Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?

I get it. You have said repeatedly that we don't have rights and that you back up those who take our rights away.
You never had the right to be a public health hazard. Are you so deluded that you think in our society you have the right to do whatever you want at the expense of people's health and lives? You're a very confused and deviant person.
So, you're saying that the 76 million people who voted for him are MAGA's? You're calling 76 million people MAGA's?

I voted for him in 2016, as a communist, thinking he was actually for the working class and was going to protect American workers, as he promised. He didn't do that and even told people not to wear a mask in public crowded venues in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic. He almost started a war with Iran, which could've escalated to WW3 (war with Russia and China). He re-imposed hard sanctions on Cuba, making life for Cubans much more difficult, he tightened sanctions on Venezuela.

He refused to penalize Carrier after closing its plants in Indiana and other parts of the country, moving them to Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. Carrier laid off thousands of American workers, a year after Trump became president. What did Trump do? NOTHING, NADA. He even went against the unions as Reagan did, making life worse for American workers.

Trump is a billionaire, who acted as a populist champion of the working class. He was so good at acting, like he was really going to "drain the swamp" and support workers, that he fooled a 43-year-old communist. I wasn't a kid back then, I had been a Marxist since my early 20s, and I was pretty good at identifying right-wingers, but with Trump, I failed. I was hoodwinked by a giant orange hamster. He got me good. I voted for him. I figured out it was all bullshit when he filled his administration with swamp people. He wasn't going to drain the swamp, he was the fucking swamp. He hired a bunch of neocons and bank execs from Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, WTF!?!? He doesn't give a rats ass about you Bubba.

Many of you on this forum are in your 60s, 70s+ and you've been lifetime conservatives. You're now on Social Security and Medicare, you're retired. You're living the last chapter of your life and you simply don't give a shit. It's almost like you're leaving this world with a big "FUCK YOU".."Hahahaha! I voted for a right-wing billionaire that doesn't give a shit about you or anyone else but himself! Fuck You, Leftists, Aha! Enjoy Your Billionaire President who serves the rich!".

That's what it's really about for these elderly Republicans. They don't care if Trump doesn't serve the working class, some of these 80-year-olds don't even recognize the existence of socioeconomic classes. They deny the very existence of a working-class or wealthy-capitalist class. They don't care that over half of America lives paycheck to paycheck and can hardly pay their bills. They don't care that there are millions of Americans who can't see a doctor because they're uninsured and even the ones who are insured can't afford the deductibles and copayments their insurance is charging them. Many Americans are being denied the coverage that they need to cover the expense of the medical care that their doctors recommend to effectively treat their illnesses.

These conservatives, who include many who ironically claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ, could care less about the needs of working-class families and the poor who sleep in our streets and need to be housed. They rave about their "rights" when in the middle of a nationwide deadly pandemic our government enacts reasonable safety measures, like mask mandates in public, crowded venues, be it a shopping mall full of shoppers or a church full of congregants (people who are members of the general community). They refuse to comply placing themselves and everyone else at risk of being infected. They claim that the government doesn't have the right to mandate that they wear something on their bodies in public, even in the middle of a pandemic, while supporting policies that force women to remain pregnant even before they have a fetus in their wombs. The utter-hypocrisy.

These religious right-wingers could care less about the homeless:


They defund government programs that house the homeless and get them the help they need to get off of drugs. In the state of Utah, for several years in the 2010s, the government established a "housing first" program for the homeless, practically eliminating homelessness in the state. It was a phenomenal success but unfortunately the right-wing "disciples of Jesus", the Republicans decided that despite the fact that homelessness was more expensive than the government program, they would defund the Housing First program. Now Utah is facing another homeless crisis. What these Republicans fail to grasp is that when you allow homelessness in your society, it costs much more than simply housing people.

This is what American Republicanism is. Back in the 19th century, the Republican party was the populist, leftist party. Many Socialists were Republicans in the 1800s.


Communist American General - Civil War.

Gradually, the Republican party went further to the right and ironically the party that in the 1800s, was pro-slavery, began to move towards the left. Today in 2023, the Democratic Party is much more on the side of labor than the Republicans who prioritize the financial interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and working class. These working-class Republicans are, for the most part, brainwashed by the ruling elite and stuck in the 1950s (post-WW2/new deal, cold war America). The golden era of our economy, when the rich were being taxed 90% of their income above a certain amount, and CEOs were making no more than 20 times the average worker. Now CEOs make 350+ times the average worker.


In the1950s, millions of Americans were unionized. The unions were powerful, American workers, were well paid, with benefits and the American Dream was real and tangible. One single breadwinner in the family, could actually work a blue-collar job, save his money and buy a house cash. That's what my maternal grandfather did when he migrated here from Cuba with his family in 1961. He worked for Bertram Yachts, in Miami, Florida, spraying fiberglass on boat molds. It was a blue-collar, labor-intensive job, and four years later, in 1965, he purchased a house with cash in an area of Miami, Dade called "Homestead", without a bank loan. That house had a huge backyard with fruit trees. You could do that back then.


American workers were the aristocracy of labor, the best-paid workers in the world, enjoying the highest standard of living. America had the largest middle class of any country. That's when our economy was the most leftist economy in its history, prohibiting individuals and families from hoarding too much wealth. Commerce, was seen as a community service, a means to provide consumers with the products and services that they need. Big companies couldn't be all about making money and "profits", they had to adopt a service-oriented ethos or mission, serving the public good (the "bottom line" was serving the community). It wasn't all about money money money, as it is today. That's why our economy flourished and Americans lived well.

All of the right-wing old fogies on this forum were raised in the golden age of the American economy. When our economy was the most leftist economy in our history, oriented towards meeting the needs of American labor/the public/the paying consumer. Thanks to supply-side economies a.k.a. Reaganomics, we are now living in a Twilight Zone, where commerce is strictly all about profits, making money, even at the expense of the American economy. Reagan's policies gutted the working class, eliminated our manufacturing base, and de-unionized American labor, handing all of the power to the wealthy at the expense of their employees/customers. The Republican party serves the rich at the expense of everybody else. Trickle-down economics doesn't trickle. It doesn't work.

The younger generation, the Millennials, and Zoomers, aren't having it. You baby boomers and "silent generation" folks, can in a final act of defiance against the working class and society in general, continue voting right-wing Republican, but at the end of this "film" or drama we call life, you're going to lose politically and otherwise. The younger generation is going to have the victory and the last laugh. We're going to return to that golden age of our economy, where the economy serves the interests of working-class families rather than a small minority of profit-pursuing greedy rich folks. You're going to lose and our children are going to win.
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I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Tammany Hall

No sane person votes for crime, poverty and failing schools, the Tammany Hall democrats simply manufacture the necessary votes
Tammany Hall

No sane person votes for crime, poverty and failing schools, the Tammany Hall democrats simply manufacture the necessary votes

Everything you've mentioned above is due to right-wing Republican policies, not leftist policies. We eliminate poverty, you create it by worshiping and serving the rich at the expense of everyone else.
You are a dumbass. Its a combination of many quotes.
OK. then it should be easy to link to each of the quotes. Lets start with "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" You got a link to that quote, liar?
OK. then it should be easy to link to each of the quotes. Lets start with "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" You got a link to that quote, liar?
You think giving the transcript of an hour and fifteen minute discussion is proving your point? Point out exactly where in that discussion your quote was made, or just admit you are making shit up again.
You think giving the transcript of an hour and fifteen minute discussion is proving your point? Point out exactly where in that discussion your quote was made, or just admit you are making shit up again.
Too many words, limp wrist?

Not everybody in the community — in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts — know how to use — know how to get online

Mr racist-in-chief everyone 👏
Too many words, limp wrist?

Not everybody in the community — in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts — know how to use — know how to get online

Mr racist-in-chief everyone 👏
That's a hell of a lot different statement with a completely different meaning than "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" You MAGAs just gotta lie. Seems you can't help yourself. Can you even tell the difference between a lie and the truth any more?
That's a hell of a lot different statement with a completely different meaning than "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" You MAGAs just gotta lie. Seems you can't help yourself. Can you even tell the difference between a lie and the truth any more?
You are such a fuckin joke
You mean because I point out your exaggerations and lies?
Its not an exaggeration moron. He said black and brown people didnt know how to use the internet. IE they dont have the intelligence.
You can gaslight all you want, doesnt change anything.
Besides that, there are MANY racist things that pedo rican has said.
Its not an exaggeration moron. He said black and brown people didnt know how to use the internet. IE they dont have the intelligence.
You can gaslight all you want, doesnt change anything.
Besides that, there are MANY racist things that pedo rican has said.
So was "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" a quote or not. You represented it as a quote.
So was "I understand you are too stupid to use the internet" a quote or not. You represented it as a quote.

This isn't my debate, but it's a little slow today. Here is his first reply (#80) to your post. I see no quotation marks in it:

I understand you are too stupid to use the internet, or get an id, but if you dont vote for me, you aint black, cockroaches.

This is called a summary. It's basically what he said, but not an exact quote.

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