why is prostitution illegal ?

Please get educated about rape and sexual assaults. Rape has very little to do with sex and a lot to do with violence against the victim and control. Infants, elderly ladies, the disabled and men have all been rape victims.

That said, prostitution is a completely different issue. As a Libertarian, I believe prostitution should be legal ... an unregulated (except for true criminal activity such as not paying taxes on the income - a problem the Fair Tax would eliminate - and to make sure people aren't abused and public decency is maintained). This is the one area where the givernment really does need to get out of our bedroom.

No, YOU get educated past the feminist bullshit that claims rape is about control....it's about SEX, period. Forced sex is a turn-on to some types, but the outcome is still the same. And don't bore me with the endless bought and paid for "studies" with your claim....they're about as valid as the "global warming" malarkey. :eusa_eh:

Wow, you apparently have issues far beyond what anything that could be said on a discussion forum will help. If the only way you can get "turned on" is to sexually force yourself on other people, then you've got a lot of problems. Please see a psychiatrist.
Wow, you apparently have issues far beyond what anything that could be said on a discussion forum will help. If the only way you can get "turned on" is to sexually force yourself on other people, then you've got a lot of problems. Please see a psychiatrist.

And there it is right there folks...this mutt is a feminist who believes men are basically monsters unless they're properly domesticated as a junior partner. And if you don't buy into this hooey, you're mentally ill.
Myth: The primary motive for rape is impulsive sexual desire.

Fact: Studies show that the major motive for rape is power, not sex. Sex is used as a weapon to inflict pain, violence and humiliation. Most rapists appear to have normal personalities with an abnormal tendency to be aggressive and violent. Between 2/3 and 3/4 of sexual assaults are planned in advance.
Sexual Assault Myths ? Sexual Assault?Rape ? Here For You ? Minnesota State University, Mankato

Myth: Rape is an impulsive, uncontrollable act of sexual gratification. Most rape are spontaneous acts of passion where the assailant cannot control him/herself.

FACT Rape is a premeditated act of violence, not a spontaneous act of passion. 71% of rapes are planned in advance. 60% of convicted rapists were married or had regular sexual partners at the time of the assault. Men can control their sexual impulses. The vast majority of rapists are motivated by power, anger, and control, not sexual gratification.

List of Rape Myths

Sexual assault…it’s not about lust and desire, it’s a violent crime of POWER, CONTROL and DOMINANCE
Rape Statistics

Rape is typically driven by the offender's need to transfer anger toward, or wield power over the victim.
Typologies of Rape | Rodney Sims - Academia.edu

I could post dozens more. But the point is made.

You're just dead wrong on this one JoeBlam.
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It should be legal and regulated with regular medical checkups like the porn industry has done. It would greatly reduce the number of sexual assaults and rapes, and provide tax revenue. Keeping it illegal continues making it a gateway into other criminal activities, including drugs, extortion, and blackmail. Where there is legal prostitution, the girls aren't under the control of violent pimps, who are often more dangerous to them than a deviant john. Legalize it.

No. Sex has little if anything to do with rape. Violent rapists will still be violent rapists because they want to see the fear. Date rapists that use drugs will continue to do so.

In the Netherlands, the legal brothels were operated by organized crime and the girls treated as badly as they ever were, up to and including kidnapped women used as sex slaves. That's why so many were closed.

Where there is legal prostitution there will also be illegal prostitution. Sadly it is one of those things the will never be fully legal. Prostitution is legal in Nevada with many legal brothels where the girls get medical checkups and pay taxes. Yet the strip still teems with prostitutes who get no medical care, don't pay taxes and charge much less than the legal brothels.
The only problem with legalizing prostitution is that the do-gooders who imagine they have overcome, pat themselves on the back and walk away proud of themselves. Illegal prostitution continues to grow and treat the women even worse. It gives the pimps another cudgel to hold over the heads of the girls they control. They will turn them in to federal authorities for income tax evasion. Now it's not a night in jail, it a federal prison they are facing. Illegal prostitution will be forced even further underground than it is.
:lol: I got the local feminazi brains spinning now.....don't believe a word of it....these types thought this was a settled issue, much the same as the other myths they've foisted on our culture. Without their "studies" it would be a he-said, she-said, so they've invented fake science on this one too. Rest assured they don't like their fables messed with, so I'll be roundly booed and called a caveman and probably a rapist before they're through with me. :lol:
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

It is legal in some counties in Nevada. I-80 goes from New York to the west coast and the number of 18-wheelers parked at those Bunny Ranches along the highway....Well, let's just say if they had a few diesel gas pumps out front you would think they were truck stops.

But Nevada has suffered no harm from these operations, and actually probably brought in more money than the casinos.
:lol: I got the local feminazi brains spinning now.....don't believe a word of it....these types thought this was a settled issue, much the same as the other myths they've foisted on our culture. Without their "studies" it would be a he-said, she-said, so they've invented fake science on this one too. Rest assured they don't like their fables messed with, so I'll be roundly booed and called a caveman and probably a rapist before they're through with me. :lol:

Translation: I'm too proud to admit that I've been proven wrong, so I'll opt for a theory that hundreds of independent researchers have all gotten together and made a secret pack to make me look bad.

Good luck with that one.
I've never understood the difference between paying cash for sex and spending $200+ on dinner and entertainment to get laid.

What's the difference? Getting paid for getting laid is getting paid to get laid whether it be cash or food.

There isn't much difference. The only one being that the man wants to have sex with THIS particular woman, not just any woman. So women will continue to have sex for dinner and entertainment. And, a woman who is looking just to make the rent this month will continue to peddle her ass occasionally.
I really don't understand why this is. People should have the freedom to be paid for sex.

It is legal in some counties in Nevada. I-80 goes from New York to the west coast and the number of 18-wheelers parked at those Bunny Ranches along the highway....Well, let's just say if they had a few diesel gas pumps out front you would think they were truck stops.

But Nevada has suffered no harm from these operations, and actually probably brought in more money than the casinos.

Nevada STILL has illegal prostitution. The Bunny Ranches are not along the highway, they are along private roads far from any highway. It's much easier and cheaper to get a strip pick up.
:lol: I got the local feminazi brains spinning now.....don't believe a word of it....these types thought this was a settled issue, much the same as the other myths they've foisted on our culture. Without their "studies" it would be a he-said, she-said, so they've invented fake science on this one too. Rest assured they don't like their fables messed with, so I'll be roundly booed and called a caveman and probably a rapist before they're through with me. :lol:

Translation: I'm too proud to admit that I've been proven wrong, so I'll opt for a theory that hundreds of independent researchers have all gotten together and made a secret pack to make me look bad.

Good luck with that one.

Translation: "I'm flummoxed!" :lol:
It's legal if you do it for free, but illegal if you get paid for it

Makes sense
Before this thread goes off the rails into what the motive behind a rape is, it should be remembered that there is an industry devoted to the concept that men have an inherent need to control a woman by forcing her to have sex. The truth of course is quite different, despite how many episodes of "Criminal Minds" you've watched in which women are regularly kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered...proving CBS is pleased to be raking in advertising dollars while promoting this phony agenda, and giving perverts deadly ideas.

The movies decided to turn the tables on us awful men by creating FEMALE sexual predators....black widows if you will, starring Sharon Stone and Debra Winger. These women delight in murdering their conquests and are seen as avenging angels in the Thelma & Louise sense. Sadly, no "studies" have been made to show why feminazies are delighted by this genre of Hollywood hooey. Who would risk the scorn and ridicule of the "hear me ROAR" lobby in the first place? Only the LION-hearted like me, the one and only, JoeBlam.
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Maybe if more women were willing to wear a bag over their head prostitution would not be needed? Sorry...just brainstorming...

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