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Why is Olbermann trashing Bristol Palin?

Oh damn....And I was trying SO hard to avoid that. Dave you are such a fuckin idiot how am I supposed to keep track of what you have no control of yourself. Where did I display a meanness towards Palins kids? You can't accept that Sarah made the choice to put her kids in the public arena? That proves YOUR point? Christ Dave... I just can't make any sense out of some of the shit you put down on this MB. Color ME stupid...you are just too obtuse.
You're not nearly as bright as you think you are.

I didn't say you were mean to the Palin kids. I said you're justifying anyone who is.

It's little different from saying rape victims were asking for it.

I am exactly as bright as I think I am. I have been tested by professionals and have an IQ of 142. That was determined by people paid to know these things. I haven't "justified" anything. I have stated the obvious which is the public can be cruel. I have stated the obvious which is that the public has the right..nay...the obligation to look into EVERYTHING regarding a presidential or viice presidential candidate.

I'm happy for you. I was tested by professionals and had an IQ of a strong 108 at the age of seven. It was required testing before admission to the orphanage because they did not accept imbeciles. It was in the records they were forced to turn over to all of us courtesy of a new law. Boy, the stuff we found out when we got our hands on those.
Hard to believe that Bristol Palins thread has actually out done a Sarah Palin thread for it's stupidity.

There's no limit on stupidity when it comes to anything that has to do with the Palin family


When wingnuts have no argument to make, and no facts to support them, they post personal attacks to hide their failure

I accept your surrender

You are surrendering?
Hard to believe that Bristol Palins thread has actually out done a Sarah Palin thread for it's stupidity.

There's no limit on stupidity when it comes to anything that has to do with the Palin family


When wingnuts have no argument to make, and no facts to support them, they post personal attacks to hide their failure

I accept your surrender

You are surrendering?

And another wingnut has been reduced to childish taunts to hide their shame at being unable to refute me. I wonder how many childish posts this one will post to hide its' shame
OK...there is still meat on this bone ...SOOOooo....why don't you two get a room and show your "love" in private...

I would like to do a little speculating...

What if a presidential candidate's kid was busted for drugs and went to prison during the campaign? What if the police had arrested Bristols boyfriend for stuatory rape? Isn't that what happened?

I mean if he didn't rape her then why is she risking her mother's career by being a slut? I don't mean to pick on Bristol but isn't her behavior a result of the values she has been taught? She got alll the advantages...the strong Christian church..??? WHAT?? Why shouldn't she be punished?

I just don't see why the public must accept behavior in the "special" people we wouldn't accept from anyone else.

If this was a poor black girl from the projects most of you Palin supporters would be as nasty as possible in describing the girl and your main focus would be on if the kid would be on welfare. You would be a hundred times more forgiving for a bimbo with every advantage in the world wouldn't you??? Admitt it!!!
Nice,now she's a slut.Please let me know when you're going after the kid with Down Syndrome I don't want to miss that.I'm sure you will do a nice job making fun of him because Sarah herself has taken him on stage with her so the kid is "out there" and thereby fair game.

Good for you for sharing your hatred for this family....looking forward to more intelligent observations from this board.
Nice,now she's a slut.Please let me know when you're going after the kid with Down Syndrome I don't want to miss that.I'm sure you will do a nice job making fun of him because Sarah herself has taken him on stage with her so the kid is "out there" and thereby fair game.

Good for you for sharing your hatred for this family....looking forward to more intelligent observations from this board.

I don't hate the Palins.... I am just extremely offended how low the GOP has fallen. Back in Ike's or Goldwater's day the concept of grabbing some whacked out Christian fundimentalist hillbilly with zero national experience or no more knowledge of the contiguous 48 than a HS kid wouldn't even be laughable. We would just have stopped everything..postponed the election and the Senate would have investgated McCain for incompetance and threatening the welfare and the safety of the republic. Sarah wasn't in the top ten people qualified. She wasn't in the top 1,000... Probably not even in the top 10,000. Christ..if we are going to be brutaly honest... I am sure there are a million Americans that would out score her on a comprehensive history and civics examination of our countries history. You people that are defending her are worse than fools. You are so brain washed and brain dead that you and your votes are a clear and present danger to America.

Hate the Palins? Why? They didn't trick anyone to be placed in the position the are in. I hate YOU! The Palins are good normal hard working ..god fearing..slightly(perhaps much more than slightly) under educated Alaskan Seperatist dopes that played on the "freedom" lovers in Alaska..and by that I mean the majority of Alaskans would be happy if they seceeded from the USA....and because of massive corruption in top govenment there she LUCKED into the governorship. You people have no idea what a crapshoot an Alaskan election is. You think that separitist party she and Todd were active in was a joke? They were fucking SERIOUS!!!!

I know thousands of Alaskans..been there several times. How many of you have been there and know those people? Probably not a one! They are fucking CRAZY!!! Most of em are hermits ...do drugs...work like crazy doing jobs that risk thier lives and limbs for a few weeks then party, fight, drug, drink and fuck for a few weeks till the money's gone..rinse and repeat!!!

They are not evil or even bad... That's just how they live..IT'S ALASKA!

They need people like her to lead THEM because nobody else takes ANYTHING seriously!

BUT running ALASKA takes NO effort. The oil and mining and timber companies just fork over huge piles of money to the people in the state but are under the federal governments scrutiny. There is almost no state regulation. Just huge piles of money to dish out. That is why the "bridge to nowhere" was such a scam. They simply didn't need the money.

Why do you think there was no big scandal when Sarah quit as governor??? Name another state where THAT would have been acceptable. YOU CAN'T!!! And why was there no rucus??? Because the people of Alaska are all flakes and they just didn't give a fuck!!! Don't get me wrong. I love em. They are great to party with.

I DO NOT HATE THE PALINS. They are not qualified to run a modest small town down here. To do so would put them at risk. They are just too dumb and "creative". First they wouldn't get elected(assuming this happened before her nomination and all the publicity)They would be in prison within a year down here for several counts of fraud and mismanaging public funds.

Hate them..Hell no..I hate the morons that put her on the GOP ticket..and I hate you for being such fools for not challenging that decision.
Olbermann criticized Bristol for her Candie’s Foundation ad. It's public information, not private. Your victimhood is hanging out. Actually it was pretty funny. Olbermann said:

'She's the Candie's spokesperson for abstinence? She and her son? Because it's got to work this time? This is just like George Bush saying he kept us safe except for that 9/11 thing, that don't count. Bristol Palin, abstinence model...this time'

Clearly Olbermann has established himself as a moron with this quote.

You see. When you are abstinent, you don't have sex. I would think this would be obviously to most people past middle school.

If you don't have sex, you can't have children. Naturally, it's next to impossible (Obviously science can do differently, but we aren't talking about that)

The problem here isn't that abstinence doesn't work. I can guarentee you that anyone who is not having sex isn't getting pregnant. The problem was that Bristol wasn't abstinent.

Hence, a child is created.

Continue to pretend that you can get pregnant by not having sex makes you and Olbermann look pretty stupid.
Actually they only do it because it gets you whining and your panties twisted up.

Of course stupid Bristol thinking she's anyone's role model is amusing as well.. :lol:

Everyone is someone's role model. Only people in complete denial think that their actions don't influence others around them.
She became a public figure when her mother was nominated to run as VP, not for anything Bristol did.

Do you think that made her fair game?

The "public" did not elevate Sarah Palin to the national spotlight. She chose to accept a nomination for VP out of the clear blue Alaska sky. She knew her capabilities yet procceeded on as if she was equal to the task. It is her responsibility to protect her children and when she made the decision to enter national politics with all indicators screaming that she would fail and end up a "spectical" she put her own children at risk.

Blaming the public for gawking at an accident on the freeway is stupid.
All I see is people looking to justify being being shits to kids.

That's cause that is all he is doing.

Whew! Good think I don't think any of that, huh? I just disagree with his policies and his plans for America.

Oh, wait...that makes me racist, though, doesn't it? :lol:

Problem with these guys is they can't comprehend how it's about the policies. Because its not about the policies for them.

They actually hate people they disagree with politically. They are threatened by it, because acceptance that there are other ideas indicates that they could be wrong. They don't like the reminder.

We dont get angry or hate people who oppose us, because we dont care about the people. It's the policies that matter. These policies we support because we've studied the issues out and we believe them to be correct. And if we ever found them not to be correct, we aren't afraid of changing to make them correct.

We see the truth. But they can't because they deny it even exists.
Hard to believe that Bristol Palins thread has actually out done a Sarah Palin thread for it's stupidity.

Hard to believe Olbermann was stupid enough to sink to this level and then get owned when Bristol responded.
I'm curious...are all the Palins professional victims?

No. Those would be the people you continually insult and degrade with your handouts.

And if anyone is a victim here, it's Olbermann. Bristol kicked his stupid attacks back at him. He comes off looking like a moron by anyone who isn't a partisan hack here.
Nice,now she's a slut.Please let me know when you're going after the kid with Down Syndrome I don't want to miss that.I'm sure you will do a nice job making fun of him because Sarah herself has taken him on stage with her so the kid is "out there" and thereby fair game.

Good for you for sharing your hatred for this family....looking forward to more intelligent observations from this board.

I don't hate the Palins.... I am just extremely offended how low the GOP has fallen. Back in Ike's or Goldwater's day the concept of grabbing some whacked out Christian fundimentalist hillbilly with zero national experience or no more knowledge of the contiguous 48 than a HS kid wouldn't even be laughable. We would just have stopped everything..postponed the election and the Senate would have investgated McCain for incompetance and threatening the welfare and the safety of the republic. Sarah wasn't in the top ten people qualified. She wasn't in the top 1,000... Probably not even in the top 10,000. Christ..if we are going to be brutaly honest... I am sure there are a million Americans that would out score her on a comprehensive history and civics examination of our countries history. You people that are defending her are worse than fools. You are so brain washed and brain dead that you and your votes are a clear and present danger to America.

Hate the Palins? Why? They didn't trick anyone to be placed in the position the are in. I hate YOU! The Palins are good normal hard working ..god fearing..slightly(perhaps much more than slightly) under educated Alaskan Seperatist dopes that played on the "freedom" lovers in Alaska..and by that I mean the majority of Alaskans would be happy if they seceeded from the USA....and because of massive corruption in top govenment there she LUCKED into the governorship. You people have no idea what a crapshoot an Alaskan election is. You think that separitist party she and Todd were active in was a joke? They were fucking SERIOUS!!!!

I know thousands of Alaskans..been there several times. How many of you have been there and know those people? Probably not a one! They are fucking CRAZY!!! Most of em are hermits ...do drugs...work like crazy doing jobs that risk thier lives and limbs for a few weeks then party, fight, drug, drink and fuck for a few weeks till the money's gone..rinse and repeat!!!

They are not evil or even bad... That's just how they live..IT'S ALASKA!

They need people like her to lead THEM because nobody else takes ANYTHING seriously!

BUT running ALASKA takes NO effort. The oil and mining and timber companies just fork over huge piles of money to the people in the state but are under the federal governments scrutiny. There is almost no state regulation. Just huge piles of money to dish out. That is why the "bridge to nowhere" was such a scam. They simply didn't need the money.

Why do you think there was no big scandal when Sarah quit as governor??? Name another state where THAT would have been acceptable. YOU CAN'T!!! And why was there no rucus??? Because the people of Alaska are all flakes and they just didn't give a fuck!!! Don't get me wrong. I love em. They are great to party with.

I DO NOT HATE THE PALINS. They are not qualified to run a modest small town down here. To do so would put them at risk. They are just too dumb and "creative". First they wouldn't get elected(assuming this happened before her nomination and all the publicity)They would be in prison within a year down here for several counts of fraud and mismanaging public funds.

Hate them..Hell no..I hate the morons that put her on the GOP ticket..and I hate you for being such fools for not challenging that decision.

You are full of hate period. Let go of it. It's not worth it.
Olbermann criticized Bristol for her Candie’s Foundation ad. It's public information, not private. Your victimhood is hanging out. Actually it was pretty funny. Olbermann said:

'She's the Candie's spokesperson for abstinence? She and her son? Because it's got to work this time? This is just like George Bush saying he kept us safe except for that 9/11 thing, that don't count. Bristol Palin, abstinence model...this time'

Clearly Olbermann has established himself as a moron with this quote.

You see. When you are abstinent, you don't have sex. I would think this would be obviously to most people past middle school.

If you don't have sex, you can't have children. Naturally, it's next to impossible (Obviously science can do differently, but we aren't talking about that)

The problem here isn't that abstinence doesn't work. I can guarentee you that anyone who is not having sex isn't getting pregnant. The problem was that Bristol wasn't abstinent.

Hence, a child is created.

Continue to pretend that you can get pregnant by not having sex makes you and Olbermann look pretty stupid.

That statement makes you appear bat shit crazy.
Nice,now she's a slut.Please let me know when you're going after the kid with Down Syndrome I don't want to miss that.I'm sure you will do a nice job making fun of him because Sarah herself has taken him on stage with her so the kid is "out there" and thereby fair game.

Good for you for sharing your hatred for this family....looking forward to more intelligent observations from this board.

I don't hate the Palins.... I am just extremely offended how low the GOP has fallen. Back in Ike's or Goldwater's day the concept of grabbing some whacked out Christian fundimentalist hillbilly with zero national experience or no more knowledge of the contiguous 48 than a HS kid wouldn't even be laughable. We would just have stopped everything..postponed the election and the Senate would have investgated McCain for incompetance and threatening the welfare and the safety of the republic. Sarah wasn't in the top ten people qualified. She wasn't in the top 1,000... Probably not even in the top 10,000. Christ..if we are going to be brutaly honest... I am sure there are a million Americans that would out score her on a comprehensive history and civics examination of our countries history. You people that are defending her are worse than fools. You are so brain washed and brain dead that you and your votes are a clear and present danger to America.

Hate the Palins? Why? They didn't trick anyone to be placed in the position the are in. I hate YOU! The Palins are good normal hard working ..god fearing..slightly(perhaps much more than slightly) under educated Alaskan Seperatist dopes that played on the "freedom" lovers in Alaska..and by that I mean the majority of Alaskans would be happy if they seceeded from the USA....and because of massive corruption in top govenment there she LUCKED into the governorship. You people have no idea what a crapshoot an Alaskan election is. You think that separitist party she and Todd were active in was a joke? They were fucking SERIOUS!!!!

I know thousands of Alaskans..been there several times. How many of you have been there and know those people? Probably not a one! They are fucking CRAZY!!! Most of em are hermits ...do drugs...work like crazy doing jobs that risk thier lives and limbs for a few weeks then party, fight, drug, drink and fuck for a few weeks till the money's gone..rinse and repeat!!!

They are not evil or even bad... That's just how they live..IT'S ALASKA!

They need people like her to lead THEM because nobody else takes ANYTHING seriously!

BUT running ALASKA takes NO effort. The oil and mining and timber companies just fork over huge piles of money to the people in the state but are under the federal governments scrutiny. There is almost no state regulation. Just huge piles of money to dish out. That is why the "bridge to nowhere" was such a scam. They simply didn't need the money.

Why do you think there was no big scandal when Sarah quit as governor??? Name another state where THAT would have been acceptable. YOU CAN'T!!! And why was there no rucus??? Because the people of Alaska are all flakes and they just didn't give a fuck!!! Don't get me wrong. I love em. They are great to party with.

I DO NOT HATE THE PALINS. They are not qualified to run a modest small town down here. To do so would put them at risk. They are just too dumb and "creative". First they wouldn't get elected(assuming this happened before her nomination and all the publicity)They would be in prison within a year down here for several counts of fraud and mismanaging public funds.

Hate them..Hell no..I hate the morons that put her on the GOP ticket..and I hate you for being such fools for not challenging that decision.

You are full of hate period. Let go of it. It's not worth it.

And you are in no position to offer me advice. You and your kind are losing the battle with reason and truth. Your substitute for reality is evaporating before everyone's eyes. It is you that hates and it is the truth you hate most because it is killing your god.

Whew! Good think I don't think any of that, huh? I just disagree with his policies and his plans for America.

Oh, wait...that makes me racist, though, doesn't it? :lol:

Problem with these guys is they can't comprehend how it's about the policies. Because its not about the policies for them.

They actually hate people they disagree with politically. They are threatened by it, because acceptance that there are other ideas indicates that they could be wrong. They don't like the reminder.

We dont get angry or hate people who oppose us, because we dont care about the people. It's the policies that matter. These policies we support because we've studied the issues out and we believe them to be correct. And if we ever found them not to be correct, we aren't afraid of changing to make them correct.

We see the truth. But they can't because they deny it even exists.

No bigger truth has ever been spoken.
I'm curious...are all the Palins professional victims?

No. Those would be the people you continually insult and degrade with your handouts.

And if anyone is a victim here, it's Olbermann. Bristol kicked his stupid attacks back at him. He comes off looking like a moron by anyone who isn't a partisan hack here.
Oh my! I will stop giving a couple of bucks to homeless beggars and the Salvation Army bell ringer. :(
I would bet good money that several in this thread get their jollies heckling at the Special Olympics, too.

Is that going to be the GOP's next move? Put a Special Olympics winner up on the presidential ticket? Why not? They are human being too. As long as he or she is a fundimentalist Christian what more qualifications do they need?
I would bet good money that several in this thread get their jollies heckling at the Special Olympics, too.

Is that going to be the GOP's next move? Put a Special Olympics winner up on the presidential ticket? Why not? They are human being too. As long as he or she is a fundimentalist Christian what more qualifications do they need?
I'm perplexed. Should I laugh at that or just think you are a moron?

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