Why is it truthers feel the need to lie?

Ahh fuck you.

Still pretending not to be CreativeDreams I see.

You seem to be obsessed with me or something....maybe we should just **** and call a truce?

this troll has a MAJOR obsession over you.I have tried to tell you too many times to remember not to feed the troll,to just add him to your ignore list,the more and more you reply to this attention seeker troll,the more and more you feed him and give him the attention he is desperately seeking.I dont know WHY you always play his game and satisfy the attention seeker.:cuckoo:
Believe me....I argue with her on a few forums and she is a she...
he is a he
and you are a fucking idiot for thinking that just because HE uses females as his avatar that it makes him female

Echo Zulu here uses men as her avatar many times, and she is very FEMALE

If you can truly prove candycorn is a male I will puke on my keyboard....but I truly believe candy is female....

Your wrong big time,for the first time in Ditzcons life,he is telling the truth about candyfag,candyfag is a HE.
you seem to be obsessed with me or something

you pulled the same shit on awe.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you i don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.

so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll

everybody knows that about ditzcon.
he is a he
and you are a fucking idiot for thinking that just because HE uses females as his avatar that it makes him female

Echo Zulu here uses men as her avatar many times, and she is very FEMALE

If you can truly prove candycorn is a male I will puke on my keyboard....but I truly believe candy is female....

Your wrong big time,for the first time in Ditzcons life,he is telling the truth about candyfag,candyfag is a HE.

I would appreciate the proper credit for having made that discovery first.:lol:
If you can truly prove candycorn is a male I will puke on my keyboard....but I truly believe candy is female....

Your wrong big time,for the first time in Ditzcons life,he is telling the truth about candyfag,candyfag is a HE.

I would appreciate the proper credit for having made that discovery first.:lol:

Yeah I got to give you credit.YOU are the only truther I have ever noticed who was smart enough to know that IT is a he.Most truthers dont understand Females dont go on endless bible length propaganda rants like he does,:cuckoo:

they just come back with childish name calling in two or three sentences or less like California Girl or Jillain when they cant refute the evidence or facts.Females dont post bible length posts of lies and disinformation to save face in their posts when they are defeated like he does.

Doesnt take a genius to see that the troll is a HE.:cuckoo:
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Don't forget the light poles!!! THAT proves EVERYTHING!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It would sure be simple if the most important building in the military establishment had a security system showing a video of the "plane". Amazing this most valued military installation doesn't have the security of a 7-11. I find that odd...and troubling.
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Don't forget the light poles!!! THAT proves EVERYTHING!!!!!!

It does. You say a plane didn't hit the building yet you can't explain physical evidence at the scene of the crime. So yeah, it proves you're wrong and all of the bullying tactics you wish to employ are simply useless.

Time for you to run away again my beeotch.
Don't forget the light poles!!! THAT proves EVERYTHING!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It would sure be simple if the most important building in the military establishment had a security system showing a video of the "plane". Amazing this most valued military installation doesn't have the security of a 7-11. I find that odd...and troubling.

I have that video at one of my canada wants the truth link i have posted here too many times to remember that the trolls have always run off with their tails between their legs EVERYTIME when I have asked them to comment on and refute just ONE of the videos,they never have bothered.if they acted like that in a court like they do here,the judge would say-does the prosecuter wish to refute the evidence? you are not saying anything.you are just standing there silent.are you going to address the evidence 9/11 presented,or just stay there sitting silent?:lol: proof that I am telling the truth about that is just look here at this thread.despite my HUNDREDS of requests to people like LIAR ability,Toto,and slackass to address this video and refute it,NONE of them took me up on my challenge.:lol:thats hardly the way to debate.:lol:


my canada wants the truth site has a the cab driver on there ADMITTING that the light pole was a plant and he and the witness testimonys of high ranking officials at the pentagon also prove a jet airliner did not knock them down either since they dont place the airliner there in their path.

NONE of that is good enough for the troll of course though.:lol:myself and dozens of others handed his ass to him on a platter on that over a year ago.he has alzheimers diseace cause he never remembers the answers you give him obviously since he is STILL asking that question here at THIS message board as well.:lol:

but how come you bring that up though? a female troll might keep asking something like that all the time.I explained how I came to the factual conclusion that candayfag was a HE.How did You come to that conclusion? see thats why I put candytroll on ignore here ages ago.I already answered that question and addressed it for him over a year ago at another message board,and he is STILL asking that same question here at this site I just now have learned from you.Not at all surprising with the trolls memory problems he has.not one bit. that cracks me up that he is still trolling with his lightpole obsession.here at this site no less.:lol:
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According to the Laws of Physics, the only way for something to fall at the speed of freefall there has to be zero resistance,

According to you and your version of Newtonian physics, nothing can fall at free fall because even AIR provides resistance.

so for WTC7 to collapse in its own footprint at freefall speeds, there has to be no resistance. How was the resistance removed?

But you just admitted in the other thread that it is possible for a falling body to get close to (indistinguishable from) free fall speeds based on having enough of a load to overcome the resistance? Did you not just admit that?

Fire cannot account for melting steel, because it can't reach even close to those temps.

Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

At what temperature does steel START to lose it's strength? Now apply the stress of a load to that same, weakened steel.

Fire couldnt of bent/bowed and collapsed the inner structure because the building showed zero deformities until the main collapse.

Really? Then explain how the columns beneath the east mechanical penthouse failed and the penthouse fell into the building. That happened and there was no sign of these "deformities" either. Watch the video. You can see the windows breaking on the perimeter facade as the penthouse fell into the the building. Here is a photo of STEEL railroad tracks and what happened from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion caused my the SUN beating down on them.

So thats leads to the question of what could it of been?

No, that leads to NO other questions because you have not proven that NIST explanations and calculations of how WTC7 collapsed is not possible OR what the errors in their report are. You dismiss their report with evidence that is incorrect.
Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

Who said anything about melting steel? Many eyewitnesses saw molten steel. One fire fighter said he saw a steel beam, molten hot and dripping at one end.
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According to the Laws of Physics, the only way for something to fall at the speed of freefall there has to be zero resistance,

According to you and your version of Newtonian physics, nothing can fall at free fall because even AIR provides resistance.

so for WTC7 to collapse in its own footprint at freefall speeds, there has to be no resistance. How was the resistance removed?

But you just admitted in the other thread that it is possible for a falling body to get close to (indistinguishable from) free fall speeds based on having enough of a load to overcome the resistance? Did you not just admit that?

Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

At what temperature does steel START to lose it's strength? Now apply the stress of a load to that same, weakened steel.

Fire couldnt of bent/bowed and collapsed the inner structure because the building showed zero deformities until the main collapse.

Really? Then explain how the columns beneath the east mechanical penthouse failed and the penthouse fell into the building. That happened and there was no sign of these "deformities" either. Watch the video. You can see the windows breaking on the perimeter facade as the penthouse fell into the the building. Here is a photo of STEEL railroad tracks and what happened from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion caused my the SUN beating down on them.

So thats leads to the question of what could it of been?

No, that leads to NO other questions because you have not proven that NIST explanations and calculations of how WTC7 collapsed is not possible OR what the errors in their report are. You dismiss their report with evidence that is incorrect.

Your train tracks were not deformed from sunlight. The cause of these bent rails is what is called "creep". It is a geological term for drift in earth near or at the surface. Creep happens very slowly under normal conditions and rapidly by earthquake. It is usually ground moving by gravity from a higher to a lower level but it can also be earth moving almost horizontally or even upwards with enough preassure.
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Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

Who said anything about melting steel? Many eyewitnesses saw molten steel. One fire fighter said he saw a steel beam, molten hot and dripping at one end.

OH My God. Please produce that quote for us. I really really want to see or hear that one....
According to the Laws of Physics, the only way for something to fall at the speed of freefall there has to be zero resistance,

According to you and your version of Newtonian physics, nothing can fall at free fall because even AIR provides resistance.

But you just admitted in the other thread that it is possible for a falling body to get close to (indistinguishable from) free fall speeds based on having enough of a load to overcome the resistance? Did you not just admit that?

Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

At what temperature does steel START to lose it's strength? Now apply the stress of a load to that same, weakened steel.

Really? Then explain how the columns beneath the east mechanical penthouse failed and the penthouse fell into the building. That happened and there was no sign of these "deformities" either. Watch the video. You can see the windows breaking on the perimeter facade as the penthouse fell into the the building. Here is a photo of STEEL railroad tracks and what happened from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion caused my the SUN beating down on them.

So thats leads to the question of what could it of been?

No, that leads to NO other questions because you have not proven that NIST explanations and calculations of how WTC7 collapsed is not possible OR what the errors in their report are. You dismiss their report with evidence that is incorrect.

Your train tracks were not deformed from sunlight. The cause of these bent rails is what is called "creep". It is a geological term for drift in earth near or at the surface. Creep happens very slowly under normal conditions and rapidly by earthquake. It is usually ground moving by gravity from a higher to a lower level but it can also be earth moving almost horizontally or even upwards with enough preassure.

Sorry Huggy that is thermal expansion.

Thermal expansion is a particularly serious problem where railroad tracks are concerned, since the tracks on which the trains run are made of steel. Steel, as noted earlier, expands by a factor of 12 parts in 1 million for every Celsius degree change in temperature, and while this may not seem like much, it can create a serious problem under conditions of high temperature.

Most tracks are built from pieces of steel supported by wooden ties, and laid with a gap between the ends. This gap provides a buffer for thermal expansion, but there is another matter to consider: the tracks are bolted to the wooden ties, and if the steel expands too much, it could pull out these bolts. Hence, instead of being placed in a hole the same size as the bolt, the bolts are fitted in slots, so that there is room for the track to slide in place slowly when the temperature rises.

Read more: Real-life applications - Thermal Expansion
According to you and your version of Newtonian physics, nothing can fall at free fall because even AIR provides resistance.

But you just admitted in the other thread that it is possible for a falling body to get close to (indistinguishable from) free fall speeds based on having enough of a load to overcome the resistance? Did you not just admit that?

Who said anything about "melting steel". Are you familiar with the terms "thermal expansion", "creep", "beams walking off supports", and "the weakening of steel due to heat"?

At what temperature does steel START to lose it's strength? Now apply the stress of a load to that same, weakened steel.

Really? Then explain how the columns beneath the east mechanical penthouse failed and the penthouse fell into the building. That happened and there was no sign of these "deformities" either. Watch the video. You can see the windows breaking on the perimeter facade as the penthouse fell into the the building. Here is a photo of STEEL railroad tracks and what happened from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion caused my the SUN beating down on them.

No, that leads to NO other questions because you have not proven that NIST explanations and calculations of how WTC7 collapsed is not possible OR what the errors in their report are. You dismiss their report with evidence that is incorrect.

Your train tracks were not deformed from sunlight. The cause of these bent rails is what is called "creep". It is a geological term for drift in earth near or at the surface. Creep happens very slowly under normal conditions and rapidly by earthquake. It is usually ground moving by gravity from a higher to a lower level but it can also be earth moving almost horizontally or even upwards with enough preassure.

Sorry Huggy that is thermal expansion.

Thermal expansion is a particularly serious problem where railroad tracks are concerned, since the tracks on which the trains run are made of steel. Steel, as noted earlier, expands by a factor of 12 parts in 1 million for every Celsius degree change in temperature, and while this may not seem like much, it can create a serious problem under conditions of high temperature.

Most tracks are built from pieces of steel supported by wooden ties, and laid with a gap between the ends. This gap provides a buffer for thermal expansion, but there is another matter to consider: the tracks are bolted to the wooden ties, and if the steel expands too much, it could pull out these bolts. Hence, instead of being placed in a hole the same size as the bolt, the bolts are fitted in slots, so that there is room for the track to slide in place slowly when the temperature rises.

Read more: Real-life applications - Thermal Expansion

Objects cannot freefall through eachother, thus the 8 floors collapsing at freefall in WTC7 are impossible, unless those floors were simultaneously removed. Fire cannot do this, fire cannot cause 'thermal expansion' to cause this, fire cannot melt steel to cause this, fire cannot symmetrically burn 8 floors and have them fail simultaneously. And if they did, there wouldn't be freefall/symmetrical collapse. Why do you over look this simple fact? This fact is ALL you need to know that the NIST report is a fraud, and there is a coverup.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.

Ollie, care to address this fact?
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Your train tracks were not deformed from sunlight. The cause of these bent rails is what is called "creep". It is a geological term for drift in earth near or at the surface. Creep happens very slowly under normal conditions and rapidly by earthquake. It is usually ground moving by gravity from a higher to a lower level but it can also be earth moving almost horizontally or even upwards with enough preassure.

Sorry Huggy that is thermal expansion.

Thermal expansion is a particularly serious problem where railroad tracks are concerned, since the tracks on which the trains run are made of steel. Steel, as noted earlier, expands by a factor of 12 parts in 1 million for every Celsius degree change in temperature, and while this may not seem like much, it can create a serious problem under conditions of high temperature.

Most tracks are built from pieces of steel supported by wooden ties, and laid with a gap between the ends. This gap provides a buffer for thermal expansion, but there is another matter to consider: the tracks are bolted to the wooden ties, and if the steel expands too much, it could pull out these bolts. Hence, instead of being placed in a hole the same size as the bolt, the bolts are fitted in slots, so that there is room for the track to slide in place slowly when the temperature rises.

Read more: Real-life applications - Thermal Expansion

Objects cannot freefall through eachother, thus the 8 floors collapsing at freefall in WTC7 are impossible, unless those floors were simultaneously removed. Fire cannot do this, fire cannot cause 'thermal expansion' to cause this, fire cannot melt steel to cause this, fire cannot symmetrically burn 8 floors and have them fail simultaneously. And if they did, there wouldn't be freefall/symmetrical collapse. Why do you over look this simple fact? This fact is ALL you need to know that the NIST report is a fraud, and there is a coverup.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.

Ollie, care to address this fact?

NIST proved it, if you disagree then find some solid physical evidence and disprove them. And please remember that they did not say it was simultaneous. They said it was a progressive collapse.

We'll wait; at least another 9 years.
Sorry Huggy that is thermal expansion.

Thermal expansion is a particularly serious problem where railroad tracks are concerned, since the tracks on which the trains run are made of steel. Steel, as noted earlier, expands by a factor of 12 parts in 1 million for every Celsius degree change in temperature, and while this may not seem like much, it can create a serious problem under conditions of high temperature.

Most tracks are built from pieces of steel supported by wooden ties, and laid with a gap between the ends. This gap provides a buffer for thermal expansion, but there is another matter to consider: the tracks are bolted to the wooden ties, and if the steel expands too much, it could pull out these bolts. Hence, instead of being placed in a hole the same size as the bolt, the bolts are fitted in slots, so that there is room for the track to slide in place slowly when the temperature rises.

Read more: Real-life applications - Thermal Expansion

Objects cannot freefall through eachother, thus the 8 floors collapsing at freefall in WTC7 are impossible, unless those floors were simultaneously removed. Fire cannot do this, fire cannot cause 'thermal expansion' to cause this, fire cannot melt steel to cause this, fire cannot symmetrically burn 8 floors and have them fail simultaneously. And if they did, there wouldn't be freefall/symmetrical collapse. Why do you over look this simple fact? This fact is ALL you need to know that the NIST report is a fraud, and there is a coverup.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.

Ollie, care to address this fact?

NIST proved it, if you disagree then find some solid physical evidence and disprove them. And please remember that they did not say it was simultaneous. They said it was a progressive collapse.

We'll wait; at least another 9 years.

Why don't you answer my question, sir? Why are you afraid? Stop avoiding the facts.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.
Objects cannot freefall through eachother, thus the 8 floors collapsing at freefall in WTC7 are impossible, unless those floors were simultaneously removed. Fire cannot do this, fire cannot cause 'thermal expansion' to cause this, fire cannot melt steel to cause this, fire cannot symmetrically burn 8 floors and have them fail simultaneously. And if they did, there wouldn't be freefall/symmetrical collapse. Why do you over look this simple fact? This fact is ALL you need to know that the NIST report is a fraud, and there is a coverup.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.

Ollie, care to address this fact?

NIST proved it, if you disagree then find some solid physical evidence and disprove them. And please remember that they did not say it was simultaneous. They said it was a progressive collapse.

We'll wait; at least another 9 years.

Why don't you answer my question, sir? Why are you afraid? Stop avoiding the facts.

How does a steel highrise freefall into its own footprint? For 2.25 seconds, or 8 floors, there was ZERO resistance. This is the same resistance AIR gives. 8 floors of building is NOT the same make up as air, thus this is impossible, unless explosives removed all supports, making the resistance makeup the equivalent of air.

When you can show me a video tape of that building with the audio of explosions that sound anything like a controlled demolition I might actually take you seriously. But no such audio exists because if it did we would have seen it from you fools years ago. You got nothing.

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