why is prostitution illegal ?

Before this thread goes off the rails into what the motive behind a rape is...

Translation: Before I look even MORE stupid than I already do ...

Before my first leave in the RVN, my First-Shirt told me to always have the prostitute cowgirl because that way you can see any weapons she might produce and whoever might burst through the door on ya. Sure enough, some 9-iron broke into the room first night in a brothel in Saigon and shot at me. Round hit her head instead of mine, after which I dispatched him with the .45ACP I had next to the bed. What a mess.....brains all over me and his all over the wall....I got the hell out of there before the white mice arrived.

You're probably wondering why in the hell I told you that....good question....maybe I'll answer it, maybe not. :eusa_shifty:
It would be nice to legalize it just like in Thailand.
I can say: You are going to suck my cock .......... then bounce on it until I tell you to stop .......... if you refuse ........... ill have both your parents thrown into isolation along with your baby brother ............ so ......... start suckin.
It is a double standard that a couple can meet up at a bar and have a one night stand that night and it be perfectly legal, but if money is exchanged then its against the law. Sex between consenting adults should be legal.
Prostitution is only technically illegal. There are entire areas in cities where prostitutes line the streets and no one picks them up. The law is there to keep them in line. Keep them out of family or business areas. Pick them up when someone gets a disease and it's traced back to the whore and it is used to get a girl who is being mistreated away from her pimp.

Girls with obvious signs of abuse are immediately picked up and arrested.
To prevent the exploitation of women.

Why do you need prostitution legal? Having a difficult time with the ladies?
One could argue that its the women that are exploiting the men. i.e. its the men that generally pay the women.
It is a double standard that a couple can meet up at a bar and have a one night stand that night and it be perfectly legal, but if money is exchanged then its against the law. Sex between consenting adults should be legal.

I don't care if they legalize it....but I think there also has to be regulations. They should have to be licensed somehow. It should be just like a business, pay taxes on the earnings and at least twice a year they go in to be checked for STD's. I don't care what those women want to do, or if they make money on it....but too many would be stupid enough not to go to the Dr at times and make sure she isn't spreading some god-awful disease. Until that happens, no it shouldn't be legal!
why is prostitution illegal?

because women are not sanimals to be used like cattle.
If prostitution were legal and supervised by the police and health authorities it would bring an end to human trafficking (forced prostitution). It would end the practice of streetwalking. It would significantly reduce VD infections. And it would produce substantial tax revenue.

If you believe there are not women who simply prefer prostitution to other occupations you are projecting your own values onto all women.
It should be legal and regulated with regular medical checkups like the porn industry has done. It would greatly reduce the number of sexual assaults and rapes, and provide tax revenue. Keeping it illegal continues making it a gateway into other criminal activities, including drugs, extortion, and blackmail. Where there is legal prostitution, the girls aren't under the control of violent pimps, who are often more dangerous to them than a deviant john. Legalize it.

Please get educated about rape and sexual assaults. Rape has very little to do with sex and a lot to do with violence against the victim and control. Infants, elderly ladies, the disabled and men have all been rape victims.

That said, prostitution is a completely different issue. As a Libertarian, I believe prostitution should be legal ... an unregulated (except for true criminal activity such as not paying taxes on the income - a problem the Fair Tax would eliminate - and to make sure people aren't abused and public decency is maintained). This is the one area where the givernment really does need to get out of our bedroom.

Rape has a lot to do with sex and violence and control. If you take sex out of the equation all you have left is assault and battery. I'm going to have to agree with Joe on this one.
A man and woman were sitting at a bar. The man said "Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?"

The women thought about it for a minute and said "Yes, I think so".

Then the man said, "I've got a twenty, let's go fuck."

The woman slapped him and said "What type of woman do you think I am."

The man replied, "That's already been determined, now I am just haggling over the price."

Now, is a woman that would go with him for no money be any better than a woman that did so for a million or for just twenty?
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why is prostitution illegal?

because women are not sanimals to be used like cattle.
If prostitution were legal and supervised by the police and health authorities it would bring an end to human trafficking (forced prostitution). It would end the practice of streetwalking. It would significantly reduce VD infections. And it would produce substantial tax revenue.

If you believe there are not women who simply prefer prostitution to other occupations you are projecting your own values onto all women.

Of course none of that would happen. There will just be legal prostitution and illegal prostitution. Just like every other place that has legalized prostitution. Illegal prostitution will still be much cheaper than legal and pimps will still be servicing specialty clients.
A man and woman were sitting at a bar. The man said "Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?"

The women thought about it for a minute and said "Yes, I think so".

Then the man said, "I've got a twenty, let's go fuck."

The woman slapped him and said "What type of woman do you think I am."

The man replied, "That's already been determined, now I am just haggling over the price."

Now, is a woman that would go with him for no money be any better than a woman that did so for a million or for just twenty?

There's a trick question if I ever heard one. :eusa_whistle:
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

It is legal in some counties in Nevada. I-80 goes from New York to the west coast and the number of 18-wheelers parked at those Bunny Ranches along the highway....Well, let's just say if they had a few diesel gas pumps out front you would think they were truck stops.

But Nevada has suffered no harm from these operations, and actually probably brought in more money than the casinos.

Nevada STILL has illegal prostitution. The Bunny Ranches are not along the highway, they are along private roads far from any highway. It's much easier and cheaper to get a strip pick up.

Prostitution IS NOT LEGAL in Vegas!
It is legal in some counties in Nevada. I-80 goes from New York to the west coast and the number of 18-wheelers parked at those Bunny Ranches along the highway....Well, let's just say if they had a few diesel gas pumps out front you would think they were truck stops.

But Nevada has suffered no harm from these operations, and actually probably brought in more money than the casinos.
To think all a so called "royal" is good for is breeding.

They have an heir now they need a spare so puppy #2 will be in the oven soon.

Nevada STILL has illegal prostitution. The Bunny Ranches are not along the highway, they are along private roads far from any highway. It's much easier and cheaper to get a strip pick up.

Prostitution IS NOT LEGAL in Vegas!

Quite true. So do all the horny guys go to legal brothels or pick up a hooker on the strip? Legalizing prostitution won't help anyone. The net effect is zero.
Probably because it is very exploitative of women, spreads disease and is rejected by the very same moral people who use the services of prostitutes.

Legalization of prostitution helps very few prostitutes. Most of them are left in the same abysmal circumstances as they are in where prostitution isn't legalized.

Prostitutes in a lot of European countries will disagree. They have mandatory medical care, legal assistance and in some countries they even wanted to unionize

And they pay taxes and have pensions as they age :D
Nevada STILL has illegal prostitution. The Bunny Ranches are not along the highway, they are along private roads far from any highway. It's much easier and cheaper to get a strip pick up.

Prostitution IS NOT LEGAL in Vegas!

Quite true. So do all the horny guys go to legal brothels or pick up a hooker on the strip? Legalizing prostitution won't help anyone. The net effect is zero.

Maybe they aren't horny and just want companionship.

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