Why is California allowed to remain in unprecedented drought?

Democrats control the state is why.

Do you think that Democrats are the ones preventing rain from falling?

The far left and the Nazi-environmentalists are against pipelines of any kind..

As far left drone it does fail to compute..

And of course the far right and Nazi Conservatives- are fine with destroying any environment and killing off any species for profit.

And clearly- you believe that Democrats also control the rain.

Because you are an idiot.
You forgot to mention conservatives like to torture puppies.


'Smoking beagles' used in tobacco experiments.
Mary Beith, the journalist who broke the 'smoking beagles' story


"PETA gets a U.S. Department of Defense underground “wound lab” shut down and achieves a permanent ban on shooting dogs and cats in military wound laboratories."

Who was President in 1983 and thus responsible for DoD inhumane experimentation?

Funny how things said can bite ya in the tuckus isn't it.
Mandated by Federal law signed by what President of what party?

Funny how things can bite ya in the tuckus isn't it.
There used to be one in Santa Barbara till they tore it apart and sold the bits off. If there is a desal plant it's a small one and probably a privately owned.

LADWP opened one in Long Beach last month.

Here's a list.

Desal Response Group

Ummm, no...they didn't. There was a research facility that was in operation a few years ago that was able to process 300,000 gallons per day, but that was shut down years ago...

Long Beach desalination plant cleaned 300,000 gallons of water daily using new method

"The Long Beach Seawater and Desalination Research and Development Facility was officially commissioned in October 2005 and operated for about four years as part of a research study, according to Long Beach Water Department spokesman Matthew Veeh.

The federal government funded about half of the estimated $20 million project, with the other half coming from state and local sources. It was built on less than 1 acre at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Haynes Power Plant in East Long Beach and was thought to be the largest of its kind in the nation. Ultimately, officials determined it was too costly to build a permanent facility."

Long Beach desalination plant cleaned 300,000 gallons of water daily using new method

They finally got approval for one in Carlsbad however.....

"After twelve years of planning and over six years in the state’s permitting process, the Carlsbad Desalination Project has received final approvals from every required regulatory and permitting agency in the state, including the California Coastal Commission, State Lands Commission and Regional Water Quality Control Board. A 30-year Water Purchase Agreement is in place between the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) and Poseidon for the entire output of the plant. Construction on the plant and pipeline is under way and the Project will be delivering water to the businesses and residents in San Diego County late 2015."


And then you have idiots at the LA Times spouting off their opinion.....

Desalination plants aren't a good solution for California drought
Desalination plants aren't a good solution for California drought

And they are rebuilding the desal plant in Santa Barbara...

"Desalination is catching on: Nearly 200 miles north of Carlsbad in Santa Barbara, officials are planning to reopen a desalination plant that was built 23 years ago during California's last monster drought. The plant was never used because rains returned before it could start operating.

"This drought has been more severe, more extreme, and faster than anyone ever thought," Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider said. "I think the city residents get it, that desal, this desal plant, is an absolute last resort."

Tapping the Pacific: Desalination Plant Will Make Ocean Drinkable
Desalination plants aren't a good solution for California drought

Enthusiasm for desalination tends to overlook its high costs, which stem in part from its enormous energy demand and weighty environmental footprint. The modern process, known as reverse osmosis, involves forcing seawater at high pressure through a membrane that screens out the salt, leaving behind a heavily brackish residue.

In Southern California, which has become more dependent on fossil-fueled electric generation since the shutdown of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, Carlsbad arguably will be moderating the effects of climate change on the region while also contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions that help cause it. (MacLaggan says Poseidon will buy carbon credits and restore local wetlands to offset the plant's environmental impact.)

"There are definite advantages to seawater desalination," says Heather Cooley, water program director at the Oakland-based environmental think tank Pacific Institute. "It's a reliable supply, independent of weather conditions like drought. But it's still among the most expensive water supply options."

Let's take a look at the hard realities. As big industrial facilities, desalination plants can't be plunked down just anywhere on the coast without destroying the qualities that attract people to the shoreline. Yet the plants need to be close to customers, with room for pumps, pipelines, inflows and outfalls.

Poseidon rejected three locations before settling on the Carlsbad site, which is next to NRG Energy's Encina Power Station. That allowed the new plant to share the seawater-cooled power station's water lines, which reduced its cost and its impact on marine life. Even so, according to a 2012 state appeals court ruling, the plant had to install extra equipment to reduce its marine impact in periods when Encina isn't running; if the power plant shuts down permanently, the desalination plant may have to submit a new environmental impact report.

The San Diego County Water Authority has committed to purchasing the plant's entire output for 30 years — a deal that was crucial for Poseidon's financing — for about $2,100 to $2,300 per acre-foot, plus inflation. An acre-foot is 325,851 gallons, or about a year's usage for one or two five-member families. The county agency, therefore, will be paying at least $110 million a year, whether it needs the plant's water or not. San Diego water bills are projected to rise by an average of $5 to $7 a month to cover the cost.

The county judged that it might pay about that much in the future for other imported water, which makes the commitment look like a long-term hedge against a continuing water crisis. But desalinated water is far more expensive than other existing sources. San Diego currently pays $923 per acre-foot for treated water from the Metropolitan Water District. The Pacific Institute reported in 2012 that San Diego could obtain recycled water for as little as $1,200 per acre-foot, and that the marginal cost of water obtained through conservation and efficiency measures was as little as $150.

The desalinization plants will be built, but not in the quantities to make up agricultural water during a major drought. Economics.
They- environmentalists/conservationists- have starved the farmers there for a fish of little value..
ABC: Judge Cuts Water to California Farmers to Save Endangered Fish
They have fought against desalination plants as well.
Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California - DC BureauDC Bureau
They have alot to do with moving the water. Guppies are more important.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats control the state is why.

Do you think that Democrats are the ones preventing rain from falling?

The OP asked why California is allowed to remain in an unprecidented drought- so I will presume you are not as stupid as he is and do not think that Democrats control the rain and snowfall in California.

What guppies?
What water?
Why do you imagine that shipping more water- that Northern California is now short of also- to Southern California- will end the drought?
Hopefully el nino later this year and early next year will bring much needed rain for the area.
No sympathies to my former state. Constant effort to tear down the Hetch Hetchy dam which is the primary water source for a lot of San Fran area AND a sensible source of power..

Group Seeking to Tear Down Hetch Hetchy Launches Petition Drive for November Ballot - Bay Area Council


The threat of losing the Hetch Hetchy clean water and power system that serves 2.5 million Bay Area residents and businesses took a dangerous step closer to reality with supporters launching a petition drive to qualify a measure for the November ballot in San Francisco. The Bay Area Council has been a strong opponent of past efforts to eliminate Hetch Hetchy and is working with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, our members and a diverse coalition of business and community leaders to fight back the current effort. But recent polling by EMC Research shows that proponents of tearing down Hetch Hetchy can win in November unless there is a well-funded campaign to inform voters about the true intent of the measure,

Why is California Allowed to Suffer?

Because they are truly inconsolable mental midgets who approve every issue on the ballot.. That's Why.. Don't deserve your sympathy... Might as well send the legislature home to save money..

And have we torn down Hetch Hetchy? No.

Does Hetch Hetchy have anything to do with our drought? No again.

California is not suffering at all because of anything about Hetch Hetchy.

And there is no Hetch Hetchy ballot measure on this years ballot- you are posting about what some Californians tried to do- 3 years ago- and nothing happened.

What is it about Conservatives that confuse 'drought' with 'reservoir'.

We have a serious drought. Our reservoirs are emptying out. Including Hetch Hetchy. 10 more years of the same drought and Hetch Hetchy won't have to be 'emptied out- it would be empty.
They- environmentalists/conservationists- have starved the farmers there for a fish of little value..
ABC: Judge Cuts Water to California Farmers to Save Endangered Fish
They have fought against desalination plants as well.
Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California - DC BureauDC Bureau
They have alot to do with moving the water. Guppies are more important.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats control the state is why.

Do you think that Democrats are the ones preventing rain from falling?

The OP asked why California is allowed to remain in an unprecidented drought- so I will presume you are not as stupid as he is and do not think that Democrats control the rain and snowfall in California.

What guppies?
What water?
Why do you imagine that shipping more water- that Northern California is now short of also- to Southern California- will end the drought?

Fish of little value? Of little value to who? To farmers who want plenty of cheap water of course they are of little value. But to over all environment? Quite a bit of value.

Shipping water from the Delta to farmers in the South doesn't end the drought- all it would do is provide more water to some farmers.

And thanks for the article on desalination- it lays out the issue quite well. There are issues regarding desalination that I had not heard about.
Hopefully el nino later this year and early next year will bring much needed rain for the area.
No sympathies to my former state. Constant effort to tear down the Hetch Hetchy dam which is the primary water source for a lot of San Fran area AND a sensible source of power..

Group Seeking to Tear Down Hetch Hetchy Launches Petition Drive for November Ballot - Bay Area Council


The threat of losing the Hetch Hetchy clean water and power system that serves 2.5 million Bay Area residents and businesses took a dangerous step closer to reality with supporters launching a petition drive to qualify a measure for the November ballot in San Francisco. The Bay Area Council has been a strong opponent of past efforts to eliminate Hetch Hetchy and is working with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, our members and a diverse coalition of business and community leaders to fight back the current effort. But recent polling by EMC Research shows that proponents of tearing down Hetch Hetchy can win in November unless there is a well-funded campaign to inform voters about the true intent of the measure,

Why is California Allowed to Suffer?

Because they are truly inconsolable mental midgets who approve every issue on the ballot.. That's Why.. Don't deserve your sympathy... Might as well send the legislature home to save money..

And have we torn down Hetch Hetchy? No.

Does Hetch Hetchy have anything to do with our drought? No again.

California is not suffering at all because of anything about Hetch Hetchy.

And there is no Hetch Hetchy ballot measure on this years ballot- you are posting about what some Californians tried to do- 3 years ago- and nothing happened.

What is it about Conservatives that confuse 'drought' with 'reservoir'.

We have a serious drought. Our reservoirs are emptying out. Including Hetch Hetchy. 10 more years of the same drought and Hetch Hetchy won't have to be 'emptied out- it would be empty.

Hopefully so.
Putting a 2" fish ahead of the health of 40 million human beings says a lot about you.

They- environmentalists/conservationists- have starved the farmers there for a fish of little value..
ABC: Judge Cuts Water to California Farmers to Save Endangered Fish
They have fought against desalination plants as well.
Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California - DC BureauDC Bureau
They have alot to do with moving the water. Guppies are more important.
Democrats control the state is why.

Do you think that Democrats are the ones preventing rain from falling?

The OP asked why California is allowed to remain in an unprecidented drought- so I will presume you are not as stupid as he is and do not think that Democrats control the rain and snowfall in California.

What guppies?
What water?
Why do you imagine that shipping more water- that Northern California is now short of also- to Southern California- will end the drought?

Fish of little value? Of little value to who? To farmers who want plenty of cheap water of course they are of little value. But to over all environment? Quite a bit of value.

Shipping water from the Delta to farmers in the South doesn't end the drought- all it would do is provide more water to some farmers.

And thanks for the article on desalination- it lays out the issue quite well. There are issues regarding desalination that I had not heard about.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats run the state. ..so nothing gets done anymore.
Putting a 2" fish ahead of the health of 40 million human beings says a lot about you.

They- environmentalists/conservationists- have starved the farmers there for a fish of little value..
ABC: Judge Cuts Water to California Farmers to Save Endangered Fish
They have fought against desalination plants as well.
Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California - DC BureauDC Bureau
They have alot to do with moving the water. Guppies are more important.
Do you think that Democrats are the ones preventing rain from falling?

The OP asked why California is allowed to remain in an unprecidented drought- so I will presume you are not as stupid as he is and do not think that Democrats control the rain and snowfall in California.

What guppies?
What water?
Why do you imagine that shipping more water- that Northern California is now short of also- to Southern California- will end the drought?

Fish of little value? Of little value to who? To farmers who want plenty of cheap water of course they are of little value. But to over all environment? Quite a bit of value.

Shipping water from the Delta to farmers in the South doesn't end the drought- all it would do is provide more water to some farmers.

And thanks for the article on desalination- it lays out the issue quite well. There are issues regarding desalination that I had not heard about.

Give me a break- the water that was not diverted was not for the 'health' of any people- not drinking water- water for farms in the Central Valley- for growing almonds.

We have more than enough water for every resident of California- we just don't have enough water for all of our residents, Agriculture, business, fracking, etc.

And no need to drive a species to extinction.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats run the state. ..so nothing gets done anymore.

Actually since Democrats took total control- especially with Jerry Brown in charge- more is getting done than has been gotten done than under the last 3 governors.
Putting a 2" fish ahead of the health of 40 million human beings says a lot about you.

They- environmentalists/conservationists- have starved the farmers there for a fish of little value..
ABC: Judge Cuts Water to California Farmers to Save Endangered Fish
They have fought against desalination plants as well.
Conservationists Push Back Against Desalination in California - DC BureauDC Bureau
They have alot to do with moving the water. Guppies are more important.

The OP asked why California is allowed to remain in an unprecidented drought- so I will presume you are not as stupid as he is and do not think that Democrats control the rain and snowfall in California.

What guppies?
What water?
Why do you imagine that shipping more water- that Northern California is now short of also- to Southern California- will end the drought?

Fish of little value? Of little value to who? To farmers who want plenty of cheap water of course they are of little value. But to over all environment? Quite a bit of value.

Shipping water from the Delta to farmers in the South doesn't end the drought- all it would do is provide more water to some farmers.

And thanks for the article on desalination- it lays out the issue quite well. There are issues regarding desalination that I had not heard about.

Give me a break- the water that was not diverted was not for the 'health' of any people- not drinking water- water for farms in the Central Valley- for growing almonds.

We have more than enough water for every resident of California- we just don't have enough water for all of our residents, Agriculture, business, fracking, etc.

And no need to drive a species to extinction.
Yeah, food availability is so overrated.
Dumb as dumb can be.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats run the state. ..so nothing gets done anymore.

Actually since Democrats took total control- especially with Jerry Brown in charge- more is getting done than has been gotten done than under the last 3 governors.
What legislation has Brown signed, outside of pissing away billion on a train to nowhere and outlawing the mascot names of 4 schools?
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Politics gets in the way. And perverse incentives. Water is too cheap for wastrel industries, too cheap for users.
Israel gets 2" of rain per year. 8 million israelis and 2 million palestinians have ample water. Because water is priced right
They are predicting a killer El Nino this winter.....cannot help but wonder if they are all banking on end of drought then.
The ancient Romans constructed aqeducts using bronze Age tools and know-how. We cut though hundreds of miles of earth to make the Panama Canal. There is no technological reason we can't bring water from rain-saturated northern California to the central and southern parts where they desperately need water.

California's made pipelines and aqeducts for water before. Why not again so areas with too much water can transport it to drought-afflicted areas?

Pipeline transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can build a pipeline for oil but not water?
Democrats run the state. ..so nothing gets done anymore.

Actually since Democrats took total control- especially with Jerry Brown in charge- more is getting done than has been gotten done than under the last 3 governors.
What legislation has Brown signed, outside of pissing away billion on a train to nowhere and outlawing the mascot names of 4 schools?
He's like Bloomberg on steroids. He's outlawing everything that liberals don't like.

I can't believe that there are that many idiots that would vote for his ass, but I figure so many liberals and Hispanics that don't remember when he was governor before, voted for him. He was an utter disaster......and they weren't living in the state when it happened.

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