Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?

I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

This city isn't a shit-hole at all. Sure we do have some problems, but this is a great city to live in.
Being stupid and being politically ignorant are two different things. Look at how most college kids vote.
So college kids and blacks are all defective in some way that prevents them from making the right choice for themselves. Is there anyone else that you don't think measure up to the MAGA standard?
To cut costs for landlords and bring interest rates and inflation back in line... its not rocket science even though the dems want it to sound like it is....
Interset rates and inflation rates are already expected to fall quite a bit. You gonna give landlords another tax break on the backs of the average tax payer?
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Muscle memory when at the polls.
So college kids and blacks are all defective in some way that prevents them from making the right choice for themselves. Is there anyone else that you don't think measure up to the MAGA standard?
MAGA standard is for adults.
So college kids and blacks are all defective in some way that prevents them from making the right choice for themselves. Is there anyone else that you don't think measure up to the MAGA standard?

Like I said, look at how they vote. It's not just college kids, I was merely using them as one example since they are supposedly educated. It's a lot of voters in this country.

Biden said the most racist things about blacks than any other candidate in our lifetime. Biden got 95% of their vote. Does that sound like a politically informed group to you? And what about suburban women? Biden gained momentum with them too even though he promised to ruin the suburbs and turn them into ghettos. Does that sound like those women were informed and just decided to vote for somebody that intends to ruin their property value?

Biden also promised us open borders by immediately stopping construction of the wall on his first day in office. Tell me what politically educated person (especially blue collar workers) would vote for that. Then of course his attacks on the fossil fuel industry during the primary debates. Was there anybody stupid enough to believe fuel prices would remain just as good as they were under Trump?

So again, it's not just college kids, it's liberals in general that are politically ignorant.
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

one way to understand it is how so many MAGA got their panties in a bunch over Kaepernick kneeling.
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?​

Free shit
They don’t know about and or don’t care about our Constitution or Declaration Of Independence
They lack iQ and the ability to logically reason
They are desperate
The vilification of evil whitey
Promises to dethrone whitey
Promises to steal whitey‘s shit and give it to them

There’s a reason Dems beg all abnormal/weird, all ignorant, all desperate people to vote and it isn’t because weird, ignorant, desperate people vote Republican.
I just don't understand it. Not that New York was ever a great place to live but it has now turned into a shithole, especially for minorities.

Those captive on the Democrat plantation aren't being informed by a leftwing partisan media and have never heard anything other than Democrats bad/Republicans good. There are a few in positions of power that promote that propaganda to keep themselves in power.

Republicans who happen to be people of color are condemned, accused, insulted, maligned, called Uncle Tom, hanky heads, sell outs, betrayers of their race and all that. The malicious left has declared war on and is working hard to destroy Clarence Thomas.

Those who managed to escape the mind prison of the plantation via red pill or just good luck are almost all conservative and vote conservative. And Democrats in power know this and do their damndest to make sure that doesn't happen to many. They desperately need the minority vote to keep themselves in power.

Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?​

Free shit
They don’t know about and or don’t care about our Constitution or Declaration Of Independence
They lack iQ and the ability to logically reason
They are desperate
The vilification of evil whitey
Promises to dethrone whitey
Promises to steal whitey‘s shit and give it to them

There’s a reason Dems beg all abnormal/weird, all ignorant, all desperate people to vote and it isn’t because weird, ignorant, desperate people vote Republican.

They vote democrat in spite of racist shitheads like you. You want "free shit" for the rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else. Our constitution or declaration of independence from Britain, isn't the word of GAWD. You have no evidence that they vote Democrat because they don't worship our national constitution. You just pulled that charge out of your ass.

Your assertion that they "lack iQ and the ability to logically reason" is ironic, because that perfectly defines right-wingers like yourself. You sound desperate. You vilify yourself, through your bigotry and scumbag values and hypocrisy. Since when are you entitled to a throne? You want to take from the working class and hand it all to the wealthy elites who you worship and aspire to become.
I have to say, from past experince, if it wasn't for idiots and fools, the democrats wouldn't have a constituency. I am not the sharpest pencil in the box. But I realized that years ago. Democrats are are playing you for a fool. They are pushing lies as transparent as plastic wrap but you fools keep buying their lies. PT Barnum said: "you can fool some of the people some of the time"...Apparently Dems hit on a magic formula where: YES indeed, you CAN fool most the people most of the time...
In a well run constitutional republic like ours it is important that people have a good education. In a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise, education is not all that important.

If your high school grads can’t read at grade level and lack understanding of math, history and civics it will be easy to eventually convince enough voters to turn our nation into a Marxist socialist cess pool like Venezuela.

To be generous most of our big city school system simply suck.

Like I said, look at how they vote. It's not just college kids, I was merely using them as one example since they are supposedly educated. It's a lot of voters in this country.

Biden said the most racist things about blacks than any other candidate in our lifetime. Biden got 95% of their vote. Does that sound like a politically informed group to you? And what about suburban women? Biden gained momentum with them too even though he promised to ruin the suburbs and turn them into ghettos. Does that sound like those women were informed and just decided to vote for somebody that intends to ruin their property value?

Biden also promised us open borders by immediately stopping construction of the wall on his first day in office. Tell me what politically educated person (especially blue collar workers) would vote for that. Then of course his attacks on the fossil fuel industry during the primary debates. Was there anybody stupid enough to believe fuel prices would remain just as good as they were under Trump?

So again, it's not just college kids, it's liberals in general that are politically ignorant.
You think Biden made more racist remarks than trump? You are getting dumber by the day.
In a well run constitutional republic like ours it is important that people have a good education. In a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise, education is not all that important.

If your high school grads can’t read at grade level and lack understanding of math, history and civics it will be easy to eventually convince enough voters to turn our nation into a Marxist socialist cess pool like Venezuela.

To be generous most of our big city school system simply suck.

You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and critique socialist economies that are being heavily sanctioned and threatened by the US government. Lift the sanctions, stop the saber rattling, and then perhaps you'll have a stronger argument. Education is one of the pillars of socialism, so you're quite confused.

You might as well become a socialist now because it's the future. Advanced automation and AI necessitates the adoption of socialism (i.e. a non-profit mode of production). You can bark all you want, spewing your cheap cold war, anti-Marxist propaganda, and it won't change that fact. Advanced production technology = socialism, the only alternative is economic collapse and civil war, which will still lead to socialism. So you might as well become a socialist now. Your children and grandchildren will be socialists, guaranteed.
Those captive on the Democrat plantation aren't being informed by a leftwing partisan media and have never heard anything other than Democrats bad/Republicans good. There are a few in positions of power that promote that propaganda to keep themselves in power.

Republicans who happen to be people of color are condemned, accused, insulted, maligned, called Uncle Tom, hanky heads, sell outs, betrayers of their race and all that. The malicious left has declared war on and is working hard to destroy Clarence Thomas.

Those who managed to escape the mind prison of the plantation via red pill or just good luck are almost all conservative and vote conservative. And Democrats in power know this and do their damndest to make sure that doesn't happen to many. They desperately need the minority vote to keep themselves in power.

Ask a black man how he votes and he will tell you Democrat.
Ask him why and he will tell you Republicans are only for the rich white guys.
Ask who told him that and he will tell you the Democrats.

Politics is not a desired subject in the black community. They vote Democrat and don't even know why. My father voted Democrat, my grandfather voted Democrat, so I vote Democrat.

They can't draw the association to rising crime in their community partly caused by Democrat politicians that get in liberal DAs and prosecutors that give criminals a slap on the hand. Or their "de-fund the police" message even if they never took away a dime from the department, but a clear message the Democrats don't support their police.

The most valued voter for a Democrat is a politically ignorant one.

Why Is It That Minorities Vote Democrat Again?​

I know…I know

Because Republicans use minorities to pander to their base
Minorities are freeloaders, minorities are criminals, minorities are replacing us

Everyday is opposite day for a leftard. Project and project some more. Go to any left news, they constantly talk down blacks and project, just like you.

1. The democrats attract people who desire victim roles.
2. Many minorities cannot speak english and/or are not familiar with the Democrack's wickedness.
3. Many blacks are lazy, both in mind and body. The Democruds attract lazy people, especially the mentally lazy.
4. Many minorities live in big cities where propaganda is the greatest.

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