why is prostitution illegal ?

Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D

And there is still illegal prostitution, still kidnapping for sex slavery, whores still spread disease and pimps still provide specialties.

The net effect is zero. It doesn't really help anyone and wouldn't even cut down on arrests.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D

And there is still illegal prostitution, still kidnapping for sex slavery, whores still spread disease and pimps still provide specialties. The net effect is zero. It doesn't really help anyone and wouldn't even cut down on arrests.

Then make those things illegal
So this young lady walks up to the old man and says, “Hey, Mister, would you like some super sex for twenty dollars?”

And the old man says, “Well, if it's all the same to you I'll have the soup, but damn it's expensive.”
Please get educated about rape and sexual assaults. Rape has very little to do with sex and a lot to do with violence against the victim and control. Infants, elderly ladies, the disabled and men have all been rape victims.

That is a commonly misconstrued belief which is based on partial consideration.

While rape which is perpetrated in a violent manner often is motivated by a violent impulse rather than sexual compulsion, all rapes are not violent. Some rapes are effected with no more applied force than a real or implied threat of violence, or some form of non-violent coercion or intimidation. For example, I know of a situation in which a police officer was found to be coercing prostitutes to have sex with him in exchange for not arresting them. He was charged with multiple counts of Rape By Duress.
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Because a majority of people (in most states) want it to be illegal.
It's not illegal everywhere.
I would agree the majority of women in most states want it to be illegal but not the majority of men. And those men who might claim they want it to be illegal are lying for their wives' benefit.
why is prostitution illegal?

because women are not sanimals to be used like cattle.

There are many ways to be misused and abused. And while there are levels of the prostitution trade which are degrading to the women engaged, much of that degradation exists because of our society's attitudes and disposition toward the practice and mainly because of its illegality. If prostitution were legal it would not suffer the same stigma and the women (and men) who practice the trade would retain some level of relative dignity.

All prostitutes do not suffer the abject indignities of the stereotypical junkie streetwalker, most of whom are masochistic, self-destructive personalities who preconsciously and perversely reduce themselves to that level. In contrast to that category is the courtesan, typically an attractive, comparatively refined woman who is selective of her clientele and who is very well compensated for her services.

My wife told me of an exceptionally attractive woman she knew who paid her way through medical school by "dating" wealthy and attractive men once or twice a week. And you might recall former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who was found to be consorting with a courtesan whom he had paid four thousand dollars for one evening's "companionship." This is not uncommon.

In between those two extremes are various levels which are occupied by women who are quite content to be paid for doing something they don't necessarily dislike and sometimes manage to enjoy.

After all, it is the oldest profession.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Ugly Republican wives.
It would be nice to legalize it just like in Thailand.
I can say: You are going to suck my cock .......... then bounce on it until I tell you to stop .......... if you refuse ........... ill have both your parents thrown into isolation along with your baby brother ............ so ......... start suckin.
I understand Thailand is indeed a haven for sexual sadists, pedophiles, and perverts of every stripe. But prostitution is also legal in the Netherlands and such deviant conduct would result either in a beating by resident bouncers or arrest by police, or both. And I'm sure the same situation would exist if prostitution were legalized here in the U.S.

So by saying it would be "nice," do you mean you would like that kind of atmosphere? Or are you just being sarcastic?
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

It is exploitative to let women earn thousands of dollars a night? I wish someone was willing to exploit me like that.
It should be legal and regulated with regular medical checkups like the porn industry has done. It would greatly reduce the number of sexual assaults and rapes, and provide tax revenue. Keeping it illegal continues making it a gateway into other criminal activities, including drugs, extortion, and blackmail. Where there is legal prostitution, the girls aren't under the control of violent pimps, who are often more dangerous to them than a deviant john. Legalize it.

You started off so good, then you wrote another sentence.

By the way, why does everyone think there are a bunch of pimps running around controlling all the prostitutes?
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Please get educated about rape and sexual assaults. Rape has very little to do with sex and a lot to do with violence against the victim and control. Infants, elderly ladies, the disabled and men have all been rape victims.

That said, prostitution is a completely different issue. As a Libertarian, I believe prostitution should be legal ... an unregulated (except for true criminal activity such as not paying taxes on the income - a problem the Fair Tax would eliminate - and to make sure people aren't abused and public decency is maintained). This is the one area where the givernment really does need to get out of our bedroom.

No, YOU get educated past the feminist bullshit that claims rape is about control....it's about SEX, period. Forced sex is a turn-on to some types, but the outcome is still the same. And don't bore me with the endless bought and paid for "studies" with your claim....they're about as valid as the "global warming" malarkey. :eusa_eh:

Rape is about a lot of things, but sex is not on the list.
It would be nice to legalize it just like in Thailand.
I can say: You are going to suck my cock .......... then bounce on it until I tell you to stop .......... if you refuse ........... ill have both your parents thrown into isolation along with your baby brother ............ so ......... start suckin.
I understand Thailand is indeed a haven for sexual sadists, pedophiles, and perverts of every stripe. But prostitution is also legal in the Netherlands and such deviant conduct would result either in a beating by resident bouncers or arrest by police, or both. And I'm sure the same situation would exist if prostitution were legalized here in the U.S.

So by saying it would be "nice," do you mean you would like that kind of atmosphere? Or are you just being sarcastic?

Well considering the gun ownership situation in America, a beating and/or jail would only be a pipe dream.
The way things are NOW in America, it would not be wise to seek child prostitution simply because the sheeple are armed, if I did ......... I could possibly end up to be known as "The One Legged Dickless Business Man"
As I am sure there is a small number of sheeple in this forum that find that to be amusing ............... I DO NOT !!!
This is why guns must be confiscated first.

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