CDZ Why is everything in your country a "war?"


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Haven't you got tired of all these endless wars: War on drugs, war on poverty, war on etc.. every time I look at some American policies, a lot of them are framed as "wars." War on drugs, war on poverty, war on Christmas (lol), war on whatever. Is it because framing something as a war makes it more understandable to the average American? Should we always be at war against something or somebody to live a happy life?
What a crazy trend and ideology?
Yeah, it's silly.

Our political rhetoric has reached such heights of hyperbole that we're gonna need a new set of words.

War, hate, extreme, radical, racism, socialism, on and on.

It's tough to take any of it seriously at this point.

Haven't you got tired of all these endless wars: War on drugs, war on poverty, war on etc.. every time I look at some American policies, a lot of them are framed as "wars." War on drugs, war on poverty, war on Christmas (lol), war on whatever. Is it because framing something as a war makes it more understandable to the average American? Should we always be at war against something or somebody to live a happy life?
What a crazy trend and ideology?

Uh ......... you do realize that in the English language our words can have multiple meanings for the same word, correct??

One classically thinks of war as soldiers with guns, tanks, air craft, ships and the rest of the proverbial war machine.

Lot's of bullets and shrapnel flying around, dead bodies everywhere, ugly, ugly scene ................

We have a lot of causes in America in which one sect of the population pushes for it's beliefs to be accepted as the only correct one.

These folks attempt to wage a battle in which they convert others to their way of thinking.

Thus the reference to war on XXXXXX, it is simply a way to convey to others that battle is long and hard, usually with casualties along the way.

It is a way for some to romanticize the battle to make it sound either more laborious or difficult than it really is.

You asking these questions, like all Americans are ready to behead those who have different opinions than theirs seems indicative you fully understand how our language works.
America is in constant war. War the rich with the poor. War Democrats with Republicans. Blacks with Whites. Cops with Criminals.
Jews with Christians being suppressed by Muslims. Damn a belligerent country we are living in! But we must change it not to quit.
Democratic hyperbole.
Democratic policy likes to overdrive. Mass media overdrive events, politicians overdrive the meanings of words.
Remember who first used the term 'war on terror', GWB himself.
Good question, but it is frequently analyzed here in articles.

I think it's because we used to be successful in wars. We won them, felt victorious, and so we paint other problems with that language to help us also win the "wars" on drugs, gangs, teen-age pregnancy, etc.

Now that we are no longer successful in wars, we'll probably stop that use of metaphor.
I've been involved in public service my entire career. On a volunteer basis.

And I have never viewed it as a fight on the problems of war, hate, extreme, radical, racism, socialism, etc.

We are all faced with challenges in life. Challenges are to be met and conquered. Problems, as mentioned above, are to be solved.

If you address a "problem" as a challenge, then it is much more easily dispatched.
Because war is a business and there's always a reason to start a war. A psychopath like bush can cause a war by making accusations about a ruler in the middle east having dangerous weapons, and the war drums start beating with the war industries leading the charge. Blow that country to smithereens while trying to find the non existent weapons, and then the vice president's ex employer will rebuild the country. We also don't jail these criminal politicians even after it's obvious they lied. They just go on to become elder statesmen.
Haven't you got tired of all these endless wars: War on drugs, war on poverty, war on etc.. every time I look at some American policies, a lot of them are framed as "wars." War on drugs, war on poverty, war on Christmas (lol), war on whatever. Is it because framing something as a war makes it more understandable to the average American? Should we always be at war against something or somebody to live a happy life?
What a crazy trend and ideology?
It gets those whites that wish to return to pre 1950's patriotic.
Because if we fight for equal rights, health care, keeping the government open, women's rights, infrastructure, we are always fighting Republicans.
Haven't you got tired of all these endless wars: War on drugs, war on poverty, war on etc.. every time I look at some American policies, a lot of them are framed as "wars." War on drugs, war on poverty, war on Christmas (lol), war on whatever. Is it because framing something as a war makes it more understandable to the average American? Should we always be at war against something or somebody to live a happy life?
What a crazy trend and ideology?
simple, when we are at war the war powers act is in effect and allows the perps on the hill to circumvent areas of the constitution.


I've been involved in public service my entire career. On a volunteer basis.

And I have never viewed it as a fight on the problems of war, hate, extreme, radical, racism, socialism, etc.

We are all faced with challenges in life. Challenges are to be met and conquered. Problems, as mentioned above, are to be solved.

If you address a "problem" as a challenge, then it is much more easily dispatched.
Your honestly over thinking it just take a moment to think back about how great life is even through all the problems in life.
I've been involved in public service my entire career. On a volunteer basis.

And I have never viewed it as a fight on the problems of war, hate, extreme, radical, racism, socialism, etc.

We are all faced with challenges in life. Challenges are to be met and conquered. Problems, as mentioned above, are to be solved.

If you address a "problem" as a challenge, then it is much more easily dispatched.
Your honestly over thinking it just take a moment to think back about how great life is even through all the problems in life.
Did I give you permission to address me? :slap:

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