Why is Rachel Dolezal a Fraud and Bruce Jenner a Hero?

1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
Rachel Dolezal was an outright liar, a character trait common to her clan as we've witnessed often by JoeyB Dolezal on this board. Jenner simply made a shocking, to some, revelation that he now identifies as a female and has since fittingly pranced around in female attire, makeup, and whatnot. No deception on his part which separates him from the Dolezals of the world IMO.
So all the transvestites who try to live their delusions and not come out of the closet to confess their true sex to those around them are liars and scum.
Got it.
Your opinion of the transvestites who remain closeted is duly noted...they're liars and scum to you.

The only tranny I discussed was the out-of-closet Jenner.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.
You need to grasp how to use the word "some" if you want people to think you are generalizing.

I didnt justify the firing of RD. I pointed out why she was fired. You look like an ass when you assume.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
Rachel Dolezal was an outright liar, a character trait common to her clan as we've witnessed often by JoeyB Dolezal on this board. Jenner simply made a shocking, to some, revelation that he now identifies as a female and has since fittingly pranced around in female attire, makeup, and whatnot. No deception on his part which separates him from the Dolezals of the world IMO.
So all the transvestites who try to live their delusions and not come out of the closet to confess their true sex to those around them are liars and scum.
Got it.
Your opinion of the transvestites who remain closeted is duly noted...they're liars and scum to you.

The only tranny I discussed was the out-of-closet Jenner.
Nope, you are the one claiming RD is a fraud because she did not come out of the closet, not I.

I'm simply enjoying watching the left swimming in their PC bigotry.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.
You need to grasp how to use the word "some" if you want people to think you are generalizing.

I didnt justify the firing of RD. I pointed out why she was fired. You look like an ass when you assume.
So if my company had sexual orientation on the job application and Jenner put Hetro you think I can fire him.

Interesting intersection on the lefts road to social justice.
Her racial background. Were you asleep when this came out?
So people can hire and fire based upon race according to the left.
The race information on applications was supposed to be just for statistics.
I know you struggle with certain concepts but if you concentrate you should understand this. Lying on your job application is grounds for termination. Has nothing to do with race.
Did mankind not originate in Africa according to science? She self identifies as being born of African ancestry. It's her delusion. I'm just wondering why you mock some for self delusions yet not others.
Yes mankind originated in Africa. She can self ID with whatever she wants to as far as I am concerned. I never mocked her for feeling that way.
So you agree, she did not lie.

If I refer to Jenner as a male and yell at him to,get out of the women's bathroom I'm a hater.
Yet the left mock and ridicule Rachel Dolezal for wanting to be black.

Interesting intersection on the road to social justice.
A lie has the intent to deceive. If she truly felt she was Black then she didnt lie. Since I dont know her I cant agree to anything.

If you yell at Jenner he would probably kick your ass.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.
You need to grasp how to use the word "some" if you want people to think you are generalizing.

I didnt justify the firing of RD. I pointed out why she was fired. You look like an ass when you assume.
So if my company had sexual orientation on the job application and Jenner put Hetro you think I can fire him.

Interesting intersection on the lefts road to social justice.
I can see that your lack of intellect is making this more difficult for you than necessary.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, exhibiting ignorance concerning what it is to be transgender.

This also represents the stupidity and bigotry common to most on the right, the unwarranted hate most conservatives have toward transgender Americans.

Last, this fails as a straw man fallacy, the lie that ‘liberals’ are ‘bigoted,’ when in fact liberals celebrate and embrace expressions of individual liberty and support the right of Americans to self-determination.

This is truly an idiotic thread premise.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
You can look at it that way. You are wrong though.
RD was a fraud.

Jenner was clear from the start what s/he was doing.
So transsexuals who do not tell everyone their true sex are frauds.

Interesting intersection in the lefts road to social justice.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
You are one of the PC champs here.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.

The ‘left’ has done no such thing.
So people can hire and fire based upon race according to the left.
The race information on applications was supposed to be just for statistics.
I know you struggle with certain concepts but if you concentrate you should understand this. Lying on your job application is grounds for termination. Has nothing to do with race.
Did mankind not originate in Africa according to science? She self identifies as being born of African ancestry. It's her delusion. I'm just wondering why you mock some for self delusions yet not others.
Yes mankind originated in Africa. She can self ID with whatever she wants to as far as I am concerned. I never mocked her for feeling that way.
So you agree, she did not lie.

If I refer to Jenner as a male and yell at him to,get out of the women's bathroom I'm a hater.
Yet the left mock and ridicule Rachel Dolezal for wanting to be black.

Interesting intersection on the road to social justice.
A lie has the intent to deceive. If she truly felt she was Black then she didnt lie. Since I dont know her I cant agree to anything.

If you yell at Jenner he would probably kick your ass.
So the left KNOW RD's delusion was false and BJ's was real.
Interesting call.

And I'd just kick Jenner in the balls.
If there intention is to deceive, sure. Similar to your intention to deceive that you care about America.

You are clueless about social justice.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.
As Limbaugh says, words have meanings.

When you refer to the "left" without parsing, then yes it can be inferred that you mean every single member.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.

The ‘left’ has done no such thing.
Who gave Jenner the awards?
I know you struggle with certain concepts but if you concentrate you should understand this. Lying on your job application is grounds for termination. Has nothing to do with race.
Did mankind not originate in Africa according to science? She self identifies as being born of African ancestry. It's her delusion. I'm just wondering why you mock some for self delusions yet not others.
Yes mankind originated in Africa. She can self ID with whatever she wants to as far as I am concerned. I never mocked her for feeling that way.
So you agree, she did not lie.

If I refer to Jenner as a male and yell at him to,get out of the women's bathroom I'm a hater.
Yet the left mock and ridicule Rachel Dolezal for wanting to be black.

Interesting intersection on the road to social justice.
A lie has the intent to deceive. If she truly felt she was Black then she didnt lie. Since I dont know her I cant agree to anything.

If you yell at Jenner he would probably kick your ass.
So the left KNOW RD's delusion was false and BJ's was real.
Interesting call.

And I'd just kick Jenner in the balls.
So you admit that all conservatives are lacking in intellect. Good point.

Jenner would put you in traction for the rest of your life.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.

The ‘left’ has done no such thing.
Who gave Jenner the awards?
Some people.
"So the left KNOW RD's delusion was false and BJ's was real. Interesting call. And I'd just kick Jenner in the balls."

There is that generalization that condemns the entire left. And Jenner would kick your ass as you well know.
1. Rachel Dolezal is a white woman pretending to be black.
2. Bruce Jenner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Why are the left so selectively bigoted?
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
You can look at it that way. You are wrong though.

In 25 words or less and without invective, feel free to tell me why.
A male dressed as a woman walking into the women's bathroom pretending to be female is not deception?
Yet a white pretending to be a black at work is fraud?
Interesting intersection on the social justice road.
You are not the one to make those judgments.
The left judge Jenner a hero and Dolezal as a fraud, not I.

Fascinating how the left have drawn such a line in their PC world.
I'm left and I dont think of Jenner as a hero. i also dont think of Dolezal as a fraud.
You need to grasp what a generalization is. I did not say every single member of the left.

But you did justify RD for being fired because she was not black.
As Limbaugh says, words have meanings.

When you refer to the "left" without parsing, then yes it can be inferred that you mean every single member.
So when people said the Germans were evil in 1943 they meant every single German, including those working for the allies?
Interesting opinion.
I think you feel that way because you are wantonly ignorant. Please look up what false equivalence means then rephrase your question if you can.
The left has given Jenner several awards for "courage".
The left fired Dolezal for being a fraud.
Dolezal lied on her job applications. Thats why she was fired.

Jenner was the epitome of white male super jock and gave all that away to become what he really felt he was. That took courage.

Another way of looking at it is that Dolezal was far more courageous than Jenner, because in spite of her "white" appearence she convinced the gullible that she was black, until she could not get away with it any more, while Jenner was a chicken to tell the world that she was a woman until it was clear that he could get away with it.
You can look at it that way. You are wrong though.

In 25 words or less and without invective, feel free to tell me why.
Youre an idiot. Thats why.
This thread is boring.

The far right here generally say meaningless things. Read weatherman's latest above: boring and meaningless.

I will look at other threads.

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