Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?

Didn't read the link in the OP, did you? Democratic policies are hurting the minorities and middle class the most.
Right now black unemployment is the lowest in history. And the truth is we vote against republicans because what you propose is far worse than what Democrats have to offer. And then there's that little matter of racism...
I know he did. Care to challenge me on that one?
You don't want to make that challenge. Not when trump had to pay a huge settlement to NIXONS DOJ for racial discrimination in housing. Think about how racist trump had to be for NIXON to bust him for racism.

1. The democrats attract people who desire victim roles.
2. Many minorities cannot speak english and/or are not familiar with the Democrack's wickedness.
3. Many blacks are lazy, both in mind and body. The Democruds attract lazy people, especially the mentally lazy.
4. Many minorities live in big cities where propaganda is the greatest.


The republican party has pandered to white grievance since at least Ronal Reagan. Only mentally lazy whites fall for the woe is me I'm white garbage that has been pushed by the republican party.
Ask a black man how he votes and he will tell you Democrat.
Ask him why and he will tell you Republicans are only for the rich white guys.
Ask who told him that and he will tell you the Democrats.

Politics is not a desired subject in the black community. They vote Democrat and don't even know why. My father voted Democrat, my grandfather voted Democrat, so I vote Democrat.

They can't draw the association to rising crime in their community partly caused by Democrat politicians that get in liberal DAs and prosecutors that give criminals a slap on the hand. Or their "de-fund the police" message even if they never took away a dime from the department, but a clear message the Democrats don't support their police.

The most valued voter for a Democrat is a politically ignorant one.

The GOP is worse than the Democrats, with their defunding of programs for the poor and working class, and draconian policies against drug use that amount to locking up addicts and criminalizing them. Stripping people of their access to housing, education, and employment if they get convicted of a drug-related crime. These types of policies are directed specifically at blacks by white Republicans. Nixon after the civil rights victory of blacks in America, started the drug war. The CIA backed mostly by right-wing Republicans, was pumping drugs into the black community:

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You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and critique socialist economies that are being heavily sanctioned and threatened by the US government. Lift the sanctions, stop the saber rattling, and then perhaps you'll have a stronger argument. Education is one of the pillars of socialism, so you're quite confused.

You might as well become a socialist now because it's the future. Advanced automation and AI necessitates the adoption of socialism (i.e. a non-profit mode of production). You can bark all you want, spewing your cheap cold war, anti-Marxist propaganda, and it won't change that fact. Advanced production technology = socialism, the only alternative is economic collapse and civil war, which will still lead to socialism. So you might as well become a socialist now. Your children and grandchildren will be socialists, guaranteed.
No moral ground?

How many people have died because Marxist socialist governments took over their nations?

How is your “advanced production technology“ working out in Venezuela?

Why are so many people leaving Venezuela and crossing our border today if socialism is so wonderful?

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Under a set of white tents at the U.S.-Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas, dozens of Venezuelan men waited. Some sat on curbs and others leaned on metal barricades. When the gates eventually opened, the long line of men filed slowly up the pedestrian pathway to the bridge and across the Rio Grande River to Mexico.

In the past few weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have been facilitating these expulsions three times a day as roughly 30,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, have entered the U.S. in this region since mid-April. That’s compared with 1,700 migrants Border Patrol agents encountered in the first two weeks of April.
I've never stopped on that channel. Only hearing about it here on the board. Just thought the hate goups welcomed by the other party might have something to do with it, after read what some of the haters say on here. Why do you ask? Did The View women discuss it?

I didn't ask anything.
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Read the threads on this forum and see how the rank and file Repubs on here speak of minorities.
No moral ground?

How many people have died because Marxist socialist governments took over their nations?

How is your “advanced production technology“ working out in Venezuela?

Why are so many people leaving Venezuela and crossing our border today if socialism is so wonderful?

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Under a set of white tents at the U.S.-Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas, dozens of Venezuelan men waited. Some sat on curbs and others leaned on metal barricades. When the gates eventually opened, the long line of men filed slowly up the pedestrian pathway to the bridge and across the Rio Grande River to Mexico.

In the past few weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have been facilitating these expulsions three times a day as roughly 30,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, have entered the U.S. in this region since mid-April. That’s compared with 1,700 migrants Border Patrol agents encountered in the first two weeks of April.

More silly propaganda. If you want to appeal to death tolls, capitalism through colonialism and imperialism has killed ten times the number of people that communists have. Much of what you're quoting is fabricated or at best exaggerated. Listen to these former CIA officers confessing how they fabricated crimes against communists:

In India, the democratic capitalist “experiment” since 1947 has caused more deaths than in the entire history of Marxist Communism everywhere since 1917: over 100 million deaths by 1979, tens of millions more since, in India alone. If we factor in all of the deaths due to economic embargoes and wars, the death toll for capitalism is orders of magnitude greater than that of communism.

Death toll arguments are the refuge of a weak argument. You should find another approach to criticizing communism because as I mentioned earlier, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked, feculent finger at communists. Stick to economics and spare us all your silly cold war capitalist propaganda.
Except, the Dems are all abiut pushing hate, racism, division.
The left pushing against racism. Regarding hate and division, that occurs naturally, when you have right-wingers pushing for gross inequality, bigotry, and fascism. etc. This new generation is the most progressive one in our history and they have zero tolerance for you religious fascists imposing your primitive "values" and bullshit.
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Because democrats tell them they are minorities, are discriminated against, are poor and don't have everything they want because of the system and so on. They tell them what they want to hear, which is nothing is their fault and they deserve everything they want. They appeal to their unambitious and lazy side.

Minorities also in a lot of cases are shitty people used to shitty circumstances so they tend to perpetuate those circumstances.

The ones crossing the border illegally also know even most of the shitty people have it better here in America than where they came from so they want to support the people saying "come on in folks and make yourself at home". But poor, criminal, dumb people don't magically becomes shining examples of society by just crossing the border, they continue doing exactly what they did in other countries.
The left pushing against racism. Regarding hate and division, that occurs naturally, when you have right-wingers pushing for gross inequality, bigotry, and fascism. etc.

No, they dont push against it. They are the party of slavery and segregation and still segregate minorities to this day by offering them free stuff for a vote. It's despicable.
No, they dont push against it. They are the party of slavery and segregation and still segregate minorities to this day by offering them free stuff for a vote. It's despicable.

Yes, they certainly do push against racism and right-wing fascism. The Democrats are no longer the same party they were back in the 19th century. The Democrats are now more in tune with the working class, unlike the Republicans who give "free stuff" to wealthy elites at the expense of everyone else.

Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?​

Free shit, empty promises, div9sion, and fear-mongering.
More silly propaganda. If you want to appeal to death tolls, capitalism through colonialism and imperialism has killed ten times the number of people that communists have. Much of what you're quoting is fabricated or at best exaggerated. Listen to these former CIA officers confessing how they fabricated crimes against communists:

In India, the democratic capitalist “experiment” since 1947 has caused more deaths than in the entire history of Marxist Communism everywhere since 1917: over 100 million deaths by 1979, tens of millions more since, in India alone. If we factor in all of the deaths due to economic embargoes and wars, the death toll for capitalism is orders of magnitude greater than that of communism.

Death toll arguments are the refuge of a weak argument. You should find another approach to criticizing communism because as I mentioned earlier, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked, feculent finger at communists. Stick to economics and spare us all your silly cold war capitalist propaganda.

There is no way I will ever agree with you that communism is superior to our form of government. It isn’t.

Our government doesn’t kill off millions of people in our nation in order to stay in power.

I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Why is it why anyone votes democrat or republican after all it's these 2 corrupt political parties that have fucked everything up?
Minorities also in a lot of cases are shitty people used to shitty circumstances so they tend to perpetuate those circumstances.

And Conservatives wonder why minorities don’t vote for them?
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Because it's better than the alternative.

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