Why is it Mexico's problem?

The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

So you're saying that we'd be doing Mexico a favor by continuing to have violent drug cartels continue to channel drugs through Mexico? You're an ass
Wow, you do get dumber every freakli8nh day of your miserable little life

The idea that is what you got from my post proves you are incapable of reading comprehension.

What I am saying is that your Dumbasss Orange POS should STFU about Mexico. Their drug situation is a direct result of the US drug demand. We should be grateful for the help Mexico is providing & do more to help them.

Meanwhile we should address our drug problem by reducing the demand instead of trying to choke off the supply.
We should seize their drugs, their drug money, throw their sorry drug peddling asses out of our country and build a fucking wall. Ewe moron ewe!
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

It is their problem because mexicos elected officials are all corrupt and operated by the cartels. If mexico focused on fixing their economy, removing the cartels and drugs and corruption, we wouldnt have millions of illegals flowing into this country. Why are you so stupid?
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

You twisted whack-jobs are super confusing.
You normally claim that perpetrators/users are never at fault...they’re always victims driven to commit crime by someone or something else. No?
In the real world outside of that backward shithole you fools live in (LibTardo Land) you can’t really have demand before you have a supply...think before you speak for once.
You want big pharma to stop mass producing opioids and doctors to stop prescribing them...right?
I haven’t heard one of you Koooks say you want to stop the flow at the user level. So what is it?
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

You twisted whack-jobs are super confusing.
You normally claim that perpetrators/users are never at fault...they’re always victims driven to commit crime by someone or something else. No?
In the real world outside of that backward shithole you fools live in (LibTardo Land) you can’t really have demand before you have a supply...think before you speak for once.
You want big pharma to stop mass producing opioids and doctors to stop prescribing them...right?
I haven’t heard one of you Koooks say you want to stop the flow at the user level. So what is it?
Users need treatment. Sells need jailed.

The demand drives the market.especially market growth.

It is the US demands that drives the drug trafficking.
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

It is their problem because mexicos elected officials are all corrupt and operated by the cartels. If mexico focused on fixing their economy, removing the cartels and drugs and corruption, we wouldnt have millions of illegals flowing into this country. Why are you so stupid?

The US demands provides big money & power to the cartels. The demand will continue to create new cartels & new drug routes & methods. These cartels are funded by US money flowing back into their pockets.
Those drugs are legal in the us . They are called opioids and can be found at your local pharmacy .

Big Parma turned everyone into addicts . The result is people going to cheaper heroine.

Blaming the corner drug dealer is nothing but a diversion.
Typical stupid leftist logic.

Find someone else to blame and let off the poor abused misunderstood drug dealer.

The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

So you're saying that we'd be doing Mexico a favor by continuing to have violent drug cartels continue to channel drugs through Mexico? You're an ass
Wow, you do get dumber every freakli8nh day of your miserable little life

The idea that is what you got from my post proves you are incapable of reading comprehension.

What I am saying is that your Dumbasss Orange POS should STFU about Mexico. Their drug situation is a direct result of the US drug demand. We should be grateful for the help Mexico is providing & do more to help them.

Meanwhile we should address our drug problem by reducing the demand instead of trying to choke off the supply.
We should seize their drugs, their drug money, throw their sorry drug peddling asses out of our country and build a fucking wall. Ewe moron ewe!
We do seizedrug shipments & go after drug cartel money. Trump's wall will not help.
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

Let see, well it is Mexico problem seeing they are the supplier and if their corrupt government would step in and slow the flow, well then maybe then you can put the blame on the buyer instead.

Do you believe Mexico government is innocent just because of Trump but wete guilty when Obama was President?

Where was your complaints when Obama DEA and Border Patrol were fighting the Cartels?

I don't care who is President. The US created Mexico's drug problem. I don't have a problem fighting the cartels.

My complaint with your Orange Hero is that he blames Mexico. He trashed Mexico every chance he gets. He should be apologizing to Mexico that we pout them in this position.
"Craving demands a supply" so the supplier can't be blamed? What kind of convoluted upside down logic is this ?
Who said the drug cartels weren't to blame?

The idea their existence is a result of our demand does not mean they are not to blame. They are pushing illegal drugs.

But you stop one cartel, another will pop up because the money to too big. Seal one border area & the flow will reroute.

If we lower the demand, then it lowers the money & lessens the cartels.

Legalize pot & take away cartel money.
"Craving demands a supply" so the supplier can't be blamed? What kind of convoluted upside down logic is this ?

Yep...and if you leave your keys in your ignition with your windows down...it’s your fault if it gets stolen...the thief can not be blamed.
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.
Drugs are illegal in the US. Drugs are illegal in Mexico. Do you know why a most of our drugs come from Mexico? Because they suck at fighting crime, therefore drug gangs get a free ride.

Mexico needs to get their shit together.
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

Let see, well it is Mexico problem seeing they are the supplier and if their corrupt government would step in and slow the flow, well then maybe then you can put the blame on the buyer instead.

Do you believe Mexico government is innocent just because of Trump but wete guilty when Obama was President?

Where was your complaints when Obama DEA and Border Patrol were fighting the Cartels?

I don't care who is President. The US created Mexico's drug problem. I don't have a problem fighting the cartels.

My complaint with your Orange Hero is that he blames Mexico. He trashed Mexico every chance he gets. He should be apologizing to Mexico that we pout them in this position.


Mexico corrupt government put itself in the position it is in. They should clean up the corruption and deal with the Cartels.

Now once they do this and if Trump keep up his rants then you might have a real argument but not until then.

You blame the bad behavior of Mexico government on everyone else when you should blame them for allowing their country to turn into a Cartel hell hole!
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

So right RealDave!
Trump should stop outsourcing jobs to black market cartels
and invest even MORE in domestic US drug dealing.
That will solve the problem!
Look, jackass, Blaming Mexico is the chickenshit solution,.

A real President would admit this is our problem and seek help from Mexico.

Then get Sessions off his wimpy little ass & do something about US drug use. Curtail the demand & yoiu will curtail the drug trafficking.

Hell just legalize marijuana & take that money away from the drug dealers & out it is our treasury by taxing it.

We dont need mehicos help.
Militarize the border.....problem solved.

Build a wall and Man it. Problem solved for the most part.
Build a wall.... Or nuke Sacramento.
Look around the world & see many corrupt governments, greed rules, my thought is that our government is getting more corrupt as we allow those with more money to buy our government. that should be the main concern no matter what way your political views lean.
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

Let see, well it is Mexico problem seeing they are the supplier and if their corrupt government would step in and slow the flow, well then maybe then you can put the blame on the buyer instead.

Do you believe Mexico government is innocent just because of Trump but wete guilty when Obama was President?

Where was your complaints when Obama DEA and Border Patrol were fighting the Cartels?

I don't care who is President. The US created Mexico's drug problem. I don't have a problem fighting the cartels.

My complaint with your Orange Hero is that he blames Mexico. He trashed Mexico every chance he gets. He should be apologizing to Mexico that we pout them in this position.
Look around the world & see many corrupt governments, greed rules, my thought is that our government is getting more corrupt as we allow those with more money to buy our government. that should be the main concern no matter what way your political views lean.

Our government ( U.S. ) has been corrupt since the first day I came kicking and screaming into this world, so nothing new!
The US has a huge craving for illegal drugs.

This craving demands a supply.

Those foreign suppliers easiest path is thrpough Mexico.

El Dumpster says this is Mexico's problem.

But it is the US demand that creates this problem.

We should be asking for Mexico's help. Not demeaning them. Not demanding they act.

Donald Trump is such an ass.

So you're saying that we'd be doing Mexico a favor by continuing to have violent drug cartels continue to channel drugs through Mexico? You're an ass
Wow, you do get dumber every freakli8nh day of your miserable little life

The idea that is what you got from my post proves you are incapable of reading comprehension.

What I am saying is that your Dumbasss Orange POS should STFU about Mexico. Their drug situation is a direct result of the US drug demand. We should be grateful for the help Mexico is providing & do more to help them.

Meanwhile we should address our drug problem by reducing the demand instead of trying to choke off the supply.

Is that why you voted for Trump? You like orange?

And you're dumb as a brick, so I'll slow it down for you.

The US has legal drugs and no wall. So Mexican, Central and South American drug lords go through Mexico to the US. They kill and destabilize Mexico's government and kill any politicians who get in their way.

So if we built a wall, that would remove those gangs from Mexico.

How stupid are you? You seriously didn't get that?

No wonder you voted for Trump
Yep. Doctors over prescribed , with the help of Big Parma . Most of this opioid crisis started wh a doctors script .

Other contries don’t have this problem because they reigned in that crap since the start.

I know people who are suffering (or know people who know others who are suffering) from pain they can't get help for. Today doctors are so reluctant to prescribe pain killers that people have to live the rest of their lives in misery.

So what's worse?

However doctors have been prescribing pain killers my entire life, yet it's only the last decade or so we've seen this problem grow so large. So is it doctors or is it the availability of these drugs on the street?

I think what happened years ago is that if you found yourself addicted to certain drugs, the doctor or clinic provided help to get you off of them. After all, what choice did you have? Today people just continue their usage by buying drugs on the street instead of getting help after the doctor cuts them off. Like I said, the availability.

They promoted this stuff as non addictive . Then handed it out like candy . Shit, the dentist would score you Oxy for minor shit .

So many addicts because they trusted the medical industry. Shame .

They promoted this stuff as non addictive? I'm 57 years old, and I don't recall that once. In fact back in the 70's we had heroin addicts. They were few and far between, but even back then we all knew of the possible addiction.

Yep. People aren't stupid. My grandparents always told me that everyone knew cigarettes were bad for you, it didn't take government to tell anyone that

Bullcrap. Smoking was well accepted until the link to cancer was discovered.

That doesn't contradict what I said, genius
I know people who are suffering (or know people who know others who are suffering) from pain they can't get help for. Today doctors are so reluctant to prescribe pain killers that people have to live the rest of their lives in misery.

So what's worse?

However doctors have been prescribing pain killers my entire life, yet it's only the last decade or so we've seen this problem grow so large. So is it doctors or is it the availability of these drugs on the street?

I think what happened years ago is that if you found yourself addicted to certain drugs, the doctor or clinic provided help to get you off of them. After all, what choice did you have? Today people just continue their usage by buying drugs on the street instead of getting help after the doctor cuts them off. Like I said, the availability.

They promoted this stuff as non addictive . Then handed it out like candy . Shit, the dentist would score you Oxy for minor shit .

So many addicts because they trusted the medical industry. Shame .

They promoted this stuff as non addictive? I'm 57 years old, and I don't recall that once. In fact back in the 70's we had heroin addicts. They were few and far between, but even back then we all knew of the possible addiction.

Yep. People aren't stupid. My grandparents always told me that everyone knew cigarettes were bad for you, it didn't take government to tell anyone that

Bullcrap. Smoking was well accepted until the link to cancer was discovered.

That doesn't mean that people didn't realize it was bad for you. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that lighting a plant on fire and inhaling the fumes is bad for you.

I can't believe he didn't get that. ReadDave is a RealDumbAss

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