Why is prostitution illegal?

Why is prostitution illegal?
I blame the Jews and Jesus and their Bibles. But at least I understand Jesus. If my mom claimed to be screwed by an angel...
Doesn't the Bible tell men it's better to cast their seed into the belly of a whore than to cast it upon the rocks? Which simply means it's better to pay for satisfaction than to masturbate.

If there is some scripture that opposes the practice of prostitution I would appreciate knowing what it is.
The War on Drugs has been going on since 1971, it's a failure and there is talk about calling it off.
Prohibition failed and was called off after 13 years.
The embargo with Cuba is being lifted after 53 years.
After all, why would you keep doing the same if it isn't working?

Prostitution has been around as long as there have been men and ladies I suspect...but, if we make it illegal maybe THIS year it'll go away!
The War on Drugs has been going on since 1971, it's a failure and there is talk about calling it off.
Prohibition failed and was called off after 13 years.
The embargo with Cuba is being lifted after 53 years.
After all, why would you keep doing the same if it isn't working?

Prostitution has been around as long as there have been men and ladies I suspect...but, if we make it illegal maybe THIS year it'll go away!
I doubt it. Before Christian/Jew religions, people didn't think about sex like that. Primitive communism, as it is called now, didn't recognize social concepts. Hell, they were not even around back then lol
They just had sex. I imagine gay and bisexual sex was a big norm, too.
I could give the slightest damn whose choice it is. The children who come from this have no choice. I can't imagine those young ones being born into that kind of world. I was a product of a one night fling between my mom and pop. Mom ran away, never knew her, pop ran away and didn't come back until I was 16.

I was destined to a life of foster care until my grandmother came along.

Funny too, we all think it's her choice here, but when it comes to abortion... oh well. At least you're... consistent.
Legalized prostitution DECREASES the likelihood of children in such arrangements. you can regulate and control legal activities - you cant with illegal ones. Right now I can find a prostitute on the internet and set a meeting up within 30 minuets.

The reality is that prostitution not only exists but you are not going to be able to control it as long as it is illegal.

Actually, it is. The girls have to get regular check ups from a doctor.
Only the girls working in legal brothels have to get regular checkups.
And why making prostitution illegal is asinine.
So two activities both have the same dire outcome, but you want to make one illegal and leave the other legal.

Consider this:

Scenario A (Abortion): Either it isn't her choice to abort an unborn child except in dire circumstances (life of the mother), so in order to prevent abortion and all the gory details, she should practice abstinence or take contraceptives.

Scenario B (Prostitution): Or a prostitute should be allowed to screw anyone she wants without regard of the potential negative consequences, which may possibly include aborting a possible pregnancy (and child) that results from the encounter.

Tell me, how would we reconcile those two positions?

Is it her choice or isn't it? Or should we consider the child in both circumstances?
Except in B you manage to ignore the fact that a woman can screw whoever they want whenever they want without using anything to protect from pregnancy right now regardless of the legality of prostitution.

Legalizing prostitution does not change that reality. It only allows the government to regulate such transactions.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.
With all due respect to the married men here in this thread if there are any... I don't know how you even got married with attitudes like those. Surely you wouldn't let your wife go out and have sex with 30 other men " just because it was her choice."

Call me strict, but I was taught by my grandmother, a woman of the silent generation, that women ought to have respect for their bodies; not to go out and give them away for money or freely. But I guess that concept is lost on the lot of you.

I know, I know, morality is probably the best reason either. But there it is. I don't think a child should be subjected to that kind of lifestyle/atmosphere.

The problem in this country is that we have two political parties: one wants to legislate morality, and the other wants to legislate mortality. In reality, neither can really be legislated.
This, this and more this. Prostitution is only illegal because people want to legislate morality - something that cannot be done. It is even more asinine considering the number of politicians that participate in prostitution.
How does prostitution damage society? By reducing husbands from cheating on their wives? Or by reducing wedlock pregnancies? Or by reducing crime linked to illegal markets?

I dunno. You tell me. Demonstrate to me how it helps, rather than harms, society. I'll drop my argument right here and concede if you can.

It harms society because it sends the message that other people can make your decisons for you for your supposed own good. The only legitimate use of government force is to prevent me from harming someone else
Another nail hit on the head.
Prohibition turned out like shit, the drug war is shit - I fail to understand how so many cannot connect the similarities in these morality laws.
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Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?
Every time I ask myself this question and push the button the wheel spins for a minute and the same answer pops up: Logically, the prohibition against prostitution must derive from political pressure from married and engaged women who are concerned with competition. If a man were able to satisfy his most erotic fantasies or his most simple impulses by visiting a prostitute he will be far less inclined to go out of his way to accommodate the will and wishes of a wife or fiancee.

I'm sure moral (religious) fanatics account for some level of anti-prostitution agitation but certainly not enough to sufficiently promote the kind of legislation required to maintain this clearly hypocritical taboo.
Sure there are - the vast majority of this nation is Christian and the further back you go the more prevalent it was.
Prostitution has been around as long as there have been men and ladies I suspect

Longer than that. Virtually all well studied primate species have been observed to engage in prostitution like behaviors. It's common for females to offer casual sex to males in exchange for things of value, such as food, etc. The widespread cross-species occurrence of these behaviors implies that the originate prior to evolutionary differentiation of modern day species.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.
No there wouldn't. Prostitution is not subject to controls and regulations.
Because we have generally opposed the exploitation and sale of women in our society.

The real question is what kind of pathetic man needs to pay for sex?

See post 155, we all pay for sex, one way or another.

Then you are not looking at this objectively. You pay for dinner, the movie or whatever activity that you are engaging in and you may or may not get laid. That is how dating works - you don't pay for anything and I can almost guarantee you go home alone.

Most people do indeed pay for sex (or the possibility of such). Ignoring that reality is silly.
Very easy. Prostitution doesn't need to help society.

Of course not. If it doesn't want to help society, the only other viable option is for it to hurt society. If you want to play philosophy we can.

It needs to help the two parties of the transaction, like every business does.

At what expense to everyone else?

So, the question still stands, what is that huge harm that the blue nosed legislators want to con everyone into believing?

Mitigated by legal prostitution and rampant with illegal prostitution.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.
No there wouldn't. Prostitution is not subject to controls and regulations.
Currently it is not because it is illegal.

Legal prostitution certainly is.
If prostitution was legal, then what is the point of men getting married?

Temporary Sexual relations is the key for women to enslave her future husband. If man could buy sex like he could buy beer, then women would have to respect him.

That means no more nagging, no more condescending attitude, plus sex even when she has a "headache"!! Hell, the conversation about the toilet seat being left up is back on the table.

Men, have you ever had a roommate that refused to lift the toilet seat? Now that is plain rude!! Leaving it up is courtesy, leaving it down is GROSS!! But women act as if they can't figure that out!!

Prostitution was legal once. It kept a mans option open even when he is in a relationship.

You want sex, she does not--solicit a prostitute!
You want sex, she never wants sex, solicit a prostitute until you get another woman.

That does not work for the woman!! Prostitutes make saying no to a nagging old shrew extremely easy!!

Evil Women, especially those needing an attitude adjustment, would become old hags with 100 cats living alone with no kids--as it should be!!

Legalize adult aged prostitutes!! Men demand freedom from Feminazis and their frigid lesbian allies NOW!!
The greatest danger of legalized prostitution is that people would go around thinking they have done something when they have done nothing. Women and children will still be exploited sex slaves. Women would still be beaten and killed but hey, prostitition is legal.
The greatest danger of legalized prostitution is that people would go around thinking they have done something when they have done nothing. Women and children will still be exploited sex slaves. Women would still be beaten and killed but hey, prostitition is legal.
Like legal weed distributors? Yea, I heard they are getting gunned down daily.
Very easy. Prostitution doesn't need to help society.

Of course not. If it doesn't want to help society, the only other viable option is for it to hurt society. If you want to play philosophy we can.

It needs to help the two parties of the transaction, like every business does.

At what expense to everyone else?

So, the question still stands, what is that huge harm that the blue nosed legislators want to con everyone into believing?

Mitigated by legal prostitution and rampant with illegal prostitution.
I thought this part of his statement was mildly interesting;
If it doesn't want to help society, the only other viable option is for it to hurt society.
It sums up a lot of partisan thinking here...something is either good or bad.
It's where so much of the empty rage comes from.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.
No there wouldn't. Prostitution is not subject to controls and regulations.
Currently it is not because it is illegal.

Legal prostitution certainly is.
By far and away there are more women working as prostitutes than are interested in being legal prostitutes. The majority of prostitutes are casual. The woman that finds herself short at rent time. The college girl who wants designer shoes. This won't be regulated. The street whore that refuses to be bothered with taxes and medical exams. The man who refuses to use a condom. These transactions can't be controlled. They aren't even where prostitution is legal.

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