Why is Black, Gay, Female Former Advisor to Extremist MoveOn Expressing Virulent Hate and Lies About U.S. Ally selected as press secretary?

The left knows all about labeling someone without egregious examples, in fact, this lady has done it quite often. Don’t agree with any Democratic plan and it becomes racist. According to her and many Democrats, voter ID is racist, despite virtually every country in the world, including most if not all in Africa, requiring voter ID. See how that works?
Disagreeing with Democratic policies that help minorities doesn't make you a racist but there does seem to be large amount of overlap.
Disagreeing with Democratic policies that help minorities doesn't make you a racist but there does seem to be large amount of overlap.

The word “help” here is the key. Many Democratic policies propose to help mintories, but actually do quite the opposite.
The answer is in the question:

1) She’s a black female, so she is favored just in that alone
2) She’s an “out” member of LBGMYRFYHD, so a new check mark is made!
3) Her hate and bias against a U.S. ally are against the Jewish country, so lots of latitude is made
4) She’s an extremist partisan hack who is comfortable lying
5) Objections to her appointment come from Jews who are insulted and appalled by it, so…..eh
6) She was the spokesperson and advisor for MoveOn, the extremist organization that has defended Muslim antisemites like Omar and Tlaib, and leftists side with Muslims against Jews.

You left out:
7). MoveOn was named by Time Magazine as a major player in assisting the widespread organized criminal fraud used to illegally rig the 2020 election for Biddum.
You left out:
7). MoveOn was named by Time Magazine as a major player in assisting the widespread organized criminal fraud used to illegally rig the 2020 election for Biddum.

Didn’t this lady claim that the Georgia Senate race was “stolen” from Stacey Abrams? Hypocrisy abounds.

Is criticizing AIPAC and Benjamin Netanyahu anti-semtic or do you have more agregious examples than your flimsy article?
Prog politicians who are in AIPAC were silent under Obama. And said nothing when Netanyahu visited D.C. and spoke in front of the Congress while Obama ignored him. Iran was the golden child of Obama. Israel will not let them develop the bomb for they see their own destruction if Iran does.
The answer is in the question:

1) She’s a black female, so she is favored just in that alone
2) She’s an “out” member of LBGMYRFYHD, so a new check mark is made!
3) Her hate and bias against a U.S. ally are against the Jewish country, so lots of latitude is made
4) She’s an extremist partisan hack who is comfortable lying
5) Objections to her appointment come from Jews who are insulted and appalled by it, so…..eh
6) She was the spokesperson and advisor for MoveOn, the extremist organization that has defended Muslim antisemites like Omar and Tlaib, and leftists side with Muslims against Jews.
And you wonder why I lump people like you into the category of Alt-Right? :) Because you are.

She criticized Israel. That's not antisemitism. Or a crime.
The rest of your screed is your bigotry and bias shining through
And you wonder why I lump people like you into the category of Alt-Right? :) Because you are.

She criticized Israel. That's not antisemitism. Or a crime.
The rest of your screed is your bigotry and bias shining through
Say your comment is true. Progs call near everything racism. Two swedes can have an unrelated argument at the North Pole and a Prog will connect it together for their benefit and call it that for political purposes.
Didn’t this lady claim that the Georgia Senate race was “stolen” from Stacey Abrams? Hypocrisy abounds.
Yup. She also claimed that the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary.
Prog politicians who are in AIPAC were silent under Obama. And said nothing when Netanyahu visited D.C. and spoke in front of the Congress while Obama ignored him. Iran was the golden child of Obama. Israel will not let them develop the bomb for they see their own destruction if Iran does.
I'm not an Obama fan and a lot of progressives were too silent on his entire foreign policy. I'm just happy to see some push back happening. It's a start.
Say your comment is true. Progs call near everything racism. Two swedes can have an unrelated argument at the North Pole and a Prog will connect it together for their benefit and call it that for political purposes.
No, they don't. That's alt-right talking points you've been conditioned to listen to and accept without question.
Again, put that bus back on solid blacktop! :)
OP: Why is Black, Gay, Female Former Advisor to Extremist MoveOn Expressing Virulent Hate and Lies About U.S. Ally selected as press secretary?
Bohemian Rap

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me
No, they don't. That's alt-right talking points you've been conditioned to listen to and accept without question.

Jack, did your pickled brain come in the jar marked "Deformed?"

The above is exactly verbatim what the folks at MSNBC and Commie Central said they told you people to say and believe! Are you on the mailing list?

When an idiot like you starts talking about other people's conditioning, I begin to worry about you.

People like you can be trained to say and think anything--- I bet you even believe Biden really beat Trump fair and square!
Only Democrat / Biden nut-huggers would claim Biden's new propaganda pusher ' 'bumping uglies' and playing house with a CNN reporter is not a conflict of interest...
Jack, did your pickled brain come in the jar marked "Deformed?"

The above is exactly verbatim what the folks at MSNBC and Commie Central said they told you people to say and believe! Are you on the mailing list?

When an idiot like you starts talking about other people's conditioning, I begin to worry about you.

People like you can be trained to say and think anything--- I bet you even believe Biden really beat Trump fair and square!
You got anything other than BS?
Cause you're really starting to bore me.
The answer is in the question:

1) She’s a black female, so she is favored just in that alone
2) She’s an “out” member of LBGMYRFYHD, so a new check mark is made!
3) Her hate and bias against a U.S. ally are against the Jewish country, so lots of latitude is made
4) She’s an extremist partisan hack who is comfortable lying
5) Objections to her appointment come from Jews who are insulted and appalled by it, so…..eh
6) She was the spokesperson and advisor for MoveOn, the extremist organization that has defended Muslim antisemites like Omar and Tlaib, and leftists side with Muslims against Jews.
Again, triggered by seeing black people.

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