why is prostitution illegal ?

It's legal in some places. Maybe if democrats are in the majority long enough it will be legalized everywhere. That is if they can find a way to tax it.
It won't matter. At best there will be legal prostitution and illegal prostitution.

Legalized prostitution is like opening a car dealership imagining it will stop car theft.
A lot of silence from fa_q2 after such a demanding request...

A lot of silence from fa_q2 after such a demanding request...


Give me a bit Unkotare. That is a good source and there is a LOT to look through. It is cross referenced to many other scientific studies in that area and there is a specific point that I want to look into before continuing. On its face it looks like my supposition is incorrect and you are right BUT I want to explore one more possibility first.

Thanks for sourcing your claim though – does not happen often here.
Better yet, perhaps you can prove that illegal sex trafficking INCREASED with legalized brothels. That should be the best one as you are making that claim, back it up. It flies in the face of all logic so you are going to have to back that garbage up with something.

Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D
Better yet, perhaps you can prove that illegal sex trafficking INCREASED with legalized brothels. That should be the best one as you are making that claim, back it up. It flies in the face of all logic so you are going to have to back that garbage up with something.

Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D

All I saw in his link were personal opinions. Maybe someone can highlight any relevant passage(s) pointing to facts that support his claim of increased human trafficking after legalization? Because I didn't see any. Their links to supposed studies and proof are blocked. lol.
It's like saying that illegal weed will increase after legalization. Just think about that for a second. It makes no sense.
Better yet, perhaps you can prove that illegal sex trafficking INCREASED with legalized brothels. That should be the best one as you are making that claim, back it up. It flies in the face of all logic so you are going to have to back that garbage up with something.

Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D

My hat's off to you sir for showing a degree of character and rationality little seen in these parts. Cheers.

I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D

All I saw in his link were personal opinions. .

Then you didn't read the whole thing, if you really even opened the link at all.

I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D

All I saw in his link were personal opinions. Maybe someone can highlight any relevant passage(s) pointing to facts that support his claim of increased human trafficking after legalization? Because I didn't see any. Their links to supposed studies and proof are blocked. lol.
It's like saying that illegal weed will increase after legalization. Just think about that for a second. It makes no sense.

It does not makes sense but neither does time dilation and that is firm scientific theory. IOW, the real world does not care about our preconceived notions about what makes sense. Instead, it just gives us what is.

Now, in that link at the top you can click ‘Download PDF’ and get the entire report to include mythology and the like. What interests me is that there were several of the studies that were taken into account that compared trafficking before and after laws were relaxed/introduced. That is the only real metric (comparing between nations is irrelevant as cultural influences and other variables negates meaningful study) that matters and it seems to show that trafficking increases when prostitution laws are relaxed.

It is important that even the researchers do not think that their study is conclusive BUT lacking any real studies that show the opposite we are left with my first statements and we must face what is rather than what makes sense.
I've know a few young female whores (as people) and not one of them was NOT an abused child.

I've known a few young males whores (as people) and not one of them WAS an abused child.

Weird, eh?
I have to admit. I can’t find anything that is on par with this and refutes it so I have to concede the point. I am having a bit of a problem reconciling that fact with personal rights. I feel pretty strongly that nothing that harms another person should be controlled by the state. A mutual, un-coerced exchange for sex between 2 consenting adults does nothing to harm either party and is completely voluntary. I have a problem making that act illegal (particularly as that is legal to do for free) but increased trafficking IS harm and those people have not entered into that agreement un-coerced and therefore not voluntary.

I am going to have to think a little more on this. Again, thanks for the info Unk :D

All I saw in his link were personal opinions. Maybe someone can highlight any relevant passage(s) pointing to facts that support his claim of increased human trafficking after legalization? Because I didn't see any. Their links to supposed studies and proof are blocked. lol.
It's like saying that illegal weed will increase after legalization. Just think about that for a second. It makes no sense.

It does not makes sense but neither does time dilation and that is firm scientific theory. IOW, the real world does not care about our preconceived notions about what makes sense. Instead, it just gives us what is.

Now, in that link at the top you can click ‘Download PDF’ and get the entire report to include mythology and the like. What interests me is that there were several of the studies that were taken into account that compared trafficking before and after laws were relaxed/introduced. That is the only real metric (comparing between nations is irrelevant as cultural influences and other variables negates meaningful study) that matters and it seems to show that trafficking increases when prostitution laws are relaxed.

It is important that even the researchers do not think that their study is conclusive BUT lacking any real studies that show the opposite we are left with my first statements and we must face what is rather than what makes sense.

"Laws are relaxed", that says it all. In Canada for example, they "relaxed" the laws, but it's still an illegal endeavour.
And it still doesn't translate into what legal prostitution is and would be here in North America. There's a ton of homegrown women would aren't trafficked and would be better off being legal. Will it eradicate trafficking? Probably not in the short term. But it's still moving in the right direction.
"Laws are relaxed", that says it all. In Canada for example, they "relaxed" the laws, but it's still an illegal endeavour.
And it still doesn't translate into what legal prostitution is and would be here in North America. There's a ton of homegrown women would aren't trafficked and would be better off being legal. Will it eradicate trafficking? Probably not in the short term. But it's still moving in the right direction.

No it does not ‘say it all.’ Read the study. You are talking with an advocate for making prostitution legal yet I am not going to ignore facts because they are inconvenient. That is what you are doing. Those studies cover everything from complete legalization to removing or adding laws making the johns legal and keeping the prostitutes illegal or making the prostitutes legal and the johns illegal. IOW, it covers almost all the various laws that are across the planet atm. That is a pretty decisive spread.

I took so long to reply to the first post with this info because I though the study was skewed by countries that were not effective in policing their laws. For instance, I don’t think that Thailand should b included in such a study as it relates to America due to the police not being on the same level of enforcement. However, the main focuses were on the industrialized nations like Germany, Holland and Switzerland. If trafficking in those nation increased after laws were repealed and/or decreased when new laws were introduced it would likely be the same case here in the states.
I've know a few young female whores (as people) and not one of them was NOT an abused child.

I've known a few young males whores (as people) and not one of them WAS an abused child.

Weird, eh?

And I know a few female whores who were not abused as children. IOW, that observation is rather meaningless. I used to think that prostitutes would always be on hard times as well until I met one that was a damn nurse. I thought she was embellishing until I met her on the children’s oncology ward. Surprised the fuck out of me. She really did do it because she wanted to.

Being who she was though meant that she could pick and choose her clientele/hours and the rest. Not everyone that chooses such a profession is doing so because they are fucked up – some just like to have sex. A LOT of sex. The internet has allowed those people a lot of ability to ply their trade too as there are entire sites devoted to such as well as rating systems for the johns. That’s right, the customers are tracked by the prostitutes now to try and keep each other safe and or selectively pick their clients.
Maybe this will help.

Legalizing Prostitution Leads to More Trafficking - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

The argument that legalizing prostitution makes it safer for women just hasn’t been borne out in countries implementing full legalization. In fact, legalization has spurred traffickers to recruit children and marginalized women to meet demand. Amsterdam, long touted as the model, recently started recognizing rates of trafficking into the country have increased and is beginning to address the enormous hub of trafficking and exploitation that it's created.

Legalised prostitution increases human trafficking - 12 - 2012 - News archive - News - News and media - Home

Eric Neumayer, Professor of Environment and Development at LSE, commented; "Most victims of international human trafficking are women and girls coerced into the sex industry abroad. We wanted to find out if legalised prostitution increases or reduces demand for trafficked women. One theory is that legalised prostitution reduces demand because legally residing prostitutes are favoured over trafficked ones after legalisation. However, our research suggests that in countries where prostitution is legalised, there is such a significant expansion of the prostitution market that the end result is larger reported inflows of human trafficking. While legalising prostitution can have positive effects on the working conditions of those legally employed in the industry, it also appears to boost the market for this fast-growing global criminal industry."

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Netherlands

Policemen in Amsterdam's infamous red light district were quoted by Dutch media Friday as saying, "We are in the midst of modern slavery." Due to the legalization of prostitution in the Netherlands in 2000, police are hampered in confronting the horrors that are characteristic of the sex trade.


Even Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen, who as recently as four months ago was quoted in the media as praising the legalization of prostitution has been forced to admit the scheme’s failure.“Almost five years after the lifting of the brothel ban, we have to acknowledge that the aims of the law have not been reached”, said Cohen, as quoted by NCR. “Lately we’ve received more and more signals that abuse still continues.”

The best countries get with legalized prostitution is legal prostitution and illegal prostitution.
Maybe this will help.

Legalizing Prostitution Leads to More Trafficking - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

The argument that legalizing prostitution makes it safer for women just hasn’t been borne out in countries implementing full legalization. In fact, legalization has spurred traffickers to recruit children and marginalized women to meet demand. Amsterdam, long touted as the model, recently started recognizing rates of trafficking into the country have increased and is beginning to address the enormous hub of trafficking and exploitation that it's created.

Legalised prostitution increases human trafficking - 12 - 2012 - News archive - News - News and media - Home

Eric Neumayer, Professor of Environment and Development at LSE, commented; "Most victims of international human trafficking are women and girls coerced into the sex industry abroad. We wanted to find out if legalised prostitution increases or reduces demand for trafficked women. One theory is that legalised prostitution reduces demand because legally residing prostitutes are favoured over trafficked ones after legalisation. However, our research suggests that in countries where prostitution is legalised, there is such a significant expansion of the prostitution market that the end result is larger reported inflows of human trafficking. While legalising prostitution can have positive effects on the working conditions of those legally employed in the industry, it also appears to boost the market for this fast-growing global criminal industry."

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Netherlands

Policemen in Amsterdam's infamous red light district were quoted by Dutch media Friday as saying, "We are in the midst of modern slavery." Due to the legalization of prostitution in the Netherlands in 2000, police are hampered in confronting the horrors that are characteristic of the sex trade.


Even Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen, who as recently as four months ago was quoted in the media as praising the legalization of prostitution has been forced to admit the scheme’s failure.“Almost five years after the lifting of the brothel ban, we have to acknowledge that the aims of the law have not been reached”, said Cohen, as quoted by NCR. “Lately we’ve received more and more signals that abuse still continues.”

The best countries get with legalized prostitution is legal prostitution and illegal prostitution.

Nobody is advocating that we repeal the laws against sexual slavery or child prostitution.......only consensual sex between adults for money
Which means that legalizing prostitution will have no effect, whatsoever on illegal prostitution.
Which means that legalizing prostitution will have no effect, whatsoever on illegal prostitution.

Of course it will, a lot of women will be "legalized", so illegal prostitution will have to go down because some of their workers won't be illegal any more. There's not going to be a massive jump in illegal prostitution all of a sudden to fill the void, as there's only so many men who will pay for sex.
Which means that legalizing prostitution will have no effect, whatsoever on illegal prostitution.

Of course it will. It will make some formerly illegal consensual acts legal

Acts like sex slavery or child prostitution remain illegal as they should be. There are actual victims in those cases
Which means that legalizing prostitution will have no effect, whatsoever on illegal prostitution.

Of course it will, a lot of women will be "legalized", so illegal prostitution will have to go down because some of their workers won't be illegal any more. There's not going to be a massive jump in illegal prostitution all of a sudden to fill the void, as there's only so many men who will pay for sex.

You still haven't even read the link, have you?

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