Why is prostitution illegal?

what I cant understand is why a guy would want a prostitute in the first place.
Sex without feeling sucks. (no pun intended) I would rather spend the money on something good, or even put it into savings and just self stimulate if it came to that.
That's fine...I can't understand why anyone would play video games...but go for it if that's your thing.
at least with the video game you pay for it once and then get to keep it..
Come to think of it, you can keep some of the stuff you get from a hooker too.
I am sure that would be regulated as well.
would really piss me off to have to pay a yearly tax on that.
With prostitution you have crime such as Robbery, simple theft and others that occur to support prostitution.
Only because it's illegal.

With prostitution, you must generally have a increased drug problem.
Mainly because it's illegal.

With prostitution you have sexually transmitted diseases.
The number of STDs associated with prostitution, which represents the smallest percentage of infections, would be substantially reduced if prostitution were legal, licensed, and subject to regulation -- as are restaurants and other food-related businesses.

With prostitution you have violent crimes ( sexual assault - beatings - severe physical assaults
Mainly because it's illegal. If prostitution were legal it would be subject to police supervision and protection -- as it is in The Netherlands.

and two men arguing and fighting whom is going to get the "Trick" ).
Are you talking about the U.S. or Somalia?

Prostitution = increased crime and problems that upset society's simple balance.
Only because it's illegal. Legalize it, regulate it, and the outlaw element will quickly be reduced to a minimal, easily controlled fringe. It is legal in one part of Nevada. Are you aware of any of the grim consequences you've mentioned here occurring there?

Prostitution and most recreational drugs should be legalized, taxed and regulated. There would be some problems but not nearly as many as presently attend these activities.
This argument is quite laughable. Most women who are prostitutes aren't desperate at all. Prostitutes come from all walks of life for a myriad of reasons.

Legalize prostitution and the most legalization will occur at the highest end. The escorts. Even they will be persuaded to ignore a regulation or two for the right price.

Women who choose to work in brothels will be regulated. The pimps will still have their "wives" who turn over their money. The most casual, the housewife looking for pin money, the college girl wanting to cover her credit cards and the secretary who just likes having a second income stream will never be regulated.
It's illegal because parents can't tolerate the idea of their daughters taking up the profession.
As the father of three grown women I can assure you that extremely few parents (if any) believe it necessary to enact laws which will prevent their babies from degrading themselves through prostitution.

But life goes on.
It's illegal because parents can't tolerate the idea of their daughters taking up the profession.
As the father of three grown women I can assure you that extremely few parents (if any) believe it necessary to enact laws which will prevent their babies from degrading themselves through prostitution.

But life goes on.

You mistaken about the number of people who are so confident.
Why did Amsterdam close down half their legal brothels?
Two reasons: One is non-compliance with regulations, the other is excessive participation -- which is why they limit the number of coffee-houses where marijuana is served and sold.

But both prostitutes and marijuana continue to be legally available in Amsterdam, which has a problem with tourists who visit there only to patronize brothels and coffee-houses where marijuana is available. If not for those tourists, mainly American, there would be no need for the Dutch to limit those businesses.
It's illegal because parents can't tolerate the idea of their daughters taking up the profession.
As the father of three grown women I can assure you that extremely few parents (if any) believe it necessary to enact laws which will prevent their babies from degrading themselves through prostitution.

But life goes on.

You mistaken about the number of people who are so confident.
That is sad.
The daughters of prostitutes generally become prostitutes themselves. However, they are generally better at.
It's illegal because parents can't tolerate the idea of their daughters taking up the profession.
As the father of three grown women I can assure you that extremely few parents (if any) believe it necessary to enact laws which will prevent their babies from degrading themselves through prostitution.

But life goes on.

You mistaken about the number of people who are so confident.
That is sad.

The human race is full of sad cases.
you don't pay hookers for sex, you pay them to leave after you have sex ... and if they make you a ham sandwich and bring you a beer, you tip them ... its all legal.
Why did Amsterdam close down half their legal brothels?
Two reasons: One is non-compliance with regulations, the other is excessive participation -- which is why they limit the number of coffee-houses where marijuana is served and sold.

But both prostitutes and marijuana continue to be legally available in Amsterdam, which has a problem with tourists who visit there only to patronize brothels and coffee-houses where marijuana is available. If not for those tourists, mainly American, there would be no need for the Dutch to limit those businesses.
Amsterdam To Close Brothels, Drug Cafes - CBS News

The city is targeting businesses that "generate criminality," including gambling parlors, and the so-called "coffee shops" where marijuana is sold openly. Also targeted are peep shows, massage parlors and souvenir shops used by drug dealers for money-laundering

Drugs are legal. They still have drug dealers.n Why is marijuana still illegal?

In 2000 the Dutch government decided to make it even easier for pimps, traffickers and punters by legalising the already massive and highly visible brothel trade. Their logic was as simple as it was deceptive: to make things safer for everyone. Make it a job like any other. Once the women were liberated from the underworld, the crooks, drug dealers and people traffickers would drift away.

Twelve years on, and we can now see the results of this experiment. Rather than afford better protection for the women, it has simply increased the market. Rather than confine the brothels to a discrete (and avoidable) part of the city, the sex industry has spilt out all over Amsterdam — including on-street. Rather than be given rights in the ‘workplace’, the prostitutes have found the pimps are as brutal as ever. The government-funded union set up to protect them has been shunned by the vast majority of prostitutes, who remain too scared to complain.

Pimps, under legalisation, have been reclassified as managers and businessmen. Abuse suffered by the women is now called an ‘occupational hazard’, like a stone dropped on a builder’s toe.

Legalization didn't quite work out the way it was expected. Unionization didn't even help. The best part of legalization is that it gives strange people a way of imagining that they have done some good, while making things actually worse.

. Illegality has simply taken a new form, with an increase in trafficking, unlicensed brothels and pimping; with policing completely out of the picture, it was easier to break the laws that remained. To pimp out women from non-EU countries, desperate for a new life, remains illegal. But it’s never been easier.
There might not be an answer to whether or not prostitution could be successfully legalized.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Prostitution, like recreational drugs, is illegal but both are readily available to anyone with enough money to pay for them. What you are ignoring is the fact that the illegality of prostitution is largely responsible for the stigma associated with it.
Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?

Because you simply can't trust them to report their earnings for tax purposes. Too many of them will moonlight on you.
There might not be an answer to whether or not prostitution could be successfully legalized.
As mentioned earlier, the problem The Netherlands is having with both prostitution and marijuana is drug and hooker tourism which is increasingly flooding Amsterdam and has begun to expand outward. Before the pot and hooker tourism explosion began the Dutch had absolutely no problems with either activity. So, ironically, even though they improved their social atmosphere by legalizing pot and prostitution back in the 70s, illegality in other countries, mainly the U.S., is having a negative effect on the Dutch.

Not mentioned in your report: Because an outright ban on tourism would be economic suicide, about a year ago Amsterdam introduced a regulation which limits access to brothels and coffee shops where marijuana is sold to citizens of The Netherlands only. What we are seeing today is the closing of those businesses which failed to comply with the restriction.

As for the emergence of the criminal element, that has been the result of the profits available from the massive expansion of drug and hooker tourism. If pot and prostitution were legalized here in the U.S. the problem in Amsterdam would quickly disappear.

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