Why is prostitution illegal?

If a woman is careless enough to get pregnant, then she's going to get pregnant whether she's a prostitute or just dating some men. Child birth is a weak reason to not have prostitution legal.

So it's all up to the Woman? No responsibility for the guy?

I have two Sugar Babies. The chance of them getting pregnant by me is zero. It's called responsibility.
No, YOU"RE the one trying to make the comparison between prostitution and gun regulation. I gave you a fair example of both. Gun regulations want to punish all gun owners because of a few kooks and criminals. So again, it's like saying because there is prostitution, all men who have sex must use a condom whether they are with a prostitute or not.

As a gun owner, I haven't seen any regulations that would screw me.

All men should use condoms, it's called responsibility.
No, YOU"RE the one trying to make the comparison between prostitution and gun regulation. I gave you a fair example of both. Gun regulations want to punish all gun owners because of a few kooks and criminals. So again, it's like saying because there is prostitution, all men who have sex must use a condom whether they are with a prostitute or not.

As a gun owner, I haven't seen any regulations that would screw me.

All men should use condoms, it's called responsibility.

Almost the opposite of what the far left preaches..
But more gun regulations penalize all that own or want to own guns. See the comparison now?

Did you see Hilarious the other night in the debates? She said her agenda includes holding gun manufacturers responsible for gun deaths. In other words, sue them out of business.

Well if we allow Democrats to sue all the gun manufacturers out of business, then we will have no new guns in this country. In essence, they will be able to disarm Americans without making laws against guns.

If you make a product that is dangerous you should be sued.
The problem in this country is that we have two political parties: one wants to legislate morality, and the other wants to legislate mortality. In reality, neither can really be legislated.

One wants to legalize and regulate, the other wants to keep the status quo. Both want to use it.
The only legitimate use of government force is to prevent me from harming someone else

My case. In not so many words.

I thought you were arguing for prostitution to be illegal

I am. The risk for disease if anything else should be one of the main reasons to keep it illegal. If government's role is to protect others from harm, preventing the spread of STDs is the first measure I'd want them to take.

But again, to repeat an earlier point -- transmission of disease has nothing to do with whether the sex is for hire or not.
The only legitimate use of government force is to prevent me from harming someone else

My case. In not so many words.

I thought you were arguing for prostitution to be illegal

I am. The risk for disease if anything else should be one of the main reasons to keep it illegal. If government's role is to protect others from harm, preventing the spread of STDs is the first measure I'd want them to take.

But again, to repeat an earlier point -- transmission of disease has nothing to do with whether the sex is for hire or not.
Shaking hands probably spreads more disease than sex.
The government should do something!
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.

If women don't want to have sex for money, no one is forcing them. I don't see how telling them who they can have sex with and under what circumstances shows they are respected. All you're telling them is that they aren't competent to run their own lives.
So two activities both have the same dire outcome, but you want to make one illegal and leave the other legal.

Consider this:

Scenario A (Abortion): Either it isn't her choice to abort an unborn child except in dire circumstances (life of the mother), so in order to prevent abortion and all the gory details, she should practice abstinence or take contraceptives.

Scenario B (Prostitution): Or a prostitute should be allowed to screw anyone she wants without regard of the potential negative consequences, which may possibly include aborting a possible pregnancy (and child) that results from the encounter.

Tell me, how would we reconcile those two positions?

Is it her choice or isn't it? Or should we consider the child in both circumstances?

It's her choice in both circumstances.
I hope it stays illegal. There's something... disturbing... about women demeaning themselves and their bodies that way. Hey, their choice, but I would hope women would think more of themselves than that. That's why there are so many kids out there who don't know their mom or their dad because of some one night fling that got the woman pregnant, and that because she can't support him/her afterwards.

That's shameful. You, OP, don't understand the damage this does to society.

Wait, is this going to get me called a misogynist? Oh well. I can't help you if you think women should have the right to sell their bodies and expose themselves to all sorts of dangerous diseases and people.

With your attitude, Women would demean themselves going to bed with you.

That's cute. So you think it's okay for women to expose themselves to STDs then, oh it's her choice, right. Noted. Sure hope you aren't married.

We all expose ourselves to STDs any time we have sex. We expose our children to cold and flue viruses every time we send them to school. Should that be illegal as well?
Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?

I'm sure it has nothing to do with how it breaks down families, leads to all kinds of social problems, many of which we're seeing in our culture now.
Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?

I'm sure it has nothing to do with how it breaks down families, leads to all kinds of social problems, many of which we're seeing in our culture now.

Prostitution is more likely to be the result of broken down families rather than the cause.

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