't free to field their own candidates.
Soviet Union: Millions killed to weed out any who didn't agree with Marxist-Leninist doctrine, even going so far as to kill family members and other loved ones. After all, it's "ideology over blood." Gulags and re-education camps used. If the re-education camps didn't succeed in converting the public, they were sent to the gulags in Siberia to work until they died. Again, who the hell does that to their own people?!
China: Millions killed that didn't agree with Marxist-Leninist ideology. The only citizens allowed out of the country are those that achieve enough "social points" to prove themselves good Marxist-Leninist followers, others have to be smuggled out. As to how China handles large protests, check out Tiananmen Square footage and story. Video footage had to be smuggled out for the world to see. Due to the current video technology, the Chinese have had to be more restrained and have largely been just beating protesters, with only some being shot. In both cases, all they wanted was some more freedoms.
North Korea Tried to successfully invade South Korea, murdering, raping and pillaging in the process and it took the United Nations along with the US to stop it. Any dissent in North Korea gets you executed. Marxist-Leninist inefficiency in running a government and farming led to millions starving. Again, anyone just trying to leave that nation for a better life, is shot, as are any family members to demonstrate governmental control.
Vietnam: Marxist-Leninist government. Dissenters are placed into re-education camps and if you continue to disagree with government policies, you disappear.
Cuba: Political opponents and dissidents are arrested and put in prison. Cubans not wanting to live under Marxist-Leninist rule, fled the island, rather than be arrested. At least, at one point, Castro actually said, if you don't like it here, get out, which those wanting freedom did. Some still remain, wishing to change the government from within.
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez and Maduro's inefficient Marxist-Leninist government has led the nation and food production to ruin. But as is always the case, once Marxist-Leninist ideology takes hold, those that obtain the power, refuse to let go, even when the people realize they want more freedom, the military hammer comes down and people have to flee their homeland.
So, once you have Sanders and the left gets control of both houses, your freedoms are gone and as Sanders organizers have been saying, the "gulags and re-education camps" will come out.
Sanders has been praising Marxist-Leninist Socialism for decades, even to this day and has praised bread lines as a good thing. Those that fled Marxist-Leninist nations disagree.
He figures that once he gets into power, he can create a Marxist-Leninist utopia, here in the USA and by doing so, remain in power once elected, as his followers believe that the Constitution is nothing but a simple piece of paper that's only power is if it is obeyed, so they won't, even going so far as to say there will be gulags and re-education camps.
Examples of Marxist-Leninist governments:
Post WWII East Berlin. The Berlin wall was constructed. It's purpose, keep the people from fleeing the Marxist-Leninist tyranny. If caught trying to flee, you're shot. Who the hell does that to their own people, just because they don't like the government's policies and aren't free to field their own candidates.
Soviet Union: Millions killed to weed out any who didn't agree with Marxist-Leninist doctrine, even going so far as to kill family members and other loved ones. After all, it's "ideology over blood." Gulags and re-education camps used. If the re-education camps didn't succeed in converting the public, they were sent to the gulags in Siberia to work until they died. Again, who the hell does that to their own people?!
China: Millions killed that didn't agree with Marxist-Leninist ideology. The only citizens allowed out of the country are those that achieve enough "social points" to prove themselves good Marxist-Leninist followers, others have to be smuggled out. As to how China handles large protests, check out Tiananmen Square footage and story. Video footage had to be smuggled out for the world to see. Due to the current video technology, the Chinese have had to be more restrained and have largely been just beating protesters, with only some being shot. In both cases, all they wanted was some more freedoms.
North Korea Tried to successfully invade South Korea, murdering, raping and pillaging in the process and it took the United Nations along with the US to stop it. Any dissent in North Korea gets you executed. Marxist-Leninist inefficiency in running a government and farming led to millions starving. Again, anyone just trying to leave that nation for a better life, is shot, as are any family members to demonstrate governmental control.
Vietnam: Marxist-Leninist government. Dissenters are placed into re-education camps and if you continue to disagree with government policies, you disappear.
Cuba: Political opponents and dissidents are arrested and put in prison. Cubans not wanting to live under Marxist-Leninist rule, fled the island, rather than be arrested. At least, at one point, Castro actually said, if you don't like it here, get out, which those wanting freedom did. Some still remain, wishing to change the government from within.
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez and Maduro's inefficient Marxist-Leninist government has led the nation and food production to ruin. But as is always the case, once Marxist-Leninist ideology takes hold, those that obtain the power, refuse to let go, even when the people realize they want more freedom, the military hammer comes down and people have to flee their homeland.
So, once you have Sanders and the left gets control of both houses, your freedoms are gone and as Sanders organizers have been saying, the "gulags and re-education camps" will come out.
At least the Commies of today aren't highjacking planes to Cuba anymore.

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