Why is Mitt's time at Bain Capital not relevant?


May 19, 2012
For that matter why is anything off limits? This is an election of a president of one of the most powerful countries on the planet. I want to know what he did when he was at his other jobs. mcdonalds would want to know what I did at my past jobs if i wanted to make hamburgers.

I also want to know why it is wrong to say that his learning at bain on creating or destroying jobs is not going to help him as president. It is not the same, so if you think he is going to be able to directly create jobs like he would have been able to at bain, and did not all the time, he cannot do that as president. De4spite his supposed claims of being able to create jobs he can't do that as preseident like he did at bain, and that shows his poor thought processes. If we were able to explore this instead of slinging mud and then whining about it then we would know that at bain capital he could have directly hired people, but as president he cannot force the private sector to hire. His thoughts that throwing money at supposed job makers will make them hire will get them to hire is dangerously naieve and bordering on fraud.

Let us talk about his record at bain capital. perhaps you would want to invest in bain capital because of his shrewd and aggressive tactics. Those are tactics you can't use in our government because there is no way to do them.

Attacking Mitt's record for it's flaws is not attacking capitalism or the abilities he has to make money in private enterprise. It is attacking his personal ability to be president of the untied states, and it should be happening.

since he created thousands of jobs and saved tons of companies from going under, I'm all for the liars of the left to keep bringing it up.

It makes them look desperate to drag out a few of the peoples whose jobs he couldn't save.

fyi; those jobs would have been gone sooner had Bain not shown up.

since he created thousands of jobs and saved tons of companies from going under, I'm all for the liars of the left to keep bringing it up.

It makes them look desperate to drag out a few of the peoples whose jobs he couldn't save.

fyi; those jobs would have been gone sooner had Bain not shown up.

See, then we could discuss how this can be translated to doing that in the presidency and whether or not his ideas do translate well. You can't have a real discussion about it unless you are allowed to talk about it, and actually do talk about it.

Oh, and yes those things may be negative and seen as attacks.

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Romney-Gekko 2012
Maybe Romney should explain how his working for Bain Capital translates into superior qualifications for him to be president,

and be specific about it.
For that matter why is anything off limits? This is an election of a president of one of the most powerful countries on the planet. I want to know what he did when he was at his other jobs. mcdonalds would want to know what I did at my past jobs if i wanted to make hamburgers.

I also want to know why it is wrong to say that his learning at bain on creating or destroying jobs is not going to help him as president. It is not the same, so if you think he is going to be able to directly create jobs like he would have been able to at bain, and did not all the time, he cannot do that as president. De4spite his supposed claims of being able to create jobs he can't do that as preseident like he did at bain, and that shows his poor thought processes. If we were able to explore this instead of slinging mud and then whining about it then we would know that at bain capital he could have directly hired people, but as president he cannot force the private sector to hire. His thoughts that throwing money at supposed job makers will make them hire will get them to hire is dangerously naieve and bordering on fraud.

Let us talk about his record at bain capital. perhaps you would want to invest in bain capital because of his shrewd and aggressive tactics. Those are tactics you can't use in our government because there is no way to do them.

Attacking Mitt's record for it's flaws is not attacking capitalism or the abilities he has to make money in private enterprise. It is attacking his personal ability to be president of the untied states, and it should be happening.

how are you at making burgers?
GW Bush's resume was mostly that of a businessman in the private sector.

We know how that worked out; he was a disaster as president.
Why is Mitt's time at Bain Capital not relevant?

Who says his incredible success in the private sector is not relevant?
GW Bush's resume was mostly that of a businessman in the private sector.

If you ignore that he was an 8 year Governor of one of our largest states, of course.

Then again, you probably think Community Organizer is fine qualifying job experience for POTUS.

GW Bush's resume was mostly that of a businessman in the private sector.

We know how that worked out; he was a disaster as president.

And Bush had a knack for bleeding companies dry..and making a huge personal profit.

Like the good bishop vampire, Mitt (I will send your son to Vietnam while I go to France) Romney.
Maybe you're right about Romney. What we know for sure is Obama is a 100% guaranteed fail, record debt, deficits, poverty, foreclosures, homelessness, food stamps, unemployment and first ever downgrade. Romney's secretary at Bain could make a better President than the Epic Fail that's there now
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Maybe you're right about Romney. What we know for sure is Obama is a 100% guaranteed fail, record debt, deficits, poverty, foreclosures, homelessness, food stamps, unemployment and first ever downgrade. Romney's secretary at Bain could make a better President than the Epic Fail tha'ts there now

America's choice is quite clear.
Maybe you're right about Romney. What we know for sure is Obama is a 100% guaranteed fail, record debt, deficits, poverty, foreclosures, homelessness, food stamps, unemployment and first ever downgrade. Romney's secretary at Bain could make a better President than the Epic Fail tha'ts there now

America's choice is quite clear.

Sure is.

Change: this time for the better
I totally agree.

Let Romney run on his record of accomplisment.

Wrecking businesses for profit is that record.

If that so called creative destruction appeals to you then by all means do vote for the guy.
I totally agree.

Let Romney run on his record of accomplisment.

Wrecking businesses for profit is that record.

If that so called creative destruction appeals to you then by all means do vote for the guy.

Obama wrecked America for shits and giggles

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p4-vPrcDBo]Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube[/ame]
GW Bush's resume was mostly that of a businessman in the private sector.

If you ignore that he was an 8 year Governor of one of our largest states, of course.

Then again, you probably think Community Organizer is fine qualifying job experience for POTUS.


Speaking of morons....

Massachusetts isn't even in the top ten most populous states and he was only governor here for four years.

The biggest accomplishment of his term was forcing a healthcare insurance mandate on the people of the state.

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