Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Who is burning the bible?

You must be joking!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlyIIFu4afU&feature=related"]Burn a Bible for Blasphemy Day![/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OgAXbyzP5g&feature=related"]Bible in Toilet[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CshCI90Nfqc"]Burning the Bible[/ame]
There was an article I read a few days ago about the Koran. It's held to be much more sacred by the Muslims then the Christians hold the Bible. The Koran is in many respects held to be God Himself and would better be compared to the Catholic Sacrament, which changes into the actual Body and Blood of Christ
Hmmm, burn an American flag, receive a sock in the snout, I'd rather see them burn something of importance, say for instance a taliban or al queda fighter? They do not treat or soldiers with dignity, why should we afford them the same comforts as we do prisoners we have captured? if the military want's to see a reduction in insurgents and win a war, we should be and act as barbaric as they, that might change the scope of things dramatically.
burning a bible or a koran means different things to different people.

I think that what upsets most of those on the left here, is that they can't burn a Christian holding a Bible.

(You can't, the Rachel Maddow show checked, they were going to do it as a promo!)
not too long ago it was the Christians that did the burning and lynching: Lynching, the practice of killing people by extrajudicial mob action, occurred in the United States chiefly from the late 18th century through the 1960s. Lynchings took place most frequently in the South from 1890 to the 1920s, with a peak in the annual toll in 1892.

It is associated with re-imposition of White supremacy in the South after the Civil War. The granting of civil rights to freedmen in the Reconstruction era (1865–77) aroused anxieties among white citizens, who came to blame African Americans for their own wartime hardship, economic loss, and forfeiture of social privilege. Black Americans, and Whites active in the pursuit of equal rights, were frequently lynched in the South during Reconstruction. Lynchings reached a peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when Southern states changed their constitutions and electoral rules to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites, and, having regained political power, enacted a series of segregation and Jim Crow laws to reestablish White supremacy. Notable lynchings of civil rights workers during the 1960s in Mississippi contributed to galvanizing public support for the Civil Rights Movement and civil rights legislation.

The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites were lynched between 1882 and 1968.[1] Southern states created new constitutions between 1890 and 1910, with provisions that effectively disfranchised most blacks, as well as many poor whites. People who did not vote were excluded from serving on juries, and most blacks were shut out of the official political system.

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were Christians? really? What part of the bible commands that Christians are supposed to kill or do harm to other people
not too long ago it was the Christians that did the burning and lynching:

Sure it was;

Allah knows that non-Christians never hurt anyone.

Hanging is exclusive in all of history to those hated Christians. If you could just kill them all, it would be a world of bunny rabbits and butterflies...

Lynching, the practice of killing people by extrajudicial mob action, occurred in the United States chiefly from the late 18th century through the 1960s. Lynchings took place most frequently in the South from 1890 to the 1920s, with a peak in the annual toll in 1892.

Yeah, and mobs have never in history killed outside of the hated Christians..

{Muslim Mob Kills Wife, Children of Christian in Pakistan}

Muslim Mob Kills Wife, Children of Christian in Pakistan

{Mob kills 7 U.N. workers in Afghanistan
Officials say a crowd at a mosque sermon angered by a U.S. church's recent burning of the Koran set upon the U.N. compound in Mazar-i-Sharif. Similar sermons also sparked protests in Kabul and Herat.}

Afghanistan: Mob kills 7 U.N. workers in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times


A lynch mob overpowered two alleged robbers while they were looting a motorist and then a man from the crowd fatally shot one of the suspects in Nazimabad on Thursday.

Muhammad Saleem, a resident of Korangi No. 2-1/2, was on his way home in his vehicle when he was intercepted by two gunmen on a motorcycle. The gunmen told him to hand over all of his cash and other valuables. }

Lynch mob kills suspected robber

You've got it all figured out, bigot boi...
freedom of expression

Unless it's the Koran, then it's a crime; right bigot boi?
assume much?
Christians and Muslims have been killing each other since their respective religions were invented.
as to burning either (bible or koran) the only real question is: which one makes better kindling IMO.
if we're keeping score the death toll is about even
during the crusades (all 4 of them)Christians traveled thousands of miles for the privilege of killing Muslims for god.
Muslims have only recently traveled thousands of miles to kills Christians.
the death toll to the Christians in these recent time is just a fraction of Muslims killed by Christians in the crusades..
Other incidences of Christians killing suspected non believers are witch mania -13th-16th century.
and everybody's favorite: the Inquisition's :the Medieval Inquisition (1231–16th century)
the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)
A good time was had by all.
YOU might want to check yourself when you call someone else a bigot ,because it appears that you adhere to a belief system that has a long and rich history of bigotry.
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The fundamental basis of the Christian religion is the teachings of Jesus who advocated very much against violence. He preached love. You cannot cite an instance of his advocating violence or killing.

By VERY stark contrast, the fundamental basis for the religion of Islam is the teaching of that asshole murderous socio-pathic pedophile Mohammed. He preached submission. It is difficult to cite anything but instances of his advocating violence and killing.

Did Christianity ever engage in crap like the Inquisitions? Yep.

Were those intances at all in keeping with the actual teachings of Jesus? Nope.
assume much?
Christians and Muslims have been killing each other since their respective religions were

Well, not so much. One of the logical fallacies dearly loved by the lowbrow left is that of equivalency. Essentially, if cyanide is poison, then milk is poison too.

Any group the leftist seeks to support and promote will be presented as the same as dog owners, gun owners, Christians, and especially Jesus.

as to burning either of them the only real question is: which one makes better kindling IMO.

Show me any state in the world that kills Muslims due to their faith - any one will do...

if we're keeping score the death toll is about even


Nice of you to simply fabricate shit out of thin air, sparky.

during the crusades (all 4 of them)Christians traveled thousands of miles for the privilege of killing Muslims for god.

Well damn, the poor innocent Muslims, just minding their own business when WHAM, hated Christians everywhere, for no reason at all.

I mean, it wasn't like Muslims had invaded and occupied Spain, conquered Eastern France and were on the edge of crushing European civilization completely...

Because if that were the case, it would make you a fucking moron and a liar.

Muslims have only recently traveled thousands of miles to kills Christians.

{The Muslims' insatiable appetite for land, together with a burning desire to put an end to Christianity, had received a fillip after the conquest of Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain. They dreamt of overrunning the whole of Western and Northern Europe. Thus began the Muslim invasion of France under the leadership of Abd-ur Rahman, who had then been appointed the chieftain of the Muslim occupiers of Spain by the Caliph.

When the Muslims burst upon France, the country was ruled by the Franks. The Franks were a Gothic (Germanic) tribe who eventually became the French as we know the French people today.}

History of Jihad against France (732 - ongoing)

You bigots sure are smart...

the death toll to the Christians in these recent time is just a fraction of Muslims killed by Christians in the crusades..

And not one Christian died, because your beloved Muslims were peaceful and wouldn't harm a fly...

{The tales of mindless Muslim cruelty, savage torture, subterfuge deception and bloodchilling ruthlessness that the Visigoths who fled Muslim occupied Spain told their Frankish clansmen, had contributed to further stiffen the Frankish resolve to defeat the Muslim invaders. }

Peaceful, loving Muslims....

Other incidences of Christians killing suspected non believers are witch mania -13th-16th century.

I thought that was in Florida, under Janet Reno?

and everybody's favorite: the Inquisition's :the Medieval Inquisition (1231–16th century)
the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)

Say bigot boi, who murdered more people on religious grounds, Islam, or the Spanish Inquisition?

Okay, not fair - which murdered more people on religious grounds, Islam in 2012 alone, or the Spanish Inquisition.

Well come on hater - what about the last month? Surely the Inquisition killed more than Islam slaughtered last month?

Ah, maybe not.

Despite all your fucking lies, 775 people died during the Spanish Inquisition - over 200 fucking years.

{During the high point of the Spanish Inquisition from 1478-1530 AD, scholars found that approximately 1,500-2,000 people were found guilty. From that point forward, there are exact records available of all "guilty" sentences which amounted to 775 executions. In the full 200 years of the Spanish Inquisition, less than 1% of the population had any contact with it, people outside of the major cities didn't even know about it. The Inquisition was not applied to Jews or Moslems, unless they were baptised as Christians.}

[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/people-killed-Inquisition/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=3878676]How many people were actually killed during the Inquisition?[/ame]

Given the level of bigotry you spew, well...

the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)
A good time was had by all.
YOU might want to check yourself when you call someone else a bigot ,because it appears that you adhere to a belief system that has a long and rich history of bigotry.

You are a liar for Allah, Bigot boi.

Standard Disclaimer: Just because I didn't call you a cocksucking, lying sack of shit, doesn't mean you aren't one.
assume much?
Christians and Muslims have been killing each other since their respective religions were

Well, not so much. One of the logical fallacies dearly loved by the lowbrow left is that of equivalency. Essentially, if cyanide is poison, then milk is poison too.

Any group the leftist seeks to support and promote will be presented as the same as dog owners, gun owners, Christians, and especially Jesus.

as to burning either of them the only real question is: which one makes better kindling IMO.

Show me any state in the world that kills Muslims due to their faith - any one will do...


Nice of you to simply fabricate shit out of thin air, sparky.

Well damn, the poor innocent Muslims, just minding their own business when WHAM, hated Christians everywhere, for no reason at all.

I mean, it wasn't like Muslims had invaded and occupied Spain, conquered Eastern France and were on the edge of crushing European civilization completely...

Because if that were the case, it would make you a fucking moron and a liar.

{The Muslims' insatiable appetite for land, together with a burning desire to put an end to Christianity, had received a fillip after the conquest of Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain. They dreamt of overrunning the whole of Western and Northern Europe. Thus began the Muslim invasion of France under the leadership of Abd-ur Rahman, who had then been appointed the chieftain of the Muslim occupiers of Spain by the Caliph.

When the Muslims burst upon France, the country was ruled by the Franks. The Franks were a Gothic (Germanic) tribe who eventually became the French as we know the French people today.}

History of Jihad against France (732 - ongoing)

You bigots sure are smart...

And not one Christian died, because your beloved Muslims were peaceful and wouldn't harm a fly...

{The tales of mindless Muslim cruelty, savage torture, subterfuge deception and bloodchilling ruthlessness that the Visigoths who fled Muslim occupied Spain told their Frankish clansmen, had contributed to further stiffen the Frankish resolve to defeat the Muslim invaders. }

Peaceful, loving Muslims....

I thought that was in Florida, under Janet Reno?

and everybody's favorite: the Inquisition's :the Medieval Inquisition (1231–16th century)
the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)

Say bigot boi, who murdered more people on religious grounds, Islam, or the Spanish Inquisition?

Okay, not fair - which murdered more people on religious grounds, Islam in 2012 alone, or the Spanish Inquisition.

Well come on hater - what about the last month? Surely the Inquisition killed more than Islam slaughtered last month?

Ah, maybe not.

Despite all your fucking lies, 775 people died during the Spanish Inquisition - over 200 fucking years.

{During the high point of the Spanish Inquisition from 1478-1530 AD, scholars found that approximately 1,500-2,000 people were found guilty. From that point forward, there are exact records available of all "guilty" sentences which amounted to 775 executions. In the full 200 years of the Spanish Inquisition, less than 1% of the population had any contact with it, people outside of the major cities didn't even know about it. The Inquisition was not applied to Jews or Moslems, unless they were baptised as Christians.}

[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/people-killed-Inquisition/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=3878676]How many people were actually killed during the Inquisition?[/ame]

Given the level of bigotry you spew, well...

the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)
A good time was had by all.
YOU might want to check yourself when you call someone else a bigot ,because it appears that you adhere to a belief system that has a long and rich history of bigotry.

You are a liar for Allah, Bigot boi.

Standard Disclaimer: Just because I didn't call you a cocksucking, lying sack of shit, doesn't mean you aren't one.
I love it when you rationalize....
Who is burning the bible?

You must be joking!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlyIIFu4afU&feature=related"]Burn a Bible for Blasphemy Day![/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OgAXbyzP5g&feature=related"]Bible in Toilet[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CshCI90Nfqc"]Burning the Bible[/ame]

As far as the first "freedom of expression", that bitch needs a good "Oh, GOD!" fucking. Judging by her attitude, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

As far as the second clip goes, books have been misused as TP in may instances throughout Hollyweird history:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNorMR2gszE]Wagons East- Julian's Bookstore (John C McGinley) - YouTube[/ame]

The third dude was so incredibly boring, I gave up.
Who is burning the bible?

You must be joking!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlyIIFu4afU&feature=related"]Burn a Bible for Blasphemy Day![/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OgAXbyzP5g&feature=related"]Bible in Toilet[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CshCI90Nfqc"]Burning the Bible[/ame]

As far as the first "freedom of expression", that bitch needs a good "Oh, GOD!" fucking. Judging by her attitude, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

As far as the second clip goes, books have been misused as TP in may instances throughout Hollyweird history:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNorMR2gszE]Wagons East- Julian's Bookstore (John C McGinley) - YouTube[/ame]

The third dude was so incredibly boring, I gave up.

The third one says he is outside of his room. That is because the asylum would not allow him to burn anything in his room.


As far as the first "freedom of expression", that bitch needs a good "Oh, GOD!" fucking. Judging by her attitude, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

As far as the second clip goes, books have been misused as TP in may instances throughout Hollyweird history:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNorMR2gszE]Wagons East- Julian's Bookstore (John C McGinley) - YouTube[/ame]

The third dude was so incredibly boring, I gave up.

The third one says he is outside of his room. That is because the asylum would not allow him to burn anything in his room.


That much, I got! Or maybe his folks didn't want the basement set on fire?

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