Why is it that everything is a conspiracy?

So putting that 'THE RACE' as part of their name in spanish was just a fashion statement?

What it is is Hispanics choosing a term that suits them just as the NAACP uses the term "colored" in its name.

If using a given term were all it takes to correlate one thing with another in the way you are suggesting, we could call Mars not Mars, but instead Earth II, and it would thus be able to support life?

Hispanics have words that mean Spanish or culturally hispanic and do not have to use obvious racial terms like THE RACE.

The literal translation of la raza is "the race." In spoken and written Spanish, the term is used to mean "people," except when idiomatically it does literally mean "the race," as in "la raza Asiática," which would translate as "Asians" or "Asian people." "La raza" is quite widely understood to mean Latino folks just as "black" is widely understood to mean Black folks.

Do you think blacks in Spanish speaking countries have conniptions over being called "negroes?" Sure, small minded non-native speakers of Spanish may take exception with that term, but folks who know the language won't. The same small mindedness is what's going on with the consternation devolving from the mere use of "la raza" in the name of a clearly non-activist, non-political organizations.

Lastly, Spanish, like English and every other language, has synonymous ways of saying the same thing. That "la raza" is the synonym that has become chosen is what it is.

The idea that we should in all respect ignore race in determining our feelings and views about others is an ideal state of existence that we have not in the U.S. achieved. There are a variety of reasons why, but that the end of the day, they all come down to historic extants. The undeniable fact is that the U.S. has a long and enduring history of white folks using nothing other than their pale skin color as the basis for subordinating to themselves the value of every non-white group of folks on the planet. Upon achieving political, military, civil and economic dominance, whites, most especially in the first two and half centuries of the U.S. existence, used their grip on the organs of society to ensure that they remained, as a race not as a nation of Americans, dominant over all others who might be every bit as entitled to the "blessings of liberty" the U.S. offers.

The pattern and practice of whites having had, to the detriment of non-whites, for centuries accorded preferential treatment to whites has resulted in a modern day climate of distrust of whites' by non-whites. It also has created an environment whereby non-whites sometimes feel they must band together to ensure their share representation in the organs and instruments of American society. In short, non-whites just don't, even today trust, that many whites (as individuals) have moved past their history of disdain for non-whites.

And it's not hard to understand why they don't, especially with regard to Trump's remarks. Trump has repeatedly played this very nuanced game whereby he comes close to denouncing racist groups, but he doesn't full on do so. Then the man asserts that the Mexicans who come to the U.S. are rapists and crooks, even though there's no evidence showing that the majority of Mexican immigrants are that. Most recently, we hear Trump asserting that a native born American is a Mexican. By that line of reasoning, I'm not an American, I'm English, Trump is not American but German, Joe Namath is Italian, and so on.

(Let me know if you've not read my USMB posts about how Trump has used "disavow" and "reject" as platitudinous ways to seem like he's denouncing racist groups/individuals, but in fact those words fall far short of what is sought/expected of him or anyone who genuinely lacks any degree of sympathy for racists and bigots. I'll give you the links to them if you have not read them.)

Consider the non-racist ideal toward which we strive, that is, that every individual is measured by the "content of the character." Well, looking at Judge Curiel's character, one sees not one thing that suggests there's a credible reason to think his ethnic background has a darn thing to do with any decision he ever made on the bench. On the contrary, the man took positions against Latinos, and he did so in spite of mortal peril doing so entailed.

Trump has resurrected the rhetoric of "interposition and nullification" whereof Judge Curiel is, like millions of blacks were until the Civil Rights Act, is not American, but Mexican. And why? Because his ancestry is Mexican. I suppose too Trump thinks Judge Curiel is the result of a rape-caused pregnancy seeing as his parents were Mexicans? So while there are plenty of American whites who are not racists and bigots, Trump keeps giving us indications that he is not one of them.

Some folks have mentioned that Trump has hired women and minorities into his organization. Well, so did my slave owning forebears. A black slave essentially ran my great grandfather's entire household. That didn't make him non-racist; it made him cognizant of the fact that woman was able do something he needed done and that by having her do it, he didn't have to pay someone else to do it, nor did he have to do it himself. He allowed the woman to run the household because she could do something that benefitted him. It'd be a huge blunder to think that racists are stupid. They are not. They are opportunistically manipulative, intellectually irrational and hateful, not abjectly stupid. That is precisely what Trump is showing himself to be.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

That's the republican way.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

That's the republican way.

It may seem that way, but I know quite a few Republicans who are (were in the case of some dead ones) rational, deep thinking, equitable, etc. It's just that the GOP has the current misfortune of having as its nominee a nut who has tapped into the ignorance, fear and, well, nuttiness that exists in part of the American citizenry.

The term "unwashed masses" exists for a reason. Sure they are "unwashed," not terribly sophisticated or well informed in their thinking, but, as goes the 2016 election season, it's the fact they are "masses" that fuels the ridiculous nature of debate we are seeing. "Loud, strong and wrong" are individual traits, but put enough of those individuals together and you can get someone like Trump close to the White House. Such is the problem with majority rule and popular insurrection, which, we all know was what made the U.S. come into being.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
You mean like Hitlery's "vast right wing conspiracy"?
The literal translation of la raza is "the race." In spoken and written Spanish, the term is used to mean "people
," except when idiomatically it does literally mean "the race," as in "la raza Asiática," which would translate as "Asians" or "Asian people." "La raza" is quite widely understood to mean Latino folks just as "black" is widely understood to mean Black folks.

But 'la raza' is not a reference to a color and it isnot the only phrase that they use to refer to Hispanic people. The phrase 'THE Race' is a common way of tribal peoples to refer to their own ethnic tribe as being uniquely human, or the only people that counted in their view. The Comanche's word for their own tribe ws taken from the UTe who called them 'the enemy', lol, dehumanizing the Comanche. Many tribes named themselves with words that mean 'human' as in 'the only humans that matter'. It is a racist phrase to the core, and in every historical use it is used to dehumanize those not of THE RACE. Period

Do you think blacks in Spanish speaking countries have conniptions over being called "negroes?" Sure, small minded non-native speakers of Spanish may take exception with that term, but folks who know the language won't. The same small mindedness is what's going on with the consternation devolving from the mere use of "la raza" in the name of a clearly non-activist, non-political organizations.

Lastly, Spanish, like English and every other language, has synonymous ways of saying the same thing. That "la raza" is the synonym that has become chosen is what it is.

And it is by definition racist as it makes a direct connotation to their race as THE Race. You can try to dodge this thing all you want but the data speaks for itself.

The undeniable fact is that the U.S. has a long and enduring history of white folks using nothing other than their pale skin color as the basis for subordinating to themselves the value of every non-white group of folks on the planet.

Like the Japanese? Like the Turks? Like the Ethiopians? Our government has a distinct history among Western nations of exactly NOT reducing every nation we encountered into colonies or protectorates. Empiralistic impulses were scathingly opposed in the US Senate for generations, and what conquests we did have were reeleased unless it was determined that they were too small to be able to protect themselves like H?awaii which voted to remain in the USA and become a state.

Your statement is ridiculous and I am puzzled as to what you meant to actually say, because you couldnt have meant to say what you in fact said.

I'm all ears.

Upon achieving political, military, civil and economic dominance, whites, most especially in the first two and half centuries of the U.S. existence, used their grip on the organs of society to ensure that they remained, as a race not as a nation of Americans, dominant over all others who might be every bit as entitled to the "blessings of liberty" the U.S. offers.

Which whites would those be? Ben Franklins whites were all Brits, and did not include Irish and Germans. In the Commonwealth of Virginia several very powerful and influential families BOAST of the Amerindian mixed bloodlines. How did they not get excluded?

Your simplistic formula does not match up with the actual facts. Why do you buy into all that anti-white hating agit prop? Do you suffer from white guilt?

The pattern and practice of whites having had, to the detriment of non-whites, for centuries accorded preferential treatment to whites has resulted in a modern day climate of distrust of whites' by non-whites. It also has created an environment whereby non-whites sometimes feel they must band together to ensure their share representation in the organs and instruments of American society. In short, non-whites just don't, even today trust, that many whites (as individuals) have moved past their history of disdain for non-whites.

So now whites have to endure a double standard of watching every other race and ethnicity form associations based on race and cannot do that themselves because some of us were racist? What about people like me who are descendants of Union troopers who fought to end slavery? Do we get a pass? Why not? Prove that me or my ancestors ever did one racist thing in their lives, which you cant. But my Union Army ancestry is to be ignored in favor of RACIST presumption that my ancestors were racists themselves simply because they are white?

IS the absurdity and reverse racism of what you are discussing make even a small nitch into your mind yet?

This is why people are getting SICK TO DEATH of the race subject. I hope Trump does everything he says he would precisely because of all the leftwing racist bullshit that has been dumped on me and my kids since 1968.

And I hope all these racist minorities hate every god damned bit of it.

I was a fool to have ever felt that the antiwhite agenda of the left was anything other than sleight of hand to oppress white people and engage in demographic genocide of whites across the globe.

And it's not hard to understand why they don't, especially with regard to Trump's remarks. Trump has repeatedly played this very nuanced game whereby he comes close to denouncing racist groups, but he doesn't full on do so. Then the man asserts that the Mexicans who come to the U.S. are rapists and crooks, even though there's no evidence showing that the majority of Mexican immigrants are that. Most recently, we hear Trump asserting that a native born American is a Mexican. By that line of reasoning, I'm not an American, I'm English, Trump is not American but German, Joe Namath is Italian, and so on.

Trump never said that all Mexicans are rapist and in context he was speaking of illegal aliens, not all Mexicans. Any open minded search into the facts makes this plain.

And Trump clarified his remarks about the judge as being to question the mans objectivity not because he 'was Mexican' but because the judge is a member of a la Raza movement cell.

Everything Trump has said about that peice of shiut judge is True, accurate and justifiable as that judge is not being fair with Trump and that is obvious.

Only the left is kicking up dust and changing the subject, yet again for the gazillionth time, to accusing the person objecting of being racist.


Consider the non-racist ideal toward which we strive, that is, that every individual is measured by the "content of the character." Well, looking at Judge Curiel's character, one sees not one thing that suggests there's a credible reason to think his ethnic background has a darn thing to do with any decision he ever made on the bench. On the contrary, the man took positions against Latinos, and he did so in spite of mortal peril doing so entailed.

I see a racist member fo FOUR specifically HISPANIC only organizations one of which is part of the la Raza movement. I see a judge that has made a series of ridiculous rulings and is moving for RICO action against Trump, or so is the rumor.
Trump has resurrected the rhetoric of "interposition and nullification" whereof Judge Curiel is, like millions of blacks were until the Civil Rights Act, is not American, but Mexican. And why? Because his ancestry is Mexican. I suppose too Trump thinks Judge Curiel is the result of a rape-caused pregnancy seeing as his parents were Mexicans? So while there are plenty of American whites who are not racists and bigots, Trump keeps giving us indications that he is not one of them.

That is ridiculous.

Trump is compainging about the man making horrible rulings and being part of the Clinton campaign, and thus not being impartial in the trial.

This judge should be debarred and off the bench.

Some folks have mentioned that Trump has hired women and minorities into his organization. Well, so did my slave owning forebears. A black slave essentially ran my great grandfather's entire household. That didn't make him non-racist; it made him cognizant of the fact that woman was able do something he needed done and that by having her do it, he didn't have to pay someone else to do it, nor did he have to do it himself. He allowed the woman to run the household because she could do something that benefitted him. It'd be a huge blunder to think that racists are stupid. They are not. They are opportunistically manipulative, intellectually irrational and hateful, not abjectly stupid. That is precisely what Trump is showing himself to be.

No, Trump is not a racist, but I have a feeling that the real McCoy is about to make a come back because the antiwhites that use antiracism as a cover for attacking whites are turning everyone against the whole notion of even trying to be fair any more and they see it as a sucker play by nonwhites on the left and that is all it is.
It may seem that way, but I know quite a few Republicans who are (were in the case of some dead ones) rational, deep thinking, equitable, etc. It's just that the GOP has the current misfortune of having as its nominee a nut who has tapped into the ignorance, fear and, well, nuttiness that exists in part of the American citizenry.

The term "unwashed masses" exists for a reason. Sure they are "unwashed," not terribly sophisticated or well informed in their thinking, but, as goes the 2016 election season, it's the fact they are "masses" that fuels the ridiculous nature of debate we are seeing. "Loud, strong and wrong" are individual traits, but put enough of those individuals together and you can get someone like Trump close to the White House. Such is the problem with majority rule and popular insurrection, which, we all know was what made the U.S. come into being.
So all Trump supporters are racist morons who want to reduce blacks to slavery and Mexicans to apple picking peasants.

Fuck you.

What a shame we used to have some good discussions, but you can kiss my lilly white ass now, you fucking racist retard.
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Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
You mean like Hitlery's "vast right wing conspiracy"?

No, I don't.
Trump is compainging about the man making horrible rulings and being part of the Clinton campaign, and thus not being impartial in the trial.

This judge should be debarred and off the bench.

Okay...But curiously, Trump is making that case in the court of public opinion, not in actual courts of law. Why hasn't Trump's attorneys filed a motion to recuse? Tell me that? I know that's what my attorney would do if I were convinced the judge is not impartial.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

That's the republican way.

It may seem that way, but I know quite a few Republicans who are (were in the case of some dead ones) rational, deep thinking, equitable, etc. It's just that the GOP has the current misfortune of having as its nominee a nut who has tapped into the ignorance, fear and, well, nuttiness that exists in part of the American citizenry.

The term "unwashed masses" exists for a reason. Sure they are "unwashed," not terribly sophisticated or well informed in their thinking, but, as goes the 2016 election season, it's the fact they are "masses" that fuels the ridiculous nature of debate we are seeing. "Loud, strong and wrong" are individual traits, but put enough of those individuals together and you can get someone like Trump close to the White House. Such is the problem with majority rule and popular insurrection, which, we all know was what made the U.S. come into being.

Washed or not, they are republicans, and more of then did want trump more than any of your other choices. Nobody forced your party to chose him. He's what your party wanted. I'm sure nobody will notice, but this is what happens when you let tea party crazies bastardize your party.
So putting that 'THE RACE' as part of their name in spanish was just a fashion statement?

What it is is Hispanics choosing a term that suits them just as the NAACP uses the term "colored" in its name.

If using a given term were all it takes to correlate one thing with another in the way you are suggesting, we could call Mars not Mars, but instead Earth II, and it would thus be able to support life?

Hispanics have words that mean Spanish or culturally hispanic and do not have to use obvious racial terms like THE RACE.

The literal translation of la raza is "the race." In spoken and written Spanish, the term is used to mean "people," except when idiomatically it does literally mean "the race," as in "la raza Asiática," which would translate as "Asians" or "Asian people." "La raza" is quite widely understood to mean Latino folks just as "black" is widely understood to mean Black folks.

Do you think blacks in Spanish speaking countries have conniptions over being called "negroes?" Sure, small minded non-native speakers of Spanish may take exception with that term, but folks who know the language won't. The same small mindedness is what's going on with the consternation devolving from the mere use of "la raza" in the name of a clearly non-activist, non-political organizations.

Lastly, Spanish, like English and every other language, has synonymous ways of saying the same thing. That "la raza" is the synonym that has become chosen is what it is.

The idea that we should in all respect ignore race in determining our feelings and views about others is an ideal state of existence that we have not in the U.S. achieved. There are a variety of reasons why, but that the end of the day, they all come down to historic extants. The undeniable fact is that the U.S. has a long and enduring history of white folks using nothing other than their pale skin color as the basis for subordinating to themselves the value of every non-white group of folks on the planet. Upon achieving political, military, civil and economic dominance, whites, most especially in the first two and half centuries of the U.S. existence, used their grip on the organs of society to ensure that they remained, as a race not as a nation of Americans, dominant over all others who might be every bit as entitled to the "blessings of liberty" the U.S. offers.

The pattern and practice of whites having had, to the detriment of non-whites, for centuries accorded preferential treatment to whites has resulted in a modern day climate of distrust of whites' by non-whites. It also has created an environment whereby non-whites sometimes feel they must band together to ensure their share representation in the organs and instruments of American society. In short, non-whites just don't, even today trust, that many whites (as individuals) have moved past their history of disdain for non-whites.

And it's not hard to understand why they don't, especially with regard to Trump's remarks. Trump has repeatedly played this very nuanced game whereby he comes close to denouncing racist groups, but he doesn't full on do so. Then the man asserts that the Mexicans who come to the U.S. are rapists and crooks, even though there's no evidence showing that the majority of Mexican immigrants are that. Most recently, we hear Trump asserting that a native born American is a Mexican. By that line of reasoning, I'm not an American, I'm English, Trump is not American but German, Joe Namath is Italian, and so on.

(Let me know if you've not read my USMB posts about how Trump has used "disavow" and "reject" as platitudinous ways to seem like he's denouncing racist groups/individuals, but in fact those words fall far short of what is sought/expected of him or anyone who genuinely lacks any degree of sympathy for racists and bigots. I'll give you the links to them if you have not read them.)

Consider the non-racist ideal toward which we strive, that is, that every individual is measured by the "content of the character." Well, looking at Judge Curiel's character, one sees not one thing that suggests there's a credible reason to think his ethnic background has a darn thing to do with any decision he ever made on the bench. On the contrary, the man took positions against Latinos, and he did so in spite of mortal peril doing so entailed.

Trump has resurrected the rhetoric of "interposition and nullification" whereof Judge Curiel is, like millions of blacks were until the Civil Rights Act, is not American, but Mexican. And why? Because his ancestry is Mexican. I suppose too Trump thinks Judge Curiel is the result of a rape-caused pregnancy seeing as his parents were Mexicans? So while there are plenty of American whites who are not racists and bigots, Trump keeps giving us indications that he is not one of them.

Some folks have mentioned that Trump has hired women and minorities into his organization. Well, so did my slave owning forebears. A black slave essentially ran my great grandfather's entire household. That didn't make him non-racist; it made him cognizant of the fact that woman was able do something he needed done and that by having her do it, he didn't have to pay someone else to do it, nor did he have to do it himself. He allowed the woman to run the household because she could do something that benefitted him. It'd be a huge blunder to think that racists are stupid. They are not. They are opportunistically manipulative, intellectually irrational and hateful, not abjectly stupid. That is precisely what Trump is showing himself to be.
Trump is pretty much toast in the general election if the Mexicans were i live are any indication of how they are going to be voting.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
This is consistent with the fact that Trump is an arrogant, bloviating, ignorant ass.
Trump is pretty much toast in the general election if the Mexicans were i live are any indication of how they are going to be voting.
Mexicans don't get to vote in this election, at least not legally. Only Americans do.
Plenty of legal Mexicans. Trump is toast.

It doesn't matter whether they are here legally or illegally. Mexicans do not get to vote in our elections. Only Americans are eligible to vote.
Trump is pretty much toast in the general election if the Mexicans were i live are any indication of how they are going to be voting.
Mexicans don't get to vote in this election, at least not legally. Only Americans do.
Plenty of legal Mexicans. Trump is toast.

It doesn't matter whether they are here legally or illegally. Mexicans do not get to vote in our elections. Only Americans are eligible to vote.
Thats not true. I have a Mexican sister in law and she is an avid voter.
Trump is pretty much toast in the general election if the Mexicans were i live are any indication of how they are going to be voting.
Mexicans don't get to vote in this election, at least not legally. Only Americans do.
Plenty of legal Mexicans. Trump is toast.

It doesn't matter whether they are here legally or illegally. Mexicans do not get to vote in our elections. Only Americans are eligible to vote.

Just because they are citizens doesn't mean they aren't still Mexicans.
Trump is pretty much toast in the general election if the Mexicans were i live are any indication of how they are going to be voting.
Mexicans don't get to vote in this election, at least not legally. Only Americans do.
Plenty of legal Mexicans. Trump is toast.

It doesn't matter whether they are here legally or illegally. Mexicans do not get to vote in our elections. Only Americans are eligible to vote.

OK. If you are going to nit pick, they are American citizens of Hispanic decent. Many of them are first generation.

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