Why Is Gas So High?



I give up.

was obvious to me pages ago. sorry dude.
We are in a game of destruction, the very forces which own the energy (finite resources IE) are the very same ones who remove it from us.

You see big energy while based in the US, now are multinational, and have no concern about the energy needs of the US. They are just looking for control, for their agenda which is a 3rd world US....and world basically, China, India, Russia will rise...while in time they will fall if the elites move their Agenda forward....UN AGENDA 21
Why Is Gas So High?

Because nobody has had the nads to take out a few key oil/refinery execs and thereby "splain it" to the rest of em what American exceptionalism really means?

What ya wanna wager that a dozen of the top theives drop and they start to rethink squeezing every last dime from the American consumer. Just call it suppy and demand.. They have the supply...we make the demands..

It's not such an outrageous idea.. We already eliminate all kinds of terrorists when it suits our purposes...including economic ones..

Just a thought..
Gas is so high because the WORLDWIDE demand for gas is increasing.

I remind you again that the USA is EXPORTING GASOLINE, every month.

All this bullshit you folks post about how AMERICA needs to drill is silly.

America doesn't control the oil or the refineries either.


If you think you're getting screwed then perhaps you ought to stop blaming OBAMA and start blaming the people who actaully CONTROL the industry.

Fuuny, I recall you libs were all blamming Bush for high gas prices.

Gasoline is being exported because demand has fallen so much. In part due to MPG standards for vehicles, but also thanks to the Obama-economy of 15-25% real unemployment rate- people just aren't driving to work anymore.

So refineries are either shutting down (which is more jobs lost) or they turn to exporting.

Guess you libs would be happier with more layoffs.
cool stories, bro...

or maybe they've just been lying all along about how much there actually is so as to maintain investment, inflate stock prices, ... and, of course, fool dumb "drill baby drill" republicans into believing that if we just throw enough money at the problem and keep praying really hard, God will just put more oil and gas in the ground.

"fracking... totally safe, and completely worth it" ...


U.S. Cuts Estimate for Marcellus Shale Gas Reserves by 66%
U.S. Cuts Estimate for Marcellus Shale Gas Reserves by 66% - Bloomberg

The U.S. Energy Department cut its estimate for natural gas reserves in the Marcellus shale formation by 66 percent, citing improved data on drilling and production.

About 141 trillion cubic feet of gas can be recovered from the Marcellus shale using current technology, down from the previous estimate of 410 trillion, the department said today in its Annual Energy Outlook. About 482 trillion cubic feet can be produced from shale basins across the U.S., down 42 percent from 827 trillion in last year’s outlook.


The estimated Marcellus reserves would meet U.S. gas demand for about six years, using 2010 consumption data, according to the Energy Department, down from 17 years in the previous outlook.

Just for the record, we consume some 24 trillion cubic feet per year, and growing...

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Just for the record, we consume some 24 trillion cubic feet per year, and growing...


Hubbert predicted peak natural gas back in the early 70's as well. And yet we have recently peaked again in natural gas production. So Hubbert is a pretty epic fail as well.

Remember when peak oilers tried proclaiming the Natural Gas Cliff in 2005 Jiggsy? More epic fail. Maybe they are parrots too?
Nancy Pelosi & Congress raised Federal Gasoline Taxes charged to you at the pump at the end of 2011.

NO kiss, You got that one wrong.

The federal gasoline tax has NOT been raised since 1993, nearly 20 years it has stayed the same, which is 18.4 cents a gallon.

Pelosi didn't even have control of congress in 2011?

Maybe your State has raised their State gasoline tax, but the Federal Gas tax is long over due if we honestly review our infrastructure and the money needed to replace the risky and unsafe things like many old bridges.

Though I am personally starting to believe the oil and gasoline industry and auto makers in the private sector should maintain our roads since they benefit the most monetarily from all the cars sold and gasoline used due to this infrastructure....

Each State's gas tax is much higher than the federal gas tax...on average about 33 cents a gallon/ state.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just for the record, we consume some 24 trillion cubic feet per year, and growing...


Hubbert predicted peak natural gas back in the early 70's as well.

Link for context, or admit you rely on false narratives. Then shut the fuck up.

And yet we have recently peaked again in natural gas production. So Hubbert is a pretty epic fail as well.

False dichotomy, FTW!!!

Remember when peak oilers tried proclaiming the Natural Gas Cliff in 2005 Jiggsy?

No. Again, please link to back up your claim. I remember us saying conventional oil production peaked in 2005, because it did.

More epic fail. Maybe they are parrots too?

The irony of you repeating the same material time and time again, yet calling anyone else the "parrot" truly is amusing. You started out so sure of yourself and long-winded.

Now you're reduced to stealing my jabs, running from direct challenges, and arguing with straw men.

Holy crap are you finished. I don't even need to address you anymore.

If you link to your claims above, I'll give you the time of day. Otherwise, good game.
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Oil speculation adds over 20% to the cost of gas.

As does speculation in most any other commodity.

Our country is awash in agricultural grains, yet food prices are exhorbitant.

And we can't burn our corn fast enough. 30% or our corn ends up in our cars.
There's so much ethanol that we're exporting 20% of that production.
If you link to your claims above, I'll give you the time of day. Otherwise, good game.

I already have. Numerous times. First you ignore them, then you forget them, then you demand them all over again. May I recommend some memory exercises, and collecting a 2nd grader to actually follow the hyperlinks and explain them too you, perhaps leave some sticky notes on your desk so you don't keep asking for the same information, over and over again?

Oh..and the name of the book is "High Noon for Natural Gas", by Julian Darley. I recommend more reading time for parrots, less ignorance. Might I recommend a decent elementary school?
Nancy Pelosi & Congress raised Federal Gasoline Taxes charged to you at the pump at the end of 2011.

NO kiss, You got that one wrong.

The federal gasoline tax has NOT been raised since 1993, nearly 20 years it has stayed the same, which is 18.4 cents a gallon.

Pelosi didn't even have control of congress in 2011?

Maybe your State has raised their State gasoline tax, but the Federal Gas tax is long over due if we honestly review our infrastructure and the money needed to replace the risky and unsafe things like many old bridges.

Though I am personally starting to believe the oil and gasoline industry and auto makers in the private sector should maintain our roads since they benefit the most monetarily from all the cars sold and gasoline used due to this infrastructure....

Each State's gas tax is much higher than the federal gas tax...on average about 33 cents a gallon/ state.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ethanol tax cut reduced the taxes everyone paid at the pump since every gallon of gasoline contained at least 10% ethanol. Congress sunset the ethanol tax cut at the end of 2011. See the sudden gas price reversal & spike since new years in the chart below. That is a direct result of higher taxes per gallon & falling ethanol competition. Gasoline prices continue to spiral as ethanol production has dropped every since this tax hike on new years day.


Jan. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Ethanol production in the U.S. fell 0.7 percent to 934,000 barrels a day, the lowest level since Nov. 25, according to an Energy Department report.

The third consecutive weekly drop matches the longest such streak since the period ended Sept. 23. Stockpiles climbed 1.4 percent to 19.8 million barrels, the highest level since the week ended May 27, the department said in a report released today in Washington. Inventories have swelled six straight weeks, the longest streak since Jan. 21, 2011.
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If you link to your claims above, I'll give you the time of day. Otherwise, good game.

I already have. Numerous times. First you ignore them, then you forget them, then you demand them all over again. May I recommend some memory exercises, and collecting a 2nd grader to actually follow the hyperlinks and explain them too you, perhaps leave some sticky notes on your desk so you don't keep asking for the same information, over and over again?

Oh..and the name of the book is "High Noon for Natural Gas", by Julian Darley. I recommend more reading time for parrots, less ignorance. Might I recommend a decent elementary school?

LOL... So now you're referencing peak oil/energy crisis books to support your argument that there is no energy crisis. And not a very good book, at that.

Which claim of yours do you feel is supported by that book? Hubbert's peak dateline being wrong? "Or natural gas peaked in 2005" being wrong?

You can't argue with straw men and pretend you're beating me at this discussion. Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Do better. You've backed yourself into a corner again. Come out punching for once.
Oil speculation adds over 20% to the cost of gas.

As does speculation in most any other commodity.

Our country is awash in agricultural grains, yet food prices are exhorbitant.

And we can't burn our corn fast enough. 30% or our corn ends up in our cars.
There's so much ethanol that we're exporting 20% of that production.

And what does speculation produce?
Gambling profits for the few?
Higher prices for the working class?
If you link to your claims above, I'll give you the time of day. Otherwise, good game.

I already have. Numerous times. First you ignore them, then you forget them, then you demand them all over again.

Oh..and the name of the book is "High Noon for Natural Gas", by Julian Darley. I recommend more reading time for parrots, less ignorance. Might I recommend a decent elementary school?

LOL... So now you're referencing peak oil/energy crisis books to support your argument that there is no energy crisis. And not a very good book, at that.

I can reference peak oil books as easily as I can wildly optimistic ones. That is part of what it takes to make an informed decision, knowledge of both sides of the issue. Understandable that you are unfamiliar with this technique. It is called "being informed".

JiggsCasey said:
Which claim of yours do you feel is supported by that book? Hubbert's peak dateline being wrong? "Or natural gas peaked in 2005" being wrong?

If you had read it, you wouldn't have to ask that question now, would you? I recommend you read first, then you won't have to ask silly questions. Didn't we discuss your lack of reading of even basic reports, like Hirsch's 2005 DOE? Less parroting, more reading.

JiggsCasey said:
Do better. You've backed yourself into a corner again. Come out punching for once.

So now, because you can't even remember past challenges, or the information provided to refute them, or your ignorance of the information provided, and lack the memory to access any of your prior pitfalls, I'm the one who is in a corner? How perfectly....you.

Come join us again this year Jiggsy, I'll explain why parrots aren't smart enough to know what reserves are. And I'll even buy you lunch while I use stick figures and monosyllabic words, in the hopes even a parrot can learn at that level.

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