Why Is Kobe Bryant's Ex Wife Is Still Attacking Police??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The county of Los Angeles has accused the widow of Kobe Bryant of conducting a fishing expedition that is taking first responders away from their jobs and subjecting them to harassment after she sued them and posted four of their names on Instagram in March. Vanessa Bryant is suing the county for negligence and invasion of privacy, accusing county sheriff and fire department employees of improperly sharing photos from a helicopter crash last year that killed nine, including Bryant’s daughter and husband.

In response, the county is fighting back and suggested in a new court filing this week that she is going too far -- Bryant’s lawsuit seeks to punish the deputy defendants and “make an example of them to the community" after she said they shared graphic photos of the victims’ remains "without any legitimate governmental purpose."

This is no way to grieve for your family or show them any respect -- she has no idea on how to properly grieve and instead; she is resorting to hate and attacking first responders...the very people who would have saved her husband's life if they could -- so if a couple of them wanted to take graphic photos of her daughter's dead body and sell it, that is the least we can do to thank them for their professionalism and service. She needs to relax and get over it.
Well I would be pretty pissed about it if it were my family, but I agree that she is obsessing over this as a way to project her anger over his death onto to other people.
Well I would be pretty pissed about it if it were my family, but I agree that she is obsessing over this as a way to project her anger over his death onto to other people.

People who lose a relative unexpectedly can and do project their anger over it in some very weird ways. My old boss was killed in a car accident. His widow obsessed about the fact that the woman who was driving the other car that killed him had a brand new car in a week and she was stuck driving a 5 year old car for months. Even after the other driver was convicted of reckless driving and sentenced, and the widow had her couple millions in life and auto accident proceeds and bought a brand new SUV, she still obsessed about that other driving getting a new car first. I am guessing that if you asked her about his death again today, that stupidity about the at-fault driver getting a new car before she did would make its appearance within the first two minutes of the conversation.

1- she wants attention .

2- she was married to a celebrity so she thinks his fame will carry her.

3- she is black and thinks in our socities current climate she can get an easy payout.

It's instances like this that I wish we had a law that if you sued someone and lost you had to pay the court fees, pay both sides legal fees and pay the other person 50% of what you are suing them for. That would cut out frivolous lawsuits real fucking fast.

"The county of Los Angeles has accused the widow of Kobe Bryant of conducting a fishing expedition that is taking first responders away from their jobs and subjecting them to harassment after she sued them and posted four of their names on Instagram in March. Vanessa Bryant is suing the county for negligence and invasion of privacy, accusing county sheriff and fire department employees of improperly sharing photos from a helicopter crash last year that killed nine, including Bryant’s daughter and husband.

In response, the county is fighting back and suggested in a new court filing this week that she is going too far -- Bryant’s lawsuit seeks to punish the deputy defendants and “make an example of them to the community" after she said they shared graphic photos of the victims’ remains "without any legitimate governmental purpose."

This is no way to grieve for your family or show them any respect -- she has no idea on how to properly grieve and instead; she is resorting to hate and attacking first responders...the very people who would have saved her husband's life if they could -- so if a couple of them wanted to take graphic photos of her daughter's dead body and sell it, that is the least we can do to thank them for their professionalism and service. She needs to relax and get over it.
I cant believe those individuals are still employed. She should pursue them to the grave, dig them up and post the pix on youtube. *****.
Indeed, Tommy. Bit of an aside, but I've been meaning to ask you about the apparent picture in your sig line in case you weren't aware? It always just shows as a broken link on this end. Perhaps territorial copyright issues or something?

"The county of Los Angeles has accused the widow of Kobe Bryant of conducting a fishing expedition that is taking first responders away from their jobs and subjecting them to harassment after she sued them and posted four of their names on Instagram in March. Vanessa Bryant is suing the county for negligence and invasion of privacy, accusing county sheriff and fire department employees of improperly sharing photos from a helicopter crash last year that killed nine, including Bryant’s daughter and husband.

In response, the county is fighting back and suggested in a new court filing this week that she is going too far -- Bryant’s lawsuit seeks to punish the deputy defendants and “make an example of them to the community" after she said they shared graphic photos of the victims’ remains "without any legitimate governmental purpose."

This is no way to grieve for your family or show them any respect -- she has no idea on how to properly grieve and instead; she is resorting to hate and attacking first responders...the very people who would have saved her husband's life if they could -- so if a couple of them wanted to take graphic photos of her daughter's dead body and sell it, that is the least we can do to thank them for their professionalism and service. She needs to relax and get over it.
If selling graphic pictures of the tragedy is what's being done, my only question would be this one: Is that the reason why anything was done? The people with these photos only did whatever they could, if they truly did, just so that they would then have the ability to go and do something like sell whatever pictures were taken of the nightmare? To me, what the reward would be, if there was going to be one at all, should be left up to Kobe's remaining family members. How dare the first responders try to take advantage of such a horror!

God bless you and Kobe's remaining family members always!!!


"The county of Los Angeles has accused the widow of Kobe Bryant of conducting a fishing expedition that is taking first responders away from their jobs and subjecting them to harassment after she sued them and posted four of their names on Instagram in March. Vanessa Bryant is suing the county for negligence and invasion of privacy, accusing county sheriff and fire department employees of improperly sharing photos from a helicopter crash last year that killed nine, including Bryant’s daughter and husband.

In response, the county is fighting back and suggested in a new court filing this week that she is going too far -- Bryant’s lawsuit seeks to punish the deputy defendants and “make an example of them to the community" after she said they shared graphic photos of the victims’ remains "without any legitimate governmental purpose."

This is no way to grieve for your family or show them any respect -- she has no idea on how to properly grieve and instead; she is resorting to hate and attacking first responders...the very people who would have saved her husband's life if they could -- so if a couple of them wanted to take graphic photos of her daughter's dead body and sell it, that is the least we can do to thank them for their professionalism and service. She needs to relax and get over it.
If the fellas taking the photos for personnel gain were professional, they would not have taken the photos.
For those who are rushing to judge her based on what you THINK her race is, or what you WANT her race to be, she happens to identify as being Hispanic, and of Mexican, German and Irish decent.

In fact, when she began dating Kobe Bryant as a high school teenager, his parents objected to their relationship due to their young ages, and vastly different cultural backgrounds.

Google it, and you will see.

1- she wants attention .

2- she was married to a celebrity so she thinks his fame will carry her.

3- she is black and thinks in our socities current climate she can get an easy payout.

It's instances like this that I wish we had a law that if you sued someone and lost you had to pay the court fees, pay both sides legal fees and pay the other person 50% of what you are suing them for. That would cut out frivolous lawsuits real fucking fast.

Or, perhaps she is a normal, grieving widow, who lost her husband and very young daughter under tragic circumstances and feels that taking pictures of their horrific ending was wrong, and an invasion of her families privacy.

Based on what Kobe left behind, she is estimated to be worth 600 million dollars, so she probably is not hurting for a payday.....and even if she was, the Lakers organization would likely step up and take care of her, after all that her husband did for the franchise.

"The county of Los Angeles has accused the widow of Kobe Bryant of conducting a fishing expedition that is taking first responders away from their jobs and subjecting them to harassment after she sued them and posted four of their names on Instagram in March. Vanessa Bryant is suing the county for negligence and invasion of privacy, accusing county sheriff and fire department employees of improperly sharing photos from a helicopter crash last year that killed nine, including Bryant’s daughter and husband.

In response, the county is fighting back and suggested in a new court filing this week that she is going too far -- Bryant’s lawsuit seeks to punish the deputy defendants and “make an example of them to the community" after she said they shared graphic photos of the victims’ remains "without any legitimate governmental purpose."

This is no way to grieve for your family or show them any respect -- she has no idea on how to properly grieve and instead; she is resorting to hate and attacking first responders...the very people who would have saved her husband's life if they could -- so if a couple of them wanted to take graphic photos of her daughter's dead body and sell it, that is the least we can do to thank them for their professionalism and service. She needs to relax and get over it.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is that although our society tries to maintain a certain level of propriety when dealing with deaths and certain individuals having access to footage of a person's last moments of life or the immediate aftermath, legally the deceased have no expectation of privacy [to invade].

Nonetheless she's right that the sheriff deputies had no right to photograph the bodies of the deceased, and even more to share them with others other than for morbid reasons. This should be considered a serious breach of their officer's duties and agency policy.

On the other hand, as wealthy as she and her family are, she has sued the widow of the pilot for monetary damages. I'm sure the pilot's widow is just as devastated at the loss of her husband as Vanessa is, but it doesn't see to matter to her, particularly since presumably they don't need the money.
I'm sure the pilot's widow is just as devastated at the loss of her husband as Vanessa is, but it doesn't see to matter to her, particularly since presumably they don't need the money.
Disagree. The response from the helicopter company and pilot's widow was apparently to immediately blame the dead passengers, including Kobe Bryant (because money). I gather that's why V. Bryant sued them all. It was the pilot's call whether or not to fly under the circumstances, not the passengers'. It was also likely at odds with the current air travel safety recommendations.
I'm sure the pilot's widow is just as devastated at the loss of her husband as Vanessa is, but it doesn't see to matter to her, particularly since presumably they don't need the money.
Disagree. The response from the helicopter company and pilot's widow was apparently to immediately blame the dead passengers, including Kobe Bryant (because money). I gather that's why V. Bryant sued them all. It was the pilot's call whether or not to fly under the circumstances, not the passengers'. It was also likely at odds with the current air travel safety recommendations.
It's been over a year since I've read anything on the accident and I have not seen the NTSB report which is my preferred source of information.

Suing the company is standard as is attributing the crash to pilot error. Usually there are multiple factors that cause a aircraft to crash but all of the other plaintiff's only named the helicopter company as a defendant, not the pilot/his estate with the exception of Vanessa. That's why I made the comment that I did, presumably none of the others are a wealthy as her family is, yet she is the only one wanting money damages from the deceased pilot's estate that would normally go to the pilot's widow and children.

I haven't seen anything in the news where the company blamed anything on the passengers although the NTSB seems to have surmised that the pilot probably felt a sense of "continuation bias" in which he proceeded further than it was safe for him to do so due to the pressure of having a celebrity client of Bryant's stature whom he would not want to disappoint by calling off the flight. I don't recall whether it was stated that they checked the weather at their destination (and route) but somehow the pilot flew into IFR weather conditions, conditions for which he was not instrument rated.

Because helicopters are not required to have black boxes I don't know whether the NTSB was able to ascertain the settings of any of the aircraft's instruments at the time of impact. Although this happens less often, instruments can give the wrong readings but I'm getting side-tracked. Ultimately it's up to the courts to decide.

Some additional aircraft safety and accident investigations reading.
False Horizon - Vertical Mag
It was my impression that the chronology was likely reversed (who exactly accused whom of what first) after reading this report:
A relative of the pilot is responding to a lawsuit filed by Bryant's widow, saying the passengers knew the risks when they boarded the chopper.

In a legal filing, Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and the 6 passengers who died in that January helicopter crash are now being blamed for their own deaths.
Sounds all dramatic and breaking newsy when put that way, but the likely mundane truth is the crash victims automatically get sued by the helicopter owner's insurance carrier. I mean what is the point of commercial insurance these days if not to immediately deny all claims and try to cash in on every victim's grief?
Another poor oppressed black multi-millionaire who never earned a dollar of it on her own.
She is a spicy whitey part Mexican and Euro mutt American British, Irish, German ancestry.

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