Why is it anybody’s worry if Bezos is massively more wealthy than any of his employees etc?

I would support an alternative minimum wealth tax on net assets over $10 million. There are too many ways (LT capital gains, carried interest, trusts, etc.) to avoid income taxes.
31 grand is below poverty wages. I advise one to work slow but steady for that never too hard.
A large wealth gap slows economic growth as the gap grows.

As the wealth gap grows, so does crime.

These are historic facts, they are always a consequence of large wealth gap.

That said, in a capitalistic society such as ours it is not the role of the government to punish the rich in a vain attempt to close the gap, that will never work.
I heard one could make $16 to start at Amazon. That's a mighty fine wage. Trying not to laugh too hard. But some will tell you how you can live comfortably on that. Hilarious.
My son worked there over the summer made 18 an hour putting shit in boxes. They pay their employees really well
A large wealth gap slows economic growth as the gap grows.

As the wealth gap grows, so does crime.

These are historic facts, they are always a consequence of large wealth gap.

That said, in a capitalistic society such as ours it is not the role of the government to punish the rich in a vain attempt to close the gap, that will never work.

Actually, those are opinions, not facts. Correlation does not prove causation. Economic growth is tied to a number of factors and there's no way to tell for sure how much the wealth gap influences growth or crime. Do you not think that at least sometimes an increase in wealth at the top results in more investments, innovation, and entrepeneurship? If the investor class has more money to invest then isn't it intuitive that greater economic growth results?

Comparing the Gini coefficient, the official poverty measure, and two additional poverty measures (one based on income and accounting for taxes and transfers, and one based on consumption) developed by economists Bruce D. Meyer of the University of Chicago and James X. Sullivan of Notre Dame reveals no clear relationship between poverty and inequality (Figure 9).62 While the Gini coefficient has increased almost without interruption, the official poverty rate has fluctuated mostly in the 13–15 percent range and the two measures from Meyer and Sullivan have both decreased markedly since 1980.63 Again, the mid‐1990s was an interesting period because the inequality was markedly higher than previously, but both the supplemental poverty measure (SPM) and the official rate saw significant decreases.




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Sorry Back but you lose. 31 grand is a joke,not something to work hard for. It IS a pittance. Just admit it. For that one need show up, no more expected
You’re obviously wrong. But I expect that kind of alleged “thinking” from liberals, progressive, a wide array of Dems and a few other associates simpletons.
Do you not think that at least sometimes an increase in wealth at the top results in more investments, innovation, and entrepeneurship? If the investor class has more money to invest then isn't it intuitive that greater economic growth results?

Of course. But as the wealth becomes more and more concentrated in a few individuals there is a diminishing returns in that happening.

Since Bezos was the topic of the OP, between 2014 and 2018 his wealth grew 260%. Do you believe that his
investments, innovation, and entrepreneurship increased the same amount?
Of course. But as the wealth becomes more and more concentrated in a few individuals there is a diminishing returns in that happening.

Since Bezos was the topic of the OP, between 2014 and 2018 his wealth grew 260%. Do you believe that his
investments, innovation, and entrepreneurship increased the same amount?
No but the platform he created likely increased a shit ton of companies wealth more than that.

There isn’t a finite amount of wealth in the world. Bezos having a lot doesnt limit how much anyone else can have
Of course. But as the wealth becomes more and more concentrated in a few individuals there is a diminishing returns in that happening.

Based on what data or logic? You are saying the wealth of only a small percentage of individuals diminishes the economic growth of the entire economy. I find that to be ludicrous, Add up the top CEOs, does it come anywhere close to our GDP? I think not.

CEOs at more than 300 of the top public companies in US received median pay of $13.7 million in 2020, up 15% from $12.8 million the year before, according to an analysis by the Wall Street Journal . Executive pay rose thanks to a revived stock market and changes to compensation structures.

I do not believe those few individuals have any appreciable influence over the other 32 million businesses in the US in terms of economic growth. A lot of that extra wealth is due to a rising stock market, which does not injure the economic growth in this country. Which BTW also benefits the rest of us that have 401ks, not so much individually compared to those guys, but as a whole our wealth went up as a group more than theirs did.
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People need to learn to ask questions instead of just repeating talking points.

The question people should be asking is this: what single person in the entire world benefitted the most from the coordinated attack against small business by the democrat party?

Why ANYBODY supports the centralization of power and control in the technocrat elites is beyond me.
I’m not focusing on just Bezos. It could be Gates. It could be Musk. It could be almost any very wealthy owner of a big ass company. The “objection” from the left appears to be that “they” have far more wealth than most other individuals. The “us” vs. “them” notion is highlighted by rhetoric such as “the 1%” vs. the “99%.”

Some of the questions raised are these:
Exactly how and why is this any of the business of the lefties?​
Is there a supportable “theory” that accumulated wealth is a moral wrong?​
Is there some reason that anyone in that “99%” isn’t allowed to pursue also acquiring great wealth?​
Beyond perhaps jealousy, does anyone in the “99%” have a supportable valid claim of entitlement to the “extra” wealth of the so-called “1%” folks?​
Is there some fair, neutral “rule” by which anyone can define how much wealth can be labeled “extra” wealth? Who decides what that “rule” is? By what authority?​
/-----/ Class envy is a popular Communist talking point.
I do not worry about the amount of money or assets someone procured in their life…

I worry about my own financial status and those worrying about the Billionaire club are the same type of people that wonder if you have enough minorities in your life and that you accept someone sexual lifestyle…
31 grand is below poverty wages. I advise one to work slow but steady for that never too hard.
Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Family size2021 income numbers2022 income numbers
For individuals$12,880$13,590
For a family of 2$17,420$18,310
For a family of 3$21,960$23,030
For a family of 4$26,500$27,750

I do not worry about the amount of money or assets someone procured in their life…

I worry about my own financial status and those worrying about the Billionaire club are the same type of people that wonder if you have enough minorities in your life and that you accept someone sexual lifestyle…
True. If people paid more attention to their own finances there would likely be less poverty in the country.

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