Why is it truthers feel the need to lie?

If you really were a chick you wouldn't say that. I don't think I'm the best looking man in the world but far more appealing than average as far as looks go. Why not post your pic faggot and let the USMB decide who is ugly? What a cross dressing twat wannabe thinks is irrelevant.

Oh hussy,

You're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't AA77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

I own you.

You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

I wouldn't know...I guess you're speaking from experience, short stack?

Any word on what took down the light poles yet? You said a plane didn't hit the Pentagon so explain the downed light poles Hussy....oh yeah, you can't.

Welcome to "Place" Population YOU!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh hussy,

You're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't AA77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

I own you.

You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

I wouldn't know...I guess you're speaking from experience, short stack?

Any word on what took down the light poles yet? You said a plane didn't hit the Pentagon so explain the downed light poles Hussy....oh yeah, you can't.

Welcome to "Place" Population YOU!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

I wouldn't know...I guess you're speaking from experience, short stack?

Any word on what took down the light poles yet? You said a plane didn't hit the Pentagon so explain the downed light poles Hussy....oh yeah, you can't.

Welcome to "Place" Population YOU!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you are still too fucking stupid to get it
Oh hussy,

You're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't AA77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

I own you.

You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

I wouldn't know...I guess you're speaking from experience, short stack?

Any word on what took down the light poles yet? You said a plane didn't hit the Pentagon so explain the downed light poles Hussy....oh yeah, you can't.

Welcome to "Place" Population YOU!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You don't get to ask me any more questions because you are a fraud. I will respond to serious debate but not to moronic drivel such as what you bring to this board. Present yourself as something respectable and I might change my mind. Until then don't waste your time ...as I won't be wasting mine.
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You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

I wouldn't know...I guess you're speaking from experience, short stack?

Any word on what took down the light poles yet? You said a plane didn't hit the Pentagon so explain the downed light poles Hussy....oh yeah, you can't.

Welcome to "Place" Population YOU!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You don't get to ask me any more questions because you are a fraud. I will respond to serious debate but not to moronic drivel such as what you bring to this board. Present yourself as something respectable and I might change my mind. Until then don't waste your time ...as I won't be wasting mine.

Did you decorate your place or did you call a professional? I imagine someone of your slant probably knows a lot about hues and fabrics huh sheila? Get used to being there, you're not leaving anytime soon.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for your post....

You say no plane hit the Pentagon.

Yet there are 5 light poles that were taken down by something.

We know they were taken down moments before the building was hit due to the cab being struck by one of them and by there being absolutely zero calls to report obstructions on the freeways.

We know a missile is incapable of doing it. We know that they are so low to the ground and that they are so close to the building, whatever hit the poles, hit the building.

I'll clue you in on something short-stack; that is what is called Physical Evidence. One-hundred percent unimpeachable; not subject to your hear-say bullshit, not subject to your "someone planted them" bullshit. Not subject to your bullshit at all shorty.

So you need to come up with some sort of alternate scenario that explains them since you don't believe a plane hit the building.

You have been put in your place yet again. I can't blame you for running like the bitch I turned you into; it's your only move since you can't debate it. I should be more graceful in victory I suppose but beating the living daylights out of the "internet tough guy" is always a thrill.

Be a good little girl and be quiet.
you seem to be obsessed with me or something

you pulled the same shit on awe.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you i don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.

so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll

Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value?

LOL! I literally burst out laughing at this. I couldn't even finish the rest. You are a hoooot!

isnt he though? what this NEWBY troll doesnt get is that I dont waste time on agent trolls like him anymore like I used to for the past couple years i been here.agents like him and candytroll are here for only ONE THING. to disrupt any discussion of the truth about 9/11 by blatantly ignoring evidence,facts and expert witness testimonys of experts.I cant count how many times I have seen them ignore that patriots question 9/11 link that Eots has posted here.moron trolls like them have the logic that doesnt matter what experts such as demolition experts,architects,engineers. physicsts or the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years say,ignore all THESE credible people that Eots has shown in his patriots question 9/11 link he always shows,just listen to what these corrupt government agents like NIST and the corporate controlled media say.Great logic there.:lol:

This agent doesnt get it that I dont bother with agent trolls like him and candytroll anymore.I did that for two years here,Im done with those stupid trolls.Best thing to do is ignore them.dont feed those two trolls,they are just attention seekers seeking attention.The more you feed the trolls,the more you are taking their bait.
Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value?

LOL! I literally burst out laughing at this. I couldn't even finish the rest. You are a hoooot!

isnt he though? what this NEWBY troll doesnt get is that I dont waste time on agent trolls like him anymore like I used to for the past couple years i been here.agents like him and candytroll are here for only ONE THING. to disrupt any discussion of the truth about 9/11 by blatantly ignoring evidence,facts and expert witness testimonys of experts.I cant count how many times I have seen them ignore that patriots question 9/11 link that Eots has posted here.moron trolls like them have the logic that doesnt matter what experts such as demolition experts,architects,engineers. physicsts or the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years say,ignore all THESE credible people that Eots has shown in his patriots question 9/11 link he always shows,just listen to what these corrupt government agents like NIST and the corporate controlled media say.Great logic there.:lol:

This agent doesnt get it that I dont bother with agent trolls like him and candytroll anymore.I did that for two years here,Im done with those stupid trolls.Best thing to do is ignore them.dont feed those two trolls,they are just attention seekers seeking attention.The more you feed the trolls,the more you are taking their bait.

Its because you've been outclassed for over 2 years now. And you know it. Go watch the 65 videos you keep talking about--the ones nobody gives a shit about--and stop embarrassing yourself; for a change.

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