why is prostitution illegal ?

Wow, you apparently have issues far beyond what anything that could be said on a discussion forum will help. If the only way you can get "turned on" is to sexually force yourself on other people, then you've got a lot of problems. Please see a psychiatrist.

And there it is right there folks...this mutt is a feminist who believes men are basically monsters unless they're properly domesticated as a junior partner. And if you don't buy into this hooey, you're mentally ill.

I might be wrong, but I am fairly certain I am not a feminist. In fact, I have occasionally been accused of being a misogynist and a rapist because I enjoy having sex with women.

That said, you are full of shit, rape is about power.
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

It should be legal. It would be much easier to regulate. I am sure criminal events happen at The Bunny Ranch and other such places, but they have bouncers and a lot more supervision.
Keeping it illegal isn't protecting women.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Probably. The kind of woman who is going to be a prostitute is going to be a prostitute no matter what the laws are.

But the other problems, the exploitation of minors, the spreading of disease, the hypocrisy of their customers, would probably be addressed if you legalized it and got it all above board.

Which is how the European democracies handle it, and it's just fine.
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

I agree. I have long thought it should be decriminalized. If it is going to be illegal for women, I think that should also apply to their clients.

They set up sting operations all the time. Female cops dressed as hookers who bust johns.

No, they don’t. Arresting of johns is done sometimes (as it is illegal to pay for sex as it is to be paid) but the police almost never set up stings for this. What they do set up stings for is exploitation of children and that is another point altogether. That is where shows like ‘how to catch a predator’ come from but you really don’t see that kind of occurrence with johns that are chasing prostitutes of legal age. It happens, it’s just extremely rare.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D

This is why:

Child Sex Trafficking Rescue: FBI Saves 105 Victims in 'Operation Cross Country'

And you will NEVER have one without the other. Never. Even if it's 'legal.' So if you think the above is just fine then go ahead and boast about what an immoral slug you are.

You are completely incorrect. By chasing this activity underground you are removing any semblance of control that you might have over it. When the john goes out to use this ‘service’ (and lets face it, they are going to do so no matter what the law is) he does not have the ability to verify the age or health of the woman that he is getting the service from. That is a rather large risk as statutory rape still applies. By making the service legal, you now have that power. When there are legal and safe options out there the vast majority of people take that rout, stifling and ruining the illegitimate businesses. The ability to prostitute a child becomes very difficult because the completion is legal and safe. We see that happen all over Europe as they have little to no problems with child prostitution rings or illegal prostitution. It just does not make any sense to buy a dangerous and illegal product when there is a safe and legal one ten feet down the road.

That does not mean that it will solve the problem. There will always be the sexual predator that wants to have sex with a child BUT it will lessen the problem as you can effectively regulate things that are out in the open and will make enforcement easier.

As far as ‘never have one without the other;’ that is a misnomer. You will never have a prostitution free world. That is a fact. No matter what laws you pass, prostitution will always exist. Right now, I can find a prostitute in under an hour with access to the internet in any city in any state. Prostitution is so prevalent because it is in HUGE demand. We are sexual creatures and sometimes people just want to have sex. There is nothing that you can do to eliminate that so claiming that we are going to have child sex trafficking as long as we have prostitution is irrelevant – we are always going to have prostitution no matter what. The question then becomes whether or not a legal, regulated and controlled product is better than an illegal and uncontrolled one. The former is almost always better than the latter as long as all parties involves are consensual.

As the saying goes: why the fuck is it illegal to sell something that is completely legal to give away for free?
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

It is exploitative to let women earn thousands of dollars a night? I wish someone was willing to exploit me like that.
No shit. One of the major fallacies surrounding prostitution is that all of the women are there because they have been forced or coerced to do so. The reality is that is false. There are many who have been ‘forced; into that situation but there are also many that do so by choice because they like to do it. I would say that those that want to have sex for money – let ‘em do so.
It should be legal and regulated with regular medical checkups like the porn industry has done. It would greatly reduce the number of sexual assaults and rapes, and provide tax revenue. Keeping it illegal continues making it a gateway into other criminal activities, including drugs, extortion, and blackmail. Where there is legal prostitution, the girls aren't under the control of violent pimps, who are often more dangerous to them than a deviant john. Legalize it.

You started off so good, then you wrote another sentence.

By the way, why does everyone think there are a bunch of pimps running around controlling all the prostitutes?
And we find another fallacy: that most prostitutes are ‘pimped’ out. Also a misconception as many women do this on their own without the help of a man.
I agree. I have long thought it should be decriminalized. If it is going to be illegal for women, I think that should also apply to their clients.

They set up sting operations all the time. Female cops dressed as hookers who bust johns.

No, they don’t. Arresting of johns is done sometimes (as it is illegal to pay for sex as it is to be paid) but the police almost never set up stings for this. What they do set up stings for is exploitation of children and that is another point altogether. That is where shows like ‘how to catch a predator’ come from but you really don’t see that kind of occurrence with johns that are chasing prostitutes of legal age. It happens, it’s just extremely rare.
If you watch the popular tv reality series, COPS, you'll find you are quite mistaken. These anti-prostitution stings are not at all uncommon and I regard them as one of the most outrageous abuses and wasteful misuses of police authority. In most examples these "vice operations" clearly occur as entrapment because they employ deliberate enticement.

The supposed justification for these oppressive decoy operations is to eliminate streetwalking in certain areas. But a more reasonable and rational way to eliminate streetwalking in a free society is to control the practice of prostitution by legalizing it and confining it to specific locations -- which is the situation in The Netherlands.

These prostitution stings, which rank with marijuana prohibition, are manifest evidence that the U.S. is not a free society. Because prostitution is an agreement between two (adult) persons to privately and voluntarily engage in a peaceful commercial transaction but it is prohibited by imperious laws and is subjected to forceful interdiction by armed agents of the state.
This is why:

Child Sex Trafficking Rescue: FBI Saves 105 Victims in 'Operation Cross Country'

And you will NEVER have one without the other. Never. Even if it's 'legal.' So if you think the above is just fine then go ahead and boast about what an immoral slug you are.

Doesn't look like laws prevented that from taking place

Doesn't look like it bothers you at all that it does take place. Doesn't look like you mind the idea of ensuring it takes place instead of trying to prevent it from taking place one bit. Therefore, it looks like you are a scumbag piece of shit who couldn't care less what happens to girls like this as long as you can make what you think is some 'point' on the fucking internet.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

It is exploitative to let women earn thousands of dollars a night? I wish someone was willing to exploit me like that.
No shit. One of the major fallacies surrounding prostitution is that all of the women are there because they have been forced or coerced to do so. The reality is that is false. There are many who have been ‘forced; into that situation but there are also many that do so by choice because they like to do it. I would say that those that want to have sex for money – let ‘em do so.
It should be legal and regulated with regular medical checkups like the porn industry has done. It would greatly reduce the number of sexual assaults and rapes, and provide tax revenue. Keeping it illegal continues making it a gateway into other criminal activities, including drugs, extortion, and blackmail. Where there is legal prostitution, the girls aren't under the control of violent pimps, who are often more dangerous to them than a deviant john. Legalize it.

You started off so good, then you wrote another sentence.

By the way, why does everyone think there are a bunch of pimps running around controlling all the prostitutes?
And we find another fallacy: that most prostitutes are ‘pimped’ out. Also a
misconception as many women do this on their own without the help of a man.

Then it's called a dinner date.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D

This is why:

Child Sex Trafficking Rescue: FBI Saves 105 Victims in 'Operation Cross Country'

And you will NEVER have one without the other. Never. Even if it's 'legal.' So if you think the above is just fine then go ahead and boast about what an immoral slug you are.

You are completely incorrect. By chasing this activity underground you are removing any semblance of control that you might have over it.

The same excuse every liberal, pothead, and/or 'libertarian' who wants to play political scientist but is only equipped to play with the extra big Legos pulls out of his ass when he finds a law he doesn't like or want to obey. Fortunately, our laws - generally, and over time - reflect the mores of society as a whole and not just some jackass like you on the internet.

Just as legalizing drugs in Portugal led to more drug-related crimes and deaths, legalized prostitution in parts of Europe has NOT stopped illicit sex trafficking (quite the contrary, in fact) wherein women and very often very young girls are abused and trapped into lives of living hell. But I guess that doesn't matter as long as YOU can pretend you are defending a 'political principle.'
Please get educated about rape and sexual assaults. Rape has very little to do with sex and a lot to do with violence against the victim and control. Infants, elderly ladies, the disabled and men have all been rape victims.

That said, prostitution is a completely different issue. As a Libertarian, I believe prostitution should be legal ... an unregulated (except for true criminal activity such as not paying taxes on the income - a problem the Fair Tax would eliminate - and to make sure people aren't abused and public decency is maintained). This is the one area where the givernment really does need to get out of our bedroom.

No, YOU get educated past the feminist bullshit that claims rape is about control....it's about SEX, period. Forced sex is a turn-on to some types, but the outcome is still the same. And don't bore me with the endless bought and paid for "studies" with your claim....they're about as valid as the "global warming" malarkey. :eusa_eh:

Rape is about a lot of things, but sex is not on the list.

Of course it's "on the list." Don't feel obligated to be as ridiculous in one direction as he is in the other.
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

It should be legal. It would be much easier to regulate. I am sure criminal events happen at The Bunny Ranch and other such places, but they have bouncers and a lot more supervision.
Keeping it illegal isn't protecting women.

Murder is illegal and it still happens all the time. Want to legalize it then? Any law that doesn't prevent the proscribed action from ever taking place is illegitimate? Is that really how your head works? Throw in the towel and have no laws at all about anything then? That's where your illogic is leading you.
Actually, sounds like Portugal now has half the drug abuse, and a helluva lot less prison costs...

Decriminalizing Drugs in Portugal a Success, Says Report - TIME
Decriminalizing Drugs in Portugal a Success, Says Report - TIME - Similar
Apr 26, 2009 ... Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? ... of drugs are sent to a panel
consisting of a psychologist, social worker and legal adviser for ...
Evaluating Drug Decriminalization in Portugal 12 Years Later ...
Mar 27, 2013 ... Twelve years ago, Portugal eliminated criminal penalties for drug users. ... drug
quantities one can legally purchase and possess in Portugal, ...
What Happened After Portugal Made All Drugs Legal?
What Happened After Portugal Made All Drugs Legal? - Cached
Jul 13, 2011 ... It's been 10 years since Portugal became the first European nation to
decriminalize possession of all drugs -- from marijuana to heroin -- within ...
Drug Decriminalization in Portugal: Lessons for Creating Fair and ...
www.cato.org/.../drug-decriminalization-portugal-lessons-creating-fair-successful-drug-policies - Cached
On July 1, 2001, a nationwide law in Portugal took effect that decriminalized all
drugs, including cocaine and heroin. Under the new legal framework, all drugs ...
Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001; what can it teach Illinois?
articles.chicagotribune.com/.../ct-met-portugal-drugs-20130502_1_treatment-facility-portugal-drug-policy - Cached
May 1, 2013 ... In an interview with the Tribune, he stressed that drugs are not legal in Portugal
— someone walking down the street with a joint or Ecstasy will ...
Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half - Forbes
www.forbes.com/.../ten-years-after-decriminalization-drug-abuse-down-by-half-in-portugal/ - Cached
Jul 5, 2011 ... Oh – and BTW, again if you had READ THE ARTICLE, you'd know that drugs are
NOT LEGAL in Portugal, either, so if you want to make an ...
Portugal makes peace with the war on drugs | Metro
metronews.ca/news/.../portugal-makes-peace-with-the-war-on-drugs/ - Cached
Oct 4, 2012 ... In 2001 Portugal did exactly that: The country scrapped criminal ... still makes
sense: “Whether drugs are legal or not impacts the wealth of the ...
Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D

This is why:

Child Sex Trafficking Rescue: FBI Saves 105 Victims in 'Operation Cross Country'

And you will NEVER have one without the other. Never. Even if it's 'legal.' So if you think the above is just fine then go ahead and boast about what an immoral slug you are.

You are completely incorrect. By chasing this activity underground you are removing any semblance of control that you might have over it.

The same excuse every liberal, pothead, and/or 'libertarian' who wants to play political scientist but is only equipped to play with the extra big Legos pulls out of his ass when he finds a law he doesn't like or want to obey. Fortunately, our laws - generally, and over time - reflect the mores of society as a whole and not just some jackass like you on the internet.

Just as legalizing drugs in Portugal led to more drug-related crimes and deaths, legalized prostitution in parts of Europe has NOT stopped illicit sex trafficking (quite the contrary, in fact) wherein women and very often very young girls are abused and trapped into lives of living hell. But I guess that doesn't matter as long as YOU can pretend you are defending a 'political principle.'

And this is the same general attacking bullshit that falls out of every statist asswipe that wants the government to play daddy and control every aspect of everyone’s life that they feel is immoral.

If worthless statements like yours and the one above is the best you can do then go pound sand – the adults would like to talk. Otherwise, if you are capable of having an actual discussion, perhaps you can explain why it is that you feel the government should be putting people in jail for selling something that they are allowed to give away for free. What is the difference between the neighborhood slut and the prostitute? Maybe you can explain the difference between pornographic film set and a hotel room?

Better yet, perhaps you can prove that illegal sex trafficking INCREASED with legalized brothels. That should be the best one as you are making that claim, back it up. It flies in the face of all logic so you are going to have to back that garbage up with something.
Prostitution is illegal because bible thumpers believed that they alone could set the standards of morality in society. Prohibition and banning gay marriage are 2 more good examples.

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