'Why Is It That President Biden Would Rather Let US Companies Drill For Oil In Venezuela Than Here?'

Just stop. You are all embarrassments. Say "strawman" again though.

You've never even bothered to look up a frigging map of the Keystone, or the Keystone XL. Keep being an idiot, though; you need a peer group.

And just for you: 'Strawman".
the nuts who actually think shutting down our pipeline and hamstringing our oil industry and causing our domestic oil prices to rise dramatically

That was a Canadian pipeline. Not ours. Texas is back to pre-pandemic levels of production. The US is producing more petroleum than ever before under Biden. Number one world producer Nothing is hamstringing our expanding NG industry. We have been "Energy Independent" every year under Biden.
That was a Canadian pipeline. Not ours. Texas is back to pre-pandemic levels of production. The US is producing more petroleum than ever before under Biden. Number one world producer Nothing is hamstringing our expanding NG industry. We have been "Energy Independent" every year under Biden.

Keystone XL was halted by owner TC Energy after U.S. President Joe Biden this year revoked a key permit needed for a U.S. stretch of the 1,200-mile project.
The Keystone XL pipeline was expected to carry 830,000 barrels per day of Alberta oil sands crude to Nebraska.
The project was delayed for the past 12 years due to opposition from U.S. landowners, Native American tribes and environmentalists.


President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
Biden's orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
The series of actions kick off the president's agenda to reduce the country's emissions and establish stricter targets under the Paris climate accord.


Keystone XL was halted by owner TC Energy after U.S. President Joe Biden this year revoked a key permit needed for a U.S. stretch of the 1,200-mile project.
The Keystone XL pipeline was expected to carry 830,000 barrels per day of Alberta oil sands crude to Nebraska.
The project was delayed for the past 12 years due to opposition from U.S. landowners, Native American tribes and environmentalists.


That extension was killed by an Obama Veto of legislation. Blunderbutt Trump, who couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag couldn't make a deal when his Neo-GOP controlled both Chambers of Congress, and use a controversial EO to authorize the border crossing pipeline after the Dems took the House in 2019.

How does importing more Canadian slurry make us more energy independent?

Personally I think it would have been an excellent bargaining chip.....
President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
Biden's orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
The series of actions kick off the president's agenda to reduce the country's emissions and establish stricter targets under the Paris climate accord.


And to think today is only Tuesday.......Oh, that was nearly two years ago.......yawn.....
President Trump actually maxed out oil production in 2020- the price of oil dipped into the negative numbers as a pandemic reduced demand.

Currently, Sleepy Joe is just shoring up the Ultraliberal regime in Venezuela, libs really admire Madura's thugs just like they do with the Cuban Communists


Keystone XL was halted by owner TC Energy after U.S. President Joe Biden this year revoked a key permit needed for a U.S. stretch of the 1,200-mile project.
The Keystone XL pipeline was expected to carry 830,000 barrels per day of Alberta oil sands crude to Nebraska.
The project was delayed for the past 12 years due to opposition from U.S. landowners, Native American tribes and environmentalists.



That's because your heroes want to run that crappy sludge over a major aquifer that provides water for millions of American citizens and farmers. Being an idiot, you probably don't know water west of the Mississippi is more valuable than Canadian sludge going to export out of the country. The record of the Keystone is pretty crappy, since it started springing leaks when it was practically brand new, and still springing leaks.

The XL isn't necessary, it's just a right wing fetish promoted by Canada and a few service companies. Few American refineries can use the crap, even the Texas refineries, designed to process crappy low grade oil, rarely use it, and it's yields of fuel per barrel equivalent is very small; not using it all affects fuel production almost zero. But you keep sucking up to your peers, it's all you got.
President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
Biden's orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
The series of actions kick off the president's agenda to reduce the country's emissions and establish stricter targets under the Paris climate accord.


lol yeah poor oil companies can't survive without massive freebies from the Feds. Meanwhile indies are drilling like gangbusters on private leases and making billions with new drilling. You know shit about the oil business, much less 'govt. leases n stuff'.
That extension was killed by an Obama Veto of legislation. Blunderbutt Trump, who couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag couldn't make a deal when his Neo-GOP controlled both Chambers of Congress, and use a controversial EO to authorize the border crossing pipeline after the Dems took the House in 2019.

How does importing more Canadian slurry make us more energy independent?

Personally I think it would have been an excellent bargaining chip.....

Well, he thinks the Keystone was never built, doesn't know the Extension isn't necessary at all.
President Trump actually maxed out oil production in 2020- the price of oil dipped into the negative numbers as a pandemic reduced demand.

Currently, Sleepy Joe is just shoring up the Ultraliberal regime in Venezuela, libs really admire Madura's thugs just like they do with the Cuban Communists

Yes, and massive over-production was the result, with enough flare-off of natural gas to power five American cities for literally years burning off due to no storage or markets for it. Great job.
Quatar is an excellent example....

They used to have lots of oil and natural gas. Now they have none. They produce nothing except empty, abandoned shopping malls. These malls were once air conditioned...now they can't afford to turn on the lights.

Energy resources like oil and Natural gas are finite...not infinite. There are lots of them around the planet but let's exploit the energy of other nations first and reserve ours...but in the meantime use ours to leverage the price of oil in other countries.

That's the real strategy and it's a good one. It isn't Joe B's....it's been this way since Carter created OPEC and left office.
We don't even need theirs. Let them starve.

Hurting Venezuela will only mean more illegals. I wouldn't do it. They have huge reserves.. They can produce 3 million bpd for the next 300 years. It's never good to hurt your neighbor. If you do, the whole neighborhood eventually goes to hell.
Quatar is an excellent example....

They used to have lots of oil and natural gas. Now they have none. They produce nothing except empty, abandoned shopping malls. These malls were once air conditioned...now they can't afford to turn on the lights.

Energy resources like oil and Natural gas are finite...not infinite. There are lots of them around the planet but let's exploit the energy of other nations first and reserve ours...but in the meantime use ours to leverage the price of oil in other countries.

That's the real strategy and it's a good one. It isn't Joe B's....it's been this way since Carter created OPEC and left office.

Carter didn't create OPEC. OPEC was founded in 1960.

Qatar's gas field called South Park is the largest in the world.

Somehow to the global warmers, shutting down drilling for oil in the US and shutting down pipelines in the US is good FOR THE PLANET, while allowing drilling in Venezuela by US companies and opening up pipelines in other parts are good things for the planet.

Doocy mic drop moments.

Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day. No economies of scale. Exxon, Chevron etc want wells producing much, much more.
In a selfish sort of way....I'd rather use up the whole world's oil supply before using our own all up....this way when a true, worldwide oil shortage does actually happen, we or our great grandchildren will at least still have our own oil reserves! :D
But your Vegetable Messiah promised to end oil. Why would your great grandchildren need oil?
That was a Canadian pipeline. Not ours. Texas is back to pre-pandemic levels of production. The US is producing more petroleum than ever before under Biden. Number one world producer Nothing is hamstringing our expanding NG industry. We have been "Energy Independent" every year under Biden.
The US is producing more petroleum than ever before under Biden.

You are a lying sack of shit. BlindBoo . Why do you keep repeating this lie only to have your ass handed to you?

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The biggest reason oil production isn’t increasing is that American energy companies and Wall Street investors are not sure that prices will stay high long enough for them to make a profit from drilling lots of new wells.

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