Why is Rachel Dolezal a Fraud and Bruce Jenner a Hero?

"Yet the left mock and ridicule Rachel Dolezal for wanting to be black" is an opinion. A search for condemnation probably will have the right condemning Dolezal by a factor of 10 compared to condemnations by the left.
"Yet the left mock and ridicule Rachel Dolezal for wanting to be black" is an opinion. A search for condemnation probably will have the right condemning Dolezal by a factor of 10 compared to condemnations by the left.
Jenner: wins awards for "courage"
Dolezal: fired for misrepresentation of her race.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.

And your reasoning is?



We are talking about intention.

What are you talking about?
Nope, to a left wing loon a feeling is provable fact I presented questions as to which is which
You are operating from your feelings apparently because you have nothing more than that for your disagreement.

Fine, you are clueless.

We were talking about intention.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.

And your reasoning is?



We are talking about intention.

What are you talking about?
Nope, to a left wing loon a feeling is provable fact I presented questions as to which is which
You are operating from your feelings apparently because you have nothing more than that for your disagreement.

Fine, you are clueless.

We were talking about intention.
Is it not the intention of every transvestite to fool others and pass as a female?
Jenner was someone to admire for his athletic ability. today he's become a laughing stock and attention whore freak show. Just look at the whole family. that family is SICK and twisted fxxked up human beings
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
Bruce Jenner isn't a hero....anyone who abandons his wife after she supported him while training for the Olympics is scum.....
Another interesting line drawn in the PC world.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
What you described is the idiot way of looking at it.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
What you described is the idiot way of looking at it.

Thank you. Your reply is an idiot's retreat from soberly and logically arguing a different point of view.
But, then, you are who you are.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.

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