Why is it that everything is a conspiracy?

Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get is way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

Kind of like Clinton and BO in that regard.

They do it too, but they both have also have on record instances where they have, outright and with reference to nobody other than themselves, owned their mistakes. I can't find any instance of Trump having done that.
Yes, when backed into a corner and there is no where else to go.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get is way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

Kind of like Clinton and BO in that regard.

They do it too, but they both have also have on record instances where they have, outright and with reference to nobody other than themselves, owned their mistakes. I can't find any instance of Trump having done that.
Yes, when backed into a corner and there is no where else to go.

And yet Trump doesn't go there.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

That's the republican way.

It may seem that way, but I know quite a few Republicans who are (were in the case of some dead ones) rational, deep thinking, equitable, etc. It's just that the GOP has the current misfortune of having as its nominee a nut who has tapped into the ignorance, fear and, well, nuttiness that exists in part of the American citizenry.

The term "unwashed masses" exists for a reason. Sure they are "unwashed," not terribly sophisticated or well informed in their thinking, but, as goes the 2016 election season, it's the fact they are "masses" that fuels the ridiculous nature of debate we are seeing. "Loud, strong and wrong" are individual traits, but put enough of those individuals together and you can get someone like Trump close to the White House. Such is the problem with majority rule and popular insurrection, which, we all know was what made the U.S. come into being.

Washed or not, they are republicans, and more of then did want trump more than any of your other choices. Nobody forced your party to chose him. He's what your party wanted. I'm sure nobody will notice, but this is what happens when you let tea party crazies bastardize your party.

Excuse me? "My party?" What party would that be?
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get is way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

Kind of like Clinton and BO in that regard.

They do it too, but they both have also have on record instances where they have, outright and with reference to nobody other than themselves, owned their mistakes. I can't find any instance of Trump having done that.
Yes, when backed into a corner and there is no where else to go.

And yet Trump doesn't go there.
Which is one of many reasons he will not get my vote. Hillary Clinton will also not get my vote. I may have to write in 300yearsofhistory + 20.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

It's not Drumpf, it's being a republican and their inability to accept defeat.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get is way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.

Kind of like Clinton and BO in that regard.

They do it too, but they both have also have on record instances where they have, outright and with reference to nobody other than themselves, owned their mistakes. I can't find any instance of Trump having done that.
Yes, when backed into a corner and there is no where else to go.

And yet Trump doesn't go there.
Which is one of many reasons he will not get my vote. Hillary Clinton will also not get my vote. I may have to write in 300yearsofhistory + 20.

LOL Well, thank you ever so much. LOL
Just because they are citizens doesn't mean they aren't still Mexicans.

Yes, it does.

Mexicans are citizens of Mexico, not of the United States. They don't get to legally vote in American elections, any more than Americans get to vote in Mexican elections.
Lots of Mexicans are citizens of the US. They legally vote and enjoy the same rights and privileges other citizens do.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
You mean like Hitlery's "vast right wing conspiracy"?

No, I don't.
Well, you've pretty much described Hitlery's VRWC, but didn't realize it. Congratulations.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
You mean like Hitlery's "vast right wing conspiracy"?

No, I don't.
Well, you've pretty much described Hitlery's VRWC, but didn't realize it. Congratulations.

Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
You mean like Hitlery's "vast right wing conspiracy"?

No, I don't.
Well, you've pretty much described Hitlery's VRWC, but didn't realize it. Congratulations.

Go play in traffic.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
I don't disagree with any of that about Trump I would point out though you get the exact same thing from Clinton anything negative about her is either a phony scandal or part of a vast right wing conspiracy. This is truly the worst choice for President I have seen in my life so far,
So putting that 'THE RACE' as part of their name in spanish was just a fashion statement?

What it is is Hispanics choosing a term that suits them just as the NAACP uses the term "colored" in its name.

If using a given term were all it takes to correlate one thing with another in the way you are suggesting, we could call Mars not Mars, but instead Earth II, and it would thus be able to support life?

She is one of my favorite Mexican singers

Can you look at her and determine what her "raza" is?


Marta Alicia Villareal
If they are U.S. citizens, then they are not Mexicans; they are Americans.
Nope. They call themselves Mexicans not americans. None of them know you nor have they given you permission to define them.

Like Bruce Jenner calls h'orsh'/itself a “woman”.

I'm not claiming to define anyone. Words mean things. Whatever nation you're a citizen of, that's your nationality. If you're a citizen of Mexico, then you're Mexican. If you're a citizen of America, then you're an American.
If they are U.S. citizens, then they are not Mexicans; they are Americans.
Nope. They call themselves Mexicans not americans. None of them know you nor have they given you permission to define them.

Like Bruce Jenner calls h'orsh'/itself a “woman”.

I'm not claiming to define anyone. Words mean things. Whatever nation you're a citizen of, that's your nationality. If you're a citizen of Mexico, then you're Mexican. If you're a citizen of America, then you're an American.
Yes sort of like that.

i know youre not claiming to define them. You dont have that power. Yes words mean things. Just because they mean one thing to you doesnt make them mean the same thing to other people. I know a couple of words that have a meaning you have no idea about. Take the word "nationality" for example. You didnt even realize it had more than one meaning.


2 .an ethnic group forming a part of one or more political nations.
Has anyone else noticed that in every instance whereby Trump does not get his way or someone disagrees with him, the root cause is either a conspiracy or something tantamount to being one?

I'm reminded of the "guy" at work who weekly or daily cannot get to work on time because "this happen" and "that happened," never once just admitting that he failed to get up in time, or plan ahead, or something else that corresponds to it being his fault and not someone else's. You believe the guy the first time it happens. You don't believe him any more once it becomes a pattern.

The same is what's going on with Trump. Everything that goes his way is as it should be. Everything that does not is someone else's fault, someone else being wrong or unfair, whole organs of society being arrayed against him. I mean really. Grow the hell up, Trump.
your scenario doesn't provide for a Man of great success and accomplishment, wealth, popularity and now, a stunningly talented politician. lot's of people don't like that. the answer to your question is that conspiracy theories are interesting. they get people going.
i think hillary had a little right wing conspiracy thing.
Why is it that everything is a conspiracy?

It's the only way Hillary / Liberals can defend against the decades-long list of Hillary crimes / scandal / corruption.
Trump's used to getting his way. Rich folks especially, are used to getting their way. So he isn't any different than the rest. In fact, don't we all wanna get our way? It's more of a human nature issue.

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