Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?

....While trying to hide your Jew hate, you should first learn what Zionism means. Anti Zionism is the new anti semtism, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put it well in 1968.

...Most of these anti Semites don't even know what Zionism actually means. They heard something during a Neo Nazi or IslmoNazi rally and they think that's what it is.

Indeed, the staggering amount of drivel, bullshit, innuendo and dumbass babble palistan-cheerleaders dump here makes it so.

...You really are terminally stupid. That some groups use the word in their name does not mean Zionism is an organization. Don't look up when it rains ... you will definitely drown.

...Uh-huh. I accept your capitulation. Don't do that stupid, stupid shit again.

... I'd say, these days the definition is a socially acceptable all encompassing word for Jew. So anti Semite scumbags aren't seen to be what they really are.


... Spouting the term Zionist is RACIST ANTI SEMITIC INTOLERANCE

Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum? See above.

Hi Billo, while I agree with a lot of the above, sadly I strongly suspect this forum appears to be over-run with ignorant or ill-informed, generally "right-wing" (but not exclusively), paid Hasbarists whose job it is to sabotage any meaningful discourse on this topic. This is evidenced in their constant repetition of Hasbara talking points, (regardless of how often they are discredited) and a predilection for resorting to "shouting" and "name calling" at every opportunity. While it can be entertaining, from time to time, to "poke the monkey cage with a stick" it adds nothing to the the general discourse and you do run the risk of getting hit with the faeces they throw at you as a result.

I rest my case.

....While trying to hide your Jew hate, you should first learn what Zionism means. Anti Zionism is the new anti semtism, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put it well in 1968.

...Most of these anti Semites don't even know what Zionism actually means. They heard something during a Neo Nazi or IslmoNazi rally and they think that's what it is.

Indeed, the staggering amount of drivel, bullshit, innuendo and dumbass babble palistan-cheerleaders dump here makes it so.

...You really are terminally stupid. That some groups use the word in their name does not mean Zionism is an organization. Don't look up when it rains ... you will definitely drown.

...Uh-huh. I accept your capitulation. Don't do that stupid, stupid shit again.

... I'd say, these days the definition is a socially acceptable all encompassing word for Jew. So anti Semite scumbags aren't seen to be what they really are.


... Spouting the term Zionist is RACIST ANTI SEMITIC INTOLERANCE

Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum? See above.

Hi Billo, while I agree with a lot of the above, sadly I strongly suspect this forum appears to be over-run with ignorant or ill-informed, generally "right-wing" (but not exclusively), paid Hasbarists whose job it is to sabotage any meaningful discourse on this topic. This is evidenced in their constant repetition of Hasbara talking points, (regardless of how often they are discredited) and a predilection for resorting to "shouting" and "name calling" at every opportunity. While it can be entertaining, from time to time, to "poke the monkey cage with a stick" it adds nothing to the the general discourse and you do run the risk of getting hit with the faeces they throw at you as a result.

I rest my case.
I think you've proven it to be true, quite well.


It's pretty clear that Zionists and their minions, have no intention of being civil to anyone with opposing views.

"Views" did you say? Is that what they were?

Ha ha. Billo, a member who uses the most profanity and aggressive language whining about having a "civil discussion" and "views". This whole thread is a joke.
....While trying to hide your Jew hate, you should first learn what Zionism means. Anti Zionism is the new anti semtism, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put it well in 1968.

...Most of these anti Semites don't even know what Zionism actually means. They heard something during a Neo Nazi or IslmoNazi rally and they think that's what it is.

Indeed, the staggering amount of drivel, bullshit, innuendo and dumbass babble palistan-cheerleaders dump here makes it so.

...You really are terminally stupid. That some groups use the word in their name does not mean Zionism is an organization. Don't look up when it rains ... you will definitely drown.

...Uh-huh. I accept your capitulation. Don't do that stupid, stupid shit again.

... I'd say, these days the definition is a socially acceptable all encompassing word for Jew. So anti Semite scumbags aren't seen to be what they really are.


... Spouting the term Zionist is RACIST ANTI SEMITIC INTOLERANCE

Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum? See above.

Hi Billo, while I agree with a lot of the above, sadly I strongly suspect this forum appears to be over-run with ignorant or ill-informed, generally "right-wing" (but not exclusively), paid Hasbarists whose job it is to sabotage any meaningful discourse on this topic. This is evidenced in their constant repetition of Hasbara talking points, (regardless of how often they are discredited) and a predilection for resorting to "shouting" and "name calling" at every opportunity. While it can be entertaining, from time to time, to "poke the monkey cage with a stick" it adds nothing to the the general discourse and you do run the risk of getting hit with the faeces they throw at you as a result.

I rest my case.
I think you've proven it to be true, quite well.


It's pretty clear that Zionists and their minions, have no intention of being civil to anyone with opposing views.

And here are some of Billo's "gems" of civility. Ha ha ha:

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your post is a perfect example of how sick your fucking country is. You claimed I lied about being anti-war and you offered the following evidence to prove it...

UN vows inquiry into weapons found at UN sites in Gaza Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Teddyearp: What was this thread about again?

Billo_Really: Your big mouth!
So you are saying Palestinians are encouraged to throw rocks at the IDF in the sure and certain knowledge they will be shot at with live rounds in just order to win a propaganda war?

I am sure that they are taught more than one way to take the martyrs path to 'paradise'. This is one of them.
Hi Billo, while I agree with a lot of the above, sadly I strongly suspect this forum appears to be over-run with ignorant or ill-informed, generally "right-wing" (but not exclusively), paid Hasbarists whose job it is to sabotage any meaningful discourse on this topic. This is evidenced in their constant repetition of Hasbara talking points, (regardless of how often they are discredited) and a predilection for resorting to "shouting" and "name calling" at every opportunity.

so, let me try to get something straight here. How is saying that this forum is over run with "paid Hasbarists" not stereotyping and name calling? From what I have seen you post, you even call RoccoR's posts hasbara at times. And IMHO, your idea of discrediting is to dismiss the poster as a "paid Hasbarists". With this said, I find your argument above very lacking and take exception to it.

I am not paid, nor do I post only to disrupt. the sabotaging I have found is mostly done by those on the Pro-Pali side; in so much as instant derailing and detracting from the subject posted.
Huh? Who's "you"?


After a while you will be mindful of the fact that 'lope' has the posting style of a small child with little command of the English language as shown by it's grammatical skills.

I've met the type often enough. Do you suppose they could be clones? Because they all say exactly the same thing.
I always get confused, one minute the Zionist in Israel blame it on the Pals, then the next thread its the PLO, then it Hamas, etc.

Lets admit it Zionist, you want them all gone and to have a Jewish state, which you might as well be Saudi Arabia then, racist, and here you are , living in every other country, but yet you want a Jewish state, its sickening , how racist you are and how you yell anti-emetic every time someone says anything you don't like.

the Jews have got to quit blaming others for their behaviors, as they have been doing it for centuries, you have never got along with anyone, in Russia you tried to overtake the gov. and did, in Germany you tried and failed, and now in Israel you want all the land.

Huh? Who's "you"?

Who do you think you Zionist.
After a while you will be mindful of the fact that 'lope' has the posting style of a small child with little command of the English language as shown by it's grammatical skills.

I've met the type often enough. Do you suppose they could be clones? Because they all say exactly the same thing.

I suspect they all get their "knowledge" from similar websites that share the same sources: Stormfront, Islam Radio, Electronic Intifada, Nazis-R-Us, Veterans Today, etc...
....While trying to hide your Jew hate, you should first learn what Zionism means. Anti Zionism is the new anti semtism, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put it well in 1968.

...Most of these anti Semites don't even know what Zionism actually means. They heard something during a Neo Nazi or IslmoNazi rally and they think that's what it is.

Indeed, the staggering amount of drivel, bullshit, innuendo and dumbass babble palistan-cheerleaders dump here makes it so.

...You really are terminally stupid. That some groups use the word in their name does not mean Zionism is an organization. Don't look up when it rains ... you will definitely drown.

...Uh-huh. I accept your capitulation. Don't do that stupid, stupid shit again.

... I'd say, these days the definition is a socially acceptable all encompassing word for Jew. So anti Semite scumbags aren't seen to be what they really are.


... Spouting the term Zionist is RACIST ANTI SEMITIC INTOLERANCE

Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum? See above.

Hi Billo, while I agree with a lot of the above, sadly I strongly suspect this forum appears to be over-run with ignorant or ill-informed, generally "right-wing" (but not exclusively), paid Hasbarists whose job it is to sabotage any meaningful discourse on this topic. This is evidenced in their constant repetition of Hasbara talking points, (regardless of how often they are discredited) and a predilection for resorting to "shouting" and "name calling" at every opportunity. While it can be entertaining, from time to time, to "poke the monkey cage with a stick" it adds nothing to the the general discourse and you do run the risk of getting hit with the faeces they throw at you as a result.

I rest my case.
I think you've proven it to be true, quite well.


It's pretty clear that Zionists and their minions, have no intention of being civil to anyone with opposing views.

And here are some of Billo's "gems" of civility. Ha ha ha:

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your post is a perfect example of how sick your fucking country is. You claimed I lied about being anti-war and you offered the following evidence to prove it...

UN vows inquiry into weapons found at UN sites in Gaza Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Teddyearp: What was this thread about again?

Billo_Really: Your big mouth!
The kitten is trying to convince everyone that it has changed its spots...
I can do it too. Quote other people.

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth."

Looks like MLK wasn't immune to being hoodwinked. Even the best of us can get it wrong sometimes.

Yeah? This quote is from AFTER the 1967 war. Hoodwinked my ass!
Most of the civilised world support the NATIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS and the ABILITY TO DEFEND IT FROM VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM. It is only the muslims that don't, and they are the ones being defended against.

I was going to ask for links to support your statement, maybe someone else can ask for those...

Ability to defend itself from violence and terrorism is the right of every country

I know you will find this very hard to get your head around but...

I think that you may find that a 'Jewish State' has the same implications as an 'Islamic State'... Nationalistic, racist, bigoted...

I don't like the way that the Zionists are going.... Does not make me a hater of Israelis or Jews

I don't like the way the Democrats are going.... Does not make me a hater of Americans or Christians or Protestants or the hundreds of other religions in America

So you're okay with all these Muslim states calling themselves Islamic but NOT okay with Israel being the only Jewish state in the world. And you want us to believe you're not an anti semite? What a joke you are.

Also, being against Democrats or Republicans or criticizing U.S. Policies or actions doesn't make you anti American, but being against the existence of the United States and the republic for which is stands, does indeed make you anti American. Hence being an anti zionist makes you against the existence of a Jewish state, which makes you pure 100% anti Semitic scum.
So to recap, not only is Inhumanity unwilling to provide us with its own definition of Zionism, but the dumbass also has no idea what the actual definition of anti semistism even is. What an illiterate ignorant bunch we are dealing with in his thread. :clap2:
So to recap, not only is Inhumanity unwilling to provide us with its own definition of Zionism, but the dumbass also has no idea what the actual definition of anti semistism even is. What an illiterate ignorant bunch we are dealing with in his thread. :clap2:


Roudy... You obviously like writing a LOT...

If you could actually be bothered to open your eyes you and read my previous posts you would actually get an idea of of what I consider zionism to be...

If you can't get an idea from that then, you know what, I am not going to waste my time writing more comment that you won't read...

Think about it dumbass...

Maybe next time I will post some cartoons.. Perhaps YOUR illiteracy can cope with images?! :finger3:
So to recap, not only is Inhumanity unwilling to provide us with its own definition of Zionism, but the dumbass also has no idea what the actual definition of anti semistism even is. What an illiterate ignorant bunch we are dealing with in his thread. :clap2:


Roudy... You obviously like writing a LOT...

If you could actually be bothered to open your eyes you and read my previous posts you would actually get an idea of of what I consider zionism to be...

If you can't get an idea from that then, you know what, I am not going to waste my time writing more comment that you won't read...

Think about it dumbass...

Maybe next time I will post some cartoons.. Perhaps YOUR illiteracy can cope with images?! :finger3:

Your previous posts didn't provide your definition of Zionsim. And if you think you did, then I don't see why is there is a problem posting it again. Should be like 25 to 50 words comprising of one to two sentences.

And in a later post you defined anti semitism as hatred of Arabs, which is is not. While a Semite can be an Arab, an anti Semite is strictly someone who hates Jews ie: YOU.

And now for inhumanity's definition of Zionism:_________________

Last edited:
And in a later post you defined anti semitism as hatred of Arabs, which is is not. While a Semite can be an Arab, an anti Semite is strictly someone who hates Jews ie: YOU.


And you doubt my knowledge?!?!

Go away, spend a year of two studying and then come back here and debate with knowledge, not with blind ignorance, THEN I will debate with you!

Until then, better stick with you stupid cartoons! I bet you even watch Family Guy and The Simpsons!


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