Why is Mueller investigating anything outside the scope of the 2016 election?

*cough* Whitewater.....
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.

We all knew mission creep was going to occur.

It's to do what I and many suspected, to give the decimated Democrats a shot in hell at winning at the mid-terms and in their dreams the 2020 election. It's getting to the point that Democrats aren't even hiding their desire to use this to get seats back in the mid-terms.

This is why Trump is fighting back the witch hunt, fishing expedition, undermining of the Will of the American people by using various media and even his own as needed. His campaign promises are what Americans need, so much so that the Democrats piggybacked off of his ambitions by copying many of his promises and just renaming it "a better choice".

I wonder if the American voter will believe the Democrats and their global lobbyists intent on weakening America have suddenly had a change of heart...
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Because Mueller wants YOU to believe THIS was a "757" and not a cruise missile...

We all knew mission creep was going to occur.

It's to do what I and many suspected, to give the decimated Democrats a shot in hell at winning at the mid-terms and in their dreams the 2020 election. It's getting to the point that Democrats aren't even hiding their desire to use this to get seats back in the mid-terms.

This is why Trump is fighting back the witch hunt, fishing expedition, undermining of the Will of the American people by using various media and even his own as needed. His campaign promises are what Americans need, so much so that the Democrats piggybacked off of his ambitions by copying many of his promises and just renaming it "a better choice".

I wonder if the American voter will believe the Democrats and their global lobbyists intent on weakening America have suddenly had a change of heart...
I wonder if the American voter will believe the Democrats and their global lobbyists intent on weakening America have suddenly had a change of heart...

Trump weakened America when he shed the United State's mantle of world leader. How can you not know that?
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


And payments from Russian linked financial institutions would be included in that.

What was Ken Starr originally investigating when Clinton was impeached?
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Are you related to rtard? or Fakey?


When fakey is correctly described, his next posts always consist of him telling them they're just like he is.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.
Because Mueller has nothing. He's known it from the beginning. His refusal to admit it is just a continuance of a long record of denial on his part. Case after case proves that Mueller goes after the wrong people and ends up empty handed. This man has zero integrity. He's a disgrace.
Why did Ken Starr investigate blowjobs? Answer: because he could. Same with Mueller. Rosenstein stated again today that Mueller may pursue any crimes. Any.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.
Because he is a PAWN of the Black Muslim Non-American Traitor who ILLEGALLY occupied the WH, and he's going to collect President Trump's head and balls for the trophy room of his Gangsta Library in Murder Capital USA
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.

It's to do what I and many suspected, to give the decimated Democrats a shot in hell at winning at the mid-terms and in their dreams the 2020 election. It's getting to the point that Democrats aren't even hiding their desire to use this to get seats back in the mid-terms.

This is why Trump is fighting back the witch hunt, fishing expedition, undermining of the Will of the American people by using various media and even his own as needed. His campaign promises are what Americans need, so much so that the Democrats piggybacked off of his ambitions by copying many of his promises and just renaming it "a better choice".

I wonder if the American voter will believe the Democrats and their global lobbyists intent on weakening America have suddenly had a change of heart...
I wonder if the American voter will believe the Democrats and their global lobbyists intent on weakening America have suddenly had a change of heart...

Trump weakened America when he shed the United State's mantle of world leader. How can you not know that?

America hasn't lost it's place in the world, it's shedding it's role as whipping boy and taxpaying funding of global exploits while seeing its job being exported. The rest of the world is still frozen with indecision, thankfully America takes on North Korea, Iran, ISIS and other global threats. You don't "lead" by being exploited and patted on the head. NAFTA is next.

If you think America is losing it's place, just consider how much weaker America would be if their economy collapsed due to excessive debt levels. The bleeding had to start at some point if individual liberty was to survive, Trump is the guy to deliver this, and not a moment too soon.
It is as Charles Krauthamer says. And he is no fan of Trump.

He says it is a ginned up Witch Hunt...an Investigation in Search of a Crime....by Washington Insiders....which constitutes a threat to our Democracy.

Mueller should have been fired the minute it "leaked" that he was looking into real estate transactions going back to 2008. How Absurd. If Democrats can't get over their Butt-Hurt over the election; they need to buy Vaseline; not surreptitiously undermine the will of the American People.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.
Because Mueller has nothing. He's known it from the beginning. His refusal to admit it is just a continuance of a long record of denial on his part. Case after case proves that Mueller goes after the wrong people and ends up empty handed. This man has zero integrity. He's a disgrace.
And he is exposed as such.

See Trump lets these people get in there, where they disgrace themselves, and then are removed, and he never has to deal with their bs again. He's neutering all the Obama acolytes this way. He is dismantling Obama's shadow government.

It's just starting, too.
He shouldn't be allowed to investigate anything.

Legally you cannot even make a petition to a Federal Judge to create a Grand Jury without specifying the US CODE that was violated and whom you believed committed the crimes.

So I do not even believe the rumor that there is a Grand Jury because THE PETITION to IMPANEL one would have had to be filed in FEDERAL COURT....and no one can find a record of such a PETITION.

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