Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

You may want to actually address reality and review the Dover trial. Creationism was once again exposed as a fraud. The drubbing taken by the christian fundies was humiliating.

Oh and Dover was about intelligent design not creationism. It has been pointed out to you how the Judge was unethical in his judgment and how he ignored evidence for intelligent design like peer reviews, evidence he allowed in.

You really ought to read the transcript of the trial. The Judge (a conservative Bush appointee) affirmed that ID was nothing more than creationism (a religious belief) intentionally re-named to try to bypass the previous the Supreme Court ruling against it.

Maybe you should do more research.

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A Comparison of Judge Jones' Opinion in Kitzmiller v. Dover with Plaintiffs� Proposed �Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law�
By: David DeWolf & John West
Discovery Institute
December 12, 2006

In December of 2005, critics of the theory of intelligent design (ID) hailed federal judge John E. Jones' ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover, which declared unconstitutional the reading of a statement about intelligent design in public school science classrooms in Dover, Pennsylvania. Since the decision was issued, Jones' 139-page judicial opinion has been lavished with praise as a "masterful decision" based on careful and independent analysis of the evidence. However, a new analysis of the text of the Kitzmiller decision reveals that nearly all of Judge Jones' lengthy examination of "whether ID is science" came not from his own efforts or analysis but from wording supplied by ACLU attorneys. In fact, 90.9% (or 5,458 words) of Judge Jones' 6,004- word section on intelligent design as science was taken virtually verbatim from the ACLU's proposed "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" submitted to Judge Jones nearly a month before his ruling. Judge Jones even copied several clearly erroneous factual claims made by the ACLU. The finding that most of Judge Jones' analysis of intelligent design was apparently not the product of his own original deliberative activity seriously undercuts the credibility of Judge Jones' examination of the scientific validity of intelligent design.

CSC - A Comparison of Judge Jones' Opinion in Kitzmiller v. Dover with Plaintiffs? Proposed ?Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law?
way to dodge responsibility there eot's.
it's attributed to you because you brought it....the apollo crew did not.
also since you believe it ,it's just as much your's as the astronauts ..

Yeah, but you attribute to Sinclair Lewis a quote on Fascism in 1835 - Fascism which arose in 1923 - With it in mind that Lewis was not even born until 1885......

So let's just say that credibility isn't something one would associate with you, Daws....
Your side believes we started with chaos went to order.

It's amazing how orderly things can get when you apply a bit of energy.
Look at how disordered liquid water and carbon dioxide gas are compared to a nice orderly cellulose structure. Amazing. Just takes a bit of sunlight.

Yes energy is very important to this planet. Mercury and Venus get plenty of energy from the sun and look at them. Then you have other planets getting energy not as much as Mercury and Venus. So just pumping in energy does not make the differences. It don't look so ordered on the other planets in our solar system.

Yes energy is very important to this planet.

Yes, which is why your 2nd Law claim is just so damn funny.
And by funny, I mean it shows your ignorance.

Mercury and Venus get plenty of energy from the sun and look at them.

Yes, your 2nd Law claim would be silly if you made it for Mercury and Venus.

So just pumping in energy does not make the differences.

The difference it makes is it shows the idiocy of your 2nd Law claims.

It don't look so ordered on the other planets in our solar system.

Well shit, who said it did? Link?

Evidence my dear boy, I presented mine where is yours ?
wow another desperate attempt at who gives a fuck.
besides ben franklin would have laughed in your face...on principle alone.


You're such a fraud, and such an utter fool.

Laughing at your antics is the highlight of my day....
One of the hallmarks of scientific theories is that they can be falsified (shown to not be true). One obvious way to refute evolution is to find a bunny rabbit in Cambrian sediments. Got ANYTHING like that?

another is observable evidenced do you have any observable evidenced of one kind of creature turning into another kind ?

No, and if I did, that would be evidence AGAINST evolution. The problem here, as usual, is that you truly do not understand the theory, what it is and what it is not. There are no "Kinds". That is an expression made up by creationists because they don't believe in the concept of species. Try again.

perhaps its a concept requiring more faith and imagination than I can give it..
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Former evolutionist scientist rejects evolution.

Evolution is not accepted on the basis of scientific merit but as a religious preference by it's proponents.

Science has no more proven the doctrines of evolution than it has proven the existence of Peter Pan. Evolution is entirely a faith based religion; the evidences that have been fabricated to support it under the banner of science are entirely without mreit and falter under the most benign scrutiny.

It is a weak satanic deception standing in mortal opposition to the scriptures to undermine your chances for eternal salvation.

Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Here's a small sampling of other evolutionists who have been delivered from the bondage of their false religious dogma.

Emeritus Professor Tyndale John Rendle-Short - From (theistic) evolution to creation
For Prof himself, educated at Cambridge and brought up with his father's writings, theistic evolution (or its variant, progressive creationism) was the natural direction for him to take. His odyssey to being chairman of one of the most effective creation science outreach ministries in the world was overseen by the Lord's hand in countless ways, both large and small.

OMG! He was a pediatrician and fundamentalist theologian, and NEVER taught the theory of evolution.

Charlie Lieberts - (Chemist)

I have found no evidence whatsoever that he was ever actually a chemist other than the fact that he once worked for a pharmaceutical company. We don't even know what university he is supposed to have attended. For all we know, he was a salesman, which actually better fits what he does at Answers in Genesis. He is not a geologist, and there is no history of him ever actually taking any geology classes. But he would have us believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same geologic time period. You'd have to be a complete idiot to listen to the friggin nonsense of this guy.

Dr. Gary Parker (Biologist)

The only professional work of note that this man has done was his dissertation - on tadpoles. His entire career, in fact, has been involved with creationism, not evolutionary science.

Typical and predictable tactic. You really think a Dr. didn't take college science :lol:
You're hoping weak excuses will supplant yet another failure on the part of religious extremists to impose their fundamentalist beliefs upon the public school system.

The arguments made at the Dover trial by the religious lobby were appeals to partisan gawds and supernaturalism. As usual, you confuse proselytizing and your need to impose your religious beliefs on others with a coherent argument supported with facts.

A natural process arising such as spontaneous generation would in fact be considered supernaturalism.

Strawman argument.

You deny the obvious ?
you obviously have no indication of what you're hoping to convey.

You need to stick with your space alien conspiracy theories.

they are not my theories it is the testimony of the men who walked on the moon ..but clearly thats too much for you to handle so you need to pretend its my theory to comfort yourself

Trying desperately to steer the conversation in another direction, eh? Oh dear.

Look the only ones trying out of desperation to change the current conversation was you.

Evolutionists desperation on display.
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way to dodge responsibility there eot's.
it's attributed to you because you brought it....the apollo crew did not.
also since you believe it ,it's just as much your's as the astronauts ..

Yeah, but you attribute to Sinclair Lewis a quote on Fascism in 1835 - Fascism which arose in 1923 - With it in mind that Lewis was not even born until 1885......

So let's just say that credibility isn't something one would associate with you, Daws....
again so what..even funny is you missed the obvious joke completely...the poster is sarah palin quoting sinclair lewis. .
as always you are grasping at straws and missing.
I remember once in an oceanography class, a person made the argument that conditions on Earth are perfect for life, therefore the Earth must have been created to to support life.

Of course I countered that life adapts. It isn't that Earth has perfect conditions, it is that life has adapted to the conditions of the Earth. If conditions were different, life would have adapted differently.

What neither Daws nor YWC can grasp, both embroiled in their competing dogma, is that life and the mechanisms of adaptation, are the real magic. It's constant, it's all around us, at the microbial level, life is in a constant stat of flux, evolving and adapting. At the macro-level it is less obvious, but no less true, changes in environment spur changes in the flora and fauna.

This is why I find the warmists and their projections of doom to be laughable, and why I find the promoters of the cosmic goat herder equally laughable. Life adapts.

Micheal Crichton wrote that evolution isn't really slow, but rather it's small. We are evolving constantly, it doesn't take millions of years, but the changes are small, and only with the advent of modern medicine were we able to detect these changes. The accumulation of change needed to become recognizable may take long periods, but change itself is constant.

Microadaptations do happen but you can't provide an example of it resulting in what would be considered macroevolution. They extrapolate from microadaptations as support for all organisms evolving from one cell.

Scroll down and watch this video,this is a major problem for anyone who believe life came in to existence naturally and then for macroevolution to happen.

LiveLeak.com - Former evolutionist scientist rejects evolution.

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: The Scientific Case for Common Descent

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution


Cheers my butt you are doing the same thing people in that video eots posted are doing. This also shows your ignorance of evolution.

Dr. Theobald showed speciation or microadaptations and tried passing it off as macro evolution, it didn't change kinds so how is this macroevolution.

Typical bate and switch tactics.
It is, isn't it. It's comical to watch your sweaty, feverish rants in desperate attempts to defend your space alien / hybrids / gubment' conspiracy theories.

lol see...you attributed it to me and ignored the Apollo crew elephant in the room again...because that brings you little mind some comfort and fits your belief system...lol...its classic...I could watch it all day
way to dodge responsibility there eot's.
it's attributed to you because you brought it....the apollo crew did not.
also since you believe it ,it's just as much your's as the astronauts ..

I never said I believe it..I said can find no easy explanation or way to offhandedly dismiss the testimony of these highly experienced and intelligent men and that there is enough evidence and sworn testimony of high ranking military and NASA personal that it requires serious consideration and investigation
lol see...you attributed it to me and ignored the Apollo crew elephant in the room again...because that brings you little mind some comfort and fits your belief system...lol...its classic...I could watch it all day
way to dodge responsibility there eot's.
it's attributed to you because you brought it....the apollo crew did not.
also since you believe it ,it's just as much your's as the astronauts ..

I never said I believe it..I said can find no easy explanation or way to offhandedly dismiss the testimony of these highly experienced and intelligent men and that there is enough evidence and sworn testimony of high ranking military and NASA personal that it requires serious consideration and investigation
translation you believe it.
if you did not you'd either ignore it or not drag it out every time you feel the need.
way to dodge responsibility there eot's.
it's attributed to you because you brought it....the apollo crew did not.
also since you believe it ,it's just as much your's as the astronauts ..

I never said I believe it..I said can find no easy explanation or way to offhandedly dismiss the testimony of these highly experienced and intelligent men and that there is enough evidence and sworn testimony of high ranking military and NASA personal that it requires serious consideration and investigation
translation you believe it.
if you did not you'd either ignore it
or not drag it out every time you feel the need.

its actually you and your little friend hollie that like to use it as your strawman and your translation only shows how illogical you are with your belief that when presented with compelling testimony and evidence it must be fully accepted or completely ignored ti....this philosophy does however explain much about your thought processes
I never said I believe it..I said can find no easy explanation or way to offhandedly dismiss the testimony of these highly experienced and intelligent men and that there is enough evidence and sworn testimony of high ranking military and NASA personal that it requires serious consideration and investigation
translation you believe it.
if you did not you'd either ignore it
or not drag it out every time you feel the need.

its actually you and your little friend hollie that like to use it as your strawman and your translation only shows how illogical you are with your belief that when presented with compelling testimony and evidence it must be fully accepted or completely ignored ti....this philosophy does however explain much about your thought processes
thanks for proving my point.
The public schools are state-sponsored. As such, religion has no place in it. Look, there are over 400,000 churches in the United States. Take your pick, and go pray in one. No one is stopping you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0u3-2CGOMQ]Evolution Vs. God - YouTube[/ame]

That is one of the best videos I have seen. :lol::lol::lol:

Reminds me of some of these threads on here.

That's just sad. Okay, now listen to what a REAL scientist has to say:

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