Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?

You don't want to make that challenge. Not when trump had to pay a huge settlement to NIXONS DOJ for racial discrimination in housing. Think about how racist trump had to be for NIXON to bust him for racism.
Current polls show that if the election were held today, many more blacks would vote for Trump than they did in 2020.
The GOP is worse than the Democrats, with their defunding of programs for the poor and working class, and draconian policies against drug use that amount to locking up addicts and criminalizing them. Stripping people of their access to housing, education, and employment if they get convicted of a drug-related crime. These types of policies are directed specifically at blacks by white Republicans. Nixon after the civil rights victory of blacks in America, started the drug war. The CIA backed mostly by right-wing Republicans, was pumping drugs into the black community:

Addicts should be kept locked up until proven sober.
The left pushing against racism. Regarding hate and division, that occurs naturally, when you have right-wingers pushing for gross inequality, bigotry, and fascism. etc. This new generation is the most progressive one in our history and they have zero tolerance for you religious fascists imposing your primitive "values" and bullshit.
The more the left talk about racism, the more racism there is. It's getting worse, not better.
Yes, they certainly do push against racism and right-wing fascism. The Democrats are no longer the same party they were back in the 19th century. The Democrats are now more in tune with the working class, unlike the Republicans who give "free stuff" to wealthy elites at the expense of everyone else.
There are no greater fascists than the left.
Because they told them to...
Just like my joke of a union harasses me with automated calls just before Election Day telling me to vote Democrat. From what I see that's more to help the bigwigs at the union than it is to help me. I hang up on them every time.
There are always third party candidates. AND the more people vote for alternatives to the corrupt duopoly , especially at local levels, the likelihood of more candidates to choose from in federal elections increases.

Not in our lifetime.

But okay, somehow a 3rd party candidate makes it to Congress. What do you think they'd be able to accomplish? Unless they lean strongly left, they will never get support from the Democrats. Unless they lean right they will never get any support from Republicans either. Nobody would support him or her when they want something for their district. Nobody would support any bill they come up with.

Our two party system is here to stay. Outsiders are not welcome, just look at what they tried to do (and are still trying to do) to Trump. You can either accept that or you don't.
There are always third party candidates. AND the more people vote for alternatives to the corrupt duopoly , especially at local levels, the likelihood of more candidates to choose from in federal elections increases.
That's just a bunch of BS. There are no third party candidates that are worth a crap. That's why they don't win. You are naive and mistaken if you think voting for Rebecca Collingsworth is better than a vote for a Republican or a Democrat. And don't look her up because I made up her name to illustrate that voting for an unknown nobody isn't better than voting for a Republican or a Democrat. You are a fool if you think it is. And, the hard reality is that many Americans are looking for middle of the road candidates while most of the third parties are more extreme that Democrats or Republicans.
There are extremists on both sides for sure. I am not sure those on this forum are extremists for the most part.
I disagree. Unfortunately, most of the members of this forum lean heavily one way or the other, which reflects the reality of the electorate.
Because they told them to...
Just like my joke of a union harasses me with automated calls just before Election Day telling me to vote Democrat. From what I see that's more to help the bigwigs at the union than it is to help me. I hang up on them every time.
It always amazes me that Unions want you to vote D because D's are for the little guy, when the truth is the Union leaders want to get even richer off of your vote. Same holds true for BLM. They take in massive amounts of donations to make themselves richer. Both are scams right up there with what the left accuse Trump of.
Addicts should be kept locked up until proven sober.

Spoken like a true fascist. Locking up addicts with murderers and rapists, then releasing them into society without any assistance. No rehab when locked up and no help when released.
Surely you can do better than that. What is a MAGA? You can't define it, can you?

Here are pictures that perfectly define MAGA:





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We're not the ones violating everyone's rights and giving free stuff to the rich at the expense of everyone else.
Oh yes you are. You made vaccine and mask mandates and even fired people from their jobs if they didn't get vaccinated. People weren't allowed in public buildings unless they showed their vaccine papers. Your side is rounding up every peaceful protester from Jan 6th you can and jailing them, even shooting dead and unarmed peaceful protester. Your side wants to limit 2A rights in the Constitution and takes away people's 1A rights. Hell, medical professionals had their licenses revoked if they didn't tow the government line on Covid. The government has taken over the media, the FBI, and the DOJ to do their bidding for them. They tried to eliminate the Senate filibuster in order to take over full control of the government. They are abusing their powers for political purposes to get Trump and suppress the votes of millions of people who would vote for Trump. They are currently trying to take down the Supreme Court justices. And, they are the ones giving away all the free stuff they can in order to stage a political coup. And, you even admit to being Socialists.
You think minorities are too stupid to know who has their best interest at heart? That's probably a big part of the reason.

You think they're too stupid to get an ID to vote, and if your side has their 'best interests at heart', why after 40-50 years are they still living in slums and hellhole inner cities that are like war zones, all run by dems for decades? You've done squat to improve anything.
Oh yes you are. You made vaccine and mask mandates and even fired people from their jobs if they didn't get vaccinated. People weren't allowed in public buildings unless they showed their vaccine papers. Your side is rounding up every peaceful protester from Jan 6th you can and jailing them, even shooting dead and unarmed peaceful protester. Your side wants to limit 2A rights in the Constitution and takes away people's 1A rights. Hell, medical professionals had their licenses revoked if they didn't tow the government line on Covid. The government has taken over the media, the FBI, and the DOJ to do their bidding for them. They tried to eliminate the Senate filibuster in order to take over full control of the government. They are abusing their powers for political purposes to get Trump and suppress the votes of millions of people who would vote for Trump. They are currently trying to take down the Supreme Court justices. And, they are the ones giving away all the free stuff they can in order to stage a political coup. And, you even admit to being Socialists.

If the country would've followed your line of reasoning, we would now have tens of millions of dead Americans and the virus would still be killing millions throughout this country and the world. Millions of Americans would've sought medical care only to hear doctors and nurses tell them to go back home and die. The economy would've collapsed even more and we would now still be in a great depression, with much higher unemployment.

Your conspiracy theories regarding the vaccines supposedly killing millions of people is a lie, along with the moon landing hoax conspiracy and the flat earth lunacy. You're in the same boat with them.

You complain about mask mandates because supposedly the government doesn't have the right to impose public safety measures in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, and you think you have the right to infect others with a deadly virus. Then you try to get the government to force women to remain pregnant, making it illegal for them to end their pregnancies, even before they have a fetus in their wombs. You could care less about those single mothers and the babies they will give birth to and be responsible for, because most of them are black, Latino, and poor. You're not pro-life, you're pro-death and pro-bullshit-hypocrisy.

"UUUUUuuuu too bad if I infect someone with covid, that's their problem. I don't want to wear a mask in a public crowded venue in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic. If I infect people too bad..I don't give a hoot"

You're so "pro-life". Sure.
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The republican party has pandered to white grievance since at least Ronal Reagan. Only mentally lazy whites fall for the woe is me I'm white garbage that has been pushed by the republican party.

No, they've pandered to the libs who are the party of slavery and segregation. Rs are spineless cowards and Ds are worthless idiots.

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