Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?

Why would I deny anything?

I answered your question about race, then you changed the subject to polls.

Believe what you want.
The truth is, minorities are flocking away from the party of blues. And, ever since the left have been playing the race card every chance they get, racism has gotten worse, year after year while these minorities turn red.
I can't see that happening. Republicans have nothing to offer.

Do you think blacks were doing better five years ago or today?

Democrats like to treat blacks like the kids on the short bus; special treatment for special people. The Republican view is a rising tide lifts all boats, and that's what happened under Trump in the pre-covid years.
The truth is, minorities are flocking away from the party of blues. And, ever since the left have been playing the race card every chance they get, racism has gotten worse, year after year while these minorities turn red.
I don't disagree, and I've made that point many times. The Left has a lot of responsibility for this mess.

At the same time, the Right refuses to hold its own accountable for the racism that DOES still exist.

I see plenty of problems on both ends of this, and I don't have to lie or spin or deny or change the subject.
I don't disagree, and I've made that point many times. The Left has a lot of responsibility for this mess.

At the same time, the Right refuses to hold its own accountable for the racism that DOES still exist.

I see plenty of problems on both ends of this, and I don't have to lie or spin or deny or change the subject.

Morgan Freeman said it best. The best way to combat racism is to quit talkin about it.

Do you think blacks were doing better five years ago or today?

Democrats like to treat blacks like the kids on the short bus; special treatment for special people. The Republican view is a rising tide lifts all boats, and that's what happened under Trump in the pre-covid years.
My God, Ray, I had no idea you were such an orator!
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Demogogues making false promises. False ridiculous promises. From reparations to free everything etc etc etc. Then when it doesn't happen and it won't and their cities deteriorate to the shitholes they are, they accuse the republicans for the very mess they created. Coupled with braindead marxist media members purely contaminated by left wing propaganda for more than 25 years of their lives..well....that's why.
Yeah yeah yeah, you have been saying that for decades. People have heard you cry wolf for far too long now. I remember 50 years ago when I was a kid Democrats saying Republicans wanted to take senior's social security away. Well, we've still got it.

Trump's up by 8 points over Biden for 2024 and you guys are sweating bullets. And the worst has yet to come. Inflation is rising, a recession is coming, layoffs are coming, evictions will continue to climb, and the stock market will tank. And that doesn't even talk about the debt ceiling crisis, in which more Americans are blaming Democrats more than Republicans.

Trump doesn't care about you, especially if you're a working-class person. You're just his tool, even more so than you are for any Dem politician.
You mean the type of education the government wants you to have?
I feel the Democrats would prefer the lower classes be relatively uneducated so they can be ruled by the well educated upper classes who can afford to send their children to expensive private schools.

I would like to see my great grandchildren educated as well as I was when I graduated in the mid 1960s from a public high school. I could read and write, math was no problem. I understood the basics of world and American history and even had taken a civics class to better understand how our government worked.

I had even taken a class in journalism and learned enough to realize that basically journalism is dead in our nation today. The mainstream press is not supposed to kiss the ass of the liberals in our nation but to serve as the watch dog for corruption in our society and government. Freedom of the press was granted for a reason.
Trump doesn't care about you, especially if you're a working-class person. You're just his tool, even more so than you are for any Dem politician.
I personally don't care anything about Trump but I do know under him my life was far better than under Biden, whether Trump cares about me personally or not.
You don't have the right to be a public health hazard. Go live alone on some deserted Island or in Antarctica with the penguins. You don't belong in human society.
LOL. Yes, I know Democrats want to take my rights away while trying to claim Republicans are trying to take my rights away. You leftists want to suppress the votes of 76 million people so don't tell me Republicans are the ones trying to suppress votes.
I feel the Democrats would prefer the lower classes be relatively uneducated so they can be ruled by the well educated upper classes who can afford to send their children to expensive private schools.

I would like to see my great grandchildren educated as well as I was when I graduated in the mid 1960s from a public high school. I could read and write, math was no problem. I understood the basics of world and American history and even had taken a civics class to better understand how our government worked.

I had even taken a class in journalism and learned enough to realize that basically journalism is dead in our nation today. The mainstream press is not supposed to kiss the ass of the liberals in our nation but to serve as the watch dog for corruption in our society and government. Freedom of the press was granted for a reason.
And you did it all without having the government give you free education.
Not in our lifetime.

But okay, somehow a 3rd party candidate makes it to Congress. What do you think they'd be able to accomplish? Unless they lean strongly left, they will never get support from the Democrats. Unless they lean right they will never get any support from Republicans either. Nobody would support him or her when they want something for their district. Nobody would support any bill they come up with.

Our two party system is here to stay. Outsiders are not welcome, just look at what they tried to do (and are still trying to do) to Trump. You can either accept that or you don't.
Nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished overnight.

The only alternative you see is to keep the corrupt duopoly in power so you'll keep getting more of the same shit we have now.

Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?​

I know…I know

Because Republicans use minorities to pander to their base
Minorities are freeloaders, minorities are criminals, minorities are replacing us
And Republicans talk bad about immigrants.

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