Why is it that women never accept blame when they are caught cheating???

If you enjoy sex recreationally, there is something wrong with you.

You can't be serious.

Sex should be about love.
I am VERY serious

So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?
If you enjoy sex recreationally, there is something wrong with you.

You can't be serious.

Sex should be about love.
I am VERY serious

So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?

Like anything else, personal experience. When a relationship is new, and, it feels like you are head over heels in love, that is when sex is best (for me) - maybe it's purely physical for others.....
You can't be serious.

Sex should be about love.
I am VERY serious

So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?
The enjoyment is a by product of nature. Thats why a woman that is raped can experience a climax.

Depends on who is pondering that information and using it to rationalize their actions.

Self control is hard to come by (no pun intended - LOL!) oh now, it's Ha Ha not LOL... I must keep up with the trends ! <eyeroll>
You can't be serious.

Sex should be about love.
I am VERY serious

So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?

Like anything else, personal experience. When a relationship is new, and, it feels like you are head over heels in love, that is when sex is best (for me) - maybe it's purely physical for others.....

That is not love. That's why based on what you just said, after the relationship isn't new anymore, you don't "feel" it. It is a feeling.

That is why marriage in America is a disaster. People have find a "new" relationship, to "feel" love.
Sex should be about love.
I am VERY serious

So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?

Like anything else, personal experience. When a relationship is new, and, it feels like you are head over heels in love, that is when sex is best (for me) - maybe it's purely physical for others.....

That is not love. That's why based on what you just said, after the relationship isn't new anymore, you don't "feel" it. It is a feeling.

That is why marriage in America is a disaster. People have find a "new" relationship, to "feel" love.

I don't think many people are able to love.
Because most people are fucked in the head. Just sayin'....
So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?

Like anything else, personal experience. When a relationship is new, and, it feels like you are head over heels in love, that is when sex is best (for me) - maybe it's purely physical for others.....

That is not love. That's why based on what you just said, after the relationship isn't new anymore, you don't "feel" it. It is a feeling.

That is why marriage in America is a disaster. People have find a "new" relationship, to "feel" love.

I don't think many people are able to love.
Because most people are fucked in the head. Just sayin'....
Its rare to find love. We were never really made to be that way. Its really just a state of mind.
In my experience women cheat more than men. I have several relationship with married women and singles. Married women is far more exciting to me than singles. Not sure why.
Wondering if there are any research done or any percentage of married women cheat.
99.9 of my buddies cheat and they also have experiences with married women.
The idea is.. if you get caught...No matter what happened never admit. Even when your pants are down.
So a married man and woman, can not have sex with each other purely for mutual enjoyment....?

Obviously, that is possible. But it should be about love.

I wonder where that mind set comes from. It certainly isn't in the bible, and secularly, we've been pushing that idea for decades, and marriage is in bad shape in America.

What do you base that thinking on?

Like anything else, personal experience. When a relationship is new, and, it feels like you are head over heels in love, that is when sex is best (for me) - maybe it's purely physical for others.....

That is not love. That's why based on what you just said, after the relationship isn't new anymore, you don't "feel" it. It is a feeling.

That is why marriage in America is a disaster. People have find a "new" relationship, to "feel" love.

I don't think many people are able to love.
Because most people are fucked in the head. Just sayin'....

Yeah I would agree with that. Ironically, it is because they doing relationships wrong, and burn out there own ability to love.

It's kind of like drugs. If you do drugs, eventually you get to the point where you can't function correctly without them. You give them drugs, suddenly they can function right.

But until you do, they are a basket case. If they had never done drugs to begin with, they'd be fine.

Similarly, people do relationships wrong, and then they are unable to do them correctly anymore. They are... as you say, messed up in the head.
In my experience women cheat more than men. I have several relationship with married women and singles. Married women is far more exciting to me than singles. Not sure why.
Wondering if there are any research done or any percentage of married women cheat.
99.9 of my buddies cheat and they also have experiences with married women.
The idea is.. if you get caught...No matter what happened never admit. Even when your pants are down.
I had pledged to remain a bachelor for the same reason. I dealt with way too many women that cheated on their husbands. The sex is more intense because you are doing something wrong. Heightens the adrenaline
In my experience women cheat more than men. I have several relationship with married women and singles. Married women is far more exciting to me than singles. Not sure why.
Wondering if there are any research done or any percentage of married women cheat.
99.9 of my buddies cheat and they also have experiences with married women.
The idea is.. if you get caught...No matter what happened never admit. Even when your pants are down.

Well, I don't know you specifically, nor do I know your world view: That said, I'm a Christian, and the reason some men find married women far more exciting than single chicks is simply the 'naughty factor'. There is an inherent 'turn on' to be evil and doing wrong.

I can't speak for you, but I have met several couples that, before they were married couldn't hardly keep their cloths on. Then once they were married, suddenly he (usually the man) magically loses interest in the girl that 6 months before, couldn't help getting naked with.

How is that possible? Again, from a Christian perspective, it's quite simple. It's not 'wrong' anymore.

Similarly, a woman cheating on her husband will spout off endless about how it's love, and she has to divorce, and they have something special........ then she marries the guy.... and again like magic... he's off looking at someone else. Why? Because before it was wrong. Now it's not wrong. So now there is no 'naughty turn on' factor.

This is why men shouldn't sleep with married women, or even single women, before marriage. If you have done that numerous times.... you may have to fight that until the day you die. Like fighting a drug addiction. You might NEVER have a real relationship with a wife, because this aspect will kick your butt until you die.

Your 'buddies' likely are already screwed up for life, based on how you described them. And by the way.... if you stay with your buddies.... you'll likely end up just like them.

Run away man. Find new buddies.
In my experience women cheat more than men. I have several relationship with married women and singles. Married women is far more exciting to me than singles. Not sure why.
Wondering if there are any research done or any percentage of married women cheat.
99.9 of my buddies cheat and they also have experiences with married women.
The idea is.. if you get caught...No matter what happened never admit. Even when your pants are down.
I had pledged to remain a bachelor for the same reason. I dealt with way too many women that cheated on their husbands. The sex is more intense because you are doing something wrong. Heightens the adrenaline[/QUOTE

What is the best kind of sex?
What is the best kind of sex?

Depends on if you mean just raw sex or making love.

which is better?
What's the difference?
It depends on the person you are with.

Sex is just raw animal instinct. When you combine/temper that with love you get love making and attention to detail.

I think it's all individual preference..... nothing beats raw, 1st time sex to me....

Maybe it is individual preference. To me nothing beats the second time as far as sex goes. I've had some disappointing first times and had to make up excuses as to why I couldnt see them again.
What is the best kind of sex?

Depends on if you mean just raw sex or making love.

which is better?
What's the difference?
It depends on the person you are with.

Sex is just raw animal instinct. When you combine/temper that with love you get love making and attention to detail.

I think it's all individual preference..... nothing beats raw, 1st time sex to me....

Maybe it is individual preference. To me nothing beats the second time as far as sex goes. I've had some disappointing first times and had to make up excuses as to why I couldnt see them again.

I guess it depends on how long you have been "wanting" the person...............
People cheat for a variety of reasons. But cheating is rarely the problem. It is a symptom of the problem.

Try being in a poly relationship. Then, if they fool around it isn't a big deal. They just have to be open and honest about everything.

Does not work. Met couples who did the open and honest fooling around bit, and it fell all apart.

Yeah, its not for everyone. But then, plenty of couples meet, marry and it falls apart without that.

I know quite a few couples that work it just fine.

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