Why is it truthers feel the need to lie?

Ahh fuck you.

Still pretending not to be CreativeDreams I see.

You seem to be obsessed with me or something

You pulled the same shit on AWE.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you I don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.
Ahh fuck you.

Still pretending not to be CreativeDreams I see.

Still pretending to be a chick? :lol: How GAY is THAT? :lol:

Almost as gay as you pretending to be a man; much less a pilot. Youre forecast is partly queer with chance of fag!

My pic is me. Post your pic. Or admit you are a queer. I don't really care if you believe I am a pilot. Unlike many of the questions associated with 9/11 I can prove it whereas you just blow words out of your CanyCornHole..
ahh fuck you.

Still pretending not to be creativedreams i see.

you seem to be obsessed with me or something

you pulled the same shit on awe.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you i don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.

so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll
you seem to be obsessed with me or something

you pulled the same shit on awe.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you i don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.

so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll
asswipe, i NEVER LIE
you pulled the same shit on awe.com. For the same reason. Nobody will talk to you when you're not making a fool of yourself so you do it. You did it over there and you're doing it here. I could care less either way. Unlike you i don't have a casual relationship with the truth and think it should be upheld.

so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll
asswipe, i NEVER LIE


so is dwivecon lying again or are you man ? My guess is a lonely fat woman with a cat...one thing for sure is you are a hired troll
asswipe, i NEVER LIE

dipshit, that doesnt make him gay either
you are just a pathetic moron that doesnt like it that he thought he was attacking a female
dipshit, that doesnt make him gay either
you are just a pathetic moron that doesnt like it that he thought he was attacking a female

no not all female impersonators are gay...thats true...I believe buffalo bill was hetro
btw, i like your sig
it shows just how pathetic you really are

and why would that be ? what I find pathetic is a scooby doo diver drawing his identity from that especially as I would have log more hours in a year than you would hope to in a life time and most of it in black water....dive-con
no not all female impersonators are gay...thats true...I believe buffalo bill was hetro
btw, i like your sig
it shows just how pathetic you really are

and why would that be ? what I find pathetic is a scooby doo diver drawing his identity from that especially as I would have log more hours in a year than you would hope to in a life time and most of it in black water....dive-con
because it shows i own space in that empty place between your ears, free of charge
Still pretending to be a chick? :lol: How GAY is THAT? :lol:

Almost as gay as you pretending to be a man; much less a pilot. Youre forecast is partly queer with chance of fag!

My pic is me. ..

You have my condolences short-stack. You're so ugly, you'd make a train take a dirt road.

Anyway...any word on what took down the lightpoles if it wasn't AA77? No? Very well. Carry on skycap.
Almost as gay as you pretending to be a man; much less a pilot. Youre forecast is partly queer with chance of fag!

My pic is me. ..

You have my condolences short-stack. You're so ugly, you'd make a train take a dirt road.

Anyway...any word on what took down the lightpoles if it wasn't AA77? No? Very well. Carry on skycap.

If you really were a chick you wouldn't say that. I don't think I'm the best looking man in the world but far more appealing than average as far as looks go. Why not post your pic faggot and let the USMB decide who is ugly? What a cross dressing twat wannabe thinks is irrelevant.
Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value? What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

Hey, 911 inside job! I heard there was a plane that flew over your house with chemtrails behind it! See how long you can hold your breath! :lol:

I got tired of his shit weeks ago and moved him to ignore. He just wasn't funny any more. ( actually he called me a liar, and I don't have to listen to that shit.)
My pic is me. ..

You have my condolences short-stack. You're so ugly, you'd make a train take a dirt road.

Anyway...any word on what took down the lightpoles if it wasn't AA77? No? Very well. Carry on skycap.

If you really were a chick you wouldn't say that. I don't think I'm the best looking man in the world but far more appealing than average as far as looks go. Why not post your pic faggot and let the USMB decide who is ugly? What a cross dressing twat wannabe thinks is irrelevant.

Oh hussy,

You're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't AA77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

I own you.
you have my condolences short-stack. you're so ugly, you'd make a train take a dirt road.

Anyway...any word on what took down the lightpoles if it wasn't aa77? No? Very well. Carry on skycap.

if you really were a chick you wouldn't say that. I don't think i'm the best looking man in the world but far more appealing than average as far as looks go. Why not post your pic faggot and let the usmb decide who is ugly? What a cross dressing twat wannabe thinks is irrelevant.

oh hussy,

you're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't aa77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

i own you.

what a freak
btw, i like your sig
it shows just how pathetic you really are

and why would that be ? what I find pathetic is a scooby doo diver drawing his identity from that especially as I would have log more hours in a year than you would hope to in a life time and most of it in black water....dive-con
because it shows i own space in that empty place between your ears, free of charge

What a even bigger freak...
and why would that be ? what I find pathetic is a scooby doo diver drawing his identity from that especially as I would have log more hours in a year than you would hope to in a life time and most of it in black water....dive-con
because it shows i own space in that empty place between your ears, free of charge

What a even bigger freak...
says the freak that has ME in their sig
You have my condolences short-stack. You're so ugly, you'd make a train take a dirt road.

Anyway...any word on what took down the lightpoles if it wasn't AA77? No? Very well. Carry on skycap.

If you really were a chick you wouldn't say that. I don't think I'm the best looking man in the world but far more appealing than average as far as looks go. Why not post your pic faggot and let the USMB decide who is ugly? What a cross dressing twat wannabe thinks is irrelevant.

Oh hussy,

You're just upset because you've been put in your place so often, you're bent on questioning others sexuality.

Lets stay on topic shall we short stack?

What took down the light poles if it wasn't AA77? Hmm? Can't answer the question can you skycap? Didn't think so.

I own you.

Look the fag cracks a funny!

You couldn't "Put me in my place" on any level you stupid queer. Stupid isn't intimidating... But I guess you wouldn't know that because YOU ARE STUPID!!!:lol: :lol:

You can lead a tranny to a clothing store but you can't get it out of the womens section.:lol:

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