Why is climate change sparsely being addressed by government?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2013
Human caused climate disruption and localized environmental degradation is increasing year after year with government hardly addressing the issue. As far back as 1965 the US government was entirely aware of this threat. That is, LBJ received memos regarding climate change. On down the line since LBJ, each President gave lip service and little more. Even President Obama announced resoundingly "Climate change is a fact." (State of the Union Speech, 2014). But we are massively increasing methane output as well as the standard CO2. Methane not only comes from natural gas but our production of animals has become increasingly a burden on the climate, mainly due to waste management.

So why is very little being done despite this firm recognition?

Any answer should include the elephant in the room. It's not the laughable skeptics per se. While the rest of the world has declined or stagnated, what has bubbled (and bursted, over and over again without regulation)?

You guessed it! Increasingly since the late 60s, the America has shifted from productive economy to a financial economy. The shift is based in speculation. The root cause, however, is capitalism according to John Bellamy Foster. That is, wealth is generated two ways: "involving the ownership of real assets and also the holding of paper claims to those real assets. Under these circumstances the possibility of a contradiction between real accumulation and financial speculation was intrinsic to the system from the start."

Currently over 70% of total American wealth is speculative, not based in real economy, the real world. That means concerning yourself with quarterly profit and "externalizing" the risk of climate change and degradation or other social costs. Indeed, systemic risk that was faced in the 08 crisis was externalized by the big banks through the "too big to fail" insurance policy from the government.

And we all know wealth buys elections. Who has the most wealth? Those with quarterly concerns, good financial capitalists with insatiable avarice. We are facing some serious "haircuts" to use the financial par excellence, if we continue as we are.

Speculation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Equally strong illumination on how financial markets are unconcerned with ecology available here: Financial Totalitarianism: The Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Rule of Speculative Capital
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Why is climate change sparsely being addressed by government?

Because they are already making enough money off of banking and real estate fraud.

Because more than 95% of people on this planet don't give a fuck.

For every video Al Gore makes China will have built 10 factories that force people to wear breathing masks.
My guess would be because it is crap.

The "it" you are referring to is your own comment, right? What do you think "it" conveys? Information? Itlacks any intelligibility just like "sjng i;awneg;w heogn." But I've come to expect this from you so well played, mate.
Because more than 95% of people on this planet don't give a fuck.

For every video Al Gore makes China will have built 10 factories that force people to wear breathing masks.

That's too high. More like 30%. Many are concerned, but have no voice and despite their concerns, if they want to live, they need to pay off their supposed "debt"....going back to financial speculation...the power of those institutions dominate the docile and needy population. If we had a voice to vote in a genuine democracy it wouldn't be this way.
My guess would be because it is crap.

The "it" you are referring to is your own comment, right? What do you think "it" conveys? Information? Itlacks any intelligibility just like "sjng i;awneg;w heogn." But I've come to expect this from you so well played, mate.

:lol::lol::lol: The desperation that oozes from your comments is music to my ears.
Human caused climate disruption and localized environmental degradation is increasing year after year with government hardly addressing the issue. As far back as 1965 the US government was entirely aware of this threat. That is, LBJ received memos regarding climate change. On down the line since LBJ, each President gave lip service and little more. Even President Obama announced resoundingly "Climate change is a fact." (State of the Union Speech, 2014). But we are massively increasing methane output as well as the standard CO2. Methane not only comes from natural gas but our production of animals has become increasingly a burden on the climate, mainly due to waste management.

So why is very little being done despite this firm recognition?

Any answer should include the elephant in the room. It's not the laughable skeptics per se. While the rest of the world has declined or stagnated, what has bubbled (and bursted, over and over again without regulation)?

You guessed it! Increasingly since the late 60s, the America has shifted from productive economy to a financial economy. The shift is based in speculation. The root cause, however, is capitalism according to John Bellamy Foster. That is, wealth is generated two ways: "involving the ownership of real assets and also the holding of paper claims to those real assets. Under these circumstances the possibility of a contradiction between real accumulation and financial speculation was intrinsic to the system from the start."

Currently over 70% of total American wealth is speculative, not based in real economy, the real world. That means concerning yourself with quarterly profit and "externalizing" the risk of climate change and degradation or other social costs. Indeed, systemic risk that was faced in the 08 crisis was externalized by the big banks through the "too big to fail" insurance policy from the government.

And we all know wealth buys elections. Who has the most wealth? Those with quarterly concerns, good financial capitalists with insatiable avarice. We are facing some serious "haircuts" to use the financial par excellence, if we continue as we are.

Speculation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Equally strong illumination on how financial markets are unconcerned with ecology available here: Financial Totalitarianism: The Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Rule of Speculative Capital

The reason is that it's a hoax.
Human caused climate disruption and localized environmental degradation is increasing year after year with government hardly addressing the issue


The Government has spent 100's of billions addressing this issue, maybe a trillion dollars. How much more should be spent, entire research departments across the universities and college campuses across the USA are spending tens of thousands of hours, billions of dollars on research.
The premise of this thread is wrong, there is nothing to debate in a false premise.

Billions upon billions is spent each year building bigger and bigger Renewable Energy Plants, while the old ones get thrown away as garbage, which seems to me is not Renewable.

But the point is, there are thousands of bills each year in Congress, Billions spent in the schools, Billions spent marketing, the United Nations devotes billions of dollars.

This is the biggest scam in the World's history and those who support it are completely ignorant of all aspects of this scam.

Perfect example is here, the government hardly does a thing?

What more should be done, the systematic killing of far-right-wing conservatives to end the deniers use of the same resources used at a greater rate by those who "believe".
elektra, I was careful to note the government has done something, but it has been little and sparse. Sure, we may have spent up to 800 billion on it. But you know what? Right through the history we have massively subsidized fossil fuels and has spent several trillions in just the last two decades. The problem with climate change is fossil fuels are a primary cause and so continuing something like an "all of the above" energy strategy is really a cloaked and guised climate denial. We cannot continue anything like the current rate of fossil fuel consumption but the government continues to allow it with sparse regulation.

In fact, "the U.S. House of Representatives, by a vote of 229 - 183, passed the so-called "Electricity Security and Affordability Act," H.R. 3826, sponsored by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY). Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has introduced a companion bill in the Senate S.1905. This bill would create a giant utility industry loophole in our clean air laws, and would allow virtually unlimited carbon pollution from power plants. For the first time in American history, we’re on the brink of placing national carbon pollution limits on America’s dirtiest coal-fired power plants—the largest source of carbon pollution in the country. But this bill would smash our progress."
But I was hoping this thread would not have a bunch of dis-interested observers filling up this board. I was presenting the information in a way that I thought would cause disinterest. I guess even if you are a climate denial, even as some distant observer with no concern you still want to get your two cents in like it matters. Geesh, just leave it alone on a thread you don't even understand or care about! No one wants to hear it except you! We've read it plenty of times or more relevant threads.
Same reason they don't care about the theory that the Earth is a flat plane supported on the back of a Giant Turtle
Same reason they don't care about the theory that the Earth is a flat plane supported on the back of a Giant Turtle

Yet for some antinomy, you spend so much of your brief time on Earth posting quips about the things you say you aren't interested in. Your actions are in direct conflict with your soothsaying words. You are desperately interested in this topic while your ego says "I need to feel superior, Franky, so pass it off like you don't care to ppl on the internet because it's so dumb. Yeah, that'll fool 'em." Well, it doesn't fool me. You hopelessly fool yourself though, which isn't easy. Bravo. Just another typical case of an American who was cannot think straight without loads of self-deception.
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Climate will change on this planet with or without humans, so why through even more money at something that is going happen regardless?

Combined over the past 30 years trillions have been spent trying to prosecute the human race for the changing climate. Do you think that money could have been put in better areas?
First, repeating the lie about the trillions that have supposedly been spent on climate change simply marks you for the fool that you are. Second, you, and people like you, are winning. There will be little done to prevent rapid increase in GHGs from the burning of fossil fuels. And everything possible will be done to prevent the implimentation of clean energy. Until we see a serious catastrophe from the changing climate. And by then, it will be far too late. For that will just be the first of a increasingly severe catastrophes from a changing climate.
First, repeating the lie about the trillions that have supposedly been spent on climate change simply marks you for the fool that you are. Second, you, and people like you, are winning. There will be little done to prevent rapid increase in GHGs from the burning of fossil fuels. And everything possible will be done to prevent the implimentation of clean energy. Until we see a serious catastrophe from the changing climate. And by then, it will be far too late. For that will just be the first of a increasingly severe catastrophes from a changing climate.

And once the AGW church mantra has trumped actual science fact.
Well said, your post seems to imply a lack of hope....Old Rocks, this is simply not fair, you'll be dead and I'm stuck with these jack asses and will be witness to the tremendous human suffering that results from the lack of action when it was crucial.
Well said, your post seems to imply a lack of hope....Old Rocks, this is simply not fair, you'll be dead and I'm stuck with these jack asses and will be witness to the tremendous human suffering that results from the lack of action when it was crucial.

More proof that AGW religious dogma trump actual real science.
Well said, your post seems to imply a lack of hope....Old Rocks, this is simply not fair, you'll be dead and I'm stuck with these jack asses and will be witness to the tremendous human suffering that results from the lack of action when it was crucial.

More proof that AGW religious dogma trump actual real science.

Kind of like the Catholic Church about 500 years ago, Galileo was a denier.

If only Al Gore were Pope Gore....

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